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Individual Assignment Assessment Form

Assignment’s Title : Suitable Material for A Smartphone’s Body Frame

Student Name : Muhammad Adib Haikal Bin Ishak

Student ID Number : 2023367849

Group number : EMKIMIA

Lecturer name : Dr. Mardziah Che Murad

Submission date : 7/7/2023

Scale 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Level Very Poor Poor Acceptable Good Excellent

Level Marks
Criteria Factor Achieved Obtained
Explain the basic concepts of structure,
CO1/PO1 mechanical and physical properties of 0.5
Identify the relationships between
CO2/PO2 properties, structure, and characterizations
of materials in performing the materials
selection process
Report delivery, format and writing skills

Total Marks (per 15%)

In this age of globalization, smartphones serve multiple purposes and have become
an integral part for our lives. When choosing a smartphone, it is important that you
understand the phone's performance, which is the quality of the phone's body. The
requirements for a smartphone's body frame basically relate to the chassis or design of a
gadget. However, there are some requirements that manufacturers need to design a
smartphone body such as the strength, weight, ergonomic and high-quality materials.

To ensure structural integrity and protect the interior components of the smartphone,
the body frame should be made of a durable and long-lasting material. Plastics, Aluminum
and Glass are frequently utilized for smartphone bodies. Moreover, the smartphone's body frame
should be ergonomically designed for a comfortable grip and straightforward one-handed usage. The
user experience is made more pleasant by rounded edges, curved backs, and the right size.

Furthermore, a smartphone’s body frame should be lightweight to be portable and simple to

transport. As a result, the body structure should be lightweight to provide user comfort and
convenience. Manufacturers need to seek a harmonious weight and strength in order to build a gadget
that is both portable and reliable. Lastly, to achieve efficient production, the durability for
smartphones refers to their capacity to survive different types of wear and tear, such as impacts, drops,
scratches, and environmental variables. A long-lasting smartphone is built to withstand regular use
while maintaining performance and structural integrity.

The moment considering a smartphone, it is important the user to compare the material quality
with other smartphones. In my opinion, the plastics body most favorite by manufacturer to build the
smartphone body and the materials is polycarbonate. Nowadays, polycarbonate is frequently utilized
in industry because to its environmentally friendly processing and recyclability. It is still a common
choice for smartphones, particularly in the mid-range and low-cost markets.

In my point of view, to improve the quality of a smartphone’s body frame by achieve a balance
between cost, functionality, and aesthetics. There are some improvement smartphone bodies can use
a combination of materials, such as a polycarbonate frame with a glass or metal back. The table
following are difference polycarbonate and glass

Polycarbonate Glass
Cost-Effectiveness Cheap Expensive
Strength and Durability Strong and durable Stronger and more durable
Weight and Density Lighter Heavier
Density: 1.2 g/cm3 Density: 2.4 g/cm3
Melting point High Low
Impact Resistance Excellent Weak
Quality Medium Good

The most significant criteria that the material must fulfill is durability, which means that it must be
strong enough to withstand the given weight and usage without deforming, breaking down, or wearing
out over time. Durability ensures the material's life and performance in a variety of settings. Next,
aesthetic appeal are important in consumer goods. The material should have a pleasing look or be
capable of receiving surface treatments and coatings to provide the necessary aesthetics. Finally,
thermal stability should not be adversely impacted by exposure to heat or cold.

There are a number of variables that might materially alter future trends and technological
demands for a smartphone's body frame. The factors are the growth of wearable devices and flexible
electronics necessitates the use of materials that are bendable and stretchy. Candidates include flexible
substrates, polymers, and organic materials. The simulation of human intellect in computers that are
designed to think, reason, learn, and make judgments is referred to as artificial intelligence. The basic
objective of AI is to develop intelligent systems capable of doing activities that would normally
require human intellect, such as problem solving, pattern recognition, language comprehension, and
decision-making. Without explicit programming, AI systems examine massive volumes of data and
utilize machine learning techniques to find patterns, make predictions, and constantly improve their

For smartphones, performance enhancements relate to changes made to different components of

the device to offer a quicker, more efficient functioning, a better user experience, and additional
capabilities. These improvements are meant to give enhanced gaming performance, quicker app
loading times, and more responsiveness overall. Next, materials that are sustainable and eco-friendly
are those that are created, utilized, and disposed of in ways that minimize their negative
environmental effect and encourage long-term ecological balance. These materials attempt to save
resources, minimize pollution, and contribute to the general health of the world and its ecosystems.
Finally, 5G is projected to transform mobile communications while also enabling new applications
and services in a variety of sectors.5G has various characteristics, including higher data rates, lower
latency, expanded network capacity, and improved connection.

1. Trento, C. T. (2022, May 10). What is the Material of Your Phone Body? STANDFORD
30,2023,from :;::
2. Polycarbonate, Vendantu, Retrieved July 14 2023,from:
3. Taylor Martin, (2014, July 17). Plain old plastic vs polycarbonate: is there really a
4. Owais Ali (2022, Oct 25). What Raw Materials are Used to Make Mobile Phone?

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