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Name: …………………………......................................................................................

Class: Grade 10 Date: …………….…………….

Subject: English Language Comprehension Hand- Out

Refer to your anthology to answer the questions that follow.

1- How does the writer achieve credibility in his text? Justify.

To achieve credibility, give the text a touch of authenticity and realism and root out any prejudice and

bias, the writer relies heavily on (a) facts scattered all through the text, (b) numerical figures (0.1 volts,

8.4 seconds), (c) expert’s testimony (de Duve, Sherwin B. Nuland), (d) names of real people and

places (Antoni van Leewenheok, France), and (e) dates (1773, 1858).

2- What is the thematic relation between the first two paragraphs on page 126? (The proteinswithin us)

The thematic relation between the paragraphs is that of contrast. In paragraph 1, the writer discusses

how lively a cell is. However, in paragraph 2, the writer contrasts the speed of events on a cellular

level. The two paragraphs are linked with the transitional word (but).

3- What is the writer’s tone in the paragraph on page 128 (The wonder  coordinated)

The writer’s tone in the paragraph is fascinated. The writer seems to be intrigued by the coordinated

work of the cells. This is clearly shown through the writer’s choice of words and expressions (wonder

of cells, communicate directly).

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