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The Silk Factory Revolt in Kashmir, also known as the Resham Chhapa Movement, was a significant labor

uprising that occurred in Srinagar, Kashmir, on July 20, 1924. The revolt was a culmination of growing
discontent among the silk factory workers, who were subjected to harsh working conditions, low wages,
and arbitrary treatment from the factory management.


Kashmir's silk industry has a rich history, dating back to the Mughal era. During the 19th and early 20th
centuries, the industry flourished, producing renowned Kashmiri silk shawls and fabrics. However, the
workers' lives were marked by exploitation and hardship. They worked long hours in poorly ventilated
and overcrowded factories, receiving meager wages that were often delayed or unpaid.

*Causes of the Revolt*

Several factors contributed to the outbreak of the Silk Factory Revolt:

1. *Low Wages:* Workers were paid extremely low wages that were insufficient to meet their basic

2. *Harsh Working Conditions:* The factories were poorly lit, ventilated, and maintained, exposing
workers to hazardous working conditions.

3. *Arbitrary Treatment:* Factory managers exercised arbitrary power over workers, often resorting to
physical abuse and verbal insults.

4. *Unfulfilled Promises:* The factory management had made promises of improved working conditions
and wages, but these promises remained unfulfilled.

*The Revolt*
On July 20, 1924, the simmering discontent among the workers erupted into open revolt. A large group
of workers gathered outside the silk factory, protesting against their grievances. The protest quickly
turned violent as workers clashed with the factory guards and police.

The revolt spread to other parts of Srinagar, involving not only silk factory workers but also other
sections of the working class. The city was gripped by chaos and violence as protesters damaged
government property and engaged in skirmishes with the authorities.

*Consequences of the Revolt*

The Silk Factory Revolt had a significant impact on Kashmir's political and social landscape:

1. *Recognition of Workers' Rights:* The revolt brought attention to the plight of workers and
highlighted the need for improved labor conditions and workers' rights.

2. *Growth of Labor Movement:* The revolt spurred the growth of the labor movement in Kashmir,
leading to the formation of labor unions and increased activism for workers' rights.

3. *Political Awakening:* The revolt contributed to a growing political consciousness among the
Kashmiri people, paving the way for future political movements.

*Significance of the Silk Factory Revolt*

The Silk Factory Revolt stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of the working class in
their struggle for better working conditions and social justice. It served as a catalyst for the labor
movement in Kashmir and contributed to the broader political awakening in the region.

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