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20MEE10 - ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING (Professional Elective-II)


Traditional Manufacturing Vs Additive Manufacturing

Traditional Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing (AM) are two fundamentally different
approaches to production. Here are some key differences between the two:

1. Process: Traditional manufacturing involves subtractive processes, where raw material

is removed or reshaped to achieve the desired product. This can include techniques like
cutting, drilling, and machining. In contrast, additive manufacturing builds objects layer
by layer using digital 3D models, adding material rather than removing it.

2. Tooling and Setup: Traditional manufacturing often requires the creation of

specialized tooling, such as moulds, dies, or jigs, to shape and form the raw material.
These tools can be costly and time-consuming to develop, and they are specific to the
particular product or part being manufactured. In AM, no or minimal tooling is required
since the manufacturing process is driven directly by the digital model.

3. Design Complexity: Traditional manufacturing methods have certain limitations on

design complexity due to the constraints of tooling and machining capabilities. Designs
need to consider factors like draft angles, undercuts, and accessibility for machining
tools. Additive manufacturing allows for greater design freedom, enabling the creation
of intricate geometries, internal structures, and complex shapes that are challenging or
impossible to produce with traditional techniques.

4. Material Usage: Traditional manufacturing processes often result in a significant

amount of material waste. Subtractive processes remove excess material from a raw
block or sheet, which generates waste in the form of chips or scrap. In contrast, additive
manufacturing is more material-efficient as it adds material only where it is needed,
reducing waste and optimizing material usage.

5. Prototyping and Production: Traditional manufacturing methods are well-suited for

large-scale production due to their efficiency, economies of scale, and speed. However,
they may not be as suitable for prototyping, as tooling costs can be prohibitive for small
production runs. Additive manufacturing, on the other hand, is highly versatile and cost-
effective for prototyping and small-batch production. It allows for rapid iteration and
customization without the need for costly tooling changes.

6. Material Options: Traditional manufacturing techniques have a wide range of

available materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and composites. However,
additive manufacturing offers even greater material diversity, including specialized
materials like biocompatible polymers, high-temperature alloys, and flexible or
conductive materials, expanding the possibilities for specific applications.

7. Post-Processing: Traditional manufacturing often requires additional post-processing

steps, such as surface finishing, polishing, or painting, to achieve the desired final
appearance and functionality. Additive manufacturing can also require post-processing,
but the requirements may vary depending on the specific AM technology used and the
desired outcome.

Both traditional manufacturing and additive manufacturing have their strengths and
applications, and the choice between them depends on factors such as production volume,
design complexity, material requirements, cost considerations, and time constraints.

Difference between Traditional Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing with respect

to Mass Customization

Traditional manufacturing and additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) differ

significantly when it comes to mass customization. Here's how they compare in terms of mass
customization capabilities:

Traditional Manufacturing:

1. Mass production orientation: Traditional manufacturing techniques, such as injection

moulding or casting, are typically optimized for mass production of identical or similar
products. They excel at producing large quantities of standardized products efficiently.

2. Limited customization: Traditional manufacturing processes often require the creation

of moulds, dies, or tooling, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Changing
these tools for customization purposes can disrupt the production line and incur
additional costs.
3. Economies of scale: Traditional manufacturing techniques are designed to maximize
economies of scale, meaning that unit costs decrease as the volume of production
increases. However, customization typically requires smaller production volumes,
which can result in higher unit costs.

Additive Manufacturing:

1. Design flexibility: Additive manufacturing offers high design flexibility, enabling the
production of highly customized and intricate products. It allows for the creation of
complex geometries, including internal structures and organic shapes, which are
challenging or impossible to achieve with traditional methods.

2. On-demand production: Additive manufacturing enables the production of items on-

demand, meaning that each product can be uniquely customized without the need for
additional tooling or equipment changes. This allows for greater responsiveness to
individual customer needs.

3. Cost-effective customization: While additive manufacturing can be more expensive

on a per-unit basis compared to traditional methods, it offers cost advantages for
customization. Instead of incurring high tooling costs, additive manufacturing allows
for direct digital production, reducing the need for tooling investments, especially for
low-volume or one-off customized products.

4. Reduced lead time: Additive manufacturing eliminates the need for tooling, which
significantly reduces lead times. Customized products can be manufactured more
quickly and efficiently, providing faster turnaround times for customers.

In summary, while traditional manufacturing is well-suited for mass production of standardized

products, it struggles with customization due to high tooling costs and limitations in design
flexibility. Additive manufacturing, on the other hand, excels at mass customization by offering
design freedom, on-demand production, cost-effective customization, and reduced lead times.
Difference between Traditional Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing with respect
to Reverse Engineering

Traditional Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing (AM) differ in their approaches to

reverse engineering, which is the process of recreating a product or component based on its
existing form or design. Here's how they differ in relation to reverse engineering:

Traditional Manufacturing:

1. Measurement and Scanning: Reverse engineering in traditional manufacturing often

involves the use of measurement tools, such as callipers, coordinate measuring
machines (CMMs), or laser scanners, to capture the physical dimensions of an existing
object or part.

2. Manual Replication: Once the measurements are obtained, traditional manufacturing

techniques rely on manual replication methods to recreate the object or part. This can
involve machining, casting, moulding, or other subtractive processes to produce a
replica based on the captured dimensions.

3. Iterative Process: Traditional reverse engineering may involve multiple iterations of

measurement, replication, and validation to achieve the desired accuracy and
functionality. Adjustments and refinements are made based on the results of each

Additive Manufacturing:

1. Scanning and Digitization: Additive manufacturing can utilize 3D scanning

technologies to capture the geometry of an existing object or part. These scanners create
a digital representation, typically in the form of a point cloud or a mesh, capturing the
external and internal features of the object.

2. Digital Modelling and Modification: Once the object is scanned and digitized, it is
imported into computer-aided design (CAD) software. The digital model can be
modified, repaired, or optimized as needed. This step allows for design enhancements,
adjustments, or the incorporation of additional features.

3. Direct Printing: In additive manufacturing, the modified digital model is sent to the
3D printer, which builds the object layer by layer using the desired material. The 3D
printer interprets the digital model and deposits material accordingly, resulting in a
physical replica of the object.

4. Iterative Refinement: Similar to traditional manufacturing, additive manufacturing

may involve multiple iterations of scanning, digital modelling, and printing to refine
the replica's accuracy and functionality. The digital model can be easily modified and
reprinted without the need for extensive manual intervention.

Overall, the key difference between traditional manufacturing and additive manufacturing in
reverse engineering lies in the process of replication. Traditional manufacturing relies on
manual replication methods, such as machining or moulding, based on physical measurements.
In contrast, additive manufacturing uses digital scanning, modelling, and direct printing to
recreate the object or part layer by layer. The digital nature of additive manufacturing allows
for greater flexibility in modifying and refining the replica throughout the reverse engineering

Difference between Traditional Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing with respect

to Fundamental Fabrication Process

Traditional manufacturing and additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) are two
fundamentally different approaches to the fabrication process. Here are the key differences
between the two:

Traditional Manufacturing:

1. Subtractive Process: Traditional manufacturing involves a subtractive process where

material is removed from a solid block or form to achieve the desired shape. Common
subtractive processes include cutting, drilling, milling, turning, and grinding.

2. Assembly of Multiple Parts: Traditional manufacturing typically involves the

assembly of multiple parts to create a final product. These parts are often manufactured
separately and then joined together using various techniques such as welding, fasteners,
or adhesives.

3. Tooling and Fixtures: Traditional manufacturing often requires the creation of

specialized tooling and fixtures to hold the workpiece in place and perform the
necessary operations. These tooling and fixtures can be complex and expensive to
design and produce.

4. Material Waste: Subtractive processes in traditional manufacturing generate

significant amounts of material waste as excess material is removed from the
workpiece. This waste can increase the overall cost and environmental impact of the
manufacturing process.

Additive Manufacturing:

1. Additive Process: Additive manufacturing builds an object layer by layer by adding

material in a controlled manner. It involves the deposition of material, usually in the
form of a powder or liquid, which is then solidified or cured. This process can be
achieved through various techniques such as selective laser sintering (SLS), fused
deposition modelling (FDM), or stereolithography (SLA).

2. Complex Geometries: Additive manufacturing enables the creation of highly complex

geometries that are difficult or even impossible to produce with traditional
manufacturing methods. This includes intricate internal structures, lattice structures,
and organic shapes.

3. Single-piece Construction: In additive manufacturing, it is possible to fabricate a

complete object in a single piece without the need for assembly of multiple parts. This
can lead to simplified designs and reduced reliance on additional joining techniques.

4. Reduced Material Waste: Additive manufacturing is inherently more efficient in terms

of material usage compared to subtractive processes. The material is added only where
it is needed, minimizing waste and reducing material costs.

5. Design Flexibility: Additive manufacturing allows for greater design flexibility and
customization. It enables rapid prototyping and iterative design changes with reduced
time and cost compared to traditional manufacturing methods.

Overall, traditional manufacturing and additive manufacturing differ in their approach to

fabrication. Traditional manufacturing involves subtractive processes, assembly of multiple
parts, and often requires specialized tooling and fixtures. On the other hand, additive
manufacturing utilizes an additive process, enables complex geometries, allows for single-
piece construction, reduces material waste, and offers design flexibility.
AM Process Chain

The additive manufacturing (AM) process chain, also known as the 3D printing process chain,
involves a series of steps from design to the final production of a 3D printed object. Here are
the key stages in the additive manufacturing process chain:

1. Design: The process begins with the creation of a digital 3D model using computer-
aided design (CAD) software. The design can be created from scratch or obtained
through 3D scanning techniques that capture the physical object's geometry.

2. File Preparation: The digital 3D model is then exported as a standard file format, such
as STL (Standard Tessellation Language) or AMF (Additive Manufacturing File),
which contains the information necessary for the AM process. Additionally, the file may
go through various pre-processing steps like orientation optimization, support structure
generation, and slicing.

3. Slicing: Slicing involves dividing the 3D model into a series of 2D cross-sectional

layers. Each layer corresponds to a physical layer that will be built during the additive
manufacturing process. Slicing software determines parameters such as layer thickness
and infill density.

4. Machine Setup: Before printing, the 3D printer must be set up accordingly. This
includes selecting the appropriate printing material, loading it into the printer (in the
form of filaments, powders, or resins), and ensuring the printer is calibrated and ready
for operation.

5. Printing: The actual printing process begins, where the 3D printer follows the
instructions from the sliced file to build the object layer by layer. The specific technique
and technology used depend on the type of additive manufacturing being employed,
such as selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modelling (FDM), or
stereolithography (SLA). The printer applies or solidifies the material according to the
design specifications.

6. Post-processing: Once the object is printed, it often requires post-processing to achieve

the desired final characteristics. Post-processing can include removal of support
structures, cleaning, surface finishing (e.g., sanding or polishing), curing (for certain
materials), or painting and colouring.
7. Inspection and Quality Control: The printed object may undergo inspection and
quality control measures to ensure it meets the specified requirements. This can involve
dimensional accuracy checks, material testing, structural analysis, or visual inspections.

8. Application and Use: After passing inspection, the 3D printed object is ready for its
intended application. It can be used directly as a final product, incorporated into larger
assemblies, or utilized for prototyping and testing purposes.

It's important to note that the additive manufacturing process chain can vary depending on the
specific technology, materials, and applications involved. Different additive manufacturing
techniques may have additional or slightly different steps within their respective process
Classification of AM Processes

Additive manufacturing encompasses several different processes, each with its own unique
characteristics and techniques. Here are some of the main additive manufacturing processes
commonly used:

1. Stereolithography (SLA): This process uses a liquid photopolymer resin that is cured
layer by layer using a UV laser or light source. The laser selectively solidifies the resin,
creating the desired object. SLA is known for its high level of detail and surface finish.

2. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS): SLS involves using a high-power laser to selectively
fuse powdered materials, such as polymers, metals, or ceramics, layer by layer. The
unfused powder acts as support during the printing process. SLS is known for its ability
to produce complex geometries and functional parts.

3. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM): FDM is a widely used additive manufacturing

process that involves extruding a thermoplastic filament through a heated nozzle. The
material is deposited layer by layer to build the object. FDM is known for its
affordability, ease of use, and suitability for rapid prototyping.

4. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS): SLM
and DMLS are similar processes that use a high-power laser to selectively melt and fuse
metal powder particles together. These processes are used primarily for producing metal
parts with complex geometries and high strength.

5. Electron Beam Melting (EBM): EBM is a metal additive manufacturing process that
utilizes an electron beam to melt and fuse metal powder. EBM is known for its ability
to produce large and robust metal parts, often used in industries such as aerospace and

6. Digital Light Processing (DLP): DLP is a process that shares similarities with SLA
but uses a digital light projector to cure liquid resin instead of a laser. The projector
exposes an entire layer at once, allowing for faster printing speeds compared to SLA.

7. Binder Jetting: In binder jetting, a powdered material (such as metal, ceramic, or sand)
is selectively bonded together using a liquid binder. The object is built layer by layer,
and the unbonded powder acts as support during the printing process. Binder jetting is
known for its ability to produce large, complex parts and is commonly used in the
production of metal parts.

8. Material Jetting: Material jetting involves jetting droplets of liquid photopolymer or

other materials onto a build platform. These droplets are then cured or solidified using
UV light, resulting in the build-up of the object layer by layer. Material jetting allows
for the use of multiple materials and can produce highly detailed and multi-colored

These are just a few examples of the additive manufacturing processes available. Each process
has its own advantages, limitations, and applications, making it suitable for specific use cases
and industries.

Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, encompasses several different

processes. Here is a classification of the major additive manufacturing processes:

1. Material Extrusion:

• Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)/Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF):

Thermoplastic filaments are melted and extruded through a nozzle, layer by
layer, to build the object.

2. Material Jetting:

• PolyJet: Liquid photopolymer materials are jetted onto a build platform and
cured with UV light layer by layer to create the object.

3. Binder Jetting:

• Binder Jetting: A liquid binding agent is selectively deposited onto a powder

bed, layer by layer, to bind the particles and create the object.

4. Powder Bed Fusion:

• Selective Laser Sintering (SLS): A high-power laser selectively sinters or melts

powdered material (usually polymers or metals) layer by layer to create the
• Selective Laser Melting (SLM)/Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS): A high-
power laser fully melts powdered metal materials, layer by layer, to create dense
metal parts.

5. Sheet Lamination:

• Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): Layers of adhesive-coated paper,

plastic, or metal sheets are cut and bonded together to build the object.

6. Vat Photopolymerization:

• Stereolithography (SLA): A UV laser selectively cures liquid photopolymer

resin, layer by layer, to form the object.

• Digital Light Processing (DLP): A digital light projector selectively cures a vat
of liquid photopolymer resin, layer by layer, to create the object.

7. Directed Energy Deposition:

• Directed Energy Deposition (DED): A focused energy source, such as a laser or

electron beam, melts or welds

Advantages of Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, offers several advantages compared to

traditional manufacturing methods. Here are some key advantages of additive manufacturing:

1. Design Freedom: Additive manufacturing enables the creation of complex geometries

and intricate designs that are difficult or even impossible to achieve with traditional
manufacturing techniques. It allows for the production of highly customized and
personalized products, offering design freedom and flexibility.

2. Reduced Time-to-Market: Additive manufacturing allows for rapid prototyping and

faster product development cycles. With 3D printing, it is possible to quickly create
functional prototypes and iterate on designs in a matter of hours or days, significantly
reducing the time it takes to bring a product to market.

3. Cost Efficiency for Complex Designs: Traditional manufacturing often involves

complex and expensive tooling and setup costs, especially for intricate designs.
Additive manufacturing eliminates the need for costly tooling, as it can directly produce
complex parts without additional processes. This makes it cost-effective for low-
volume production, customizations, and one-off productions.

4. Material Efficiency: Additive manufacturing is inherently more material-efficient

compared to subtractive manufacturing processes. It adds material only where it is
needed, minimizing waste and reducing material costs. This is particularly
advantageous when using expensive or specialized materials.

5. Lightweighting: Additive manufacturing enables the production of lightweight

structures through optimized designs and lattice structures. By reducing material usage
without compromising strength or functionality, 3D printing can result in lighter parts
and components, leading to benefits such as improved fuel efficiency in transportation
and reduced material consumption.

6. Complex Assembly Consolidation: With additive manufacturing, complex assemblies

can be consolidated into a single printed component, eliminating the need for joining
multiple parts. This reduces assembly time, simplifies supply chains, and improves
overall product reliability.

7. On-Demand Manufacturing and Localized Production: Additive manufacturing

enables on-demand production, allowing for the manufacturing of parts and products
as needed, reducing inventory and storage costs. It also enables localized production,
as 3D printers can be located closer to the point of use, reducing transportation and
logistics requirements.

8. Customization and Personalization: Additive manufacturing enables the production

of highly customized and personalized products. It allows for individual tailoring,
where each item can be uniquely designed and manufactured to meet specific customer
requirements. This opens up opportunities in industries such as healthcare, automotive,
and consumer goods.

It's important to note that while additive manufacturing offers these advantages, it may not
always be the most suitable or cost-effective manufacturing method for every application. The
choice of manufacturing method depends on factors such as production volume, complexity,
material requirements, and cost considerations.
Limitations of Additive Manufacturing

While additive manufacturing offers numerous advantages, it also has certain limitations that
can impact its suitability for certain applications. Here are some common limitations of additive

1. Limited Material Selection: Additive manufacturing supports a wide range of

materials, including plastics, metals, ceramics, and composites. However, the
availability of materials can be more limited compared to traditional manufacturing
processes. Specialized materials or materials with specific properties may have limited
options or higher costs.

2. Production Speed: Additive manufacturing is generally slower compared to traditional

manufacturing methods for producing large quantities of parts. The layer-by-layer
nature of additive processes can result in longer production times, especially for
complex and intricate designs.

3. Size Limitations: Most additive manufacturing machines have limitations on the

maximum size of the objects they can produce. The build volume of the printer may
restrict the size of the parts that can be fabricated. Scaling up to produce large objects
can be challenging and may require specialized equipment.

4. Surface Finish and Resolution: Additive manufacturing processes may result in a

relatively rough surface finish compared to traditional machining or moulding
techniques. Depending on the specific process and material, additional post-processing
steps may be required to achieve the desired surface smoothness or texture. Similarly,
the resolution or level of detail achievable in additive manufacturing may not match
that of high-precision machining methods.

5. Anisotropic Mechanical Properties: In many additive manufacturing processes, the

mechanical properties of the printed part can vary depending on the orientation of the
layers. This anisotropy can result in different strengths, stiffness, or other material
properties in different directions, which may be a limitation for certain load-bearing or
structural applications.

6. Quality Control and Certification: Ensuring consistent quality and meeting industry
standards can be a challenge in additive manufacturing. As the technology and materials
continue to evolve, standardization and certification processes are still developing,
making it more difficult to guarantee consistent results and meet regulatory
requirements in certain industries.

7. Cost: While additive manufacturing can be cost-effective for low-volume production

or complex designs, it may not be as cost-efficient as traditional manufacturing methods
for large-scale production. The cost of equipment, materials, and post-processing can
be higher, especially for certain high-performance materials.

8. Intellectual Property and Counterfeiting: The digital nature of additive

manufacturing raises concerns about intellectual property (IP) protection and the
potential for unauthorized replication of designs. The ease of digital file sharing and
replication could lead to counterfeiting and unauthorized production.

It's important to consider these limitations when evaluating the suitability of additive
manufacturing for specific applications. Despite these limitations, ongoing advancements in
technology and materials are addressing many of these challenges and expanding the
capabilities of additive manufacturing.

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