Chapter 7 Book Exercise

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After reading the chapter, I know these points:

Tknow that two types of data in the Excel are Constants and Formulas.
value which is directly entered in the cell.
Tknowthat Constant value is a
or operators.
mathematical functions
Nnow that Formula issequence of cell reference,
know that Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical calculations.

k n o w that the Comparison operators return the value of True and
I know that in Excel, formulas begin with an equal to sign (=).
know that a cell in a worksheet has a unique address, also called cell reference
I know that a cell range is a group of related cells in a worksheet.
I know that a function is a built-in formula which is used to perform a

Tick I 1 the correct answer.
mathematical functions or operators to
do calculation is called a
a. A sequence of cell reference,
ii. Value
Reference i. Formula

b. In Excel, the formula begins with a/an

ii. Equal to sign (=) ii. Plus sign (+)
i. Question mark (?)
C. The unique address of a cell in Excel worksheet is called
ii. Cell reference ii. Address name
Cell range
d. A range name must start with a

ii. Number ii. Symbol

. Letter

Built-in formulas in Excel are called


i. Constants ii. Operators ii. Functions

values of True False
The operator that produces the
f. lpgical
i Comparison i. Arithmetic ii. Reference

Fill in the blanks.

a. Conokanl. and araulanare two types of data in Excel.
b. Excel immediately recognizes any subsequent as a
uka when it begins with an equal to
sign ().
C. A unique addressin worksheet is also called Cell..efetence.
d. A group of LeAaLea..ina worksheet is called range.
e ithmeti operators are usedto perform mathematical calçulations.
A formula helps you to aA cutal and .RMaly3.e jndcla
your worksheet.
Aule f i . . feature will quickly copy formulas across rows or columns.
h. FunctiOA allow you to perform calculations without typing long and complex formulas.
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Write 'T' for True and 'F" for False Statement.
a. Formulas are in-built in Excel.
b. A formula always begins with a plus (+) sign.
C. Operators specify the type of calculation, you want to perform.
d. >= is a reference operator.

e. Functions are predefined formulas.

. Answer the following questions.

a. Explain the two different types of data present in Excel.

b. Define the following:

i. Cell reference ii. Cell range
C. What are Operators? Name the different types of operators with examples

d. What are Functions? Name the different types of functions.

e. How will you perform common calculations in a worksheet?

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