Lesson Plan For Finals

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Student Intern: Rhea Mae Arciga HC-BSEDE4A Cooperating Teacher: Richele D. Dizon

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

I. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson student should be able to:

a. Identify the type of conflict presented in the literary selection "The Centipede"
by Rony V. Diaz
b. Explain the qualities of Filipino family
c. Give possible solution to the conlict of the story

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz

b. Reference: https://e-edukasyonph.com/english/summury-of-the-centipede-by-
c. Materials: PowerPoint, Visual aids, Marker pen, Manila paper, Tape and
d. Value focus: Valuing one's family

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activity Student's response

a. Preparatory Activities

• Prayer
(The teacher will ask one student to lead the

"Everyone please stand up and let us pray" Our father...

"Good afternoon class" Good afternoon ma'am!

"How was your day?" We're fine ma'am.

"Okay that's nice."

• Checking of attendance

(The teacher will assign one student to get the (The assigned student will give their attendance
attendance of the whole class.) sheet.)

b. Review

(The teacher will ask the students about the past

"Alright for this afternoon we will discuss our
new topic but before that let us recall our
previous lesson."

✓ Do you still remember our previous Yes ma'am.


c. Motivation

"Before we start to our lesson let us have a short

game activity, the game is entitled "Jigsaw
Puzzle". As you can see, I have here 2 envelopes
and each envelope containing pieces of puzzle.
You need to assemble them in order to form a (The students begins fixing the puzzle.)
picture. The first group to finish the game activity
will announce as the winner and will receive a

-----After the game activiy-----

“Are you all happy with our game activity?” Yes, Ma’am. We are so very happy!

“Okay. Very good!”

“Let’s move on. Today we will discuss about the

story entitled “ The Centipede“ by Rony V. Diaz.
Before that let us discuss first the vocabulary.”

d. Vocabulary

• Unlocking of difficulties

"Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us first

unlock the meaning of difficult words that we
shall encounter as we go along in dealing with
our lesson"

(The teacher will ask somebody to match the

column A with the column B to complete its
e. Lesson proper

• Presentation

(The teacher will ask some questions.)

✓ What are your ideas about family? Why? Ma'am, for me a family is where you can find
love and understand each other. A family is the
one in which every member have very good
understanding with each other.

✓ Why do siblings hate each other? Ma'am, maybe they hate each other
because of something they are argue with.

✓ Would you ignore it and keep on having I should reconcile with my sister or brother
a grudge towards each other? Or you to keep a good relationship with them and make
should reconcile with him/her? our parents happy to see us in good term.

• Discussion

(The teacher will present the topic and distribute

the summary of a story entitled "The Centipede"
by Rony V. Diaz.)

"Today we are going to discuss the story which

entitled "The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz. In your
hand outs it indicates the summary of the story."

The Centipede
By Rony V. Diaz

A boy named Eddie hated his sister Delia. This

started when Delia beat his dog Biryuk. He
wanted to stop her but can’t since Delia has a
weak heart.

Follow up questions:
✓ When did Eddie start to hate his sister Ma'am, when Delia beat his dog Biryuk.
✓ What is the reason why Eddie can't stop Ma'am, because his sister Delia has a weak
her sister from beating his dog Buryuk? heart.

✓ How would you describe Eddie as Ma'am, Eddie is very understanding and
brother? loving brother.

A flashback shows that Eddie and Delia treat each

other as rivals. Delia was 8 years old when Eddie
was born and her mother died, which seems to
be the reason why she also hated Eddie and
blamed him for the death of her mother.

Follow up questions:
✓ What was the reason why Delia also Ma'am, Delia thinks that Eddie was the
hated her brother? cause of her mother's death.

✓ How would you describe Delia as an Ma'am, she has no love to her brother and
older sister? maybe she doesn't like her brother Eddie.

Delia is also jealous of Eddie since the latter gains

more attention. While Eddie loves animals and
insects, Delia doesn’t, which is why she tortures
them just to make Eddie more miserable.This
went out of hand when Delia stabbed Eddie’s dog
in the eye. He wanted revenge. A helper named
Berto gave Eddie the centipede. He wished to
frighten Delia. His senses were clouded with

Follow up questions:
✓ Why does Eddie loves animals and Ma'am, because Eddie treated them not just
insects? a pet but as a family or friends besides her sister
always hate him.

✓ Who is the helper who gave the Ma'am, the helper is Berto.
centipede to Eddie?

While Delia embroidered a white cloth, he threw

the centipede on his sister’s lap. He returned to
his senses and saw his sister down and writhing
in pain. He regretted it about the damage has
already been done.

Follow up questions:
✓ Why did Eddie threw the centipede on Ma'am, because he wanted to scare his
his sister? sister and to get his revenge.

✓ What was the reason that made Eddie Ma'am, it is because he couldn't hold his
revenge to his sister? anger towards his sister from stabbing his dog.
That's why he threw a dead centipede to her.
"Great! Let us remember that doing bad things
will worsen the situation. We need to do good
things and show love to every member of our
family. Do you agree with what I've said?" Yes ma'am.

"So now, what is conflict?" A conflict is the central struggle between

two opposing people or forces.

"Okay, very good!"

"Some more. Could you give me another Ma'am, a conflict is a serious disagreement
meaning of conflict?" or argument between two parties.

"Very Good! A conflict is an active disagreement

between people with opposing opinions or

(The teacher will show a picture.)

✓ What can you observe in this picture? Ma'am, they are shouting towards each

"Very good! A conflict is like this, their opinions

differs from each other that's why they are
shouting towards each other."

✓ What do you think would be the Ma'am, they need to talk to each other and
solution to solve their conflict? agree with what they argued about to have peace
both side.

"Now let's proceed with five common types of

conflict. What are they?"

Four common types of Conflict

1. Man Vs. Nature — occurs when a

character is struggling against forces of
the natural world.
2. Man Vs. Society — is a conflict type
wherein against social norms or
3. Man vs. man — conflict where two
characters are in direct opposition to
each other.
4. Man vs. self — a battle itself takes place

e. Post Activity

• Application Activity

(The teacher will divide the students into five

groups. Each group will identify the conflict in the
story. After identifying the conflict, write the
possible solutions for it.)

“You’ll be identifying the conflict in the story and

provide possible suggestions on how to resolve
that conflict. You may base on the graphic
organizer provided and you are only limited to 1 (The representative of each group will present
paragraph composing of 5 sentences for their work after the alloted time.)
presenting the possible solution of the conflict.
After that you will choose 1 representative to
present your work. I will give you 5 minutes to
finish your work."

Conflict Solution

f. Generalization

"Alright! Let us all remember that children should

be responsible with what tricks they will do with
their siblings. We should always care and treat
each other in a nice way."

"Everyone! Can you tell me again what I've just Ma'am, we have to take care with each
said?" other and be responsible enough for everything
we do.

“Very Good! So, Let us have a short quiz”

IV. Evaluation

1. Who is the main character in the story "the centipede."?

a. Biryuk
b. The father
c. Eddie
d. Delia

2. How old Delia when Eddie was born?

a. 9 years old
b. 6 years old
c. 7 years old
d. 8 years old

3. Who is Berto in the story?

a. a helper
b. a villain
c. a farmer
d. a neighbor

4. Where did Delia stabbed the Dog?

a. in the leg
b. in the eye
c. in the mouth
d. in the head

5. What kind of insect did Eddie threw to his sister Delia?

a. Dragon fly
b. Cutterpillar
c. Centipede
d. Beetle

V. Assignment

1. How was your decision-making in life? Have you ever made one that you regretted?

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