Stewart CalcET9 NotetakingGuide Section 2.2 IE

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1. Section 2.

2: The Limit of a Function


you are expected to add student active learning into your ”lecture.” The course
notes include ACTIVITY ideas. Instructors are not expected to use all the activ-
ity ideas given (there is not enough time), but instructors should include some (or
create their own). These ideas decrease as we move through the material, and the
instructor should develop their own ideas for activities.

When an example has a WebAssign identification on it, then it is part of students’

homework assignment. The numbers in red on WebAssign are randomized, so all
student may not have the exact same problem. You want to touch on, if not com-
plete, most examples in class. When looking at the homework list, keep in mind
that a portion of the problems are done in class, which keeps the homework from
being as overwhelming as it might appear. Time will sometimes be an issue in class,
though, so when preparing look at the WebAssign problems and consider when you
could just give students an idea about solving an example and leave it as home-

Preparation assignments will begin with Section 2.5.

Definition 1.1 (intuitive definition). The limit of f (x), as x approaches a,
equals L means that as x gets arbitrarily close to the value a (but not actually
equal to a), the value of f (x) gets close to the value L. This is also written

lim f (x) = L

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: We do not cover the epsilon/delta, mathematical, definition

of a limit. That is done in Section 2.4 and is not a required section for MAC2311.
Use the example following to explain what a limit is.

2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 2

sin 2x
Example 1.1. Consider the function f (x) = 5x
and find limx→0 f (x).

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Note that the graph is somewhat deceptive. f (x) is unde-
fined at x = 0, so there should be a hole in the graph there. But using the graph it
appears that limx→0 f (x) = 0.4.
2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 3

sin x sin x
x 5x
x 5x
0.5 0.336588394 −0.5 0.336588394
0.1 0.397338662 −0.1 0.397338662
0.01 0.399973334 −0.01 0.399973334
0.001 0.399999733 −0.001 0.399999733
0.0001 0.399999997 −0.0001 0.399999997
0.00001 0.4 −0.00001 0.4

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The table backs up the previous claim that limx→0 f (x) =

Example 1.2. Consider the function f (x) = sin 16x . Use the table of values below
to guess the value of limx→0 f (x).
π π
x sin( 16x ) x sin( 16x )
0.5 0.382683432 −0.5 −0.382683432
0.1 0.923879533 −0.1 −0.923879533
0.01 0.707106781 −0.01 −0.707106781
0.001 1 −0.001 −1
0.0001 2.5776E-13 −0.0001 −2.5776E-13
0.00001 −2.12285E-12 −0.00001 2.12285E-12

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Do not show the table in Example 1.3. Use the above ta-
ble to guess the limit is 0. Then when looking at Example 1.3 show that the table
above was deceptive. The graph after Example 1.3 illustrates the behavior near 0.
You need to remind/tell students that E-05 is how many calculators display scien-
tific notation.
2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 4

Example 1.3. Consider the function f (x) = sin 16x again. Use the table of values
below to guess the value of limx→0 f (x).
1 π
n x= 8(2n+1)
sin( 16x )
10 0.005952381 1
11 0.005434783 −1
1000 6.24688E-05 1
1001 6.24064E-05 −1
1000000 6.25E-08 1
1000001 6.24999E-08 −1





-1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4





2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 5

3x − 15
Example 1.4. Consider the function f (x) = √ and find lim f (x).
x2 − 10x + 25 x→5

3x−5 3x−5
x √
x2 −10x+25
x √
x2 −10x+25
5.5 3 4.5 −3
5.1 3 4.9 −3
5.01 3 4.99 −3
5.001 3 −0.001 −3
5.0001 3 4.9999 −3

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12






INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Use this example to motivate one-sided limits. Cover up

one side and ask what the limit would be based on the seen part of the graph and
then change sides. Since they disagree, the lim → 5 does not exist. After defining
one-sided limits come back and give the one-sided limits of this one.
2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 6

2. Left and Right Limits

Definition 2.1. The limit of f (x), as x approaches a from the left, equals L
means that as x gets arbitrarily close to the value a AND x < a, the value of f (x)
gets close to the value L. This is also written

lim f (x) = L

Definition 2.2. The limit of f (x), as x approaches a from the right, equals
L means that as x gets arbitrarily close to the value a AND x > a, the value of
f (x) gets close to the value L. This is also written

lim f (x) = L

Theorem 2.1. lim f (x) = L if and only if


ANSWER: limx→a− f (x) = L and limx→a+ f (x) = L

2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 7

Example 2.1 (2.2 WebAssign Homework (2.2.006)). The graph of y = f (x) is

(a) lim − f (x) =


(b) lim + f (x) =


(c) lim f (x) =


(d) f (−3) =

ACTIVITY: There are more parts to this problem on WebAssign. This is a good
example to have students log in to WebAssign and finish the remaining parts.

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: It is useful to note how adding a point somewhere along

x = −3 changes the answer to part (d) only.

LEARNING ASSISTANT NOTE: The most difficult part is when the limit ap-
proaches 5. Suggest students look back at Example 1.3.
2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 8

Example 2.2. Sketch a function with the following conditions: f (1) = 0, lim+ f (x) =
−2, lim− f (x) = 2.

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Note that there are many correct answers.

ACTIVITY: Have student try to complete Example 2.2, and compare with a neigh-
bor. Walk around and find at least two different correct answers and have the stu-
dents with those answers put them on the board.

3. Infinite Limits

Definition 3.1. The limit of f (x), as x approaches a, is infinite means that as

x gets arbitrarily close to the value a, the value of f (x) gets arbitrarily large. This
is also written

lim f (x) = ∞

If the value of |f (x)| gets arbitrarily large, but f (x) < 0, for x close to a, then we

lim f (x) = −∞

4. Vertical Asymptotes

Definition 4.1. If lim |f (x)| = ∞, lim− |f (x)| = ∞, or lim+ |f (x)| = ∞, then the
x→a x→a x→a
vertical line x = a is a vertical asymptote of the curve y = f (x).
2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 9

Example 4.1 (2.2 WebAssign Homework (2.2.009)). The graph of y = f (x) is

(a) lim f (x) =


(f ) Equation of the
smallest vertical asymptote is

ACTIVITY: After completing the parts in the previous example, allow student to
complete their problem on WebAssign. There are more parts on WebAssign. Have
student complete the problem.

Example 4.2. Determine the limit: lim+ ln x.


INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The basic shapes of the graphs of many of the basic func-
tions are important to just know in calculus. This is a good time to take a little
time to draw the graphs of y = ex and y = ln x and remind students that they
need to know certain basic shapes. Have student ”draw” each in the air with their
finger. Throughout the semester have your class ”draw” the basic shapes in the
air with their finger as you come across and need them. It will help them re-learn
and remember them. The conclusion of the previous problem is to give students
ln(0+ ) = −∞ as a quick rule they can remember by remembering the graph of
y = ln x.

Example 4.3 (2.2 WebAssign Homework (2.2.035)). Determine the limit: lim+ ln(x2 − 1).

ACTIVITY: Start students off by telling them they work inside to out using the or-
der of operations. Tell them to first sketch y = x2 − 1 to find the limit of this func-
tion and then to plug their answer into the logarithm to find their answer. Have
them work in groups, and it should go quickly.

LEARNING ASSISTANT NOTE: The following hints are useful. What does the
inside function approach? For the student that has no idea about the inside, sug-
gest that they can graph the quadratic function y = x2 − 1. Once a student knows
what the inside function approaches, what did Example 4.2 say about natural loga-
rithms when the inside approaches that number?

2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 10

x2 − 2x − 8
Example 4.4. Sketch the graph of y = including asymptotes. IN-
x2 − 3x − 10
STRUCTOR NOTE: Students should have learned to graph rational functions in
precalculus, but a quick review of how to determine domain, asymptotes, and ”holes”
will be needed. Use this problem to do that quick review. Then the next three exam-
ples follow from this graph.

ACTIVITY: Graph with the class and then have students complete the next three
examples in their groups. You and the Learning Assistants confirm answers with
each group and do NOT post the answer on the board.

x2 − 2x − 8
Example 4.5. Determine the limit: lim− .
x→5 x2 − 3x − 10
x2 − 2x − 8
ANSWER: lim− = −∞,
x→5 x2 − 3x − 10

x2 − 2x − 8
Example 4.6. Determine the limit: lim+ .
x→5 x2 − 3x − 10
x2 − 2x − 8
ANSWER: lim+ =∞
x→5 x2 − 3x − 10

x2 − 2x − 8
Example 4.7. Determine the limit: lim − .
x→−2 x2 − 3x − 10

x2 − 2x − 8
ANSWER: lim − = 6/7
x→−2 x2 − 3x − 10
2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 11

Example 4.8. Sketch a function with the following conditions: lim+ f (x) = −∞,
lim− f (x) = ∞.

ACTIVITY: Have student try to complete this example, and compare try to com-
plete this example neighbor. Walk around and find at least two different correct an-
swers and have the students with those answers put them on the board.
2.2 The Limit of a Function: Introduction 12


WebAssign homework assignments are due per the date and time given on Can-
vas. You are expected to bring an internet-capable device and while participating
in class you will submit some of the homework. The rest of the problems should
be worked on after the section is covered and before the next class. Keeping up
with the homework is critical. The material in calculus builds on prior content and
by keeping up you will find the new material easier and you will learn each topic
better. By learning material well as it is covered, you will find you do not need to
spend much time studying for quizzes and tests.

Written exercises are due at the are the beginning of the class period per the due
date on Canvas.

“Drill” problems are the type that you need to become almost automatic. “Putting
it together” problems use what we have learned from this section and prior sections
and/or require more in-depth thought about how to apply the concepts. Not every
section will have both types of problems.

As you work homework problems, your goal should be to understand why, not just
how. You should be able to explain to a classmate your solution and answer ques-
tions your classmates have about why you took the particular path you did. Of
course you want your answers to be correct before your five tries are up on We-
bAssign, but your final goal should not be correctness. Do not be afraid of mis-
takes. Before retrying a problem, find your errors and learn why they are errors.

Drill Exercises:
(3 pt) 2.2 WebAssign Homework #1 (2.2.006), 2 (2.2.009), 3 (2.2.035)
(0 pt) 2.2 WebAssign Homework #4 (text Section 2.2, p. 92, Exercises 7 and
8), 5 (2.2.019)
(3 pt) 2.2 WebAssign Homework # 6 (2.2.022), 7 (2.2.031), 8 (2.2.040)
Putting It Together Exercises:
(1 pt) 2.2 WebAssign Homework # 9 (2.2.011)
(1 pt) 2.2 WebAssign Homework # 10 (text Section 2.2, p. 93, Exercise 16).
Write the solution to this exercise on a piece of paper to be turned in
at the beginning of recitation. Your name and section number should
be clearly written at the top right of the page.

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