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Comic scene:

The story is about sa boy.

Drawing no. 1 I am worried and not at peace, because I don’t have a gift it’s Christmas time.
( Conjunction: and )

Drawing no.2 Bright idea….( Ting….)

Drawing no. 3 If I ask my ninang Lerie Jean for money, then she will give me gift from her Christmas

( Conditional : If….then.)

Drawing no. 4 should I prepare a gift for her too or I will not?

( Disjunction: or )

Drawing no.5 Hmmmmm….no need na…

…….but …..

Drawing no. 6 she is not yet arrived from LCC Silvercrest. (excited)

( Negation: not )

Drawing no. 7 I will have my gift if and only if Ninang Learie Jean will give me.

(Biconditional: If and only if)

Drawing no.8 Come home Ninang Lerie Jean I’m waiting..

Nakatayo habang tinitingnan ang daan…

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