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Audio Project

Abdullah Bin Nauman

Understandings from lecture # 1:

 Why is there no need for Nabi in 2022?


There is no need for any kind of Nabi because the teachings of Prophet (SAW) are not time
bounded or nation bounded. Whereas the teachings of other Nabis were limited to a time and era.
Whereas the Prophet (SAW) teachings are complete. He has told us every aspect of life (5 disciplines
of Islam). He is the prophet for everyone (birds, animals, trees, clouds,). There is a hadith in sahih
Bukhari that when Nabi (SAW) was passing from ohad mountain it trembled. And when he changed
his route of return the mountain didn’t like it either.


The mojza of Prophet (SAW) is QURAN. You can clearly see that it is still present and we still have
the prove. And Hazrat Khadija (RA) said that Prophet (SAW) is the complete embodiment of Quran.
And his teaching is the meaning of Quran.

Here another Question arises is the meaning of Holy Quran preserved.


Allah has taken into his hands to safeguard Quran than how it is possible that its meaning is
not preserved. Allah has also preserved the meaning because its common sense that if Quran Allah
has given the command to offer prayer than how it is performed is told by the Prophet (SAW). It is
preserved in the books of hadith.

Due to these reasons, there is no need for a Prophet or Rasool in 2022.

 How to gain knowledge in Islam and how much of it is required?


There are five disciplines of Islam. The experts of these disciplines are known as theologists,
fuqaha, Sufi.


Theologists are those people who knows about the first discipline of Islam which is known as CREED.
These are experts in the following:

 Monotheism
 Prophets
 Life hereafter


These are those people have the expertise in rituals, dealings, social norms.


They are the doctors of soul. When our soul has some problems than these people help.

So, the question how much knowledge we need to have and of what aspect.

We need to have some knowledge of our field related Fiqh as we are students, we need to know
that what are the things to learn in Fiqh related to the student life. Same goes for other people.

FIQH meaning is deep knowledge about specific discipline. There is clear saying in surah tauba that
not every Muslim is bound to have knowledge about every aspect of life.

 Why there are not enough good Muslim scholars?


We have seen that in our society that the one who is intelligent is asked to pursue a career in
engineering or medicine and the person who is not intelligent and not good in anything is asked
to become a scholar or maulvi in our language when there is no attention given to this career
then how can you expect good scholars.

Understandings from Lecture # 2:

Difference between Quran and Hadith

Word/ Meanings came from Allah Words from Prophet

Meaning from Allah
It is recited It is not

Ijtihad and why do we need it.

The meaning of ijtihad is to work hard and use your cognition to carry out what Allah has said. Now
we have to see if it is allowed in Quran. Allah has asked us to use our sense to perceive the meaning
of the verses of Allah.

From Hadith e Maaz it is also proved that it is legal.

From the Sufa Marwa incident we can also see that ijtihad was allowed even in the prophet’s era.

Let’s say there is a problem in your life

 And there is a verse in single text in Quran and it has one meaning then there is no need for
 There is multiple text but there is same meaning then there is no need for ijtihad.
 If the text is multiple and you know which came last no need for ijtihad.
 But if you don’t know then reconcile
 If no reconciliation then abrogation.
 At last, there is preference.

Above points justify that ijtihad is necessary.

Understandings from lecture # 3:

 In Ayat there are multiple meanings of muharba but through ijtihad we have found out people
who commit crimes are basically fighting Allah. Similarly banish meaning is that you must
remove him from his homeland in now a day he must be jailed. There are many punishments in
the ayah but through link with other ayah we will decide which punishment is valid for a certain
 Punishments STRICTNES is there to prohibit people from the crimes.
 Hadod means the punishments that are given on negligence in the rights of Allah they are fixed
and they cannot be changed.
 Qisas means the punishments that are given on human rights negligence.
 Tazir is basically a plenty that a judge decides about.

Understanding from lecture # 4:

 There are three types of ijtihad.

Ijtihad e Mutlaq
Ijtihad e munqasam
Ijtihad e filmasail
 You need to have complete ilm in order to identify wrong/right.
 IJMA means consensus among different school of thought
 People who follow certain school are known as muqallid and those who don’t’ are known as
ghair muqallid.
 Mujtahid is allowed to take different piecies from different schools

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