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Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023

Engineering College, Ajmer

6ME4-02: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems

Tarun Kumar Aseri

Asst. Prof.
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering College, Ajmer
Barliya Circle, NH-8,
Ajmer-305025, India
Email: tarunaseri[at]


Introduction to computer aided PPC,

Introduction to computer aided inventory management,
Manufacturing resource planning (MRPII),
Computer process monitoring and
Shop floor control, computer process control.

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 1
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Learning Outcomes

Introduction to computer aided

production planning & Control (PPC)

Production Planning

Production Control

Limitation and Significance of PPC

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

PPC: Production Planning and Control

What is the Production Planning & Control?

Organizing and Planning of Manufacturing Processes

It ensures economic & maximum utilization of resources to achieve the

desired manufacturing results in terms of


Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 2
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Objectives of PPC: To solve logistics problems

• To ensure quality output

• To ensure maximum utilization of all resources

• To maintain flexibility in manufacturing operations

• To maintain optimum level of inventory

• To increase overall efficiency

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

Planning and

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 3
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

Production Process
Forecasting Estimating
planning planning

Master Requirements
Purchasing loading and
scheduling planning

Shipping and
Dispatching Expediting inventory
Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Forecasting
• Projecting or Predicting the future sales activity of the firm’s product
• According to time horizon based estimates
• Long-term forecasting (≥ 5 years) involves future plant construction and
equipment acquisition
• Intermediate-term forecasting (≤ 2 years) used to plan for long-lead-time
material and component requirement
• Short-term forecasting (≤ 6 months) involves personnel hiring, purchasing,
production scheduling.

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 4
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Production planning
• Also called as ‘Aggregate Production Planning’ as its function is to precedes
the detailed master production schedule
• Establish general production levels for product groups over the next year
• It based on the sales forecast and is used to
• Raise or lower inventories,
• Stabilize production over the planning horizon
• Allow for the launching of new product into the company’s product line

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department

Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Process planning
• It involves determining the sequence of manufacturing operations required to
produce a certain product and/or its components
• Carried out by manufacturing engineers as a very manual and clerical
• The Process plan documents is prepared by HAND, is also called a route sheet
• A listing of the operations and machine tools through which the part or product
must be routed

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6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 5
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Estimating
• For predicting product prices and process cost
• Estimates the manufacturing lead times and production costs
• Manufacturing lead time: Total time required to process a work-part
• Production cost: Total of material cost + labor cost + applicable overhead cost

These estimates are based on: data contained in route sheet, purchasing files and
accounting records

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Master scheduling
• How many units (of particular product) are to be delivered and when
• Internalizes schedule of raw material purchase, orders for components from
the outdoor vendors and production schedules for parts made in house.
• It includes schedule periods: dates, weeks or months

All events must be timed and coordinated such that it allow delivery of final
product accordingly master schedule

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 6
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Requirement planning
• Based on master schedule
• Planning include:
• Raw material
• Component needed to manufacture product
• Tools, jigs, fixture and machinery

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Machine loading and scheduling

• Allocation and schedule of jobs to machines/work-centers
• Each machine and work center: queue of job waiting to processed

• Several factors make machine loading and scheduling complex:

1. No. of individual parts/orders to be scheduled
2. Each product has its own individual process routing to be followed
3. No. of machines/work-centers are limited and have fixed features, capability so
as to perform certain operations only

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 7
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Dispatching
• It concerned with issuing the individual orders to the machine operators.
• Involves giving out orders, tickets, route sheets, part drawing and job
• Expediting
• Comparing the actual progress of the order against the production schedule
• If order fall behind schedule → the expeditor → Corrective action

Rearranging of order(s) of machine(s), hand moving of the job or decision as per

consultation with workshop and/or management personnel

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Traditional Production, Planning and Control: Functions

• Quality control
• Responsible for assuring the quality of the product meets the standards
specified by designer
• Multiple times inspection of material or product (being manufactured) at
various level such as procurement as well as manufacturing

• Shipping and inventory control

• Shipping to the customer or stocking the item in inventory
• Control of Inventory: sales, production and maintain enough level of
inventories of raw material, components work-in-process.

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6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 8
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Problems with
Traditional PPC
• Plant capacity problem
• Suboptimal production schedule
• Long manufacturing lead times
• Inefficient inventory control
• Low work center utilization
• Process planning not followed
• Errors in engineering and manufacturing
• Quality problems


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 9
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

1. Plant capacity problem

• Production fall behind schedule due to a lack of

labor and equipment.
• Results in excessive overtime, delays in meeting
delivery schedule, customer complaints,
backordering, so on and so forth
Problems with
Traditional 2. Suboptimal production schedule
PPC • The wrong jobs are schedules because of a lack of
clear order priorities, insufficient scheduling rules
and the ever-changing status of job in the shop.
• As a consequence, production runs are
interrupted by jobs whose priorities have
suddenly increased, machine set-up are increased
and jobs that are on scheduled fall behind

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Problems with Traditional PPC cont…

3. Long manufacturing lead times 4. Inefficient inventory control

• It is an attempt to compensate for • Due to above mentioned all three

problem 1 and 2 (as mention in last problems, total inventories are too high
slide), production planner allow extra for raw materials, work-in-progress and
time produce an order. finished products.
• The shop become overloaded, order • Stockout for an individual items that
priorities become confused and the needed for the production
result in excessively long manufacturing • High total inventory means high carrying
lead time. cost, while raw material stockout means
delays in meeting production schedules

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 10
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

5. Low work center utilization

• This problem results in part from poor
scheduling (excessive product changeovers
and job interruptions) and from other
factors over which plant management has
limited control.
Problems with 6. Process planning not followed
Traditional • Regular planned routing is superseded by
an as hoc process sequence.
PPC cont… • It occurs, for instance, because of
bottlenecks at work centers in the planned
sequence and that results in longer setup,
improper tooling and less efficient

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Problems with Traditional PPC cont…

7. Errors in engineering and manufacturing records

• Bills of materials are not current, route sheet are not up to date with
respect to the latest engineering changes, inventory records are
inaccurate and production piece counts are incorrect.
8. Quality problems
• Quality defects are encountered in manufactured components and
assembly products, resulting in Rework or scrapped part and hence
delays in schedule

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 11
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Computer Aided/Integrated
Production Planning and Control
The Production Planning and Control not only concerns the problems of scheduling and
material management but also overlaps into the sciences of inventory control, operations
management, material handling, maintenance management, and information management.

8ME1A: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 23


Production Planning & Control includes

Planning Dispatching

Production Routing Evaluation
Production Follow-up
planning control expediting

Scheduling Inspection

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 12
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Production Planning

Planning Routing Scheduling Loading

• What is the • Where it • When it • Who will
Task? needs to be needs to be perform the
carried out? carried out? task?

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department



• It is the first element of production planning and

• Planning means deciding in advance what is to be
done in future.
• An organizational set up is created to prepare plans
and policies.
• Various charts, manuals and production budgets are
also prepared.
• Planning provides a sound base for control.
• A separate department is set up for this work.

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 13
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Production Planning: Types

Aggregate production planning
• This involves the production output levels for major product lines produced by the firm.
• These plans must be coordinated among various functions in the firm, including product design,
production, marketing and sales
Master production planning
• The aggregate production plan must be converted into a master production schedule (MPS) which is a
specific plan of the quantities to be produced of individual models within each product line.
Material requirements planning (MRP)
• MRP is a planning technique, usually implemented by computer- that translates the MPS of end products
into a detailed schedule for the raw materials and parts used in those end products
Capacity planning
• Capacity planning is concerned with determining the labor and equipment resources needed to achieve the
master schedule.

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


• Routing is determining the exact path which will be
followed in production.
• It is the selection of the path from where each unit
have to pass before reaching the final stage.
• The stages from which goods are to pass are
decided in this process.

"Routing is the specification of the flow sequence of operations

and processes to be followed in producing a particular
manufacturing lot."( Alford & Beaty)

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 14
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Routine Procedure
• Deciding what part to be made or purchased
• Determining Materials required
• Determining Manufacturing Operations and Sequences
• Determining of Lot Sizes
• Determining of Scrap Factors
• Analysis of Cost of the Product
• Preparation of Production Control Forms

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department



• Scheduling is the determining of time and date

when each operation is to be commenced or
• The time and date of manufacturing each
component is fixed in such a way that assembling
for final product is not delayed in any way.
"The determination of the time that should be required
to perform each operation and also the time necessary
to perform the entire series, as routed, making
allowances for all factors concerned."(Kimball)
Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 15
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Scheduling: Types
• Master Scheduling
• It is the breakup of production requirements.
• It is the start of scheduling.
• It is prepared by keeping in view the order or likely sales order in near future.
• Manufacturing Scheduling
• It is used where production process is continuous.
• The order of preference for manufacture is also mentioned in the schedule for
a systematic production planning.
• Detail Operation Scheduling
• It indicates the time required to perform each and every detailed operations of
a given process

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department



• The execution of the scheduled

plan as per the route chalked
• It includes the assignment of
the work to the operators at
their machines or work places.
• So Loading determines who
will do the work.

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6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

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Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Production Control: Scope

Control of material
Control of planning Control of tooling Control of materials Control of activities

Control of Control of quantity Control of

Control of due dates
information & quality manufacturing capacity

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department



• Dispatching refers to the

process of actually ordering
the work to be done.
• It involves putting the plan
into effect by issuing orders.
• It is concerned with starting
"Dispatches put production in effect by releasing and
the process and operation on
guiding manufacturing order in the sequence
the basis of route sheets and
previously determined by route sheets and
schedule charts.
schedules."(John A.Shubin)

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6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 17
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Dispatching Procedure
• Centralized Dispatching
• Under this, orders are directly issued to workmen and machines.
• It helps in exercising effective control.

• Decentralized Dispatching
• Under this procedure all work orders are issued to the foreman or dispatch
clerk of the department or section.
• It suffers from difficulties in achieving co-ordination among different

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Follow Up and Expediting

• Progress may be assessed with the help of
routine reports or communication with
operating departments.
• The follow up procedure is used for
expediting and checking the progress.

"Follow up or expediting is that branch of production control

procedure which regulates the progress of materials and part through
the production process. "

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 18
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer


• Inspection is the process of ensuring whether the

products manufactured are of requisite quality or
• Inspection is undertaken both of products and
• It is carried on at various levels of production
process so that pre-determined standards of quality
are achieved.
• Inspection ensures the maintenance of pre-
determined quality of products.

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Evaluation: Corrective
• Adjusting the route
• Rescheduling of work
• Changing the workloads
• Repairs and Maintenance of machinery or equipment,
• Control over inventories
• Certain personnel decisions like training, transfer,
demotion etc.
• Alternate methods may be suggested to handle peak

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Engineering College, Ajmer


• Assumption based
• Rigidity
• Difficult for small firms
• Costly
• Dependence on external factors
• Team work is a must
• Demands high level of co-ordination & efficiency

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department



• Structured & Planned Process

• Increased Production
• Seamless Plant Activity
• Better Co-ordination
• Optimal Resource Utilization
• Cost Control
• Rationalization of production

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Manufacturing Systems 20
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Traditional vs Computer Aided PPC

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


Traditional vs Computer Aided PPC

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Manufacturing Systems 21
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer

Traditional PPC and problems associated with it
PPC: To solve logistics problems to ensures economic &
maximum utilization of resources to achieve the desired
manufacturing results in terms of quality, quantity, time and place
Production Planning: Planning, Scheduling, Routing and Loading
Production Control: Dispatching, Follow-up and expediting,
Inspection, Evaluation (corrective measures)

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department 43


Thank you for

your kind

8ME1A: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 44


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 22
Mechanical Engineering Department, 03-09-2023
Engineering College, Ajmer


Introduction to computer aided PPC,

Introduction to computer aided inventory management,
Manufacturing resource planning (MRPII),
Computer process monitoring and
Shop floor control, computer process control.

Tarun Kumar Aseri Mechanical Department


6ME4-02: Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Systems 23

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