General Chemistry Unit - 2

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Yoruation along a yportiod anol pont There i portiodic yoreiation of atomic adi: with atone numb.oxt- Grovrcrcally the ato stool. olecrease ith movig tour ft to sug lt omy given sporiod . The atomic staolié inowases wA moving eprom top +o botfoun im amy given gee: | the vertiation of atomic staclié in a portivd Com he axplainsel outhe basis of tectonic. configura: tou of lomants - As an 2x COR hall cousiclerr the Second poriod , begivuring rom lithium ancl anding with fhioscine The atomic numbet un0svases from 3 to % anol bance the nuclear chouge inoteases from 3 to 9 aS we wove pom Gtliuim to flouscine - AS the chootqe of the nicks inewases Stop by (Stop, the ck wlactotons are attiacteol WMoste leach wreste gee tousxls anol nucleus. fu otharwostds thae 1G: VACHS nal ulloeta. Iooutsteections of the k shell in woviug rom deft to otight Th oO apastiod . This tha, atowlc = decreases yougessiely « Tha L. 2lectorons also ottstactad towards the wuchus but k wlectostons , lyiug in ubefuacen , bound to tham frown tho truclunrg ~Tu spite of ee oy ey a te alates oe? expetience greatot and qreatert gtinaption fowards the nuclens. fs The otowic staclii jrowase AS W2 mova pom top to bottom in a yeup this is Jecause os we wove down in a peupithe nuumbat of Shalls tuctea8es ourcl thartefoste tha. size of the atom iroteasas: Dotouvbocks in the alefinition of ofowic staclii: The okefinition ef atone stadii ag Qivan above is wot youcise fost the following Seasons: i) Accostelinng 40 quoutun fon ChAnies sa pakere ts no exrttoindy with sagortel to the sxact position of the lectston. that 1Sig tte ES umypossible +o aScsttatn the docurdosey of On otom. ii) We cannot lane isolated odour. | Because of these rowsbacks usa howe totes ee al concoyts of atomic staclti .viz., Bat, stock: VYeoricdtion oloug a i of poy | Gu geing prom aft to sight in a spied there 18 0 wroneunced and rroqpreass Wea. clactense it fouic staclii- AS vae pnooee prom ton to bottom in o group thee ig a BREA MOS NS Cikveaie beeen SER cee faa Factors affecting aloude aud joute stadkit. DN Effective rueleas charge: The woguitude of offective cleo cetortming the moguituce of fertca of wost whectstorr clouol . Gtseatart toh waguitucle lof the offective tucleant change 1 Preadaxt esill [be the attraction efuwconr the vuclens ancl oracle oil he Ha Gtovic avd ironic raoli?. ii) Number of shalls oot susgy Levels: | As the total number ot shells ont anaxgy |devels thot arte porosiont dunrcotaases 5 tee atomic aud iouic stacdii alse duncraase ,i.0., if nv, [the woninel Wawtunn mamas ducewasas thee fatomic and uewic stool’ also Lncteas.a - Touisation Potontial [Souisedion ouasegey | i Sa | The iouisation energy of ionisation pokartial is tha most fundamental yoropotty of an atom - | | 1 | | a SC ee eee ADs? | fostes- of atinaction beforcan the ‘ gar quad the shell electron cloud also ine i z y See + [Hig ==? tg) => TA eyelet) | Pan. te, moguituce of the MUAartgy to xtameva. the outoimost shell olectston. ic. the jowsation potoutiol also incccases. When tor Simaly say jouisation yroteutial it WAeouns the fost fouisation rotentiol . Wasialisul along a pariod Cihel: pou: | There 18 0 snastiockic Voreation of dawisation spoteutioal with odomic nuumbart. Whar vac move. prom Aeft xo ought inoa noiod , the jiowisalion spotential ywropassively incase. Tig tovnrolenuy may be attsributed to a sdsing | nucleost chonge os the otonuc humor i Paes eat Migaation ynoteutial oleecoases bom ton to bottom in a Broun. Tas. 0s cle: fio the poropressive Unestonse im the size of the atom AS the size of the atom Tretases outstimost eloctstors asco bolel tess festmly . J Com easily be stemovrol *Thes tHe A notactial leortoasos aS we wove So the force, of dhtsrsetiier Vox antak ty 4 tee nucleus on the electrons uncreasos+ | Because of Hus, the atom tas a qpreokor eee an rto attseact tHe maroly acldool abealstau: In other wsostds tte, leleetstou, affivcty KUCKLOSLS . | Ou moving down a gptoup > the atouue size MMOW0SLS — secouae OS we move clocom now SbUs one acloloal. | Oates usted attotaction for the olectson i | Because of Tio aer Cc tes oh dros , tess foradancy ! to adtbtact the newly acloled olectson - Ta other wostds . its eloclston affinity rest then. amount of evrarqy seequeciod to one morse election to a mono vagativa uw the ROSZOURs Stoitmtesn ear eet iE to

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