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 Rheumatic fever is systemic inflammatory disease
caused by immune response to pharyngeal
infection by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
Client with Rheumatic Fever
and Rheumatic Heart Disease  Rheumatic fever is self-limiting disorder usually
occurring between 5 – 15 years of age

 10 % persons with rheumatic fever develop

Norfidah Binti Mohamad rheumatic heart disease

 Rheumatic heart disease damages heart valves

and is major cause of mitral and aortic valve

Pathophysiology Rheumatic heart disease (RHD)

 Rheumatic fever thought to result from abnormal
immune response to M proteins on group A  Slowly progressive valvular deformity following
beta-hemolytic streptococcal bacteria acute or repeated episodes of rheumatic fever

 Immune response results in inflammation in  Usually affects valves on left side of heart
connective tissues on heart, joints, and skin
especially mitral valve
a. Carditis: in all layers of heart tissue in 50%
 Stenosis of valve: narrowed fused valve
persons with rheumatic fever
obstructs forward blood flow
b. Endocardial inflammation results in fibrous
scarring of valve leaflets causing deformity  Regurgitation occurs with incompetent valve
(fails to close properly) and allows blood to
flow back through

Risk factors Manifestations of rheumatic fever

Environmental and economic factors- (2 – 3 weeks post strep infection)
1. Initially fever, migratory joint pain (knees, hips,
1. damp whether ankles, elbows)
2. crowded living
2. Erythema marginatum:
3. malnutrition  temporary skin rash characterized by red
circumscribed lesions with blanched centers on
4. immunodeficiency trunk and proximal extremities
5. poor access to health care
3. Manifestations of carditis:
 chest pain, tachycardia, pericardial friction rub or
manifestations of heart failure; may develop S3, S4
or murmur, cardiomegaly, pericardial effusion


Erythema marginatum Diagnostic Tests

 History and physical examination

 CBC and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR):

 WBC and ESR are elevated signifying the
inflammatory process

 Antistreptolysin titer (ASO):

 test for streptococcal antibodies; rises within 2
months of onset and is positive with rheumatic

Collaborative Care
 Throat culture:
 positive for group A beta-hemolytic 1. Eradicating the streptococcal infection
streptococcus in 25– 40% of clients 2. Managing manifestations of disease
with acute rheumatic fever
3. Limiting activities, generally

Medications  Prophylactic antibiotic therapy continued

for 5 – 10 years to prevent recurrences
 Penicillin antibiotic of choice to treat (Penicillin G, 1.2 million units I.M. every 3
infection; course of 10 days – 4 weeks prophylaxis of choice; oral
antibiotics may be used)
 If client allergic to penicillin, erythromycin
or clindamycin prescribed  Joint pain and fever treated with aspirin or
other NSAID; corticosteroids may be used
for severe pain with inflammation or


Nursing Care/Health Promotion Nursing Diagnoses

 Prompt identification and treatment of  Acute Pain
streptococcal throat infections 1. Assess the severity of pain

2. Administer anti-inflammatory agents as

 Understanding that full course of ordered. Report any manifestations of
antibiotics should be completed aspirin toxicity (tinnitus, vomiting and GI
bleed). Administer with food, milk or
antacids (minimize gastric irritation)

3. Place a bed cradle at foot of bed. Provide

warm, moist compresses for local pain relief.

 Activity Intolerance
Home Care
1. Activities are limited during acute phase of
carditis to reduce workload of heart  Most clients recuperate at home and need teaching
for acute care and prevention of recurrences

2. Gradual activity progression encouraged as  Client must complete full course of antibiotic therapy
condition improves and continue antibiotic prophylaxis

3. Allow visits from friends/ family. Diversional  Recognition of streptococcal sore throat and early
activities (reading, listening, playing card, manifestations of heart failure and seek medical
 Follow prescribed activity and diet (usually high
carbohydrate, high protein with possible sodium

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