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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the

degree of

Bachelor of business administration (BBA)

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Guide Submitted by
Mr. Jasjeet Singh HARDIK DOGRA
(Ass. Professor) 35580001721

Gitarattan International Business School

New Delhi – 110085
Batch 2021 – 2024


I, Hardik Dogra, Enrolment No. 35580001721 certify that the Information system management
lab (Paper Code BBA-307) entitled “ INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT LAB ” is
done by me. The matter embodied in this Report has not been submitted earlier for the award of
any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student


Certified that the Information system management lab (Paper Code BBA-307) entitled.
Enrolment No. 11580001721 is completed under my guidance.

Signature of the Guide

(Name of the Guide)

Counter signed:
Director/Summer Training Coordinator

1 Practical 1: Creating Table for student related details

2 Practical 2: SQL Commands


3 Practical 3: SQL Commands

4 Practical 4:
5 Practical 5: ER Diagram on University’s Examination
6 Practical 6: ER diagram on Hospital management


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my guide and teacher Mr. Jasjeet Singh
who gave me the opportunity to do this project on the topic “the Information system
management lab (Paper Code BBA-307)” which helped me in doing a lot of research and I came
to know about so many new things. I am thankful.

A special thanks go to my friends who helped me in completing the project by exchanging

interesting ideas and sharing their experiences.
In the end, I want to thank all the respondents who devoted their time and gave valuable inputs
that helped in completing the project.

Name- Hardik Dogra

Enrolment no.- 35580001721
Class- E5C (BBA)


1. Create any table related to Student records with columns roll no, name, subject, marks.

2.Describe the table.

3. Insert five records in the student table.

4. Display the details of all the students.

5. Display the details of students whose marks is greater than 70.

6. Display the details of students whose subject is ‘ISM’.

7. Display the details of Students whose name starts with ‘I’.

8. Display the details of students whose marks are 70 or 80.

9. Display the details of the students whose marks are between 70 and 80.

10. Display the details of students whose subject is either ‘ISM’ or ‘HRM’.

Create a table student with columns roll no, name, subject, marks.

10 | P a g e
1. Update the marks of the student to 95 whose roll no is 5.

11 | P a g e
2. Add a column whose name is ‘phone no’ and datatype is ‘int’.

3. Delete the column whose name is phoneno

12 | P a g e
4. Modify the datatype of column named ‘name’ to char (20).

5. Modify the table name to Student Details

13 | P a g e
1.Create a table student with columns roll no, name, subject, marks.

2.Find the average marks and group by subject.

3.Find the maximum marks and group by subject.

14 | P a g e
4.Find the minimum marks and group by subject

15 | P a g e
5.Find the sum of marks and group by subject.

6.Find the total count of marks and group by subject.

16 | P a g e
Practical 4

1.Create a table 'BAKERY with any no of columns.

2.Describe the table.

17 | P a g e
3.Insert five records in the table.

4.Display the details of all the items in the table.

18 | P a g e
5.Display the details of all items whose item quantity is greater than 200.

6.Display the details of all items whose item name is 'bread".

19 | P a g e
7.Display the details of all items whose item name is starts with 'b'

8.Display the details of all items whose price is either 10000 or 12000.

9.Display the details of all items whose price is between 5000 and 15000.

20 | P a g e
10. Display the details of all items whose item name is 'Milk' or 'Ice Cream'.

11. Update the price of the item to 9000 whose item number is 1

21 | P a g e
12. Delete the record of the item whose item number is 5.

13. Add a column named 'Supplier Phone No' and datatype is 'Int'.

22 | P a g e
14. Delete the column whose name is 'Supplier Phone No'.

15. Modify the datatype of column whose name is Item_Name to char(30).

23 | P a g e
16. Modify the table name to Bakery Products.

17. Find the average price and group by Item_Supplier.

24 | P a g e
18. Find the maximum price and group by Item_Supplier.

25 | P a g e
19. Find the minimum price and group by Item_Supplier.

20. Find the sum of price and group by Item_Supplier.

26 | P a g e

Question 1: Illustrate working of university’s examination department with the help of an “ER

Step 1; Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Step 2; In the Object Explorer on the left, expand your database.
Step 3; Right-click on Database Diagrams, and then select New Database Diagram.
Step 4; Select the tables that you created above and then click Add.
Step 5; This generates the ER Diagram

27 | P a g e

Question 2: Draw an ER diagram which displays smooth functioning of a Hospital.

Step 1; Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Step 2; In the Object Explorer on the left, expand your database.
Step 3; Right-click on Database Diagrams, and then select New Database Diagram.
Step 4; Select the tables that you created above and then click Add.
Step 5; This generates the ER Diagram

28 | P a g e

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