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Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849 – 864

Cumulative Index 2003

Volume 22
Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type

A injury(ies) of, clinical evaluation of,

239 – 254
Accessory pathway-mediated tachycardias, complications of treatment of,
73 – 75 369 – 383
treatment of, complications
Achilles tendinopathy, midportion, painful of, 385 – 403
conditions in., 684 – 685. See also radiographic evaluation of,
Achilles tendon 255 – 275
Achilles tendon, 713 beveling of, in impingement syndrome,
and patellar tendon, rupture of, 759 – 774 351 – 352
as inert tissue, 761 biomechanics of, 224, 228 – 229
mechanics of, 761 clinical considerations and, 229 – 230
midportion, chronic painful conditions in, computed tomography of, 269 – 270
727 – 741 coracoclavicular ligament and, 328
diagnosis of, 728 – 729 degenerative osteoarthrosis of, 263, 265
treatment of, 728, 732 – 738 developmental anatomy/embryology
nonoperative, 732 – 737 of, 220
painful conditions in, pathogenesis dislocation(s) of, classification of,
of, 729 – 732 240 – 242, 291
postoperative rehabilitation history of management of,
in, 737 – 738 277 – 278
terminology associated history taking in, 242 – 243
with, 729 physical examination in, 243 – 244
rupture of, acute, management of, radiographic evaluation in,
766 – 767 244 – 246
clinical presentation of, 761 treatment of, preferred, 298 – 299
delayed, management of, 767 – 768 fractures of distal clavicle and, 320, 321
diagnosis of, 763 – 765 histologic section of, 224
epidemiology of, 759 – 760 in impingement syndrome. See Impinge-
etiologic factors in, 759, 760 ment syndrome, acromioclavicular
immobilization in, 765, 783, 784 joint in.
postoperative care in, 770 injury(ies) of, 263, 264
postoperative complications of, 769 arthroscopic treatment of, 301 – 317
surgical management of, 765 – 766 causes of, 301
Acromioclavicular joint, anatomy of, 239, 240, classification of, 278 – 285, 388
264 – 266, 386 – 387 degenerative, complications of,
and biomechanics of, 327 – 328 369 – 370
and sternoclavicular joint, anatomy and corticosteroid injection
biomechanics of, 219 – 237 and, 370

0278-5919/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
850 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

iontophoresis and, 370 loss of reduction following,

operative management of, 372 – 373
complications of, neurovascular injury in, 374
370 – 371 osteolysis of clavicle
diagnostic error in, 371 following, 375
inadequate resection ligamentous anatomy of, 222 – 224
in, 371 ligaments of, 225 – 226
joint instability magnetic resonance imaging of,
following, 371 270 – 273, 303 – 304, 337, 338
dynamic stabilization of, 297 – 298 osseous anatomy and morphology of,
evaluation in, 302 – 304 220 – 222
in throwing athlete, 327 – 340 osteoarthritis of, rotator cuff and, 799
mechanism of, 328 – 329 pathology of, 219
nonoperative treatment of, postoperative arthritis of, 375
304 – 305 radiography of, 266 – 268
complications of, 388 – 391 separations of, classification of, 330, 331
neurovascular complications diagnosis of, 330
in, 391 occupation influencing
post-traumatic arthritis in, management of, 285 – 286
389 – 390 surgical intervention in, timing
skin or wound complications of, 286
of, 389 treatment of, 330 – 332
open reduction and primary fixation specialized radiographic view of, 303
Stryker notch view of, 246
in, 292 – 293
ultrasound of, 268 – 269
operative management of,
291 – 300, 305 Acromion, shape of, rotator cuff tears and, 799
complications of, 314 – 315,
391 – 393 Adams-Stokes syncope, 77 – 78
results of, 312 – 315 Aerobic exercise, epileptic seizures and,
operative technique in, bursal 607 – 608
approach for, 306 – 310
direct approach for, 311 Age, and pulmonary response to exercise,
operative versus nonoperative 163 – 164
treatment of, 277 – 290 as factor in sports injuries, 682 – 683
perioperative complications in, rotator cuff tendinopathy and, 796
391 – 392 Altitude, high, effects on pulmonary system,
postoperative rehabilitation in, 312 191 – 193
preoperative complications in,
391 – 392 American Heart Association, cardiovascular
secondary stabilization of, screening recommendations by,
293 – 297 implementation of, 30 – 31
treatment of, complications of, 388 Amnesia, post-traumatic, concussion and, 587
type I and II, treatment of, 332
type III, treatment of, 332 – 334 Anaphylaxis, and urticaria, exercise-induced,
type IV, V, and VI, treatment of, 169 – 170
334 – 335 Angiofibroblastic hyperplasia, in tennis elbow,
instability of, nonoperative management 813 – 814
of, complications of, 372
operative management of, Angiofibroblastic tendinosis, in tennis elbow,
complications of, 372 812, 813 – 815
coracoclavicular ossification Anterior cruciate ligament, torn, psychological
following, 375 aspect of, 618
deltotrapezial detachment
following, 374 – 375 Antiarrhythmic drugs, 76
failure of reconstruction in, Antihypertensive medications, in hypertension,
373 – 374 106, 107
implant migration
following, 374 Anti-inflammatory agents, in impingement
infection following, 374 syndrome, 347 – 348
Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864 851

nonsteroidal. See Nonsteroidal Athletic heart syndrome, echocardiography

anti-inflammatory drugs. in, 53
history of, 52
Aortic coarctation, as congenital physiologic changes in, 52 – 53
heart disease, 97
Athletic injuries, collection of data on, 427
Aortic rupture, as cause of sudden cardiac physicians treating, malpractice claims
death, 60 – 61 against, legal standards for,
Apoptosis, 694 – 695 636 – 638
biological significance of, 695 – 696 tort liability for, 634 – 635
in degenerative diseases, 696 treatment of, issues influencing, 631
in tendinopathy, 694, 695, 696, 697, legal and malpractice standards
698 – 699 regarding, 631 – 638
mechanisms in, 699 standards of care in, 632
view of, by participatory athlete,
Aprotinin, in tendinopathies, 720 632 – 633
by professional athlete, 633
Arrhythmia(s), and syncope, in athlete, assess-
ment and management of, 67 – 79 Atrial ectopy, 68 – 69
irregular palpitations in, 68 – 70
regular palpitations in, 70 – 76 Atrial fibrillation, 69 – 70
symptoms of, 67 – 68 chronic, cardiac rehabilitation in,
149 – 150
Arrhythmogenic right-ventricular dysplasia,
206 – 207 Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia,
as cause of sudden cardiac death, 61 72 – 73

Arterial disease, peripheral, cardiac rehabilita-

tion in, 149 B
Arterial hypoxia, exercise-induced, 164 Baseball, helmets for, 659 – 660

Arthritis, degenerative, and hyperostosis, of Baseball/softball, fatalities in, 435

sternoclavicular joint, 405 – 421 injuries associated with, 435 – 436
postinfectious, of sternoclavicular joint, Bicuspid aortic valve, as congenital heart
407 – 408 disease, 92 – 94
postmenopausal, of sternoclavicular joint, competitive athletics in, 92
406 – 407, 408 treatment of, 92 – 94
postoperative, of acromioclavicular
joint, 375 Bicycling, and injuries, incidence of, 434 – 435
post-traumatic, in nonoperative treatment helmet use for, 435
of acromioclavicular joint injuries, Blood group distribution, sports injuries
389 – 390 and, 683
Arthrography, in rotator cuff tendinopathy, 794 Blood pressure, evaluation of, in
Arthroscopy, for identification and preparation cardiovascular screening, 26 – 27
of coracoacromial ligament, in clavicular
Body mass index, obesity and, 109
fractures, 320, 321
in treatment of acromioclavicular joint Braces and supports, in tendinopathies, 720
injuries, 301 – 317
Brachial plexopathy, transient. See Stingers.
Asthma, exercise-induced, 165 – 168
diagnosis of, 166 – 167 Brachial plexus stretch injuries, 432
incidence of, 165
symptoms of, 166 Bracing, in tennis elbow, 819, 820
training goals in, 167 – 168 Brain, cumulative exponential damage to, with
treatment of, 167 recurrent concussions, 593 – 597
Athletes, Masters, screening for, 32 – 33 Brain contusion, following head trauma, 449
professional, ‘‘couch potato’’ society and,
633 – 634 Brain injury, traumatic, 624 – 628
unconscious, stabilization of, 459 – 460 apoptosis in, 470 – 471
852 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

cortical contusion injury in, outpatient phase of, 140 – 141

471 – 472 phases of, 137 – 142
diffuse, 624 population-specific exercise guidelines
experimental models of, 471 – 473 in, 148
fluid percussion injury in, 472 post heart transplant, 150
focal, 624 preparticipation screening for, 142 – 143
in children and adolescents, 626 program design for, 136 – 137
mild, in head injury, 561, 567, 578 secondary prevention programs,
mortality from, 467 135 – 160
second insult models of, 473 strength training in, 147 – 148
stress testing prior to, 142 – 143
Bronchitis, 185 – 186 triage to non-medically-supervised
Burners. See Stingers. programs, 141 – 142
type of exercise in, 147
Burning hands syndrome, 505
Cardiomyopathy, dilated, 202 – 203
Butterfly restrictor(s), 665, 666 hypertrophic, 199 – 202
as cause of sudden cardiac death,
57 – 58
in congenital heart disease, 87 – 92
Cardiopulmonary diseases, imaging of,
Carbon monoxide, exposure to, 190
197 – 212
Cardiac contusion, clinical presentation of, 46 Cardiopulmonary system, function of, in
in chest trauma, 45 – 46 athletes, 181 – 183
management of, 46 – 47 physiologic effects of exercise on, 1 – 21
return to play following, 47 physiology of, 1 – 2
Cardiac death, sudden. See Sudden response to exercise, training and, 163
cardiac death. Cardiovascular disease, and sudden cardiac
death, in older athlete, 54 – 56
Cardiac disease(s), 197
computed tomography in, 204 – 205 Cardiovascular screening, at health anbd
echocardiography in, 198 fitness facilities, 31 – 32
fluoroscopy in, 210 in young athletes, 23 – 24
magnetic resonance imaging in, 205 – 206 preparticipation, 23 – 35
nuclear imaging in, 208 blood pressure evaluation in,
26 – 27
Cardiac rehabilitation, clinical indications and cardiac examination in, 27 – 28
contraindications for, 138 – 139 cost effectiveness, 30
compliance with, and adherence to, drug use history in, 26
155 – 156 history in, 25 – 26
comprehensive, benefits of, 152 – 155 noninvasive, 28 – 30
contemporary programs for, 152 recommendations of American Heart
contemporary trends in, 135 – 136 Association, implementation of,
dietary benefits of, 154 30 – 31
exercise prescription for, 143 – 148 Cell death, modes of, 693 – 695
exercise risk in, 156 – 157 tendinopathy and, 693 – 701
for elderly, 151
for heart failure patients, 149 Central nervous system, traumatic injury to,
for peripheral arterial disease mortality from, 467
patients, 149 Cerebral dysfunction, global, 564
in chronic atrial fibrillation, 149 – 150
in diabetes, 150 – 151 Cervical canal, anatomy of, 483 – 484
in dyslipidemia, 151 stenosis of, 484 – 485
in hypertension, 150
in obesity, 151 Cervical cord neurapraxia, 456 – 457, 486, 488,
inpatient phase of, 137 – 140 489 – 490
intensity versus duration of exercise in, magnetic resonance imaging in, 506 – 507
146 – 147 mechanism of injury in, 505 – 506
MET level/percentage of VO2 and, 145 return to play following, 507
Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864 853

stingers, and stenosis, 483 – 492 arthroscopic identification

Torg ratio and, 506 and preparation of
coracoacromial ligament
Cervical disc, herniations of, acute, 517 – 518 for, 325
injuries of, 517 – 518
classification of, 319
Cervical disc disease, classification of, 517 evaluation of, 320 – 321
and treatment of,
Cervical orthoses, 661 319 – 326
in throwing athlete, 335 – 336
Cervical spine, anatomy of, 513 – 514 treatment of, 321 – 323
fractures of, compression, 518 – 519 preferred approach for,
minor, 518 – 519 323 – 324
spinous-process, 519 Type IIA and B, 319, 320
injury(ies) of, hypermobility, 640 – 641 osteolysis of, 301 – 302
mechanisms of, 640 in throwing athlete, 336 – 338
pathophysiology and mechanism post-traumatic, 390 – 391
of, 454 – 457 resection of, in impingement
patient posture and, 641 syndrome, 349 – 351
return to sports following, 461 osteolysis of, following operative man-
lower, injury of, 455 – 456 agement of unstable acromioclavic-
muscles of, strengthening of, 647 – 649 ular joint, 375
short muscle endurance exercise and, 642 proximal medial, condensing osteitis of,
sprains of, disc herniations of, minor 408 – 409, 410
fractures of, and other cervical Commotio cordis, hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
injuries, 513 – 521 thy as cause of, 62 – 63
strains of, and contusions of,
514 – 517 Compression, as cause of tendinopathy,
imaging of, 515 – 516 703 – 710
management of,
Computed tomography, in cardiac diseases,
516 – 517 204 – 205
pathology of, 514 – 515
of acromioclavicular joint, 269 – 270
stabilization of, 643
of sternoclavicular joint, 258 – 259
stenosis of, stingers, and cervical cord
neurapraxia, 483 – 492 Concussion(s), assessment of, 568 – 569
upper, injury of, 454 Cantu grading system for, 594, 595 – 596
classification of, 452, 453, 565 – 566
Cervicothoracic device, custom-fitted, 666 clinical features of, 452
Cheerleading, injuries associated with, 433 definition of, 452, 564, 581
evaluation of, postconcussion signs and
Chest, radiography of, 208, 209 – 210 symptoms checklist for, 595
gender and, 585 – 586
Chest pain, cardiac etiologies responsible
history of, outcome and, 586 – 587
for, 38
in football, 430 – 431
in adolescent athletes, causes of, 37
in ice hockey, 432 – 433
in athlete, 169
incidence of, age and, 584 – 585
in athletes, 37 – 50
late symptoms of, 565, 567 – 568
in middle-aged athletes, causes of,
loss of consciousness and, 587
37 – 38
management of, 567, 571, 572 – 573
traumatic etiologies responsible for, 38 neurological assessments in, 580 – 581
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, post-traumatic amnesia and, 587
exercise in, 171 – 172 presenting features of, 564 – 565
breathing patterns in, 171 recurrent, cumulative exponential brain
damage with, 593 – 597
limitations on, 171
animal studies of, 597
Clavicle, anatomy of, 385 – 386 case history of, 596 – 597
displacement of, in acromioclavicular when to retire following, 600 – 602
joint separation, 332, 333 return to sports following, 460 – 461, 571,
distal, fractures of, acromioclavicular 574, 595
joint and, 320, 321 contraindications to, 602
854 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

signs and symptoms of, 625 Cowboy collars, 664 – 666

sources of, 578
Cross-training, 13 – 14
Congenital heart disease, and exercise, 81 – 99 Cryotherapy, in patellar tendinopathy,
aortic coarctation as, 97 753 – 754
bicuspid aortic valve as, 92 – 94 in tendinopathies, 720
classification of, 83
coronary artery anomalies as, 94
Ebstein’s anomaly as, 96
echocardiography and MR imaging in, D
82, 83 De Quervain’s disease, 688
general approach to, 81 – 83
Dead space to tidal volume ratio, during
guidelines for exercise in, 83, 85 – 86
exercise, 162
hypertrophic cardiomyography in, 87 – 92
and sports participation, 91 – 92 Death, sudden, cardiac. See Sudden
internal cardiac defibrillators in, 91 cardiac death.
Marfan syndrome as, 94 – 95 in healthy athletes, 197, 199
patent ductus arteriosus as, 96 – 97 noncardiovascular causes of, 51
pulmonary valve stenosis as, 97
shunt lesions in, 86 – 87, 88 Decompression illness, in divers, 193 – 194
sports activities in, classification of, 84 Defibrillators, automatic external, in sudden
sudden cardiac death in, 84 – 85 cardiac death, 63 – 64
tetralogy of Fallot as, 94
tricuspid atresia as, 95 – 96 Degenerative diseases, apoptosis in, 696
Congestive heart failure, 188 Deltoid muscle, 227 – 228
Coracoacromial ligament, impingement of, Deltotrapezial fascia, detachment of, following
rotator cuff and, 800 operative management of unstable
Coracoclavicular interval, ossification of, acromioclavicular joint, 374 – 375
following operative management of Diabetes mellitus, benefits of exercise in, 124
unstable acromioclavicular joint, 375 cardiac rehabilitation in, 150 – 151
Coracoclavicular ligament(s), 226 – 227 peripheral vascular disease, and coronary
and acromioclavicular joint, 328 artery disease, behavioral consider-
ations for exercise in, 131
Coronary artery, abnormalities of, as cause of exercise considerations in,
sudden cardiac death, 58 – 60 123 – 133
anomalies of, 203 – 204, 207 exercise prescription in. See
as congenital heart disease, 94 Exercise prescription.
supervision of exercise in,
Coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular
130 – 131
disease, and diabetes mellitus, exercise
considerations in, 123 – 133 Diet, cardiac rehabilitation and, 154
exercise prescription in. See
Exercise prescription. Dilated cardiomyopathy, 202 – 203
supervision of exercise in, Disc, herniation of, cervical radiculopathy
130 – 131 following, 534 – 535
Cortical contusion injury, in traumatic brain Discogenic pain, following injuries of head and
injury, 471 – 472 neck, 533 – 534
Corticosteroids, in patellar tendinopathy, 753 Divers, decompression illness in, 193 – 194
in tendinopathies, 719 – 720 Diving, injuries associated with, 437, 447
injection of, and degenerative injuries of spinal cord injuries in, 503
acromioclavicular joint, 370
in impingement syndrome, Drugs, antiarrhythmic, 76
348 – 349 history of use of, in cardiovascular
screening, 26
Cortisone injections, in tennis elbow, 818 metabolism of, epileptic seizures and,
608 – 609
Cough, in athlete, 169
Dyslipidemia, acute effects of exercise and,
Coup and contrecoup injuries, 451 – 452 112 – 113
Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864 855

benefits of exercise in, 124 benefits of, 124 – 125

cardiac rehabilitation in, 151 cardiopulmonary response to, training
chronic effects of exercise and, 113 – 114 and, 163
obesity, and hypertension, exercise chronic effects of, 10 – 14
considerations in, 101 – 121 closed-chain, 841 – 842, 843 – 844, 846
statin lipid lowering agents and, 114 congenital heart disease and, 81 – 99
dead space to tidal volume ratio
during, 162
E dynamic, cardiovascular adaptations to,
Ebstein’s anomaly, as congenital heart 3 – 5, 10 – 11
disease, 96 pulmonary adaptations to, 5 – 8, 12
guidelines for, in lower limb tendinopa-
Echocardiography, in cardiac diseases, 198 thies, 780 – 781
screening, preparticipation, 29 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
Elbow, tendinopathy of. See Tennis elbow. 171 – 172
Elbow immobilizer, 831, 832 in interstitial lung disease, 172
‘‘low row,’’ 840, 841
Elderly patients, cardiac rehabilitation for, 151 lungs and, 161 – 180
Electrocardiography, screening, preparticipa- morphological changes from, 14 – 15
tion, 28 – 29 physiologic effects of, on
cardiopulmonary system, 1 – 21
Electromyography, in stingers, 504 – 505
preparticipation medical evaluation and,
Electrophysical modalities, in patellar tendino- 126 – 128
pathy, 753 pulmonary response to, 161 – 165
Endocarditis, infectious, 189 age and, 163 – 164
response to gender influences on, 15 – 16
Endothelial dysfunction, exercise and, 125 risks of, 125 – 126
Environmental conditions, affecting pulmonary ‘‘scapular clock,’’ 840, 843
system, 189 – 191 static, cardiovascular adaptations to,
and infectious conditions, in sports, 8 – 9, 12 – 13
181 – 196 pulmonary adaptations to, 10
strengthening, in patellar tendinopathy,
Epicondylitis, lateral. See Tennis elbow. 752 – 753
medial, 687 supervision of, in peripheral vascular
Epilepsy, and athletics, 605 – 616 disease, coronary artery disease,
seizures of, exacerbation of, in athletics, and diabetes mellitus, 130 – 131
607 – 609 ventilatory changes before, during, and
generalized, 606 after, 7
partial, 606 – 607 weight-bearing, and weights, in lower
risk of injury during, 605 – 607 limb tendinopathies, 781 – 782
sports as cause of, 609 – 610
sports participation in, recommendations Exercise prescription, 128 – 129
for, 610 – 613 duration of exercise in, 128 – 129
risk-benefit analysis of, 610 for cardiac rehabilitation, 143 – 148
frequency of exercise in, 128
Equestrian sports, head injuries in, 439 in lower limb tendinopathies, 780 – 781
Equipment, protective, 560, 652 – 666 intensity of exercise in, 129
mode of exercise in, 128
Erb’s point, 663 – 664 rate of progression of exercise in, 129
Ergometer, upper body, 545
Exercise stress testing, 126 – 128
Exercise(s), acute effects of, 3 – 10 preparticipation, recommendations
and acute pulmonary disorders, 165 – 168 for, 29
arterial hypoxia induced by, 164
asthma induced by. See Asthma, Exercise training, contraindications to,
exercise-induced. 126, 127
behavioral considerations for, in periph-
Exertion, heavy, immune system changes
eral vascular disease, coronary
after, 184
artery disease, and diabetes
mellitus, 131 Extension pads, 663 – 664
856 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

Extension restrictors, 663 – 664 differentiation of, 446

epidemiology of, 427 – 443
Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon, 714
evaluation in, 523 – 533
ligamentous instability in,
526, 529
F neurologic, epidemiology of,
446 – 448
Feldenkrais system, 541 – 542, 543 neurological screen in,
Flexor carpi radialis, paratendinopathy of, 688 528 – 529
on-the-field evaluation of,
Fluoroscopy, in cardiac disease, 210 445 – 465
Football, American, spinal cord injuries in, 502 and management of,
concussion in, 430 – 431 457 – 460
head injuries in, 430 – 431, 560 pain patterns in, 524
nonfatal, 430 – 431 revention of, 445 – 446
injuries associated with, 429 – 432, 447 sporting technique for,
incidence of, 429 – 430 650 – 652
intracranial hemorrhage and, 430 strength training for,
shoulder pads for, 661 – 663 640 – 650
spear tackle in, 455 – 456 training and equipment
spinal injury related to, 431 – 432 for, 639 – 668
subdural hematomas and, 430 protection from, 446, 447
Football helmets, accessories for, 655 range of motion evaluation in,
cap for, 656 – 657 524, 527, 528
history of, 560 – 561, 654 range of motion exercises
models available, 655 – 656 following, 540, 542
reconditioning of, 655 rehabilitation of, 523 – 557
rules governing, 654 – 655 return to sports following,
severity index of, 654 460, 547 – 550, 551,
standards for regulation of, 654 552, 553, 554, 555
warning statement concerning, 655 criteria for, 550
Frictions, in lower limb tendinopathies, 783 Roos test in, 532
slump test in, 530 – 53
Functional capacity, exercise and, 124 – 125 soft tissue mobility and flexi-
bility assessment in, 533
sports with highest, 447 – 448
G subacute phase treatment of,
543 – 547
Gender, as factor in sports injuries, 683 syndromes in, 533 – 535
Glascow coma scale, 458 thoracic outlet syndrome tests
in, 532
Glenohumeral joint, instability of, rotator cuff treatment of, 439 – 440
and, 800 – 801 upper limb provocation test
rotation deficit of, in rotator cuff tendino- in, 529 – 530
pathy, 837 – 838 vertebrobasilar insufficiency
Global cerebral dysfunction, 564 in, 527 – 528
injury(ies) of, athletic, pathophysiology
Golfer’s elbow, 687 and mechanism of, 448
Gymnastics, spinal cord injuries in, 502 classification of, 448
trampoline, injuries due to, 438 – 439 closed, acute and long-term
management of, 559 – 576
and apolipoprotein E
genotype, 584
H and spinal cord injuries, basic
science of, 467 – 481
Hamstring syndrome, 686 – 687
categories of, 561
Head, and neck, injury(ies) of, acute phase definition of, 577 – 578
treatment in, 535 – 543 focal, 562 – 563, 564, 581
cost of, 439 – 441 versus diffuse, 468 – 471
Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864 857

historical perspectives on, and Heart failure, congestive, 188

epidemiology of, cardiac rehabilitation in, 149
560 – 561 Heart transplantation, cardiac rehabilitation
initial management of, following, 150
566 – 570
lipid peroxidation in, Helmet(s), 652 – 660
469 – 470 fitting of, 653
magnetic resonance imaging football. See Football helmets.
in, 582 for baseball, 659 – 660
mechanisms of injury in, for bicycling, 435
581 – 583 ice hockey, 658 – 659
natural recovery curve in, liners of, 653
579 – 581 mandating use of, 566
neuropsychological material properties for, 652
assessment of, 570 men’s lacrosse, 657 – 658
outcome of, short-term and standard shell sizes for, 652 – 653
long-term, 577 – 592 Hematoma(s), epidural, following head trauma,
pathophysiology and biome- 449, 450
chanics of, 561 – 566 intracerebral, following head trauma, 449
prevention of, 566 subdural, following head trauma, 428,
return to play following, 588 449 – 451
risk factors for, 583 – 587 football and, 430
secondary injury mechanisms
in, 469 High jump, injuries associated with, 436
severity of, emphasis on, 559 Hyperostosis, sternoclavicular, and degenera-
evaluation of, 568 – 570 tive arthritis, 405 – 421
symptoms of, 578 – 559 sternocostoclavicular, 376, 406
type of, and sport, 588
in athletics, 428 Hypertension, antihypertensive medications in,
in equestrian sports, 439 106, 107
in football, 430 – 431 benefits of exercise in, 124
mitochondrial damage in, 470 cardiac rehabilitation in, 150
recurrent athletic, 593 – 603 causes of, 103
repeated, epileptic seizures and, 607 exercise training in, 105
return to sports following, 460 incidence of, 101
serious, epidemiology of, 618 management of, 104
factors influencing response modes of exercise in, 105
to, 624 obesity, and dyslipidemia, exercise
mood disturbance and self- considerations in, 101 – 121
esteem after, 622 – 624 pathophysiology of, 101 – 102
psychological aspects of, sports participation in, 107 – 108
617 – 629 systemic evaluation for, 102
psychological response to, with complications, 108
619 – 622 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 199 – 202
psychological risk factors as cause of sudden cardiac death, 57 – 58
for, 619 in congenital heart disease, 87 – 92
relationship between stress
and, 619 – 622 Hyperventilation, epileptic seizures and, 608
position of, when approaching collision,
650 – 652
Headaches, types of, 525 – 526
Ice hockey, concussion in, 432 – 433
Heading, in soccer, 434, 583 – 584 helmets for, 658 – 659
spinal cord injuries in, 502 – 503
Health and fitness facilities, cardiovascular
spinal injuries in, 432
screening at, 31 – 32
Iliotibial tract friction syndrome, 685 – 686
Heart, infections of, 186 – 189
Imaging, of cardiopulmonary diseases,
Heart disease, congenital. See Congenital 197 – 212
heart disease. of diseases of lungs, 208 – 209
858 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

Immobilization, in rupture of Achilles tendon, Lower extremities, tendinopathies of. See

765, 783, 784 Tendinopathy(ies), lower limb.
Immune response, infections and, in athletes, Lumbar spine, injury of, in gymnastics, 439
183 – 184
Lung(s), acute disorders of, and exercise,
Impingement syndrome, acromioclavicular 165 – 168
joint in, 341 – 355 and exercise, 161 – 180
anti-inflammatory medications in, and respiratory tract, infections of,
347 – 348 184 – 186
beveling of acromioclavicular joint diseases of, imaging of, 208 – 209
in, 351 – 352 interstitial disease of, exercise in, 172
clinical presentation of, 344 – 345 response of, to exercise, 161 – 165
cold or heat therapy for, 347 age and, 163 – 164
corticosteroid injection in,
348 – 349
distal clavicle resection in,
349 – 351
evaluation of, 344 – 346 Magnetic resonance imaging, in Achilles
pathoanatomy and biomechanics of, tendon rupture, 765
342 – 344 in cardiac diseases, 205 – 206
physical therapy in, 348 in cervical cord neurapraxia, 506 – 507
postoperative management in, 353 in closed injuries of head, 582
provocative tests and signs of, in patellar tendinopathy, 748, 750
345 – 346 in patellar tendon rupture, 765
radiographic evaluation of, 346 in rotator cuff tendinopathy, 794, 795
rest therapy for, 347 of acromioclavicular joint, 270 – 273,
treatment of, nonoperative, 303 – 304, 337, 338
347 – 349 of sternoclavicular joint, 259 – 261
operative, 349 – 352 Marfan syndrome, 27, 60, 61
Infection(s), and immune response in athletes, as congenital heart disease, 94 – 95
183 – 184 Massage therapy, in patellar tendinopathy, 754
following operative management of un-
stable acromioclavicular joint, 374 Masters athletes, screening for, 32 – 33
of heart, 186 – 189
of lungs and respiratory tract, 184 – 186 Mesenchymal syndrome, 813

Infectious conditions, and environmental Mitochondrion, damage to, in head

conditions, in sports, 181 – 196 injuries, 470
Interstitial lung disease, exercise in, 172 Mood disturbance, after serious head injuries,
622 – 624
Iontophoresis, and degenerative injuries of
acromioclavicular joint, 370 Motor sports, participation in, in epilepsy, 612
Mountain sickness, acute, 192
Mouthguards, 660 – 661
Lacrosse, men’s, helmets for, 657 – 658 Myocarditis, 203
as cause of sudden cardiac death, 60
Lamina, isolated fractures of, 519 danger to athletes, 188
infectious causes of, 187
Laryngoscopy, direct, 209
pathogenesis of, 187
Lat pull exercise, 548, 551 symptoms of, 187
Left ventricle remodeling, 198
Load control, in lower load tendinopathy, N
778 – 779
in tennis elbow, 819 – 820 Neck. See also Head, and neck.
mechanical pain of, following injuries of
Long QT syndrome, as cause of sudden cardiac head and neck, 534
death, 62 sprain/strain of, 534
Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864 859

Neck rolls, 663 – 664 P

Paratendinopathy, of flexor carpi radialis, 688
Necrosis, cellular, 693
Paratenonitis, 678 – 679
Neuropathy, exercise in, special precautions
in, 130 Patellar tendinitis. See Patellar tendinopathy.
Neuropraxia, of ulnar nerve, in tennis Patellar tendinopathy, 685, 743 – 758
elbow, 812 cryotherapy in, 753 – 754
electrophysical modalities in, 753
Neurovascular complications, in nonoperative
history and clinical examination in,
treatment of acromioclavicular joint
746 – 747
injuries, 391
imaging in, 747 – 751
Neurovascular injury, following operative load reduction in, 752
management of unstable acromioclavicu- magnetic resonance imaging in, 748, 750
lar joint, 374 massage therapy in, 754
pathogenesis of, 745 – 746
Nitrogen dioxide, exposure to, 190 pathology and pathophysiology of,
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in 744 – 745
patellar tendinopathy, 753 pharmacological intervention in, 753
in tendinopathies, 719 strengthening exercises in, 752 – 753
surgery in, 754
Nuclear imaging, in cardiac diseases, 208 terminology associated with, 743 – 744
treatment of, conservative, 751 – 754
ultrasonography in, 748, 749, 751

O Patellar tendon, 713 – 714

and Achilles tendon, rupture of, 759 – 774
Obesity, benefits of exercise in, 124 rupture of, acute, repair of, 768
body mass index and, 109 clinical presentation of, 763
cardiac rehabilitation in, 151 delayed, repair of, 769
causes of, 109 diagnosis of, 763 – 765
heart disease risk and, 110 epidemiology of, 759 – 760
hypertension, and dyslipidemia, exercise etiologic factors in, 759, 760
considerations in, 101 – 121 immobilization in, 765
medical conditions associated with, 110 mechanics of, 761
osteoarthritis risk and, 111 postoperative care in, 770 – 771
physical activity and, 110 postoperative complications of,
regular physical activity in, 111 – 112 769 – 770
responses of adipose tissue to insulin surgical management in, 766
in, 109
Patent ductus arteriosus, as congenital heart
Orthoses, cervical, 661
disease, 96 – 97
Orthotics, in tendinopathies, 721
Pavlov’s ratio, 494 – 495, 506
Osteitis, condensing, of proximal medial
clavicle, 408 – 409, 410 Peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery
disease, and diabetes mellitus, behavioral
Osteoarthritis, of acromioclavicular joint, considerations for exercise in, 131
rotator cuff and, 799 exercise considerations in,
Osteolysis, of clavicle, following operative 123 – 133
management of unstable acromioclavicu- exercise prescription in. See
lar joint, 375 Exercise prescription.
of distal clavicle, 301 – 302 supervision of exercise in,
post-traumatic, 390 – 391 130 – 131
Photochemical pollutants, 189
Overuse conditions, of tendons. See Tendon(s),
overuse conditions of and specific sites Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire,
of overuse 31 – 32
Overuse injuries, 517 Physical examination, preparticipation, 24 – 28
Ozone, exposure to, 189 – 190 Physical inactivity, effects of, 16 – 17
860 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

Physical therapy modalities, in tennis R

elbow, 818 Radial neck dissection, complications
after, 376
Pivot prone exercise, 538, 540
Pneumonia, 185 Radiculopathy, cervical, following disc
causes of, 186 herniation, 534 – 535
Radiography, in Achilles tendon rupture, 764
Pneumothorax, chest radiography showing,
in patellar tendon rupture, 764
208, 209
in rotator cuff tendinopathy, 794
clinical presentation of, 41
of acromioclavicular joint in
definition of, 40
impingement syndrome, 346
management of, 41 – 42
specialized view in, of acromioclavicular
return to play following, 42
joint, 303
spontaneous, 40 – 41
to evaluate acromioclavicular and
traumatic, 40
sternoclavicular joints, 255 – 275
Pole vaulting, mechanisms of injury in, 436
Rehabilitation, postoperative, in
Postconcussion memory dysfunction, 587 acromioclavicular joint injuries, 303
Postconcussion syndrome, 428 Renal disease, exercise in, special precautions
criteria for, 627 in, 129 – 130
symptoms of, 625, 626
Respiration, functional events in, 2
Posture, in upper quarter crossed syndrome,
535, 536 Respiratory tract, and lungs, infections of,
injuries to cervical spine and, 641 184 – 186
proper, reinforcement of, 536 – 537, 538 Retinopathy, exercise in, special precautions
sitting, proper, 536, 537 in, 130
Presyncope, syncope and, 76 – 79 Rib, fracture of, chest pain in, 38 – 39
PRICEMM, in tennis elbow, 818 clinical presentation of, 39
management of, 39 – 40
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, return to play following, 40
543, 544
Roos test, in head and neck injuries, 532
Protective equipment, 560, 652 – 666
Rotator cuff, anatomy of, 790, 791, 792
Pulmonary contusion, causes of, 44 – 45 coracoacromial ligament impingement
clinical presentation of, 45 and, 800
management of, 45 disease of, extrinsic theory of, 262 – 263
return to play following, 45 glenohumeral instability and, 800 – 801
Pulmonary edema, high-altitude, internal impingement of, 800
191 – 192, 193 microvascular supply of, tendinopathy
and, 795 – 796
Pulmonary system, environmental conditions osteoarthritis of acromioclavicular joint
affecting, 189 – 191 and, 799
high-altitude affects on, 191 – 193 subacromial impingement lesions of, 797
tears of, shape of acromion and, 799
Pulmonary valve stenosis, as congenital heart tendinopathy of, age and, 796
disease, 97 anatomically intact, flexibility in,
839 – 840
animal model of, 801 – 804
clinical background of, 793 – 795
Q conditions mimicking, 794
etiologic factors in, 795 – 801
Quadriceps tendinopathy, 686
and pathogenetic factors for,
Quadriplegia, sports-related, 507, 561 789 – 810
mechanism of injury in, 507 – 508 future directions in, 805 – 807
treatment of, acute hospital care in, extrinsic compression in, 799
508 – 509 flexibility and, 837 – 838
initial, 508 glenohumeral internal rotation
transient. See Cervical cord neurapraxia. deficit in, 837 – 838
Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864 861

physiological and biomechanical Smoking, exercise and, 124

alterations in, 837 – 839
prehabilitation in, 844 – 846 Soccer, head and facial injuries associated
range-of-muscle activations for with, 434
exercises in, 844 head injuries in, heading and, 434
rehabilitation of, 837 – 847 injuries in, moveable soccer goals
rotator cuff activation in, 840 – 842 and, 434
scapular control in, 840, 841,
Spear tackle, in football, 455 – 456
842, 843
scapular position and motion in, Spear tackler’s spine, 507, 561
838 – 839
strength and, 838 Spinal cord, injury(ies) of, 428
surgically repaired, rehabilitation acute, management principles in,
of, 842 – 844 501 – 512
symptoms of, 793 – 794 and closed head injuries, basic
tension overload and, 796 – 797, science of, 467 – 481
798 – 799 arachidonic acid, COX-1, and
treatment of, 794 – 795 COX-2 following, 474 – 475
visious cycle and tear progression causes of, 447
in, 801, 802 cost of treatment of, 440
tendons of, 714 epidemiology of, 501 – 503
Rugby, head and neck injuries in, 436 experimental models of, 475 – 476
spinal cord injuries in, 503 in American football, 502
in diving, 503
in gymnastics, 502
in ice hockey, 502 – 503
S in rugby, 503
NYU impactor model of, 476
SAPHO syndrome, 376, 406
primary, 473 – 474
Scapula, anatomy of, 386 rehabilitation and return to play
Scapular stabilization, 649 – 650, 651 following, 509 – 510
secondary, 474 – 475
Scapulothoracic motion, rotator cuff tendinop- transection of cord model of,
athy and, 801 475 – 476
Second-impact syndrome, 428, 453 – 454, 583, vascular injury in, 475
597 – 599
Spine, cervical. See Cervical spine.
cases illustrating, 598
injury(ies) of, in ice hockey, 432
pathophysiology of, 599
in skiing, 438
Shooting sports, participation in, in epilepsy, related to football, 431 – 432
612 – 613 lumbar, injury of, in gymnastics, 439
stabilization of, in injures football player,
Shoulder, external rotation for, 545 – 546 458 – 459
pain in, evaluation of, 302 – 304
Sporting public, improvement of safety of, 427
Shoulder girdle complex, anatomy of,
385 – 387 Sports, as laboratory assessment model, 579
environmental and infectious conditions
Shoulder pads, for football, 661 – 663
in, 181 – 196
Shunt lesions, in congenital heart disease, Sports injuries, age factors and, 682 – 683
86 – 87, 88 blood group distribution and, 683
Sinus tachycardia, 70 – 71 characteristics of, 681
epidemiologic approach to, 679 – 681
Skiing/snowboarding, injuries of head and gender as factor in, 683
cervical spine in, 437 – 438, 447 incidence of, 680
Skin, complications of, in nonoperative prevention of, 681 – 682
treatment of acromioclavicular joint risk factors for, 681 – 682
injuries, 389 severity of, 681

Slump test, in head and neck injuries, 530 – 532 Sports medicine, definition of, 631 – 632
862 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

physicians practicing, malpractice claims traumatic, complications of,

against, legal standards for, 377 – 379
636 – 638 treatment of, and results of,
357 – 368
Statin lipid lowering agents, dyslipidemia nonoperative, 358 – 359, 361
and, 114 operative, 359 – 360
Sternal fracture, clinical presentation of, 44 ligamentous anatomy of, 231 – 233
injuries associated with, 43 – 44 magnetic resonance imaging of,
management of, 44 259 – 261
return to play following, 44 osseous anatomy/joint morphology
of, 231
Sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint pain in, following injury, without frank
and, anatomy and biomechanics of, instability, 363 – 364
219 – 237 pathology of, 219
injury(ies) of, clinical evaluation of, posterior, dislocation of, 395 – 396
239 – 254 postinfectious arthritis of, 407 – 408
complications of treatment of, postmenopausal arthritis of,
369 – 383 406 – 407, 408
treatment of, complications radiography of, 257 – 258
of, 385 – 403 traumatic injuries of, 255 – 256
radiographic evaluation of, ultrasound of, 258
255 – 275
Sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis, 376, 406
anatomy of, 247 – 248, 256 – 257, 387
biomechanics of, 233 Stingers, 456
clinical considerations in, 233 – 234 cervical cord neurapraxia, and stenosis,
computed tomography of, 258 – 259 483 – 492
degenerative arthritis and hyperostosis of, electromyography in, 504 – 505
405 – 421 epidemiology of, 495 – 496
preferred approach to, 409 – 416 etiology of, treatment and prevention of,
developmental anatomy/embryology 493 – 500
of, 231 evaluation in, 504
dislocation(s) of, anterior, 394 – 395 incidence of, 487 – 489, 504
nonoperative management of, mechanisms of, 486
complications of, 398 and etiology of, 493 – 495
operative management of, physical assessment in, and grading of,
complications of, 496 – 497
398 – 399 prevention of, 499
treatment of, 358 relative risk of experiencing, 487, 488
atraumatic, 364 return to play following, 489 – 490,
classification of, 256 497 – 499, 504
clinical presentation of, 42 – 43 symptoms of, 485 – 486, 504
history taking in, 248 – 249 tissue insults associated with, 640
incidence of, 256 treatment of, 486 – 487, 497
injuries associated with, 42
Strength training, for prevention of injuries to
management of, 43
head and neck, 640 – 650
physical examination in, 249 – 250
posterior, treatment of, 360 – 363 Stress, epileptic seizures and, 608
radiologic evaluation in,
250 – 251, 252 Stress disorder, post-traumatic, 628
return to play following, 43 Stress testing, exercise, 126 – 128
injury(ies) of, 393 – 394 preparticipation, recommendations
classification of, 394 – 397 for, 29
complications of, 375 – 379
evaluation and assessment of, Subacromial impingement, 341, 342
405 – 406 Sudden cardiac death, 51 – 66
nonoperative treatment of, compli- automatic external defibrillators in,
cations of, 376 – 377 63 – 64
operative treatment of, complica cardiovascular disease and, in older
tions of, 377 athlete, 54 – 56
Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864 863

caused by aortic rupture, 60 – 61 exercise guidelines in, 779 – 780

caused by arrhythmogenic right exercise prescription in, 780 – 781
ventricular dysplasia, 61 frictions in, 783
caused by commotio cordis, 62 – 63 load management in, 778 – 779
caused by coronary artery abnormalities, motor pattern changes in, 778
58 – 60 rehabilitation in, assessment of
caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, progress and outcome of, 782
57 – 58 rehabilitation of, 775 – 787
caused by long QT syndrome, 62 sports predisposed to, 776
caused by myocarditis, 60 surgery in, 783 – 784
caused by valvular disease, 60 – 61 postoperative rehabilitation
epidemiology of, 53 – 54 and, 784
etiology of, 54 – 63 tendon examination in, 777
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as cause of, tendon imaging in, 777 – 778
57 – 58 weights versus weight-bearing
in congenital heart disease, 84 – 85 exercises in, 781 – 782
in younger athlete, 56 new definitions of, 679
incidence of, 54 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
prevention of, 51 – 52 in, 719
orthotics in, 721
Sulfur dioxide, as air pollutant, 190 patellar. See Patellar tendinopathy.
Supraspinatus tendon, anatomy of, 790, quadriceps, 686
791 – 792 relative rest in, 719
tendinopathy of, 790 – 791 rotator cuff. See Rotator cuff,
tendinopathy of.
Supraventricular tachycardia, 71 – 72 strengthening mechanisms in, 719
Syncope, and presyncope, 76 – 79 surgery in, 721
management of, 78 – 79 technique correction in, 721
tendons affected by, 703
traditional concept of, biomechanical
challenges to, 706 – 707
clinical challenges to, 705
T types of, 703 – 704
Tendinitis, 678, 711 – 716 and epidemiology of, 675 – 692
and tendinosis, compared, 715
definition of, 793, 813 Tendinosis, 676 – 678, 714 – 716
and tendinitis, compared, 715
Tendinopathy(ies), 684 – 688 definition of, 793, 813
Achilles, midportion, painful conditions etiology of, 793
in., 684 – 685. See also pathogenesis of, 699
Achilles tendon
apoptosis in, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698 – 699 Tendon(s), differential strains within, 708
mechanisms in, 699 disorders of, histopathological classifica-
aprotinin in, 720 tion of, 677
braces and supports in, 720 increased loading on, factors causing,
cell death and, 693 – 701 704 – 705
classification of, 715 lower limb, painful with good function,
compression etiology of, 703 – 710 management of, 782 – 783
conservative management of, 718 – 721 nonruptured painful, clinical aspects of,
corticosteroids in, 719 – 720 711 – 725
cryotherapy in, 720 normal, 711 – 712
differential diagnosis of, 717 overuse conditions of, 704, 705
insertional, biomechanical theories in, pathology of, 676
707 – 708 sites of, 676
lower limb, age as factor in, 776 painful, clinical assessment of, 716 – 718
assessment of, 776 – 778 history taking in, 716
biomechanics corrections in, 778 imaging assessment in, 716 – 718
biomechanics of limb and, 777 physical examination in, 717 – 718
difficult, 785 pathology of, 711 – 716
electrotherapy in, 783 surgery of, principles of, 821
864 Cumulative Index 2003 / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 849–864

Tennis elbow, 687, 714, 811 – 835 Tricuspid atresia, as congenital heart disease,
angiofibroblastic hyperplasia in, 95 – 96
813 – 814
angiofibroblastic tendinosis in, 812,
813 – 815 U
as overuse injury, 812 Ulnar nerve, compression of, in tennis
body conditioning in, 819
elbow, 817
diagnostic evaluation of, 815 – 817 neuropraxia of, in tennis elbow, 812
differential diagnosis of, 816 – 817 Ultrasound, in Achilles tendon rupture, 764
force load control in, 819 – 820 in patellar tendinopathy, 748, 749, 751
lateral, failed surgery in, 827 in patellar tendon rupture, 764
surgery in, 822 – 827 in rotator cuff tendinopathy, 794
medial, anatomic site of, 811 – 812 of acromioclavicular joint, 268 – 269
failed surgery in, 830 – 831 of sternoclavicular joint, 258
surgery in, 827 – 830
pathoanatomy of, 812 Unstable surfaces, 548 – 549, 553, 554, 555
pathologic problems associated with, 812 Urticaria, anaphylaxis and, exercise-induced,
pathology of, 813 – 815 169 – 170
phases of pain in, 815 – 816
postoperative management in, 831 – 832
promotion of healing in, 819
sites of tendon pain in, 813
surgery in, indications for, 820 – 821 Valvular disease, as cause of sudden cardiac
initial approaches to, 811 death, 61 – 62
results of, 832 – 833 Vasovagal syncope, 77
treatment of, 818 – 821
typical patient with, 812 Ventilation, minute, 162
Tension overload, rotator cuff tendinopathy Ventilatory changes, before, during, and after
and, 796 – 797, 798 – 799 exercise, 7
Tetralogy of Fallot, as congenital heart Ventricular ectopy, 68 – 69
disease, 94
Ventricular tachycardia, 74, 75 – 76
Thoracic outlet syndrome tests, in head and
neck injuries, 532 Vocal cord dysfunction, 168 – 169, 210
Thrower’s shoulder, 800
Throwing athlete, acromioclavicular joint W
injuries in, 327 – 340 Water sports, participation in, in epilepsy,
fractures of distal clavicle in, 335 – 336 611 – 612
osteolysis of distal clavicle in, 336 – 338
Weight bearing, following head and neck
Torg ratio, 494 – 495
injuries, 546 – 547, 548, 549, 550
and cervical cord neurapraxia, 506
Track and field sports, injuries associated Weights, and weight-bearing exercises, in
with, 436 lower limb tendinopathies, 781 – 782

Training, cardiopulmonary response to exercise Whiplash synndrome, 534

and, 163 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 73 – 75
Trapezius muscle, 227 – 228 Wounds, complications of, in nonoperative
Trauma, as cause of chest pain, 38 treatment of acromioclavicular joint
injuries, 389
Triceps tendinosis, surgical considerations
in, 831 Wrestling, injury rate in, 437

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