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Roll No.

ESSMENT TEST I, 15th Nov 2023
(Reaulation 2019)
Time: 1 1/2 hrs
Max.Marks: 50
Lnderstand UNTX architecture andribe the Component of operating system.

CO2 Explain how they interact with eotor hardware.

CO3 Gain a deeper understanding of sv calls in Un1X operating system.

CO4 Apply the concepts of operating syteus design to practical problems.

CO5 Design and implement Lhe subsvst em of an operating system.

CO5 Critically analyze different data structures and algorithms used in the building
of a kernel.

BL - Bloom's Taxonomy Levels

(L1- Remembering, L2 -Understanding. L3 -Ayplying. L4 -Analysing, L5 -Evaluating, L6 -Creating)

PART- A(7x2 =14 Marks)

(Answer all Questions)

Q. No Questions Marks Co BL
1 Define real user ID, effective user ID and saved user ID. Write the 2 CO4 L2
command to display the different IDs?
2 (ÖWhat happens when the kernel executes the below code 2 C04 5
fd =open("myfile",O RONLY).:
() What happens if the last component of file name is "."while
unlinking? Why is it done?
3 List the process states and the fields in the process table. 2 COS L
4 What happens when process executes close(0) and then dup 2 CO6
with an already opened file?

Define the context of a process. 2 CO5 L2

Differentiate between daemon process, kerrnel process and user 2 COS
7 What is the use of the kill system call? 2 C03 L3
PART-B 12 =24 Marks)
(Restrict to a ma imum of 2
Q. No Questions
8(a) )Explain the pipe system call withits syrlax and the four cases of Marks CO BI
12 CO3 L2
reading and writing to a pipe.
8 (b) () Explain mounting and unmounting
the e syslem in UNIX with 12 CO3
required algorithms.

9 (a) (0) ofExplain the algorithm to create a neweess and the sequence
operations done durina the system all. CO3
(ii)How does the kernel handles "death o Gnlld signal during wait() 4 CO4 3
system call?
9(b)0 How does the Kernel load a portion of alile into a regibn? Exolain 8 CO3 L2
the algorithms that the Kernel follows While loading a region.
)Depict the scenario diagrammatically When the kernel wants. to CO4 L3
load text of size 8K into a region that iS attached at virtual
address 0of a process but wants to leave a gap of 2K bytes at
the beginning of the region.

PART- C(1 x12 =12 Marks)

(Q.No.10 is compulsory)
Q. No Questions Marks CO BL
10 (i) Explain the algorithm for reading a file! 12 CO6 L3
Consider the following sample program and show the updates of
the /O parameters in the uarea and update of offset in the file
table with the algorithm.
#include < fcntl.h >
int fd;
char lilbuf[20], bigbuf[1024):
fd = open ("/etc/passwd",
read(fd, lilbuf, 20) ; O_RDONLY):
read(fd, bigbuf, 1024):
read(fd, lilbuf, 20);

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