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Prohibition to engage in business for

himself (Art. 1789)
 Industrial – absolute prohibition; any
kind of business is prohibited*
OBLIGATIONS OF PARTNERS AMONG  Capitalist – only the same kind of
THEMSELVES business is prohibited
1. Contribution of Property (Art. 1786) *If an industrial partner violates this, he may be
Properties contributed become part of the excluded by the capitalist partners from the firm with
partnership and cannot be withdrawn rights to damages.
without the consent of the other partners.
**An industrial partner may engage in business with
2. Contribution of money and money the express permission given by the capitalist
converted to personal use (Art. 1788) partners. Mere tolerance does not excuse him from
Every partner must: liability.
a. Contribute money, property, and 4. Contribute Additional Capital (Art. 1791)
industry on the due date; Requisites for the application of the rule:
b. Answer for eviction in case the a. Imminent loss
partnership is deprived of the b. Majority opinion of the capitalist
determinate property distributed; partners
c. Answer for the fruits of the property the c. Capitalist partner refuses to deliberately
contribution of which he delayed; contribute (not due to financial inability)
d. Preserve the said property with the d. There is no agreement to the contrary
diligence of a good father of a family
(Art. 11630); and 5. Managing Partner who collects debts
e. Indemnify the partnership for any Modes of Appointment:
damage caused to it by the retention of a. Through the Articles of Incorporation
the same or by delay in its contribution. b. After the constitution of the Articles of
(Note that on Atty. Licay’s lecture what is
included here is letter (a), reimburse Two conditions should be both present in order
amount taken, and pay agreed or legal for the Article to apply:
interest.) First, two (2) debts and both are due and
demandable; and
Rules in the distribution of Profit and Second, the one collecting should be the
losses: managing partner
 According to their agreement ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE:
 In the absence of such agreement: A and B are partners in X and Co., with A as the
a. Capitalist partner – in proportion of managing partner. C is indebted to A in the sum of
his contribution P2,000.00. C is also indebted to the partnership in the
b. Industrial partner – what is just and sum of P4,000.00. Both debts are demandable. A
equitable under the circumstances collects the amount of P1,500.00 from C.
QUESTION: Can partners appoint third
If A issues a receipt to the effect that it is in payment of
persons to designate the division of
their profits or losses? his (A’s) credit, P500.00 will be applied only to his
credit, the partnership being entitled to a proportionate
Answer: Yes, and they cannot question it amount of P1,000.00 in the payment made by C. But if
unless the designation is manifestly A gives a receipt for the account only of the partnership
inequitable. (Art. 1798) credit, the amount of P1,500.00 will be fully applied to
the latter.
TN: A partner cannot be appointed.
What is the rule where there are two or 6. Partner who receives share of
more managers? partnership credit (Art. 1793)
 GR: Each may separately execute all acts of
Problem No. 7
administration (unlimited power to
A and B are partners and C owes the
partnership a sum of P10,000.00. B is the
 XPN: If any of the managers opposes, managing partner, but A collects his share in
decision of the majority prevails the P10,000.00 and C pays A P5,000.00 to
Note: In case of tie - Decision of the controlling interest which A issues a receipt in his name. When
(who are also managers) shall prevail. B's turn to collect comes, C is already
What is the rule when the manner of insolvent. What should A do?
management has not been agreed upon?
a. All partners shall be considered  A shall return his P5,000.00 to the
managers and agents. partnership and split it with B because C
b. Unanimous consent is required for has already become insolvent.
alteration of immovable property.
7. Damages to partnership (Art. 1794)
Kinds of Managing Partners (Art. 1800) General Rule: Damages NOT subject to set-
a. Appointed DURING the Constitution off or compensation
of the Partnership Exception: Unusual profits realized through
- May execute all administrative acts the extraordinary efforts of the partner at fault.
unless he acted in bad faith. His power
8. Render Information (Art. 1806)
may not be revoked unless there is a
JUST and LAWFUL cause and the vote 9. Accountable as fiduciary (Art. 1807)
of the partners with controlling interest.
- Even if there are objections as to his OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERSHIP TO
decisions coming from the partners, his THE PARTNERS (Art. 1796)
authority will prevail UNLESS he has a. To reimburse any amount disbursed by the
acted in bad faith. partners in behalf of the partnership
- Acts of administration: ordinary business b. To answer for any obligation contracted in
and administrative transactions. good faith.
b. Appointed AFTER the Constitution c. To answer for risks in management.
of the Partnership
- May have his power revoked with or Subpartnership (Art.1804)
without cause. Every partner may associate another person with
- Decided upon by those partners who own him in his share, but the associate shall not be
controlling interest in the partnership. admitted into the partnership without the consent
of all the other partners, even if the partner having
an associate should be a manager.
Question: Why is the power of a Illustrative Example:

A, B and C are in a partnership wherein A is

managing partner appointed DURING
the managing partner. A enters into a contract
with D that states D will receive 50% of A’s
the constitution of the partnership not share in partnership profits. Can A do this
even without the consent of the other partners?
 Yes, because a sub-partnership will not
affect the composition of the partnership
and D will not be able to interfere with the
partnership’s management anyway.


What are the Property rights of a partner?
(Art. 1810)
1. His rights in specific partnership
2. His interest in the partnership
3. His right to participate in the
What is the nature of a partner's right in
specific partnership property?
 The partners are considered co-owners of
specific partnership property. (Art. 1811)

If A, B and C are partners who own specific

property under the partnership’s name, what are
their rights?
(1) They can use it for partnership business
(2) They cannot use it for personal purposes
WITHOUT the consent of others.

Question: Can A assign his right with

respect to the specific partnership
 NO, because the property belongs to the
partnership, not to him. What he could
assign is his interest over the said property
but not the property itself.

What is the partner's interest in the

 DURING operations, the partner's interest is
his share in profits and losses AFTER
Problem No. 8
 operations/LIQUIDATION/
DISSOLUTION, his interest is in the surplus
A, B, and C are partners. D offers to buy A’s
of partnership assets after all debts have
interest of P50,000.00 for P1,000,000.00 and
been cleared.
A agrees to sell his interest. What happens
Take note: Interest can be subject to attachment now?
or execution because it belongs to the partner,
not the partnership.
NB: Persons who, not being members, include
 D becomes the assignee and A their names in the firm, do not acquire the
becomes the assignor but the rights of a partner (Art. 1767) but under Art.
partnership will not be dissolved 1815, they shall be subject to the liability of a
because his interest in profits and surplus is partner. (Art 1816)
the one being sold. A will also continue to
be the partner but D will be the one to 2. All partners shall be liable for contractual
receive his profits. obligations of the partnership with their
property, after all partnership assets have been
exhausted: (Art. 1816)
How can a partner convey his interest in a. Pro rata
the partnership without getting the b. Subsidiary
partnership dissolved?
 By selling it to a 3rd person Art. 1817. Any stipulation against the liability laid
 By donating it to a 3rd person down in the preceding article shall be void, expect
 By using it as security on a loan from a 3rd as among the partners.
perso *As to 3rd persons, ALL partners are liable pro-rata and
Rights of the Assignee: subsidiary, but as to each other, they are liable in
 He shall get the assignor's share in proportion to their capital contribution.
 He may avail of legal remedies of the Illustrative Examples:
partners in cases of fraud by the assignor.
 He shall receive the assignor's interest in 1. A, B and C are in a partnership where C is
case of dissolution. the industrial partner and a sum of
 He can demand for an accounting upon P26,000.00 is owed to D. A and B
dissolution but only starting from the date of contributed P15,000.00 and P5,000.00
the last accounting undertaken by the respectively. How shall the debt be
partnership. shared?
 As to D, the partners will share equally
Preferential rights of partnership creditors in the debt left after exhausting all assets
(Art. 1814, 1827) (P6,000.00) so they will each have to
1. Private creditors of each partner may ask pay P2,000.00 regardless of C being an
the attachment and public sale of the industrial partner. If C is insolvent, or if
latter's share in the partnership assets. B died, or if A has left the country, the
liability of the partners cannot be
1. Every partnership shall operate under a firm As to each other, they are liable in
name. Persons who include their names in the proportion to their capital contribution,
partnership name even if they are not so B and C will be reimbursed by A.
members shall be liable as a partner. (Art.
1815) 2. A, B, C, D and E are sued in court but E
What is prohibited? is later cleared of his charges. The court
a. Use of misleading names orders A, B, C and D to pay their creditor,
b. Use of names of deceased partners, but C moves to reconsider that all should
XPN: When the firm indicates in all be charged, but this move was denied.
its communication that the said Can A, B, C and D alone be liable for the
partner is deceased. debt?
 According to the Supreme Court, the 4 6. Liability of incoming partner is limited to:
partners cannot alone be liable for the a. His share in the partnership property for
debt because in excluding E, they have existing obligations; and
increased the other partners’ liability and b. His separate property for subsequent
this is prohibited by the law. The law obligations (Art. 1826)
states that the liability of the partners Meaning: A new partner admitted to an existing
cannot be increased such that they partnership is also liable to the obligations
shoulder the liability of another partner. existing before he was admitted, but his liability
only extends to his contribution to the partnership
3. What if there was an agreement that stated UNLESS stipulated.
B is only liable up to P5,000.00? How will
A, B and C share in their liability? Example:
A, B, and C are the original partners of the
 The stipulation shall be void as to 3 rd
partnership X with contributions of
persons, so they will still share pro-
P10,000.00 each. X partnership owes D
rata. Anyway, B and C will be
P40,000.00. Later on, E entered the
reimbursed by A, because as among
partnership and contributed P4,000.00. How
themselves, the stipulation is valid
shall the debt be paid?
and C is an industrial partner.
 P34,000.00 will be paid to D out of the
partnership assets, and the P6,000 will be
paid through A, B, and C’s personal
assets. The P6,000.00 will be divided
3. Admission or representation made by any among the 3 original partners pro rata.
partner concerning partnership affairs within
the scope of his authority is evidence against 7. Creditors of partnership are preferred in
the partnership. (Art. 1820) partnership property and may attach partner’s
* Anything a partner says or admits, as long share in partnership assets. (Art. 1827)
as it is concerning the partnership affairs and
Meaning: Partnership creditors have BETTER
it is within the scope of his authority, is RIGHTS to partner obligation WITH REGARD TO
sufficient evidence against the partnership. PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY.
4. Notice to partner of any matter relating to
partnership affairs operates as notice to
partnership except in case of fraud. (Art. A, B, and C are partners. A OWES E
1821) P6,000.00. The PARTNERSHIP OWES D
 Notice to any partner is notice to the P28,000.00. The total partnership assets
partnership despite such partner’s failure amount to P40,000.00. Who has better right to
to notify the other partners. the partnership property?

5. Partners and the partnership are solidarily  In this case, D, the partnership creditor,
liable to 3rd persons for the partner's tort or has a better right to the partnership
breach of trust. (Art. 1824) property. When obligation to D is paid,
what will be left for the partners to share
is P4,000.00. If E, the personal creditor of
A, B, and C are partners. A made an act of
A, demands to be paid out of partnership
omission with D as the victim. He caused
property, he will only get P4,000.00 from
P50,000 worth of injury to D. What can D do?
it since the priority is the partnership
 D can go to A for the full amount of P50,000 creditor. The P2,000.00 will be paid out
OR FROM B OR C. from A’s personal property.
Effects of the Acts of Partners Acting as 6. Submitting
an Agent of the Partnership partnership claim
or liability to
Acts of a partner Effect arbitration; and
With binding effect Renouncing claim
except: of partnership.

1. When the partner so

acting has in fact no
authority to act for Acts in Partnership is not liable
the partnership in contravention of a to third persons having
Acts for apparently restriction or actual or presumptive
the particular matter,
carrying on in the authority. knowledge of the
unusual way the restriction. (Art.
2. The person with
business of the 1818(4), NCC)
whom he is dealing
has knowledge of
the fact that he has
no such authority.
(Art. 1818(1),
NCC) Effect of Conveyance of Real Property
Title of Effect
Conveyance passes title, but
partnership can recover
Acts not in the Do not bind partnership unless:
ordinary course of unless authorized by 1.
business other partners. (Art. a. Conveyance was done
1818, NCC)
in the usual way of
business; and
b. The partner so acting
Acts of strict Title in the has the authority to act
dominion or partnership’s for the partnership; or
ownership: name;
Conveyance in 2. The property which has
1. Assigning partnership name been conveyed by the
partnership GR: One or more, but grantee or a person
property in trust less than all the partners claiming through such
for creditors; have no authority. grantee to a holder for
2. Disposing of value without knowledge
goodwill of XPNs: that the partner, in making
the conveyance, has
exceeded his authority.
3. Doing an act which 1. Authorized by
would make it the other
impossible to carry Conveyance does not pass
partners; or
on the ordinary title but only equitable
2. Partners have
business of Title in the interest,
abandoned the
partnership; partnership’s provided:
business. (Art.
4. Confessing a 1818 (3), NCC) name;
judgment; Conveyance in a. Conveyance was done in
5. Entering a partner’s name the usual way of business;
compromise or
concerning a
partnership claim b. The partner so acting has
or liability; the authority to act for
the partnership. (De Leon,

Title in the name

of 1 or more or
all partners or
3rd person in
trust for
Conveyance will pass all the
rights in such property. (De
Leon, 2014)
executed in
name or in the
name of the


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