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AE 2302 Aircraft Structures - II UNIT -1 UNSYMMETRICAL BENDING PART-A 1. Define redundancy in a structure and order of redundancy. Structures which have more than one load path are called statically indeterminate (or) redundant structure. Aircraft structures are usually statically indeterminate structure For beams having large degree of redundancy, solutions are obtained by MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD 2. What do you understand by unsymmetrical bending? Explain a method to find the strenes in an unsymmetrical section? The type of bending action in a beam where right proportion between the parts does not exist. Unsymmetrical bending formula (Method I) Stress > Z= [(Mr/ha}*¥1 + [(My/\y)*%] Where Mx = [Mx-(My lyf Iy)I/ (IoC /bely) My = [MyM lo/ IyI/ (-( ly Zbaa) 3. Explain the principle of virtual work & its applications in solving structural problems, The principle of virtual work is stated as ‘A particle is in equilibrium under the action of a force system if the total virtual ‘work done by the force system in zero for a small virtual displacement. Principle of virtual work forms the basis of the application of the total complementary energy to the determination of defections of structures. Small virtual forces are applied to a system in the direction of real displacement. 4, How do you determine the shear flow and angle of twist for a closed single cell under torsion? Shear flow for a closed single cel is similar to shear flow in open cell but the shear loads may be applied through points in the cross section other than shear center & secondly the origin for $ does not coincide with a known value of shear flow Shear flow for = (Basic Shear flower) + (Shear stress at origin) closed single cell Shear of open cell a = 4% + Qe ‘Angle of twist / Unit length ofa closed cell. 8= 1/28G Jq (ds/t) radian for steel stringer combination @=_1_ Sal/t 2G If load acts through shear center then 8=0 5 al/t=0 5. Explain how a thin beam subjected to shear resists the load? (P 455 shear lag) Generally, shear lag becomes a problem in wide, relatively Shallow, thin-walled beams such as wings in which the shear distortion of the thin upper and lower surface skins causes redistribution of stress in the stringers and spar caps while the thicker and shallower spar webs experience little effect. Our Investigation of the shear lag problem will be restricted to idealized six- and eight-boom doubly symmetrical rectangular section beams subjected to shear loads acting in the plane of symmetry and in which the axis of twist, the flexural axis and the zero warping axis coincide; the shear loads ‘therefore produce no twist and hence no warping due to twist. 6. What is a semi tension field beam? In modern aircraft structures, beams having extremely thin webs are rare, They retain, after buckling, some of their ability to support loads so that even near failure they are in a state of stress somewhere between that of pure diagonal tension and the pre-buckling stress. Such a beam is described as an incomplete diagonal tension field beam or semi tension field beam. 7. What do you understand by monocoque and semi monocoque type of aircraft construction? ‘The basic functions of an aircraft's structure are to transmit and resist the applied Loads; to provide an aerodynamic shape and to protect passengers, payload, systems etc. from the environmental conditions encountered in flight. These requirements, in most aircraft, result in thin shell structures where the outer surface or skin of the shell is usually supported by longitudinal stiffening members and transverse frames to enable it to resist bending, compressive and torsional loads without buckling. Such structures are known as semi-monocoque, while thin shells which rely entirely on their skins for their capacity to resist loads are referred to as monocoque’. 8. Define principal axes of a section. ‘There exists, in any unsymmetrical cross-section, a centroidal set of axes for which the product second moment of area is zero, These axes are then principal axes. 9. Define shear flow. How shear stress is obtained from shear flow? Shear flow q is defined as shear force per unit length qett Shear stress Thickness = ¢ 10. List down various structural components in an aircraft wing, Wings (and tail surfaces) of fixed wing aircraft generally consist of spars, ribs, skin and stringers 1. Wing root fillet 2. Wing spar fuselage attachment joint 3. Wing tip fairing 4. Graphite epoxy composite wing construction 5. Multi-spar wing construction 6. Wing panel centre rib 7. Port wing Integral fuel tank 8. Port wing reaction control air duct 111. List down various structural components in fuselage. 1. Fuselage frame and stringer construction 2. Rear fuselage fuel tank 3. Nimonic fuselage heat shield 4, Centre fuselage flank fuel tank 5. Fuselage centreline pylon 6. Forward fuselage flank fuel tank 12. Explain how torque is realized by an aircraft wing, ‘The majority of aircraft have their main Undercarriage located in the wings, with a nosewheel or tail wheel in the vertical plane of symmetry. Clearly the position of the main undercarriage should be such as to produce minimum loads on the wing structure compatible with the stability of the aircraft during ground manoeuvres. This may be achieved by locating the undercarriage just forward of the flexural axis of the wing and as close to the wing root as possible. inthis case the shock landing load produces @ given shear, minimum bending plus torsion, with the latter being reduced as far as practicable by offsetting the torque caused by the vertical load in the undercarriage leg by a torque in an opposite sense due to braking, 113. What is the difference between tension field beam and semi tension field beam? Tension field beam ‘Semi tension field beam The spans of aircraft wings usually comprise an upper and a lower flange connected by thin stiffened webs. These webs are often of such a thickness that they buckle under shear stresses at a fraction of their ultimate load. The form of the buckle is shown in Fig. 6.24(a), where the ‘web of the beam buckles under the action of internal diagonal compressive stresses produced by shear, leaving 2 wrinkled web capable of supporting diagonal tension only in a direction perpendicular to that of the buckle; the beam is then said to be a complete tension field beam. Th modern aircraft structures, beams having ‘extremely thin webs are rare. They retain, after buckling, some of their ability to support loads so that even near failure they are in a state of stress somewhere between that of pure diagonal tension and the pre-buckling stress. Such a beam is described as an incomplete diagonal tension field beam and may be analysed by semi-empirical theory as follows. 14. (a) Shear per unit length is shear flow (b) At the neutral axis bending stress is zero 15. (a) At the neutral axis shear stress is comparatively low (b) If the beam cross section has either XX or YY has an axis of symmetry where 16. (a) According to Bredt-Batho formula torque(T] is equal to T= 2Aq (b) Write the expression for single cell twist The effect of a shear flow acting on one wall of a cel, e.g. qu applied to the internal web and acting con cell|, is counteracted by a constant shear flow applied around the complete cell Thus 17. a) The locus of shear center is if a cross-section has an axis of symmetry the shear centre must, of course, lie on this axis. For cruciform or angle sections of this {ype the shear centre is located at the intersection of the sides since the resultant internal shear loads all pass through these points. (b) List two functions of an aircraft rib Stringers rely chiefly on rib attachments for preventing column action in this direction. We have noted in the pervious paragraph the combined action of stringers and skin in resisting axial and bending loads, 18. (a) For bending elastic buckling the equation is, Gerard proposes a semi-empirical solutions for flat plates supported on all four edges. After elastic buckling occurs theory and experiment indicate that the average compressive stress, 04, in the plate and the unloaded edge stress, o., are related by the following expression, con aatoa (B) (b) Margin of safety (MOS) is equal to Full scale components to verify design estimates 419, State the assumption made in the Bredt-Batho theory The closed tube is thin prismatic Torque is applied on end fixtures. ‘Warping i frely allowed. Classical assumptions: Cellis homogeneous, isotropic & continous 20, Define Neutral axs and give an expression to determine them, The beam supports bending moments M, and M, and bends about some axis in its eross- section which is therefore an axis of zero stress or a neutral axis(NA). Myloc— Moly Madly — ae) ° ( Tady —B awe * ( Teshy— 1 JNM ‘Atthe Neutral axes 21, Define Principal axes and give an expression to determine them. There exists, in any unsymmetrical cross-section, a centroidal set of axes for which the product second moment of area is zero. Ths axes are then called Principal axes. 22. Define Shear center and Elastic axis Shear Center: Its also known as centre of twist, The point in the cross-section of the beam through which f load acts, there will not ne any twisting of the section but, these will be only bending. In figure (a) and (b), the load acts via the centeriod, twisting phenomenon may be observed. In figure (c) and (d) there exists a particular point in the cross-section through which if load acts, there will not be twisting of beams but only bending takes place such point is called as shear centre. Elastic ais: Elastic axis isthe locus of shear centre along the length ofthe wing. Elastic axis of a wing is defined as the axis about which rotation will occur. When the wing i in pure torsion, 23, Show that for @ curved web T = 2A The torque produced by the shear flow acting on an element 8, of the beam wall is pads T= Jpqds Orsince qis constant and pad A Aq 24. Explain buckling in compression for a plate, ssp ni simsiy‘Stetortes 7°? one unloaded edge clamped 25. In unsymmetrical bending, the neutral axis passes thro the centriod of the cross-section (True/False) 26. A rectangular cross-section Is subjected to a skew load. Mark the neutral axis and sketch the bending stress distribution, 27. When does unsymmetrical bending takes place. 28. A beam bends about its neutral axis for both symmetrical and unsymmetrical bending. (True/False). 28. Explain unsymmetrical bending with examples. 30. Define neutral axis and give expression to determine it. 31. Define principle axis of a section and give an expression to determine i. 32. Draw bending stress variation across the depth for (a) Rectangular section (b) I-section. 33. Distinguish between symmetric and unsymmetric bending, 34, What do you understand by unsymmetrical bending? Explain a method to find the stress in an unsymmetrical bending 35. Explain the Euler-Bernoulli hypothesis in bending of beams. 36. Bending of a symmetric section subjected to a skew load will be {symmetric/Unsymmetri). Explain PART-B 1, Determine the normal stress at location A and G(refer fig.1)for the following cases of loading: (i) Vye2.2 kN acting through shear center. (i) Vyet.2 kN acting through shear center. Vand Ware appliedo.8 m away from the indicated cross-section, 2. (i)Derive and obtain an expression for the bending stress in an unsymmetrical section subjected to bending, using the generalized ‘k’ method (10) (i) Explain the neutral axis method of bending stress determination mhen an arbitrary section is subjected to bending moments Mx and My. (6) 3. The section shown in fig. subjected to bending moment Mix-30kNm.determine the bending stress at the corner points A,B, Cand D. 4, -AZ-section with 12 em x3 em flanges and 20 cm x3 cm web is subjected to Mb My=10 kN-m . Determine the maximum bending stress. 5. A box beam with 5O cm length s subjected to loads Px-BKN and P\ stringer area is 3 cm’ each. Find the maximum bending stress. 6. obtain the bending tress values at the points A,B,C and D for the section shown in fig,4.compute the stresses using moment values with respect to x and y axis andthe principle axis 7. Compute the load on the lumped flanges due to bending ofthe section shown in fig.S.Assume the web do not take part in bending. Compute the loads using moment values with respect to x and y axis and principle axis OKN-m and kN as shown in fig.3. The 8, Abeam section shown in fig.6.has four stringers. Area of the stringers A, 8, Cand D are 6.25, 3.125, 4.5 and respectively. Find the stresses in al the four stringers of the section due to Mx-50kNm and My=-20kNm where x and y are the centriodal axes. Assume that webs and walls are ineffective in bending. 9. Refer fig.7.The section is subjected to an 8 kNm bending moment in the x-z plane anda 10 kNm bending in the y-z plane. Determine the bending stresses in all the corner points, indicating whether they are tensile or compressive, 10. Determine the bending stresses in the stringer of the section shown in fig.8 .£:= 70GPa,, E=210GPa and E,=100GPa stringer areas are 2 cm” 11. AC-section beam of length 50 cm is subjected to loads Px=100N .the C-section dimensions are (i) Flanges- 25 cm x3 cm (iiJweb 30cm x 3cm, 2. ACSE- ON T= 1

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