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外国语学院 于 兰
PartI Writing (30ms)

02 Band 4: 120-180 words

03 Band 6: 150-200 words

档次 评分标准

13-15 切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。

10-12 切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。

7-9 基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。

4-6 基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。

1-3 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。

0 未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或作文与主题毫不相关。
Para1. Opinion/Phenomenon/Choice

Para 2. Reasons /Pros and Cons of sth./Lists

Para 3. Conclusion/ Prospect of sth./ What

should we do?
A good essay must meet the following standards:

 To the point.(切题)
 Coherence.(一致)
 No grammar or spelling mistakes.
 Advanced vocabulary and sentences.
 Good handwriting.
Pay attenttion to the spelling of the
following words:
现代的 政府 现象
社会 技术 大学
主观题 10分

How to spell the following words?

现代的 政府 现象
社会 技术 大学

1 2 3

modern government phenomenon

4 5 6

society technology college


01 现象解释型
对比选择型 02

03 问题解决型
观点论证型 04

05 应用文

l 这类命题要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释,并
l 第一段: 描述现象;
l 第二段: 说明现象产生的原因;
l 第三段: 表明个人态度或阐述个人做法。
Adequate Preparation Should Be Given to Exams

01 如今不少大学生在考试前不做充分准备

02 出现这种现象的原因是...

03 为了改变这种状况,我认为...

l 第一段:由存在的一种社会现象,引入要讨论的
l 第二段:分别阐述两种对立观点
l 第三段:总结全文,点明自己的观点
Different Choices after Graduation

01 有些人决定毕业后读研;

02 有些人决定毕业后工作;

03 我的看法……

l On Fighting Against Drunk Driving

l 1. 提出现象,引出话题。
l 2. 分析醉酒驾驶难以遏制的几点原因。
l 3. 提出解决问题的建议。

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great
l 第一段:着重强调做小事的重要性,引出话题。
l 第二段:采取不同方法论证从小事做起的重要性(举例子)。
l 第三段:总结概括,再次阐述做小事的重要性。
l proposal 计划书、求职信、新闻报道
Dear Sir or Madam,
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
n You can use the following phrases or sentence patterns in your writing
○ It’s universally acknowledged that... 众所周知
○ It’s commonly believed that.... 人们普遍认为
○ It’s noteworthy that... 值得注意的是
○ It’s undeniable that... 不可否认的是
○ There is no doubt that... 毫无疑问 ...
n be conducive to ... 对......有益
n be benificial to... 对......有益
n attach great importance to ....重视
一.lay great emphasis on .... 重视
二.play an increasingly important role in ...
四.in a bid to :in order to 为了
五.conversely: on the contrary 相反的
六.to sum up:in a nutshell 总之
七.on behalf of 代表
八.be indispensable to... 对......必不可少
have a profound impact on...

have adverse impact on


meet one’s needs


cater to one’s needs


have become prevalent

Part II Listening Comprehension 25ms 35%
Band 4
新闻(News) News1 1-2
News2 3-4 1*7=7
News3 5-7
对话(Conversation) Conversation1 8-11
Conversation2 12-15 1*8=8
篇章(Passage) Passage 1 16-18 2*10=20
Passage 2 19-21
Passage 3 22-25
Band 6
长对话(Conversation) Conversation1 1-4
Conversation2 5-8 1*8=8

篇章(Passage) Passage 1 9-11

Passage 2 12-15 1*7=7

录音( Recording) Recording1 16-18 2*10=20

Recording2 19-21
Recording3 22-25
要以“练习实 前三句一定要听出来,尤其是第一句基
战”为主,直 01 本都有问题!
02 复听到的那个选项,大概率是正确答案!

03 题卡!
Band 4
1. A.She was pierced by a chicken

题Aaashe 卡
B. She was coughing all the time.
C. She suffered from lung cancer.
D. She suffered from shock. (休克)
Band 6
16. A. It is mainly based on agriculture.
B. It depends heavily on tourism.
C. It is flourishing in foreign trade.
D. It relies chiefly on mineral export.
17. A. Sugar B. Coffee.
C. Bananas. D. Tabacco.
( 5分钟)
○ v. n. A)amount a H) limited
○ v. n. B)answer a I) mechanical
○ v C) avoid v.n J) result
○ a D)aware v.n K)review
○ v E)depart v a L) rigorous
○ ad F) drastically v. M)tend
○ v. n G) fear n N)timidity ad O) typically
Section A 选词填空
○ v. n. A)amount数量;等于 a H) limited 有限的
○ v. n. B)answer回答;答案 a I) mechanical机械的
○ v C) avoid 避免 v.n J) result 导致;结果
○ a D)aware 了解;意识到 v.n K)review 复习;评论
○ v E)depart v 离开 a L) rigorous 严谨的; 严格的
○ ad F) drastically 激烈地 v. M)tend 照顾;倾向于
○ v. n G) fear 害怕 n N)timidity胆怯 ad O) typically通常
The sheets are damp with sweat. You’re cold,but
your heart is racing as if a killer just chased you
down a dark street. It was just a nightmare,you tell
yourself;there’s nothing to be afraid of.But you’re
still filled with 26 .

Given how unsettling and haunting(难以忘怀的)

nightmares can be, is there a way for dreamers to
27 or even turn off(中断), these bad dreams as
they happen?
To treat the disorder, there are a number of medicines
and therapies that are backed by 33 research,according
to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, which
analyzed the available research on the treatment of
nightmare disorder in a recent 34 published in the
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.
Section B Fast Reading 后从第一段开始读,看看哪个题
段落匹配 (17-20ms) 10% 是对第一段的概括,或者第一段
36.Many years’ surveys reveal that young people in America are going to the
cinema much less often than they used to.
37.Survey analysis shows American teens now spend their leisure time on digital
devices rather than reading printed books.
38.The number of senior high schoolers’not reading books for pleasure in a year
increased three times over 20 years.
39.Many scholars claim that spending time on electronic devices doesn’t
necessarily mean a decrease of time for other activities.
40. Most people spend much more time interacting with digital media than they
did ten years ago.
44.Some five years ago,high school seniors in America generally spent more than
six hours a day on electronic devices.
Why it matters that teens are reading less
A)Most of us spend much more time with digital media
than we did a decade ago.But today’s teens have grown up
with smartphones. Compared with teens a couple of decades
ago,the way they interact with traditional media like books
and movies is fundamentally different.
B) Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States
collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their
leisure time. Paper books are being ignored,in favor of screens. Digital
devices are changing other behaviors too. More and more young people
choose spending time on their electronic devices over engaging in other
activities,regardless of the type.Indeed,by 2016,the average American
high school senior said they spent six hours a day writing text
messages,on social media, and online during their free time.And that
covers just three activities, and if other digital media activities were
included,that estimate would no doubt rise.
Section C 精读 12-20ms 20%

51.What does the author say about the world today?
A) It faces problems that are getting more varied and complicated.
B) It has done away with many of the traditional ways of thinking.
C) It is undergoing radical and profound changes.
D) It is witnessing various types of innovations.

From climate change to the onging pandemic(大流行病) and beyond,the

issues facing today's world are increasingly complex and dynamic. Yet solving
problems like these requires new approaches that extend beyond traditional
ways of thinking. A study led by Yale Professor of Psychology,Paul O’keefe,
found that having a growth mindset(思维倾向)of interest may spark this type of
52. What did Professor O'keefe find in his earlier studies?
A) People's interests tend to change with age.
B) People's interests determine their mindsets.
C) People are divided about the nature of interest.
D) People of different ages have different mindsets.

Professor Okeefe established(指出) in earlier studies that people hold

different beliefs about the nature of interest. Those with a growth mindset of
interest tend to believe that interests can be developed and cultivated,while
those with a fixed mindset of interest tend to believe that interests are
inherent(与生俱有的)and simply need to be 'found’. Building on these
findings,the latest research examined how a growth mindset of interest can
boost integrative thinking across the traditional disciplinary boundaries of arts
and sciences.
lPart IV Translation 30 minutes (实际用15-20分钟
做完,把时间用于阅读) 15%
l 越来越多的人:a growing number of / an increasing number of people
l 当然也可以:more and more people
l 革开放政策: reform and opening-up policy
l 只有坚持改革开放,才能不断激发亿万人民的积极性和创造性,解放和
l Only by upholding the reform and opening -up policy can we continuously
stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of hundreds of millions of people,
liberate and develop the productive forces, and always preserve the vitality
and vigour of socialism.
重视:attach great importance to
lay great emphasis /stress on
义务教育:compulsory education
主观题 10分


China has been attaching more and more importance to
lifelong education/ quality education.
l 始建于:start construction
l 公元:AD
l 公元221年:221 AD
l 公元前:BC
l 公元前4世纪:the fourth century BC
l 体现/反映:reflect / represent / indicate / show / illustrate
l 不可或缺的:indispensable
l 有…年历史:have a history of ... years
l 可追溯到: can be traced back to / date back to
l 起源于:originate from/have its origins in / have its roots in
l 象征:symbolize / the symbol of
l 长…米:4589 meters long/a length of 4589 meters
l 宽…米:9.6 meters wide/a width of 9.6 meters
l 跨度…米:a span of 37.37 meters
l 公认为/普遍认为:be universally acknowledged as
l 位于/地处:be located in/be situated in/lie in
l 享有…美誉/被誉为:enjoy the reputation of / be hailed as / be praised as / be
crowned as
l 每年吸引大批中外游客:attract a large number of tourists from home and abroad
l 基于/以…为背景:be based on sth. / against the backdrop of
准备物品:1. 学生证、身份证、准考证



Good Luck!
8:40 考生入场,核对听力调频并试音
9:00 下发考试材料,贴条形码
9:10 考试正式开始,考生开始作答作文
9:35 监考老师口头提醒5分钟后开始听力考试
9:40 听力考试开始,考生注意及时填涂答题卡1
10:05 听力考试结束,监考老师收回答题卡1
10:10 考试继续进行,考生完成阅读理解和翻译部分
11:10 监考老师口头提示考生10分钟后结束考试
11:20 考试结束,监考老师收回试题册及答题卡
考试当天必须按照规定时间入场,四级入场时间为 8:45,六级入场时间为 14:45。 考
试入场开始 15 分钟后禁止入场,即上午 9:00,下午 15:00 后禁止入场。迟到考生将无
14:40 考生入场,核对听力调频并试音
15:00 下发考试材料,贴条形码
15:10 考试正式开始,考生开始作答作文
15:35 监考老师口头提醒5分钟后开始听力考试
15:40 听力考试开始,考生注意及时填涂答题卡1
16:10 听力考试结束,监考老师收回答题卡1
16:15 考试继续进行,考生完成阅读理解和翻译部分
17:15 监考老师口头提示考生10分钟后结束考试
17:25 考试结束,监考老师收回试题册及答题卡
Good Luck!

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