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Alpha Testing Beta Testing

Alpha testing performed by Testers who are Beta testing is performed by Clients or End Users who are not
usually internal employees of the organization employees of the organization

Alpha Testing performed at developer's site Beta testing is performed at a cljent location or end user of the

Reliability and Security Testing are not Reliability, Security, Robustness are checked during Beta Testing
performed in-depth Alpha Testing

Alpha testing involves both the white box and Beta Testing typically uses Black Box boi
black box techniques

Alphatesting requires a lab environment or Beta testing doesn't require any lab environment or testing
testing environment environment. The software is made available to the publicand is said
to be real time environment

Long execution cycle may be required for Only afewweeks of execution are required for Beta
Alpha testing testing

Critical issues or fixes can be addressed by Most of the issues or feedback is

developers immediately in Alpha testing collected from Beta testing will be
implemented in future versions of the product
Alpha testing is to ensure the qualityof the Beta testing also
gathers users inputconcentrates
product before moving to Beta testing on the quality of the
on the product and product, but
ready for real time users. ensures that the product is

2.5 Special Tests

5. Scala Documentation

24.2 Alpha Testing

MSBTE- S-16, S-17

0. Explain the alpha testing State its limitatons (S-16,4 Marks)

Descbe alpa testinc with is entry and exit critera S 11 4 Marks)

Alpha testing happens at the development site just before the roll out of the application to the customer. Alpha tests
are conducted replicating the live envirohment where the application would be installed and running.
- Asoftware prototype stage when the software is first available for run. Here the software has the core functionalities
in it but complete functionality is not aimed at. It would be able to accept inputs and give outputs.
The test is conducted at the developer's site only. In a software development cycle, depending on the functionalities
the number of alpha phases required is laid down in the project plan itself.
Types and
Levels of
Software Testing (MSBTE)
only the
prototype of the available. Basic instal a
a through one,since
During this, the testing is not core
Un-installation tests, the completed
Alpha Testing
Entry and Exit Criteria of
1, Entry Criteria for Alpha testing requirements
document or Business
Software requirements
Test Cases for all the software application.
about the
TestingTeam with good knowledge
Test Lab environment setup.

OABuild ready for execution. defects.

uploading test cases and logging verifies it.
for test case that
Test Management tool reauirement has atleast one
ensure that each design
Traceability Matrix to
2. Exit Criteria for Alpha testing
been executed and
Allthe test cases have
to be fixed and closed. ie oot
All severity issues need outke 19t
report.o noitsiitss
Delivery of Test summary
additional features can be included.
Make sùre that no more

Sign off on Alpha testíng.

Advantages of Alpha Testing

the software at an early stage.
Provides better view about the reliability of
behavior and environment.
Helps simulate real time user
serious errors.
Detect many showstopper or
design and functionality.
Ability to provide early detection of errors with respect to
Disadvantages of Alpha Testing
cannot be tested.
In depth functionality
Testers are dissatisfied with the results of alpha
2.4.3 Beta Testing W-12,W
MSBTE-S-09, AMarts
2.5.2 GUI Testing
MSBTE- S-15, W-15. W-17, S-18

Q. Explain GUI testing withsuitable example (S-15, W-17, 4 Marks)

Q. Describe Graphical User Intertace (GU) testing. (W-15, 2 Marks)
Describe how to GUI testing (S-18,2 Marks)

There are two types of interfaces in a computer application.

Command Line Interface is where you type text and computer responds to that command.
GUlstands for Graphical User Interface where you interact with the computer using images rather than text.
Elements of GUI:

Following are the GUlelements which can be used for interaction between the user and application :
Success of any GUl application depends on how it interacts with user through its user interface, how the user actions
are performed to access application's features and whether application responds in functionaly correct manner.
An application with incorrect behavior or invalid user interaction can lead to huge problems. Graphical User Interface
(GUI) testing is the process of testing the system's GUI of the System under Test.
GUI testing involves how the application handles keyboard and mouse events, how different GUI components like
menu bars, toolbars, dialogs, buttons, edit fields, list controls, images etc. reacts to user input and whether or not it
performs in the desired manner.

GUItesting is a process to test application's user interface and to detect if application is functionally correct. GUI
testing involves carrying set of tasks and comparing the result of same with the expected output and ability to repeat
same set of tasks multiple times with different data input and same level of accuracy.

GUITesting includes Inmplementing GUItesting for your application early in the software development cyle speeds up
development, improves quality and reducs risks towards the end of the cycle.
GUITesting can be performed both manually with a human tester or could be performed automatically with use of a
software program.

Tech Knouuledge
3.1 Test Planning
MSBTE÷ S-15, S-16, S-17, W-17, S-18

What is test plan ? List test planning activities. (S-15, S-18, 4 Marks)
Q. What is tost planning ? (S-16, W-i7, 2 Marks)
Q. What is test plan ? Write its two advantage. (S-17, 4 Marks)
|Q. Glve any tour advantages of test planning. (S-18,4 Marks)

Test plan is the prÍject plan required to perform testing of an application or asystem.
Itnelther contains any kind of test design specification nor set of test cases nor a set of test procedures. In reality test
plans do not actually address that level of detail. Following are some of the major activities done as a part of test
In test planning,the most important activity is to ensure that there is initially a list of tasks and milestones in a baseline
plan to track the progress of the project. It also defines the size of the test effort.
It is the main document often called as master test plan or a project test plan and usually developed during the early
phase of the project.
Test Planning Activities
Following are the test plan activities :
To determine the scope and the risks that need to be tested and that are NOT to be tested.

Documenting Test Strategy.

Making sure that the testing activities have been included.
Deciding Entry and Exit criteria.
Evaluating the test estimate.
Planning when and how to test and deciding how the test results will be evaluated, and defining test exit criterion.
The Test artifacts are delivered as part of test execution.
Defining the management information, including the metrics required and defect resolution and risk issues.
Ensuring that the test documentation generates repeatable test assets.
Advantages of Test Planning
Better coverage
More organized results allow for more efficient bug

Tech Knesedge
- This estimate then translated
MSBTE- S-16, S-17,
3.2 Test Management W-17,\W-18
(S-16, W-17, 2Marka
What is test management lnternal standardsfor prooess and method:
and give details offollowing (S-17,8 Marke)
Describe Test Management Process
Documenaton standaro
0Naming and storage contenton u (W-18,4 Marko)
vDes o sta ncarcs in est Test
ISt and explan any two validatingthe software. management is the
testing and
the process of effort.
An important part of software quality is artifacts required for the testing
practice oforganizing and controlling the process
Traditional tools used for test management include :
Pen and paper
Word processors
management solutions, usually built on spreadsheets or
home-grown software test
Larger testing efforts may use
databases, or commercial test management applications. activities.
allows different teams to plan, develop, execute and assess all testing
Generally test management

3.2.1 Choice of Standards

Types of standards
Standards are defined to provide exact meaning to any,
which is the
subject. There are standards for every activity
1. External Standards
part of SDLC.
standards are a. Customer Standards
In software development and testing field,
defined and used for coding, testing, reviewing, designing b. National
and requirement analysis phases.
activities that C. Intermational Standards
Testing standards are mainly used to control
of standards -
come under this phase. Mainly two types 2. Internal Standards
External and Internal.
Fig. 3.2.1 : Types of standards


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