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The Concept of „Smashing the Brand“ in Luxury Brand Management



The main aim of the article is to present the concept of smashing the brand and its applications in luxury brand
management. There will be presented specificity of luxury goods and its impact on brand management. An important point
of the article will be approximation of the modern concept of brand management consisting of the „smashing the brand”
and analysis of the applicability of the sensory approach in luxury brand management.
brand, smashing the brand, luxury, sensory

1. THE SPECIFICITY OF LUXURY GOODS AND ITS decisions to purchase these goods are impulsive, emotional,
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MARKETING STRATEGIES flamboyant, and rarely resulting from logical reasons,
OF ENTERPRISES specific needs. In this case, luxury goods are the
unnecessary purchases, while very expensive, and dictated
The creation of a clear and comprehensive definition of
by the buyer's own weaknesses.
luxury is extremely difficult. The perception of this concept
is in fact very personal and subjective in nature. Limited As described above, luxury is more psychological,
availability is not only a basic feature of luxury, but it is a emotional than rational dimension. Consumers purchasing
starting point for formulating marketing strategies of luxury goods often are driven by the benefits arising from
companies operating in the market of luxury goods. the opportunities to develop through them a specific image
in the consciousness of the environment, rather than their
It is assumed, that the nature of the luxury product is
determined inter alia by the limited size of its resources.
This means that the more difficult the access to the product The specific features of luxury goods have a huge impact
is, the more luxurious it becomes. It should be noted that on the marketing strategy of companies operating on this
the scarcity of certain goods is due to their specific nature. market. Consumers of luxury goods expect by product, far
For example luxury nature of diamonds is a consequence of more advantages than from conventional products. Their
their limited presence in the environment. In the vast behavior is also determined by specific factors. The use of
majority of luxury goods limited availability, however does traditional marketing tools can therefore be ineffective in a
not result from conditions related to their occurrence in situation where the consumer needs differ significantly from
nature. It has been intentionally formed in this way and is a the generally accepted canons. This is reflected in the
result of the marketing mix strategy of the company. diversity of the main marketing tools used for luxury goods.
D. Dubois defines marketing of luxury goods even as
The basis for the definition of luxury can also be one of
paradoxical. According to the author, this market requires
the economic paradoxes, the Veblen effect, which is also
from companies the reverse procedures to the principles of
determined the snob, prestigious or demonstration effect.
marketing, used in traditional markets. The paradox of
Veblen paradox applies to goods for which demand
luxury goods marketing, according to Dubois is based on the
increases with the increase of these goods price. Sources of
following principles [2]:
Veblen effect can be attributed to the psychological
determinants of consumer purchase decisions. The less - „high price
people have a particular good, the greater is the demand. - high cost
The above approach is therefore based on deviations from - craftsmanship
the economic dependence of such phenomena as the price - limited distribution
and demand [1]. - low promotional activity
As a determinant of luxury nature of the product can - advertising with no sophisticated copy strategy”.
also be used the relationship between the quality of the The use of these specific tools of the marketing mix,
product and its price. The high ratio of price to quality of the such as high price, limited distribution, and low promotional
product indicates that the product belongs to the category activity would not ensure the success of most goods sold on
of luxury goods. traditional mass markets. It should be noted, however, that
The specificity of luxury goods is reflected in the consumers of luxury products have very different needs
distinctive characteristics of consumers making their than other consumers. On the luxury goods market the
purchase. The obvious is the fact that not everyone has the ultimate goal of all activities is primarily the creation of
opportunity to purchase luxury goods. Paradoxically, the specific goods with a high level of rarity, because consumers
specific characteristics of the consumer, affect the expect this. On one hand, the product must be known to the
perception and definition of luxury. consumer, but also his presence in the market must be
Luxury products are often regarded by consumers as a accompanied by an aura of valuables and unavailability.
tool for shaping the desired image in the society. The Consequently, getting the product requires from the
The Concept of „Smashing the Brand“ in Luxury Brand Management

consumer some effort. It should be noted that this is a very shape, name, language, icon, sound, behaviour, service,
niche approach to marketing activity. It however, makes tradition, ritual, navigation. All of these elements must be
sense under certain assumptions, such for example as a independent of the others, but at the same time must
strong identity and strengthen the brand in the minds of create an integrated whole, constituting the foundation of
consumers. the brand. The measure of success of such brand, will be
2. FROM TRADITIONAL TO SENSORY BRAND synergy that occurs between the components.
Definitions of brand functioning until recently, greatly The concept of smashing the brand is a collection of
narrowed the scope of this concept. According to the elements on which it is possible to build appropriate
American Marketing Association brand is a "name, term, sensory experiences. The effective use of this concept
sign, symbol, or graphic design, or any combination thereof, depends largely on the number of senses engaged by brand
the aim of which is to identify the goods or services of one to its acceptance by the consumer.
seller or group of sellers and differentiate them from other Sensual marketing is another link in the evolutionary
vendors." Based on the above definition, it can be approach to the brand in the market. Manner and intensity
concluded that everything that bears the certain graphic of use of its advantages, by today's enterprises can
sign or has been named in any way can be construed as a significantly affect the value of their brands.
brand. Effective brand management can therefore be 3. THE USE OF „SMASH YOUR BRAND PHILOSOPHY”
limited to those items. This is obviously false reasoning, IN THE PROCESS OF CREATING LUXURY BRANDS
based on vague and incomplete definition. The specificity of luxury products have an impact on the
A much more comprehensive definition is given by J. selection of tools that shape their brands. Worthy of
Kall. According to the author, the brand is a combination of consideration is therefore, the validity of the use of modern
physical products, brand names, packaging, advertising and concepts such as "smash your brand philosophy". One of
accompanying activities in the field of distribution and the elements of the brand smashing is a picture [5]. The
prices that distinguishe marketer's offer from competing proces of smashing the picture includes the creation of a
offerings, provide the consumer with outstanding functional consistent brand image recognizable in any form, in any
and / or symbolic benefits, so that creates a loyal bunch place and situational context. The integration of such
buyers and enables it to achieve a leading position in the elements as images, graphic symbols used in the
market [3]. Such an understanding is the essence of brand organization, including internal company materials, not only
marketing orientation, stepping up the level of relationship helps to identify the company in a competitive market, but
marketing. also effectively influences the positioning of the brand. This
The future of today's brands is based on the traditional principle certainly applies to luxury goods. A perfect
concept of branding processes, however it is also based example of smashing the brand is the brand of Singapore
largely on the emotional attachment of the consumers, Airlines. This carrier offers flights for the most demanding
which is the result of the impact of the brand on their customers with an exceptionally high standard. In a
senses. demanding market of flights, Singapure Airlines found a
The task of the modern marketing is not only to create a niche, segment of customers whose needs could't be
product, quenching consumers's needs, but also to build satisfied by low‐cost airlines and adapted its offer to just
value far exceeding the value of the product itself. The those customers. Picture undeniably associated with
brand must create needs, meet the desires, which the Singapore Airlines is a image of its stewardess. A unified
consumer is not always aware of. Brand has to guess these dress, makeup, hairstyle, but also a very high level of culture
needs. To be effective, the brand must bind to each and commitment to work, are an image dominant in
consumer, build a bond close to loyalty. This is an extremely Singapore Airlines brand strategy. "Singapore Girl" has
difficult task, given the huge number of existing products on become a kind of icon of the brand. Her image consistently
the market today, and media saturated by millions of dominates in all chanels of companies marketing
marketing messages. Company to reach the buyer in such a communication [6].
highly competitive conditions must offer him a unique Singapre Girl is such a universal symbol that it can be
brand. used in the various channels and so detailed that it's the
Sensual Marketing offers companies huge potential in same, whether you find it on a billboard, TV or mobile
this area. Its main objective is to build relationships with phone display. Singapure Girl has become an icon of
consumers by engaging as many of their senses [4]. Synergy Singapore Airlines brand, and at the same time another
existing in this field, causes a domino effect in the human element of companies "smash your brand philosophy".
mind. Stimulation of one sense stimulates another to form a Singapure Girl has also become a tool that
chain of emotions and memories in the human brain [5]. communicates the most important promises of the brand.
Therefore, the ultimate goal of brand management should Standards of Singapore Girl's behavior are a further element
be involvement in the message communicated by the brand of smashing the brand process. This process is based on the
as many senses as possible. The full success occurs when creation of standards for employee’s behavior, their
the owner of the brand manages to create a recognizable attitude to the customer, the way of expression in line with
brand so that when we'll hide the logo, consumers will the vision of the brand [5]. Singapore Girl represents the
recognize it anyway. The process of searching for the brand most important Asian values, such as hospitality, warmth,
elements that would be just as characteristic as the logo is delicacy, elegance, peace [6]. The process of communication
called smashing the brand. This process involves the review with the customer also has certain standards. Singapore
of all aspects of brand building, such as picture, color, Girls operate language compatible with the most important
The Concept of „Smashing the Brand“ in Luxury Brand Management

brand values. This language is so distinctive that it fits element uniquely associated with a brand and recognizable
perfectly into the „smash your brand philosophy”. so that it can be considered to be subject to smashing the
Another element of smashing the brand mentioned by brand process. Singapore Airlines creates in the mind of the
M. Lindstrom is the name of the brand. As rightly noted by consumer a strong link between the brand and the specific
the author, brand strength also lies in its name. When colors. On the one hand there are the color assigned to
consumers can easily remember the brand name brand luxury, on the other hand, communicating positive
awareness among buyers increases. Singapore Airlines associations, distinctive and clearly identifiable with the
brand name also appears in this very characteristic brand.
determination of flight attendants that is Singapore Girl. The Creating rules for navigating the web, shop, shopping
brand name is not used here as intensely as in case of mass mall, or the phone's menu, as well as the organization of the
products such as Mc Donald’s Big Mac, McNuggets, etc. But content, for example, placed on the web‐site, or advertising
without doubt it can be said that the name of Singapore Girl brochures, refers to smashing the rules of navigation. In this
is very transparent. Therefore it can be concluded regard, Singapure Airlines uses standard industry‐wide
undeniably that the name of Singapore Airlines brand is the solved in which it operates, primarily the behavior on board
next factor of smashing its brand. aircraft, referred to the security requirements. This also
Singapure Airlines is also known for very high standards applies to solutions used on the website. How to navigate
of service, the implementation of which is possible also through the website does not deviate from the standards
thanks to highly qualified cabin crew. Enrichment of service adopted by all companies operating in the airline industry.
standards, with a value going beyond consumers Among the traditions associated with the brand of
expectations, provides an effective process of smashing the Singapore Airlines, should certainly be mentioned, culture
Singapore Airlines brand called smashing the service. of traveling, very specific for described brand. Smashing the
Singapure Airlines cares about the comfort and safety of tradition of the brand is to adapt it to the context of the
their passengers, inter alia, through regular, intensive tradition and look for opportunities to build associations
training programs for cabin and flight crew. The company combining it with a particular tradition. Singapure Airlines
has its own training center in Singapore, where the staff are marketing messages in a very clear way communicate the
not only trained but also evaluated at least four times a year value offered by the company, related to the specific,
[6]. Singapure Airlines was a pioneer when it comes to such unique way to travel. In terms of the brand, the trip is not
facilities for passengers as hot towels with a unique and only the way to travel from point A to point B, but the
what is very interesting patented scent, personal number of positive experiences offered by the company,
entertiment systems, video on demend and such prosaic and which form a sort of tradition of pleasant, comfortable
nowadays facilities as hot meals, free non alcoholic and traveling.
alcoholic beverages.[6] Singapore Airlines starting their business did not focuse
Singapore Airlines customers, as well as the recipients of on the needs of the mass, but the segment of the market,
the advertising, associate with the brand also the specific expecting a luxury level of service. The company was a
melody. The melody accompanies the Singapore Girls, pioneer in many solutions by which air travel has gained
traveling through the world serving the people in visited luxurious character. Although today many carriers offer a
countries. It is a very distinctive instrumental, clearly similar level of service in the bussines class or first class
associated with the brand. Therefore the sound is the flights, Singapore Airlinea still remains unsurpassed in terms
element of the successfully smashed brand in case of of quality of service. While the luxurious nature of the
Singapore Airlines. Although the company does not use this services provided by Singapore Airlines may seem
track on media such as even a website, this will not affect controversial because of the number of companies offering
adversely its visibility. similar standards of service, and do not belong to the group
Equally characteristic of the Singapore Airlines brand is of luxury companies, however, is an undeniable fact that
its color. Color of logo isn't the dominant color in the Singapore Airlines was the forerunner of this type of activity
company. Services for premium customers primarily and continues to be a leader in this field. This brand is at the
correspond with the colors associated with luxury. In the same time, a perfect example of subject to "smash your
cabins dominates high‐end finishing materials in the colors brand philosophy". Which in the case of companies offering
of beige, brown, black. However, crew clothing is the luxury goods and services is not so common.

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Wioleta DRYL, PhD.
Faculty of Management, Gdańsk Univerity
Ul. Armii Krajowej 101, 81‐824 Sopot, Poland
e‐mail: wioleta@wzr.pl

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