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Welcome to

our city!
Name and Flag

Our city is called:


Our local festivity

Name Watermoon

Date 27th of January

Traditions All the villagers of the city go to the beach and they enjoy swimming in
the ocean while the sea is shining. This happens because of the corals
and the moon. On that day some animals such as turtles and dolphins go
near the cost so all the people attending can play and interact with

Typical food and On that day people usually eat Hāngi, a typical food from the area, made
others of lamb, pork, chicken, vegetables… They also enjoy eating cocobowls, a
fruit bowl with many tropical fruits in it. It’s also a tradition dressing all
white on that day.

Buildings our city should have

Eventhough our city is very tropical and is located near the cost, this doesn’t mean it isn’t
developed. Our city is very nice and calm in the costal area but in the center, you can find all
the hustle and bustle and economy. In the center there are many open spaces, however you
can also find many skyscrapers and offices, where you can find many job opportunities. In
Moonbay we care a lot about our residents, and to cover their necessities we have hospitals,
supermarkets, gyms… However there is always room for improvement, so we are going to
install a bigger shopping center so our people can buy the supplies and things they need. We
will also add better transports to move around the city, but we are still waiting for our
mayor’s permit.

It’s important to remember that Moonbay is a costal city so we won’t be adding any big
buildings near the cost, however there will be many improvements in the center of the city.

Other elements our city should have

Our city it’s quite crowded in the center so we don’t want to contribute to all that lack of
space, that’s why we have proposed the idea of adding more residential areas in the outside
of the city. Besides, we want to add more offices in the city so the homeless people can find a
job easily and maybe go to live in the suburbs. On the other hand, apart from wanting a very
productive city, we want a city that is not dangerous or criminal, that’s why we have added
police-mans distributed along the least crowded places, so people feel safe when walking at

That are just some ideas and proposals we have but we are willing to hear any suggestions
and tell them to the mayor so if you have any idea to improve the city, you can go to the City
hall and leave a note inside the mailbox.

Our Sustainability Program

In Moonbay we prioritize nature a lot, so we have decided to take a step forward and solve
the problems related to the nature that our city has. We have classified our actions to tell you
what we did.

Urban Farms Clean traffic Transports
In order to
We don’t want
contribute to a Nobody likes being
trash and litter In Moonbay there are
healthier polluting our city. stuck in traffic, so
some public transports
To solve this that’s why we have
ecosystem we such as the train and the
problem we have delimited zones
have added bus, however, as we said
added plenty of where you can’t
before, we are going to be
urban farms all trash cans and access with your
adding a metro to improve
over the city. recycling bins in car or motorbike.
the movement around the
That way we can every street. We By doing this we
have also city. We also encourage
want to reduce
have more open improved the pick- people to use their bikes to
traffic jams and
spaces and farm up system, so now go around the city, that
contribute to a
markets every the streets will be way is less contaminating.
cleaner air.
cleaner than ever!

Our social program

We know that even though our city is full of work opportunities and other ways to earn
money, there are still some homeless people. In order to that, our mayor has implemented in
the past some helps for them, but they’re still not enough. That’s why our mayor is going to
implement a new help for these homeless people: the city hall will pay the rent of some of
our buildings so that they can have a place to live. Maybe this will not be enough and some of
them will have to share their houses, but they all are going to have at least a bedroom and a
bathroom of their own.

About poverty, our mayor has decided to provide poor people with jobs, even if they don’t
have studies. They will be able to work cleaning the streets, offices, open spaces… they will
also be able to work in shops, bars and restaurants. Maybe they are not the best jobs, but like
this they will be able to pay their bills. For poor children, the mayor is going to offer
scholarships so that they can go to school and have the same life opportunities than the
other kids of our city.

Other considerations

Moonbay is a great city, however there are still some aspects in which we can improve, one of them is the
amount of stray animals maundering in the streets. We know for a fact that there are many stray animals
living in the streets, and we decided to do something about it because stray animals are not trash, they are
animals and they must be treated properly. If you see a stray animal you must inform the animal center
immediately. Moreover, the mayor has incorporated water fountains and food bowls to feed them.

Another matter on the agenda to discuss are residential areas. As we mentioned, in Moonbay most of the
houses and residential builgings are near the cost. However, the past years we realized that the space there
wasn't enough so we have built more residential areas in the suburbs for new citizens.
Last but not least, we would like to explain our new trash pick-up system. Nobody likes seeing litter when you
go for a run or when you are having a nice walk. To solve this problem we've come up with a new system that
operates from 6 am to 11 am and from 8pm to 11pm every day. This new method is basically that a group of
workers are going to go around the city with trash cans and tools to pick up trash, and they will make sure that
our streets are clean We would also like to highlight the fact that it's prohibited to throw trash on the ground

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