Stewart CalcET9 NotetakingGuide Section 2.6 IE

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Section 2.

6 Preparation

INSTRUCTOR and LA NOTE: We are expecting the students to learn some of the
early content of this section on their own so that we can concentrate our class time
on the difficult concepts. This is not simply review from a prior class. Many stu-
dents will need to work harder to understand this content than they have in prior
preparation assignments, and some will need help. Encourage students to seek help
when they need it, to follow the instruction in the lecture notes, and to use the re-
sources such as videos that are made available to them in these assignments.

Before we cover Section 2.6 in class read this section, 2.6 Preparation, of the course
notes and complete 2.6 Preparation on WebAssign following the instructions in the
order in which they are given below.

1. Limits at infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes

(1pt) Read the definitions on this page while you work through 2.6 Preparation

Recall the definitions of limits that are equal to infinity or negative infinity (creat-
ing vertical asymptotes).
Definition 1.1. The limit of f (x), as x approaches a from the right, is in-
finite means that as x gets arbitrarily close to the value a, the value of f (x) gets
arbitrarily large. This is also written lim f (x) = ∞.

If the value of |f (x)| gets arbitrarily large, but f (x) < 0, for x close to a, then we
write lim f (x) = −∞.

Definition 1.2. If lim f (x) = ±∞, lim− f (x) = ±∞, or lim+ f (x) = ±∞, then the
x→a x→a x→a
vertical line x = a is a vertical asymptote of the curve y = f (x).

In Section 2.6 we add in limits where x goes to infinity or negative infinity.

Definition 1.3. We say the limit as x approaches infinity is L, written lim f (x) =
L, if for some x large enough the graph of y = f (x) moves closer and closer to the
line y = L as one moves to the right. Moreover, in this case the graph y = f (x) has
a horizontal asymptote y = L.
Definition 1.4. We say the limit as x approaches negative infinity is L, written
lim f (x) = L, if for some x far enough to the left the graph of y = f (x) moves
closer and closer to the line y = L as one moves further to the left. Moreover, in
this case the graph y = f (x) has a horizontal asymptote y = L.
2.6 Infinite Limits and Limits to Infinity 2

After completing 2.6 Preparation # 1 (2.6.003) and reading the above information,
complete the following steps before class.
2.6 Infinite Limits and Limits to Infinity 3

2.6 Preparation Continued

(0 pt) Review 2.6 Preparation # 2 (text Section 2.6, p. 129, Example

  2). in the
textbook. The information in this example that lim = 0 for any
x→±∞ xp
p > 0 is an important fact that you must know as a quick fact.
(0 pt) 2.6 Preparation #3 (2.6.AE.003) and #4 (2.6.AE.012). Read and work through
these problems. There will be the solutions and video available after one
INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Pay attention to the methods used in the text. If
you use a different method, you should note that it is different from the one
shown here. Calculus students should be learning there is often more than
one way to solve problems, BUT they still get confused when the instructor
and the text use different methods–especially if the instructor does not say
anything about it.
(1 pt) 2.6 Preparation #5 (2.6.013). Note that formulas from precalculus for find-
ing asymptotes of rational functions are shortcuts to finding these limits.
(1 pt) 2.6 Preparation #6 (2.6.049).
(1 pt) 2.6 Preparation #7 (2.6.063). This is the “end behavior” of polynomials dis-
cussed precalculus.
(1 pt) 2.6 Preparation #8 (2.5 quick limit rules). The limits in this problem are
ones that you should know as quick facts that can be determined very quickly
because you know the graphs. Find these limits and then memorize them
(or remember the graphs). These limits are also listed below to have in class
while we cover this section.
Quick Limits
(a) If p > 0 then lim p =
x→∞ x
(b) If p > 0 then lim p =
x→−∞ x
(c) lim sin x =
(d) lim cos x =
(e) lim arctan x =
(f) lim arctan x =
(g) lim ex =
(h) lim ex =
(i) lim ln x =
INSTRUCTOR NOTE: When solving examples√that would use the graph
of a basic function type (parabola, y = x3 , y = x, y = 1/x, trig func-
tions, exponent, log), I ask students to draw it in the air with their finger. If
it looks like a lot don’t know it (or are not “drawing”) I make a quick sketch
2.6 Infinite Limits and Limits to Infinity 4

of the shape and then have the whole class draw it in the air with their fin-
ger. Students gradually start remembering the graphs.
2.6 Preparation End
2.6 Infinite Limits and Limits to Infinity 5

2. Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes and Graphing

Example 2.1. Sketch a graph of a function satisfying the following conditions:

The domain for f is all real numbers except 2, f is continuous on its domain, lim f (x) = ∞,
lim f (x) = −∞, lim f (x) = 1, and f (−2) = 0.
x→∞ x→−∞

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: A lot of students think a graph cannot cross through an

asymptote and struggle with an example like this where it has to cross the horizon-
tal asymptote.

3. Methods for Special Types of Functions

4 + x2
Example 3.1 (rational functions). Find the limit: lim .
x→∞ 3 + x

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: A rule learned in pre-calc is to look at the degrees of the

numerator and denominator. Now we can see why it works. Be explicit with stu-
dents about what you want to see if you ask them to “show work.” Are they al-
lowed to use the rules they learned in pre-calculus? Note there are also some stu-
dents that have learned l’Hospital’s rule from prior courses (students may be re-
peating calculus). Be explicit about whether you will allow students to use l’Hospital’s
Rule yet. I do not allow students to use l’Hospital’s rule until we cover it in Chap-
ter 4.
2.6 Infinite Limits and Limits to Infinity 6

√ 3.2 (2.6 WebAssignHomework (2.6.025)). (radicals). Find the limit:
x + 6x2
x→∞ 4x − 1

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Start a discussion of x versus x2 in this example and con-
tinue it with the next. Very few students know how
√ to move x under the square
root. Once you start asking them about x versus x2 , then the common miscon-
ception is that they are exactly the same. They are in this case, since x > 0, but
the next example shows they are not always the same.

INSTRUCTOR and LA NOTE: p Common√ errors

√ outside √of the above
√ on this
√ exam-
ple are not knowing or using a/b = a/ b, thinking a + b = a + b, and
trying to “square” the top and bottom to get rid of the radical.
2.6 Infinite Limits and Limits to Infinity 7

Example 3.3 (2.6 WebAssignHomework√ (2.6.045) part(c)). (radicals in a sum or

difference). Find the limit: lim ( x + x + 4 + x).

INSTRUCTOR and LA NOTE: In addition to the errors mentioned in relation to

the previous example, in this example students often do not handle the minus sign
correctly as they work through the problem.

Example 3.4 (2.6 WebAssignHomework (2.6.041)). (compositions). Find the limit:

lim [ln(4 + x2 ) − ln(3 + x)].

ACTIVITY: After finding this is an indeterminate, ask students for ideas on re-
writing logarithms. Then allow students to try to finish in groups. The limit of the
inside is actually Example 3.1 You may need to tell them they need to use the last
problem in their pre-homework that they should have recorded in the preparation.
This is also a good time to remind them that they need to know those limits and
apply them as needed, like here.
2.6 Infinite Limits and Limits to Infinity 8

2.6 Homework

WebAssign homework assignments are due per the date and time given on Can-
vas. You are expected to bring an internet-capable device and while participating
in class you will submit some of the homework. The rest of the problems should
be worked on after the section is covered and before the next class. Keeping up
with the homework is critical. The material in calculus builds on prior content and
by keeping up you will find the new material easier and you will learn each topic
better. By learning material well as it is covered, you will find you do not need to
spend much time studying for quizzes and tests.

Written exercises are due at the are the beginning of the class period per the due
date on Canvas.

“Drill” problems are the type that you need to become almost automatic. “Putting
it together” problems use what we have learned from this section and prior sections
and/or require more in-depth thought about how to apply the concepts. Not every
section will have both types of problems.

As you work homework problems, your goal should be to understand why, not just
how. You should be able to explain to a classmate your solution and answer ques-
tions your classmates have about why you took the particular path you did. Of
course you want your answers to be correct before your five tries are up on We-
bAssign, but your final goal should not be correctness. Do not be afraid of mis-
takes. Before retrying a problem, find your errors and learn why they are errors.

Drill Exercises:
(0 pt) 2.6 WebAssign Homework # 1 (2.6.017), 2(2.6.031), 3(2.6.050)
(1 pt) 2.6 WebAssign Homework # 4 (2.6.515.XP)
(0 pt) 2.6 WebAssign Homework # 5 (2.6.518.XP)
(5 pt) 2.6 WebAssign Homework # 6 (2.6.025), 7 (2.6.503.XP), 8 (2.6.045)
part(c), 9 (2.6.027), 10 (2.6.041)
(0 pt) 2.6 WebAssign Homework # 11 (2.6.035)
(1 pt) 2.6 WebAssign Homework # 12 (2.6.516.XP)
Putting It Together:
(1 pt) 2.6 WebAssign Homework # 13 (2.6.052)

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