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Student Registration Number


Date: 29-Sep-2013 Time: 01:30-04:30

Time Allowed: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page.

2. Part A is compulsory.
3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the selected
4. The marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets.
5. Answer all questions in serial order.
6. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English medium only.

Q1. (a)How to add new shortcuts to the panel in Linux? [2]
(b)Differentiate between static and dynamic address. [2]
(c) What is the full form of GRUB and LILO? [2]
(d)What is the use of RPM? [2]
(e)What are the emulators? [2]
(f)What do you mean by Quoting? [2]
(g)What is the use of sed? [2]
(h)Define the term DNS. [2]
(i)What do you mean by swap space? [2]
(j)Differentiate between which and whereis command. [2]

Q2. a) Write the steps to install Linux Operating system. [5]
b) What do you mean by Boot Loader? How can you install Boot loader? [5]
Q3. Define file. Show the file system hierarchy including the various top level directories.
Q4. a) What is the use of run levels? Explain all the run levels briefly. [5]
b) Differentiate between Find and Locate command. [5]
Q5. a) What are the different access permissions available? Explain. [5]
b) How default permissions and permissions of a particular file can be viewed and
changed? [5]
Q6. What are the steps that should be performed while connecting to the internet? What
are the different network configuring tools available? [10]
Q7. Explain shell as a command line interface. What are the different types of shell?
Explain them all. [10]
Q8. a) How groups can be managed using CLI and GUI?How a user’s permission can be
revoked? [5]
b) How your account description can be changed using command line. [5]
Q9. Explain the following commands with their syntax.
w, pwd, echo, who,whoami, last. [10]
Q10.a) Differentiate between netstat and route command. [5]
b) Differentiate the use of cat, cat>, cat>> and touch command [5]

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