Week 3 Module-Finals

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Definition: A field F is a set of elements on which are defined two binary operations of
multiplication,  and addition +, satisfying the following properties:
1. F is closed with respect to addition.
2. Addition is commutative
3. Addition is associative.
4. There exists an identity e in F such that a + e = e + a = a for all a in F.
5. There exists an inverse (-a) with respect to addition such that a + (-a) = (-a) + a = e.
6. F is closed with respect to multiplication.
7. Multiplication is commutative.
8. Multiplication is associative.
9. There exists an identity e in F such that a  e = e  a for all a in F.
10. There exists an inverse 𝑎−1 for every a such that a  𝑎−1 = 𝑎−1 a = e.
11. Multiplication is left and right distributive over addition.

On the basis of this definition, a field (F, +,) is defined as a commutative ring with unity in
which every nonzero element has an inverse with respect to multiplication.

From among the preceding examples of rings, the following are fields:
 The set of real numbers R is a field with respect to addition and multiplication.
 The set ℤ𝟕 is a field. Generally, the set ℤ𝒎 where m is prime is a field with respect to the
operations of addition and multiplication modulo p.


A subset F of a field K is a subfield of K if and only if the subset forms a field with respect to the
operations of multiplication and addition defined in K.

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