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BOLTED END PLATE Unsymmetrical Sections th the express & LZ N¥_ = total design force in tension flange I = ttl destgn fore in compression flange "= total design shear force on the web Nj = proportion of design axial force N* in tension flange NFA + Ayal/A. i Table 48.22 substlute as follows— Ne + NG In — Nén 3 (ned) Pod) NE, = proportion of desian axial force Nt in compression flange 7% = NYAS + Ava/A ‘A = total cross sectional area Fig. ‘Minimum Design Actions Clause 9.1.4 of AS 4100 requires that this connection be designed for the following minimum design actions:— bending moment — 0.5 times the member moment capacity No minimum requirement is placed on the simultaneously applied shear force or axial force. It is suggested that the following minimum values might be used simultaneously with the above minimum design bending moment — shear force — 40 kN (as for beams in simple constructions) axial force — nil The intention of the AS 4100 provisio some inherent robustness, that connections have a guaranteed minimum design capacity with 4828 Connection Geometry a; = distance from bolt centre-line to face of flange ‘a= edge distance from bolt centre-line to edge of plate = nominal bott diameter | = thickness of end plate bolt gauge di | flange width of column Width of end plate - bp = flange width of beam Geometry restrictions:— b)< be plate width <= column flange width (83 < be ~ d but s, > 80mm (M20 bolts) = be — 25d, = 120mm (M24 bolts) Gi) 2. > 30mm (M20 bolts) a, > 36mm (M24 bolts) a < 254, (lv) a;as small as possible but > d; + La cot ‘angle ¢ defined in Fig. and = 05d, + L,cot¢ > 0.5 x washer dia. + weld leg length (Appendix A) and only for air gun tensioning > 54mm (M20 bolts), 65 mm (M24 bolts) (Appendix A) where: L, = 2.24) + grip (actual bolt length) dy = socket diameter = 5 mm MzU bolts = 6U mm M24 bolts L, = socket length = 65 mm M20 bolts = 80 mm M24 bolts Dsc/o4—i994 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS. 107 ———= BOLTED END PLATE 4.8.3 RECOMMCNDED DESIGN MODEL 483.1 Beam to End Plata Walls (@) Flange weld a eh Incomplete Penetration Butt Weld Full Penetration Butt Weld Fillet Weld (generally t, < 10 mm) Fig. Design Requirement: assuming that the flange weld transmits design forces Nj and Ni, only @Ny > NEandN% (evaluated for flange weld Section ‘except that It NZ and Nis > 0.94, bi he ‘then set Ni end Ni, equal to (0.9 fy be x) for the purposes of weld design only and the weld must be SP category. Full penetration butt wold Ny = design capacity of butt weld = ply bp iy (AS 4100 Clause 97.2.7) where: ¢ = capacity factor = 09 SP weld category (for which flange design capacity equals ‘weld design capacity) = 06 GP weld category be = flange width ofbeam fy ~ flange yield stress Incomplete penetration butt weld Ny a0 for filot weld whose design throat thickness is the same Fillet wela— Ny = 2ky (bv) (Ceotion 92.02) ‘where Ly = weld length across flange, usually by 4% = design capacity of filet weld per unit length of weld (see Appendix 6) (bh) Web Wet Design Requirement: assuming that flat wold ie ueed on each aide of web and that these transmit V*,Niand Mi (evalusted for the web weld using Scotion Using Ecotion 201 Vi =v < ow whore: VE = NA Lg) + SMEVLE vi = VA Ly) Ly ~ wold length down web, usually (dp ~ 2 la) Design Requirement assuming that a butt weld is used and that this transmits V*, Ny and Mf (evaluated for the web weld using Section 47.2.2) Weld length Ly = d; the clear depth between flanges assuming the weld is the full depth of web — AB 4100 Clause 9.7.27 requires that design capacity = 4 x nominal capacity of the weaker of the parts joined where: $= 09 — SPweld category 06 GP weld category = design web butt weld using Section 47.3.1(b) (design provisiona not repested) 108, AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS: Nsc/04—1904 BOLTED END PLATE 4832 Bolts (Note: only bolted end plate connections with four bolts placed symmetrically about the tension flange are considered in this design model—see Section 4.8.1) Design Requirement strength limit state, 8.8/TB and 8.8/TF bolting categories Ne > NE (Design actions evaluated using Table 48.2.2) Vm > Vie where Nw = AON + bed) (ection 3.1.3) 4 = capacity factor = 0.8 Ny = nominal capacity of a bolt in tension ‘4Nq = design capacity of a bolt in tension (see Appendix A) gr = coefficient to allow for the additional bolt force due to prying may be taken in the range 0.20 to 0.33 or may be calculated (see Section 5.8 for ‘methods of calculation or determination — The design example at Section 48.4 uses 0.30). and Vip = Mew (Va) (Section 3.1.9) ow = number of other bolts in the connection not at the tension flange, along the web or at the compression flange design capacity of a single bolt in shear for the strength limit state capacity factor = 0.8 with V; = nominal capacity of a single bolt in shear 0.9 with V_ = nominal capacity in bearing of a ply (4Vin OF dVixi BVisi dpe nin are given in Appendix A for threads included in or excluded from the shear plane threads will normally be assumed out of the shear plane but this must be checked Vu = design capacity related to local bearing or end plate tearout in the end plate component [09 x 32.44 {430.9 x ey thule ‘Vee = design capacity related to local bearing or end plate tearout in the supporting In this connection, 6Vs, where Vin. dix column = [0.9 x 82 cyte fhe: 0.9 X @ey te fuednin 4 = diameter of bolt yy = vertical end distance, if end plate tearout possible i = thickness of end plate t, = thickness of supporting member to which end plate is bolted tensile strength of end plate material tensile strength of supporting member 4033 (Ed Plae? Design Requirements: strength limit state (@) Flexure Nye > Ni where (ection 3.3) fy = yield stress of end plate component byt = as defined in Fig. 48.24 a = effective design value ofthe distance a given in Fig. 482.5 < @; (see discussion in Section 5.8) (©) Shear Vy > Vie OV > NBs NE where: Vpn = 0.9 x (0.5 fy biti) (Section 3.3) pu = 0.9 x (05 tydit) D8C/04—1994 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS. 109 BOLTED END PLATE 4834 Necessity for Column Sttitening [stitfener types are shown in Figure] (Note: The following recommendations apply only for connectiorss to fanges of | section columns.) Defining 4R, = design capacity of column flange adjacent to beam tension flange $A = design capacity of column web in beam compression flange region lye = yleld stress of column flange or web as appropriate (her—flange, fey—eb) te = column flange thickness dye = column section depth between fillets brs = the + 2h, = d= Ok, kg = distance on column from outer face of flange to inner termination of root radius le the typ = beam web thickness column web thickness dy = bolt hole diameter = column section root radiue sy = boltpiteh de column seotion depth 99 = bolt gauge ty = beam flange thickness 84 = (Ga - tue — 2r/2 8, = (be = 8/2 a = tb - 8/2 byte Fig. (a) Tension stiffeners (Fig. 48.1.5) are required if N% > aR = [6Ps: #Ralain Pa = 090 fee [sr + oath at| oq — ope te[2Hlo4 tad O88] «ft | ng Ni = maximum design bolt force in tension (may be taken as bolt proof load to provide increased margin against bolt fracture). Stifienors are proportioned to carry the excess, go that Nf, — stifener design force at tension flange = (Ni ~ oR) for beam on one sids of column—Fig. = [Nix ~ ORE Nie ~ 6Rileue for beams on both sides of column—Fig. 48:3.4.2(0) 110 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS, nscind—i994 BOLTED END PLATE Notes: (1) I incoming beam tension flenge is within a distance of by of the end of the column, Le. when Le < bien Fig. 4834.3, itis recommended that a stiffener always he used, irrespective of the sbove caloulation, Tor the detail shown in Fig, 48.343 an additional design requirement is that OR. > NE where AR, = 09(0.8 fy tL + lowe tn by) fore = tensile strength of column web (2) Also see items (c) and (g) below. @)_ Where tension stiffeners are provided, the capacity of the stiffened flange shaulld ha chacked— ‘s2e item (¢) below Le a4 fay ) Fig. Fig. (©) Compression stiffeners (Fig. are required if N& > @Re = [¢Ra: éReclan where Rey = O.D few tue (to + Ske + 24) — ke + Kialla + 2h) ghey = 09% 108th view ml Io = AS tow tue Ke Fra = 0.9 how tue (Ko, Kio @nd kay are tabulated in Appendix 6) Kis = 9.72 View the due ‘Shifeners are proportioned to carry the excess, so that Ni, = ltfoner design foros at comprosaion flange = (Ni ~ oR) for beam on one side of column—Fig. 4.8..4.2(a) = Nes - Oi Nice ~ OHelnae for beams on both sides of column—Fig. Notes: (7) If incoming beam comprassion flange is within (2.5 k, + 4) of the end of the column, ky should be reduced to reflec! the available column length on one side (Le—see Fig. 48.4.3) using the ratio be + 25k, + 24 Bk, + 2h Hf the comprassion flange is within a distance by, of the end of the column, itis recommended that 2 slifener always be provided, Irrespective of the above calculation. Dscv04—1994. AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS: 11 BOLTED END PLATE @) The above expressions are based on actual test results ot moment connections. Itis also possible to derive alternative design expressions for design bearing yield capacity and design bearing buckling capacity using the provisions of AS 4100 in a simular manner as for the sutt seat support ‘connection in Section 4.8, These alternative design expressions are derived in Section 5.8. Ret design bearing yield capacity 090129 bv ton ad NEE bye = ty + De + 2h Rus = design bearing buckling capacity = 0.9 (ach Ave ten) wher Ave ~ bo tue by = by + 2de_ (where avelable) ds = twice the clear distance from the neutral axis of the column to the compression flange of the column, k= 10 a, = see Section 4.5 (8) Also see items (c) and (g) below. (4) Where compression stiffeners aro. pro ‘cheoked—see item (e} below. (6) Cheok for overlapping stress regions in column web Where thore are no etitfenere, it ie possible for the web tensile and compressive stress regions to overlap. This Is presumed to ocour when:— 1d, tho capacity of the stiffened web should be 08% rl > (Cp ~ taltwe If this equation Is satlsied, sifeners are required, irrespective of tie calculations in (a and () above (i) Silferned Colunms—Tetrsiun Flange Reuion Where tension stiffeners of the conventional type shown in Fig. 48.1.5 are provided, itis recommended that the strength of the aliffened flango of the column be checked. The stiffened column flange may be considered satisfactory if (using the same formulation as in item (a) above): [oe a Ni GPa where Ry = 0.9 foi! ee ) eng + Bay ~ oh) as w= Veale 1 a 05) other terme ae defined in Fig. We = (Sp — ly = 24/2 5 wy stilner thickness 1. = siz of illet weld connectina stifener 10 tenae (@ Dit butt weld used). Where this inequality is not salisfied, a larger column may be selected. Alternatively, flange doubler plates tan ha peu tothe ean flange In he manner shown In Fg, 28.64. The sifaned een Range mnay be considered satisfactory if (using the same formulation as in item a) above} NS < OP fr ‘S, + dag + wnere: oe = vale iw + Eh fet te 1980) [! 2 aa ty = thick of doubler plates ya = yield stress of doubler plates other toms as defined in Fig, 48.41 ‘Wien butt doubler plales aid (eisivn silfeners are used, OP, may Le evaluated usiny Une expression’ yivers above except that (ty. + ty) is used in lieu of ty in that expression. 19 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS Dsc/o4—1994 BOLTED END PLATE 3.4.8 It is generally suggested that (t, + i > 1) and that the doubler plate is butt welded to the column web (see Section $8, and Fig. (e) Stiffened Columns—Compression Region Where compression stiffeners of the type shown In Fig. 48.1.5 are provided, it is recommended that the strength of the stiffened web be checked. The stiffened wab may be considered satisfactory if (using the same formulation as in item (b) above): Ni < Oe where Ree = 0.9 Aste + 1.47 lyon be V/Die tae A, = area of stiffeners ys = yleld stress of stiffeners voller lerms ay defined in Fig. 48.3.4. (f) Shear stiffeners (Fig. are required if at tension flange Ni + VE> We {for beam on one side of column—ig. Nic - Nh + VE> ap for beams on both sides of colurin—Fig. 483.42(b) ‘atcompression flange Ni + VE > Ye for beam on one side of column—Fig Na — Ni + VE> $Me for beams on both sides of columnn—Fig. 483.42(b) whore: Vi = design shear force in colurmn taken as positive when it acts in seme direction as beam flange forces, as shown in Fig. 48.342, and negative otnerwise V2 = design capacity of column web in shear = 16Ve: 8VeJin for no bending moment in column. It bending moment is present, reter to ‘Appendix I of AS 4100. Ya = BVy = 0.9 (0.8 fyne Ave) OV = ov (8) Ave = (de ~ 2 te) ve ee: il fe ‘al Toe V 250. Note: fay > 1.0 then dV = de ifay <10:hen oe — Me ‘ti gg eh te (@) 8 web doubler plates butt welded fo the column flanges, in which case the design capacity Ve is ‘evaluated using the thickness of the column web plus that of the coubler plates (1.€. tue + tax) (U) as diagonal stitteners, which are proportioned to carry the excess design force, so that ia = cheque racer een trom = maximum of- (NR + V2) — OVE (Nie — Nin + Vt) — OV, (Ni + VO) ~ OVe (Nike — Nic + Ve) — Ve Dscyoa—rec4 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS: 113 BOLTED END PLATE (9) Additional Design Considerations Additional design cone'deratione which may require evaluation during design are discussed in Section 58, 46.35 Design of Column Sutteners TY Fig. Fig. Design requirement: #Nj, > Ni, where Nf, is calculated as in Section 4.8:.4(a) where: OMe = UD tye As ys = yield stress ot stitener Ag = total area of stiffeners = 2 Dee te (b) Compression stiffeners Design requirement: gN, > NZ, where Ni Ie calculated as in Section where: Nex = 0.9%sAe — {lerms as defined above—stftener must be welded to web over full length of stttener) (Note: an_ellernatve design exoression Lused directly on the provisions of AS 4700 is derivea in Section 5.7). (©) Web doubier plates as stifteners—see previous comments under Section 4.8. 4(f) (a) Diagonal shear stiffeners Vesign requirement éN.z > Ni_/cos @ where: 9 = angle between the diagonal stiffener and the horizontal stiffeners (Fig. 483.52) ¢Nyg = 0.9 bye Arfor stiffener in tension —for stifener in compression provided stiffener is welded to column web along its full length {if nol sve Commentary in Section 57) 4636 Column Stmener Geometry (Clause 9.14.3 of AS 4100 requires that any load bearing stttener satisty Bt nin N Ayal 250 Common praciceistoalso provide by » Hhyandt, 2 3S 4837 Siifener Weld Design Fillet welds on otifioners may be designed on one of two bases: (i) same design capacity as stitener W actual force to be transmitted by stitenec Generally (is recommended. Welding of etifencra usually involves the use of fillet welds for reasons of economy (see Gommentary, Section 5.7), and these are designed using the provisions af Section 32.6 for longitudinal shear force only. 114 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS, Dsc/o4—1994 BOLTED END PLATE 4.8.4 DESIGN EXAMPLE End Piate Detail SD End piate is 200 mm x 25 mun rolled edge = i fiat 540 mm deep. (Plate component ‘could be substituled) roa roucens pen Bolts ‘| © X M24 bolts in 88/TB catedory. Assume ome threade oxcluded trom shear piano bolt a length reguired Is 85 mm for actual ario. iii orip = 178+ 980 = 49a ‘Accume teneioned with hend wrench and ‘not air gun, Design Parameters A107: “ty = (403;mm by ~ pR0ucRa.s t= Tamm by (Grade 250), 250MPa(ilange) é "35ghm dy, ~ 960-2 x 900 ~ 200min Plater b, = 200mm < 256 mm = by, ty) 36mm 4, — 540 mm. (Section 422.9) 4 430mm i a= 0° (Grade 250) i oalTaagiyjiliseaue 22 v 2h 429 = 954 mm < 25d, 50mm 6 ~ 908 40mm < 178-2 = 154mm a = €Omm > 120 mm >= 24mm since cots =0 fa = 410 MPa > 054, = 90mm since cot 3 05 x 50 + 70 mm) =(@Sim eS Design Actions M* Vim 180 KN NYE OWN Type A connection in Table 48.2.2 Minimum Design Actions action 48.2.2 ‘minimum design bending moment ~ 0.5 x 0.9 x 260 1050 x 109/10 = 128kNm — Sallfied minimum design shar force — — 10K Saliofied minimum design axial fores = nil Derived Design Aetions to Flang: lumn/End Plate interlace Table 18.2.2 He — 210 x 107/802 + 0 — 535:-KN % = 210 x 10'/992 + 0 = 538 kN Vie = 150 kN in Beam to End-Plate Wolds—note that Derived Design Actions obiained using Section 4.7.22 “~~~ =a for example (in Section 47.4 Ni = Ni, = 434 KN (see page 96) Flange welos—aN.. design capacity = 0.9 x 260 x 178 x 109/10" = 454 kN > Ni and Ni O84BKN/mm Satisfactory USC/04—1994 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS 115 1 BOLTED END PLATE Bolts (Section 48.8.2) 610. x M24 bolts in &8/TB bolting category. threads excluded from the shear plane = Ny ~(34k ay, a 186 KN (Table A.2.2, Appendix A). Catena =a min Adopt prying factor ky = 030 (Section 58) 6 Ver = minimum of Vy ON My 86 kN, 19 x 82 x 24 x 25 x 410/108 = 7RKN = 09 x 82 x 24 x 173 x 410/108 = 490 kN = 198k = 4x 234/130 = T20KN > Ni = 85BKN = 2x 186 BT2KN > Vic = TEORN, Plate (Section 4.83.8) End @) ) Flenute a4 = 60 ~ 24/2 = 48am Ee x 250 x 200 x (25/* Ne = 48 x 108 Shear Vy — Bx 0.9 x 0.5 x 250 x 200 ~« 25/107 ~aky > ViD=150 kN Ni = 536 kN = 586KN < NY ~ 596 KN Necessity for Column Stiffaning (Section 483.4) (i) 0) 116 Fee ee Fa ers lip Say ay = (140 - 105 - 2x 42.72 - a, = mn - 140)/9 (Plate tearout at bottom bolts hut likely) Botts satisfactory \, Satstactory Sy 5.6 Sati lafactory Na = 596/4 134 KN Fe = 09 x FE « cay x [ata + 2X SBA 190-20 — sao = 09 x 220 ce x [R162 +) + 05 x 100 so) _ ORa = 09 x 22 x (irgy f oS +4 x 194{ 5-99] = 539 KN GR, = [496; 533)rin = 496 KN < Ni = 536 KN Tension Stiffeners are required Maximum stiffener design force at tension flange - 596 ~ 496 = 40 kN Compressiun Stiffeners (see also Example In Section 4.7.4) Ry ~ 09 x 297 x 105 x (10.9 1 2% 26 | 5 x 800) = E1GKN or = 369 + 2.48 x (10.9 + 2 x 25) Fee = 9.72 x (10.5) x \/260/200 Re = (518; 907Inin = 518 KN < Ni ‘Maximum stiffener design force at compression flange = 536 - S18 = 18 kN ‘AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS. IDKN (ky = 989, kyy = 2.46) 907 KN (ks = 907) 596 kN Compression stiteners are required Dsc/na—1994 BOLTED END PLATE Desian of Stifeners at Tension and Gomprassian Flanges Try 2no, 80 x 6 flat bars asstiffeners hh, = 40 = Faas = 883 A, = 2.x 90 x 6 = 1080 mm? ys = 260MPa ONbs = ONes = 09 x 260 x 1080/10" = 253 KN > 40kN siiffener design force at tension flange > 18kN stiffener design force at compression flange ‘Stifoner welds — 5 mm filet weld, E48XX electrodes, caleyury GP = 6%y = 0611 kN/mm — (Table 3.2) — across column flange at tension flange, welded both sides of stiffener, allowing for 15 mm cropping, design capacity of weld - A x (00 — 15) x 0.61 - 180 kN > 40kN stttener design force at tension flange — along web of colunm (o resist stiffener design force at compression tlange, welded both sides of two stiffeners design capacity of weld = 4 x 200 x 0.611 = 488 KN > 18KN stiffener design force at compreeeion flange (6) Gheck for Overlapping Stress Regions — not required as column stiffeners are to be provided. (a) Strength of Stilened Column — Tension Flange Region Saction 4 = 60mm ty = Emm we V52 % (G2 + 58 — 05 % 26) = TLO WM me = (190 - 69-2 x 92 70 < 7.0mm hy = WOXROX (TOE [Pxerossx r=, (1, 1) i 10° oe 57.0 * 710, TH kN Ni = 536k Satisfactory @xs2+2xs8- ma] v (©) Strangth of Stifoned Column — Compression Flange Region Section Ay = 2 x 00x 6 ~ 1080 mm? fe = 200 MPa = 09 x 1080 x 260 , 1.47 x 260 x 17.3 x 255X105 Ry x ' 108 108 = 596 kN > Nie = 536 kN Satisfactory (Shear Stttening Section 48.3.4() Ve = 100 KN at tension flange, resultant design shear foree = 626100 ~ 408 KN at compression flange, resultant design shear force = 536 - 100 ~ 436 KN For 250UC89.5 column, ay > 1.0, hence #Vc - WVs Ve ~ 09 x 06 x 260 x (260 2 x 17.9) x 105/107 = 322kN (690 also Table E.2) < 436 kN Sheer stiffener is required Desion force on inclined shear stiffener — (136 — 392)/000 6 - 21 kN sliffener length = 40 x 2.05/1.79 = 462 mm DSc/o4—1904 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS 7 BOLTED END PLATE 18 x 8 Try 2 no. 90 x 1s as shia sien tm = 90 < SAB 2 yt 7 ry Bin B flat bars a Ws Ung = 90 < ER As - 2 90 x0 ~ 1440 mm? fy = 260 MPa #Ny — 9.9 % 1440 x 260/108 - 937 kN S MIAN design force Satisfactory As siifiener is in compreseion, etifonar muet be welded full length for above expression to be valid. Length of weld, Ly — 2.05 x 225 = 401 mm Siifierrer weld — 5 mm fllet weld, E48XX electrodes, GP catenory = vy = 0811 KN/mm — (Table B.2) — welded both sides of two stiffeners design capacity of weld = 4 x 461 x 0611 = 1126kN Satisfactory Won wad at ita ao Commentary in Seoton 87) iiimam engh of weld ceqdred ~ £19/4 x 0611 = 6Tmm —Adook 1291 siterer propertes-— 1 = 2522282 «reson! (enh ifn an buck nds 1 = V788071440 = 2.21 mm From Commentary, Ly = 07 x 06 x (461 126) ~ 118mm Lr = 118/231 = 51 From Table 6.2.28) of AS 4100, for ay ~ 0.5, then « ~ 0.802 Hence, stiffener design capacity = ac Ny, = 0.802 x 337 = 270 kN 2 2ISKN design fue Satistactory (§- 4 : f 1/o0.6 F409 | nore eee cieapance 2 Yro.2 A oe ened cctk, ero catecony TE = meaner Amico aro.cras NPs ae Fig. 118 AISC: DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS. Dscvo1—1004

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