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1.How is the Black Panther Party different from the image often made of it?

2.Describe the profile of the founders of the Black Panther Party

3.In what US state was the Black Panther Party Founded, and in what way was it a fertile
environment for such a movement?
4.Among what larger movements did the Black Panther Party Emerge?
5.What was the original goal of the party ? What were their political views?
6.What was the word the Black Panther Party used to call policemen and why?
7.Explain the objective of the ten-point program
8.How many members were in the Black Panther Party at its peak?
9.What programs did they implement for people?
10.What form of repression did they face?
11.Who was Fred Hampton and what happened to him?
11.How does the repression of the BPP reflect the larger repression of black liberation
movements in the history of the US ?

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