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I Kadek Dedhi Ari Sagita

4-2 4-2. The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership of
countries. What are the practical implications of this union?

The EU has delivered over half a century of peace, stability and prosperity. It also plays an
important role in diplomacy and works to promote these same benefits – as well as
democracy, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law – across the globe. The EU’s main
economic engine is the single market. It enables most goods, services, money and people to
move freely throughout most of the continent.

The European Union (EU) has several practical implications that have benefited its citizens
and the world since its inception in 1957. Here are three of them:

Peace, stability, and prosperity: The EU has delivered more than half a century of peace,
stability, and prosperity to its citizens and the world. It has helped raise living standards.
Freedom of movement: All EU citizens have the right and freedom to choose in which EU
country they want to study, work or retire. Every EU country must treat EU citizens in exactly
the same way as its own citizens when it comes to matters of employment, social security,
and tax. The EU’s main economic engine is the single market. It enables goods, services,
money, and people to move freely throughout most of the continent.
Better trade deals: The EU allows consumers to save money on needed goods. Having better
trade deals in place makes it possible for products to be priced lower for consumers
throughout Europe.

4-4. What are the characteristics of a multi-domestic corporation?

The characteristics of a multi-national/multi-domestic corporation are very diverse, but as

we've read from the book multi-national corporations are international companies that
maintain operations in
multiple countries. Multidomestic corporations decentralize management and other
decisions to the local country. A global company centralizes its management and other
decisions in the home country. And transnational organizations eliminate artificial
geographical barriers and reflect a geocentric attitude
There are a few things to sum up:
Cultural concerns
Multi-domestic corporation are developed based on the culture of the host nation
Multi-domestic corporation tailor their products to each country and its local environment
while retaining their characteristics across the globe
Multi-domestic corporation decentralize their operations and allow local managers to make
decisions based on local market conditions and assumptions

4-5. What are the benefits of managers knowing foreign languages?

Language is a transactional tool that can be very helpful when it comes to expanding
opportunity, the benefits of knowing foreign languages are quite abundance.
Understanding foreign language, it opens up new opportunity and new access to a certain
As a manager we always talk and discuss with humans, understanding their language can
connect us and give us a clear perspective.
When we learn or understand foreign languages, as a manager we will definitely learn new
culture, new habit, and new characters.

4-8. Describe how an organization can become a global entity. Why would it
choose to do so?

There are a few ways of organization can become a global entity, such as global sourcing,
exporting, importing and franchising.
We're going to deep dive into franchising scenario, as we've read on many articles or books
the definition of franchising is a business model that allows a company to expands its
operations by granting the right to use its brand name, products and services to another
party in exchange for a fee, and it has several advantages it allows us to expand the business
with minimal capital investment while maintaining control over the brand.
And as it says in the book that franchising is giving the right to use its brand name,
technology, or product specifications in return for a lump-sum payment or a fee usually
based on sales.
Franchising is extremely beneficial for organization or company to expand their horizon, as
we discussed earlier, it gives us advantages.
Franchising can be an effective way for organization or businesses to expand and gain
recognition in global scope and become global entity.

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