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The objective of a layout is to develop an arrangement of the processes and related equipment,
work areas, systems, storage areas and staff needed to provide a service or make a product such
that these resources operate at peak effectiveness and efficiency. With regards to an
organization that operates with high volume and low variety, evaluate the layout(s) that are
provided and discuss why you feel that they are appropriate


An organization focuses its planning efforts towards meeting the requirements of its customers.
To achieve this it needs to manage demand and this involves identifying the nature and size of
the demand. For an organization of your choice discuss how demand is determined and how
capacity is adjusted to match the demand.


Supply chain management can be described as the management of the same resources as those
managed in operations management, but at an inter-organizational level. Discuss the way in
which this management across suppliers and customers is achieved in modern supply chains.


Discrete Event Simulation is discussed by many organizations, but not implemented due to a
lack of management awareness.

a. Please present a coherent argument as to why senior management should take the time and
effort to invest in this technology.

b. Briefly discuss where Discrete Event Simulation could be applied within an organization of
your choice

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