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“Mas onde se pode encontrar a sabedoria? E onde está o lugar da compreensão?

13 O homem não conhece o seu valor, nem se encontra na terra dos viventes”. Jó 28:12-13

where is the place of understanding?

Man does not know it. Man does not know its value. These are very strong words because it’s,this is true and it's evident. If we look at this world that we're living in right now,
people don't actually understand their value and the proof of that Job said, where is wisdom found or where is understanding?
when a person doesn't understand their value, those who lack this wisdom and understanding that above all comes from God.
It's a different one. We see that when a youth gives their life to God, when they change, they have a new way of thinking. They have a new mind, and they're wise. They don't, they
no longer do things that doesn't benefit them, and that harms them and destroys them.

Everyone in this world is trying to impress someone. Everyone in this world is trying to fit in. They want to be respected, they want to shine, they want to be valued, they wanna be
someone. But when you understand your true earth, you don't need validation from anyone and from people.

Sometimes we have some use in the youth group that they need validation. They need someone to come to tell them that they're doing well. They need someone to come and tell
them to have the Holy Spirit. If no one is there to tell them that you're doing well, you have the Holy Spirit. Then they feel down. There's some use that they like attention. If no
one's giving them their attention, then they don't wanna come. If they're not the center stage, they don't wanna be there. They don't understand their value. Then you have those
who are speaking to boys and girls, you know, for validation. They don't understand their value, so they want someone to give them that wealth. Someone to tell them you look
good. That's why they have insecurities. That's why they're hooked onto girls. That's why even pornography. But once they understand their value, that very thing, that Job said,
man does not understand its value when a youth understands this and understands what the Holy Spirit adds to it.

So there's two things. One, the youth has to understand their value. So this can appeal to all youths, once you understand your value and what the Holy Spirit does to it, that's
when everything changes. That's when you become like this merchant in Matthew 13:45 that says, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who when
he had found one pearl of great price, went and
Sold all they had and bought it for youth to reach that point where they're willing to literally give up everything for this pearl, which for us is the Holy Spirit, new life. They have to
see that it's the most valuable thing that they have ever experienced or seen on Earth. If a youth doesn't see that, they don't have the strength. And that's what we have. We have
some youth in youth group that they don't have the strength, they don't have the desire, they have the talk. They say, but they have no desire, no strength.

Do you know why? 'cause they haven't reached a point to understand how valuable their life is with the Holy Spirit. They haven't un, they haven't reached a point where they
understood the value. This merchant, when he saw this pearl, he understood the value. He said, no, I cannot let this opportunity go by.

And that's how the Holy Spirit is. Those who received the Holy Spirit, those who reached a point where they just say, I cannot continue living without the Holy Spirit because I need
him. Job said, but where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? It's found in a person who has the Holy Spirit. That person is that merchant that's willing
to let go of everything, everything, every single thing in order to receive the Holy Spirit, the greatest power.
And once the youth does that, your value just increases to another level. You have more than wisdom and you have more than understanding. You have the Spirit of God living
inside of you.

tip or the action that they can take for the week. The Bible says in Isaiah 30 verse one, woe to the rebellious children, says the Lord who take counsel, but not of me, who devise
plans but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin. In other words, these are people live for the hype. A youth of vision does not take counsel. That's not of God, does not just
follow, go with the flow.

There's youth that they live of Motives. This youth is going to be, youth is going to decide from now on to not live according to the hype. To be a wise youth. They're gonna live
according to intelligence, spirit, mind reasoning, because they understand their value, especially in their mind, that our minds not made for doubts. Our mind is made to create.
Our body's not made for sin. Our body's made to glorify God. Our heart is not made to lead. Our heart is made to express ourselves.

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