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Name : I Gede Putu Eka Kertha Wiguna

NIM : 2001541104
Class : E

Handout 5
17. D) So it was that Halley, one of only two men in the land at that time paid to conduct
scientific research, set sail for the Cape Verde Islands with the grand plan of charting
declination in the North and South Atlantic. The trip was quickly aborted because of crew
insubordination, but Halley returned to the seas a second time.
Reason : Because the last sentence of the answer “... but Halley returned to the seas a second
time.” Connected to the opening of the next paragraph “This voyage took him and his crew to
Rio de Janeiro,..”
18. B) If all goes well, Halley's accomplishments will be celebrated once again. Dr Clark,
himself a keen sailor, plans to commemorate the three-hundredth anniversary of Halley's trip
by retracing the route of the Paramore.
Reason : Because in the previous paragraph it shows that the Halley’s accomplishment was
mentioned in the sentence “This voyage took him and his crew to Rio de Janeiro, down past
South Georgia, up again to Newfoundland and back to England. From these travels Halley
published, in 170I, a 'New and Correct Chart shewing the Variations of the Compasse in the
Western and Southern Oceans'.” Thus prove the connection in the answer where it stated “If
all goes well, Halley's accomplishments will be celebrated once again.”
19. G) 'Halley led a remarkable life: Dr Clark says. 'He was not only a respected scientist but
also led expeditions. He was not just an astronomer but also did research in geophysics.
While he was Astronomer Royal, he mapped the positions of the stars, and also found time
for other interests.'
Reason : The end of previous paragraph shows how Dr. Clark is fascinated by Halley so that
it connected to the answer (G) because in the next paragraph Dr. Clark talked more about
how he was amazed by Halley.
20. E) It will involve making the measurements that Halley made, but with far more precise
instruments. These measurements need to be updated because the terrestrial magnetic field is
slowly but constantly changing.
Reason : The previous paragraph implied that Dr. Clark will recreating the voyage and
connected to the answer where Dr. Clark mentioned that he will pay homage to Halley by
using Halley’s measurement in the recreation.
21. A) ‘On our expedition we can use global positioning satellites to determine that.' The
British Geological Survey and the United States Navy have offered to supply instruments. By
chance, a Danish satellite will be taking similar measurements over the globe.
Reason : the paragraph before and after the answer mention Dr Clark's expedition effort to
help and refine Halley's existing measurements regarding the mathematical model of Earth's
magnetic field, therefore the paragraph between them must contain or connect to Dr Clark's
expedition project which were discussed in the answer A.
22. C) As well as spending two years in Antarctica and working in the geomagnetic group at
the British Geological Survey, he has already sailed the 13,000 kilometres from Rio de
Janeiro to England. He envisages that the expedition will be completed in four stages, with
four different crews.
Reason : The sentence "Does Dr Clark possess the credentials to make his parallel voyage a
success?" mentioned Dr Clark adventures which connected to the answer C "As well as
spending two years in Antarctica and working in the geomagnetic group at the British
Geological Survey,..."

Difficult Words
Voyage (Noun) / Voyaging (Verb)
Definition : a long journey involving travel by sea or in space.
Sentence : “Writing a biography is a voyage of discovery"

Sophisticated (Adjective) / Sophisticate (Verb)

Definition : (of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of
Sentence : "highly sophisticated internet systems"

Terrestrial (Adjective) / Terrestrials (Plural Noun)

Definition : (of a planet) similar in size or composition to the earth, especially being one
of the four inner planets of our solar system.
Sentence : "increased ultraviolet radiation may disrupt terrestrial ecosystems"

Indispensable (Adjective) / Indispensability (Noun)

Definition : absolutely necessary.
Sentence : "he made himself indispensable to the parish priest"

Geographical (Adjective) /Geographically (Adverb)

Definition : based on or derived from the physical features of an area.
Sentence : "the geographical distribution of plants"

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