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Toledo City Science High School Information Systems: A Case Study

Semi-Structured Focus Group Discussion Guide Questions for the Class Presidents and Public Information Officers

I. Introduction
a. Hello, how are you today?
b. Can you describe your experience with managing school information and data? What are the data that
you manage?

II. System Usage

a. How important do you think it is for students to have access to a reliable and up-to-date school
information system?
b. How important do you think it is for students to have reliable and timely communication with their teachers
and school staff?
c. As class president/public information officer, what are some of the key responsibilities you have in terms
of relaying and acquiring school information?
How do you communicate important updates and announcements to your fellow students in the
d. Do you use any specific tools or methods to keep track of important information or deadlines in the
e. What are the main sources of school information that you use to stay informed about events and activities
in the classroom?
f. How do you prefer to receive updates and information from the school? Do you prefer to receive it
through email, text message, social networking sites like messenger, or the school website?
g. Have you ever missed important updates or information because you didn't receive them in a timely
manner or through your preferred channel?
h. How often do you check your school email or other communication channels for updates and information?
i. Do you find it helpful when teachers and staff send reminders or notifications about upcoming
assignments or deadlines?
j. How do you feel about the frequency and format of school memos and announcements? Do you find
them helpful and informative?
k. What strategies do you use to ensure that all students in the classroom receive important information and
are able to participate in school events and activities?

III. System Challenges

a. Have you ever encountered any challenges in communicating with your teachers or school staff? If so,
how were these challenges addressed?
b. What are some of the biggest challenges you face when relaying school information to your classmates
and the school community?
c. How do you ensure that the information you're relaying through the school information system is accurate
and up-to-date?
d. Have you ever encountered a situation where the school information system failed to deliver important
information in a timely manner? If so, how did you resolve the issue?
e. How do you ensure that the school information system reaches all of the intended recipients, especially
those who may not have access to technology or the internet?
f. Can you think of any instances where miscommunication or incomplete information resulted in issues for
you as a class president/public information officer?

IV. System Benefits

a. In your opinion, what are the most significant benefits of having a school information system in place?
b. How has the current school information system helped you in your role as class president/public
information officer?
c. How do you think the school information system benefits students, teachers, and the school community
as a whole?
d. How has the school information system helped you acquire important school information necessary for
your role?
e. Will a school information system helped you better communicate with your classmates and the school
f. Can you think of any instances where the school information system helped you resolve an issue related
to school information?

V. Future Developments
a. How do you think a school information system can benefit students, staff, and the overall school
b. What innovations or improvements would you like to see in the way school information is communicated
to students, and how do you plan to advocate for these changes?

VI. Conclusion
a. Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience with the school information system?
b. Is there anything else related to the topic that we have not covered that you think is important to mention?

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