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Ben Chao Iolani School, 11th Grade

Preserving the Pale Blue Dot In 1990, as Voyager 1 left the solar system six billion kilometers away, it took the famous photograph, "Pale Blue Dot." In the iconic photograph, Earth is shown as a frail and insignificant speck in the vast, endless expanse of the cosmos. Yet on that pixel lay all the wonders that humans have ever known wonders that are now threatened by human development. As global warming and climate change threaten the "pale blue dot," the demand for sustainable development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"1grows ever greater. For the leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the leaders of Hawaii, the task ahead is daunting. Yet, sustainable practices promise a future where economic and environmental needs can coexist in harmony. Despite education in sustainability since childhood, it was not until recently that I finally realized its importance. In December 2010, my family visited Kyoto and its historic Golden Pavilion. Though the gilded structure was indeed amazing, what made the scene truly breathtaking was the harmony between civilization and nature. I will never forget how one of humanity's grandest accomplishments stood amidst nature's tranquil lake and garden, not merely coexisting, but beautifying each other. The sight forced open eyes that had been shut for too long. Earth has sustained civilization for millennia, and we have always taken that for granted. In return, we have irresponsibly exhausted the resources of our only home. Sustainability is not merely about preserving the environment. It is also about protecting the human legacy for future generations. To a history lover like me, there is nothing more important. The global need for sustainability is reflected by Hawaii's dependence on fossil fuels. Currently, 95% of Hawaii's energy comes at great cost from imported fossil fuels. Every year,

47.2 million barrels of oil, or roughly 34 barrels per person in Hawaii, are imported, a number that continues to grow as a result of a developing economy.2As the price for oil swells, the cost of importing oil increases drastically, affecting the costs of energy in Hawaii. However, Hawaii possesses resources that could wean the islands off of fossil fuels and create a sustainable economy. The stable climate with abundant sunlight and trade winds opens up possibilities of solar and wind power, as well as biofuel growth. Hawaii's geographic location also opens up possibilities in exploiting hydroelectric and wave power. Most importantly, Hawaii's location over an active hot spot allows the possibility of geothermal and ocean thermal energy sources.3 Developing these various resources would create an energy-efficient Hawaii that no longer depends on fossil fuels. There is also a growing $500 billion global market for sustainable technologies, one that will create new business opportunities in Hawaii.4Developing sustainably in Hawaii not only improves the environment, but the economy as well. As the twenty-one economies of APEC converge in Honolulu, the opportunity of a united movement for sustainable development is great. Among the members of APEC are the United States, China, and Japan, the world's three largest economies, as well as some of the fastestdeveloping economies in the world. Together, the APEC economies have a GDP of 31.7 trillion dollars, roughly 55% of the global GDP. In addition, the APEC economies account for 43% of world trade, and a market of 2.7 billion consumers.5As an economic region, APEC is the largest in the entire world, but it recognizes the need for "sustainable economic growth" in its own mission statement. In order for APEC to pursue its goal of "prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region," the economies must be sustainable.6Continued development using status quo methods would only exhaust resources and collapse the APEC economies. Sustainability allows development well into the future, preserving prosperity for all economies in APEC.

It is important to recognize that the future of human civilization is inextricably tied to that of the environment. The need to balance economic development with environmental preservation
has never been greater. For Hawaii, sustainability promises not only new economic prospects,

but also the conservation of its island paradise. APEC presents the unique opportunity of cooperation in creating a sustainable present for the future to its member economies. As former President Kennedy stated in 1959, "When written in Chinese the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity." As the world confronts the global environmental crisis, it is important to recognize not only the risks, but the astonishing opportunities as well.

Notes 1. "Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development ." Center for a World in Balance. http:/ September 6, 2011). 2. "About Renewable Energy." Blue Planet Foundation. September 6, 2011). 3. Ibid. 4. "Center for a Sustainable Future." School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. (accessed September 6, 2011). 5. "Background APEC 2011 Info." APEC 2011. September 6, 2011). 6. "Mission Statement." Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation . September 9, 2011).

Bibliography "About Renewable Energy." Blue Planet Foundation. (accessed September 6, 2011). "Background APEC 2011 Info." APEC 2011. September 6, 2011). "Center for a Sustainable Future." School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. (accessed September 6, 2011). "Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development." Center for a World in Balance . September 6, 2011). "Mission Statement." Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation . (accessed September 9, 2011). "Sustainable Development." Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. September 6, 2011). "The Kii`oko`a Plan." Kiroko`a. September 6, 2011).

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