Andrade Et Al., 2002. Yield, Narrow Rows

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Yield Responses to Narrow Rows Depend on Increased Radiation Interception

Fernando H. Andrade,* Pablo Calviño, Alfredo Cirilo, and Pablo Barbieri

ABSTRACT Blamey and Zollinger, 1997; Ottman and Welch, 1989;

The response of grain yield to narrow rows can be analyzed in Rumawas et al., 1971; Nunez and Kamprath et al., 1969;
terms of the effect on the amount of radiation intercepted by the Westgate et al., 1997).
crops. The objective of this work was to study the effect of row spacing There are times during the crop cycle that are most
on grain yield and radiation interception (RI) during the critical period critical for yield determination. These times comprise
for grain set in three crop species. Ten experiments were conducted the period bracketing flowering in maize (Kiniry and
with maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), or soy- Ritchie, 1985; Fischer and Palmer, 1984) and sunflower
bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] under irrigation or under dryland con- (Chimenti and Hall, 1992, Connor and Sadras, 1992;
ditions without severe drought during flowering and grain filling. The
Cantagallo et al., 1997) and extend to more advanced
treatments consisted of two row distances combined with other factors
such as plant density, cultivar, defoliation, etc. Grain yield responses reproductive stages in soybean (Shaw and Laing, 1966;
to decrease distance between rows were inversely proportional to RI Board and Tan, 1995; Egli, 1997). Higher crop growth
achieved with the wide-row control treatment during the critical pe- rates during these periods would allow more grains to
riod for grain number determination (r 2 ⫽ 0.62, 0.54, and 0.86 for be set and thus higher grain yields (Andrade et al.,
maize, soybean, and sunflower, respectively). Moreover, when row 1999). Crop growth rate is directly related to the amount
spacing was reduced, grain yield increases and RI increases during of radiation intercepted by the crop (Gardner et al.,
the critical periods for grain set were significantly and directly corre- 1985). Therefore, the response of grain yield to narrow
lated in the three crop species (r 2 ⫽ 0.71, 0.64, and 0.94 for maize, rows can be analyzed in terms of the effect on the
soybean, and sunflower, respectively). For the conditions of these amount of RI at the critical periods for kernel set. In
experiments, grain yield increase in response to narrow rows was
some cases, full RI during these periods may not be
closely related to the improvement in light interception during the
critical period for grain set.
achieved with wide rows. Examples of this situation
could be late soybean plantings, early maize plantings,
defoliation or stress at early stages, use of short-season
cultivars, use of erect-leaf maize hybrids, etc.
D ecreasing row spacing at equal plant densities
produces a more equidistant plant distribution.
This distribution decreases plant-to-plant competition
Our working hypothesis is that the yield increase in
maize, soybean, and sunflower in response to decreased
distance between rows is a result of an increase in light
for available water, nutrient, and light and increases ra-
interception at the critical periods for grain set. Re-
diation interception (RI) and biomass production (Shi-
sponses are expected to be inversely proportional to RI
bles and Weber, 1966; Bullock et al., 1988). It also re-
achieved with the wider row spacing at those critical
duces the leaf area index required to intercept 95% of
periods for grain yield determination.
the incident radiation due to an increase in the light
extinction coefficient (Flenet et al., 1996). However, the
benefits of more equidistant spacing for crops grown MATERIALS AND METHODS
without important water and nutrient deficiencies are The experiments were conducted at Balcarce (37 ⬚45⬘ S lat),
variable. Some researchers reported grain yield increases Tandil (37 ⬚15⬘ S lat), and Pergamino (33 ⬚56⬘ S lat), Argentina,
(Hunter et al., 1970; Scarsbrook and Doss, 1973; Olson during different growing seasons. The soils were typical Argiu-
and Sanders, 1988; Bullock et al., 1988; Porter et al., dols with an organic matter content of 6 to 8% in Balcarce
and Tandil and 2% in Pergamino in the first 25 cm of depth.
1997; Ethredge et al., 1989; Parvez et al., 1989; Board
Nitrogen and P were applied following fertilizer recommen-
et al., 1992; Egli, 1994), but others have not (Robinson, dations derived from soil analysis. Soybean seeds were inocu-
1978; Beatty et al., 1982; Zaffaroni and Schneiter, 1991; lated with Bradirhizobium japonicum. In Exp. 3, 4, 5, and 6,
soil water in the 1-m depth was kept above 50% of maximum
F.H. Andrade and P. Barbieri, Unidad Integrada INTA Balcarce- available water by sprinkler irrigation. In Exp. 1, a comple-
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias UNMP, CC 276, 7620 Balcarce, Bue- mentary irrigation of 45 mm was applied at flowering. The
nos Aires, Argentina; P. Calviño, Unidad Integrada INTA Balcarce-
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias UNMP and AACREA, CC 276, 7620 rest of the experiments (2, 7, 8, 9, and 10) were conducted
Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and A. Cirilo, INTA Pergamino, under dryland conditions; however, plants were not exposed
CC 276, 7620 Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This work was to severe drought during flowering and grain filling. In all
supported by Instituto Nacional de Tecnologı́a Agropecuaria (INTA), cases, weeds, insects, and diseases were controlled. The size
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias UNMP, CREA Tandil, Consejo Na- of the experimental plots ranged from 28 to 39 m2, and the
cional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Técnicas (CONICET), and number of replications varied from three to four.
Monsanto Argentina. Received 27 Nov. 2001. *Corresponding author
Abbreviatons: MG, maturity group; PAR, photosynthetically active
Published in Agron. J. 94:975–980 (2002). radiation; RI, radiation interception.


Table 1. Species, cultivars, plant density at harvest, sowing date, row spacing, and other treatments used in the different experiments.
Exp. Species Cultivar Plant density Sowing date Row spacing Observations
plant m ⫺2 m
1 Maize DK 688, P37P73 8 1 Oct. 1999 0.52 and 0.70 Irrigation
2 Maize DK 688, P37P73 8 1 Oct. 1999 0.52 and 0.70 Defoliation levels
3 Maize C7301, C280 5.1, 6.3, 8.1 26 Dec. 1996 0.35 and 0.70 Irrigation
4 Maize M4, C Titanium, 6.2, 8.7, 11.4 25 Sept. 1998 0.50 and 0.70 Irrigation
C 343, DK757,
Ax924, Ax884
5 Maize Ax924 and Ax884 6, 8.5,11.5 12 Oct. 1999 0.50 and 0.70 Irrigation
6 Soybean SRF 350, Ax3127, 40 29 Dec. 1986 0.35 and 0.70 Irrigation
Williams, Ax4268,
SRF450, Crawford
7 Soybean Pioneer 9396, Don 15, 30, 45 Dec. 1999 0.19 and 0.57 Dryland
Mario 2800
8 Soybean Mitchel and Ax3127 35 18 Nov. 1989 0.30 and 0.60 Dryland, deep and
shallow soils
9 Sunflower Rancul 20 and Zenit 52 12 Oct. 1996 0.52 and 0.70 Dryland
10 Sunflower Paraiso 20 and Zenit 46 18 Oct. 1999 0.52 and 0.70 Dryland

Crop, cultivars, plant density at harvest, sowing date, row determined with a Tesma A-79 moisture meter (Tesma SAIC,
spacing, and other treatments are shown in Table 1. In Exp. 1, Buenos Aires, Argentina), and yield was expressed at a mois-
treatments were a factorial arrangement of two maize hybrids ture content of 140, 110, and 120 g kg⫺1 in maize, sunflower,
and two row distances (Table 1). In Exp. 2, the treatments were and soybean, respectively. Linear regressions between per-
a factorial arrangement of two maize hybrids, three defoliation centage yield increase in response to a reduction in row spacing
treatments (an untreated control, defoliation at V3 stage, and and RI achieved with wide rows were established for the three
defoliation at V5 stage; Ritchie and Hanway, 1982), and two crops. Moreover, linear regressions between percentage yield
row distances (Table 1). Defoliation consisted of removing all increase in response to a reduction in row spacing and RI
exposed leaf blades. Experiment 1 and 2 were analyzed as ran- increase in response to the same treatment were also calcu-
domized complete block designs with three replications. In lated for the three species. Radiation interception increase
Exp. 3, 4, and 5, the treatments were a factorial arrangement was expressed as [(RI in narrow rows ⫺ RI in wide rows)/RI
of two to six maize hybrids, three plant densities, and two row in wide rows] ⫻ 100. Data were also processed by analysis
distances, with three replications (Table 1). The experiments of variance.
were split-split plot designs in which densities corresponded
to the main plots in randomized complete blocks, row spacing
to the subplots, and hybrids to the sub-subplots. Data from RESULTS
Exp. 6 were taken from Bodrero (1988). The experiment was
conducted under irrigation, and the treatments were a factorial In maize, the largest increases in RI at flowering and
arrangement of six soybean cultivars [maturity group (MG) in grain yield in response to narrow rows were observed
III and MG IV] and two row distances (Table 1). In Exp. 7, in Exp. 2 (Table 2). Within this experiment, the largest
the treatments were a factorial arrangement of two soybean increase in grain yield (p ⬍ 0.05) in response to narrow
cultivars (MG II and MG III), three plant densities, and two rows was found in crops that were defoliated at V5 and
row distances (Table 1). The analyzed values correspond to reached ⬍65% RI in wide rows. Responses to decreases
the average of two sowing dates (4 and 19 Dec. 1999). In in row spacing were lower when crops were not defoli-
Exp. 8, the treatments were a factorial arrangement of two
ated because they achieved much higher RI in wide
soybean cultivars (MG III and MG IV) and two row distances.
This experiment was conducted in deep (⬎1 m) and shallow rows at flowering. In the experiments conducted under
(0.6 m) soils. Experiments 6, 7, and 8 were randomized com- irrigation (1, 3, 4, and 5), close to maximum RI was
plete block designs with three replications. In Exp. 9 and 10, achieved with wide row spacing, and small or no grain
the treatments were a factorial arrangement of two sunflower yield responses (p ⬎ 0.05) to narrow rows were observed.
cultivars and two row distances in a randomized complete Combining the data from all of the experiments, per-
block design with three replications (Table 1). centage grain yield increase in response to decrease in
Radiation interception was calculated as (1 ⫺ It/I0) ⫻ 100, row spacing was significantly and inversely associated
where It is incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (r 2 ⫽ 0.62, p ⬍ 0.001) with RI achieved with wide rows
just below the lowest layer of photosynthetically active leaves
and I0 is incident PAR at the top of the canopy. The values (Table 3). Moreover, when row spacing was reduced, per-
of It and I0 were obtained with an AccuPAR radiometer (Deca- centage yield increase was significantly related to per-
gon Devices, Pullman, WA) in Exp. 3 to 5 and with a LI- centage increase in RI (r 2 ⫽ 0.71, p ⬍ 0.001) (Table 4).
COR 188 B meter (LI-COR, Lincoln, NE) connected to a In soybean, the greatest increases in RI at R3 and in
line quantum sensor 191 SB in the rest of the experiments. grain yield in response to narrow rows were observed
Determinations were taken near flowering in maize and sun- in crops planted in December (Table 2, Exp. 6 and 7)
flower and at R3 in soybean (Fehr and Caviness, 1977). The (p ⬍ 0.05). The smallest responses were observed when
number of observations were at least five per experimental RI at R3 in wide rows was close to or ⬎90%. Combining
unit. The measurements were confined to the midday period
(1100–1300 h) and were taken on sunny days only following
the data from the three soybean experiments, percent-
the technique described by Gallo and Daughtry (1986). At age grain yield increase from decreased row spacing was
harvest, 7.15 m of each of the two center rows in maize and inversely associated (r 2 ⫽ 0.54, p ⬍ 0.01) with RI in
sunflower and 5 m of the central rows in soybean were har- wide rows at R3 (Table 3). Moreover, when row spacing
vested to determined total grain yield. Grain moisture was was reduced, percentage yield increase was significantly

Table 2. Radiation interception (RI) and grain yield as a function of row spacing in maize, soybean, and sunflower in Exp. 1 to 10.
Data in Exp. 7 correspond to the average of two December planting dates.
RI Grain yield
Exp. Cultivar Treatment Wide rows Narrow rows Wide rows Narrow rows
% g m⫺2
1 DK688 94.6 96.2 1188 1145
P37P73 86.3 93.6 1006 1081
SE 1.2 37.9
2 Mean of two cultivars Control 84.6 88.3 1075 1068
Defoliated V3 79.0 87.3 1035 1086
Defoliated V5 62.5 73.1 860 974
SE 1.5 31.1
3 Mean of two cultivars 5.1 pl† m⫺2 88.5 91.9 1064 1126
6.3 pl m⫺2 92.8 94.3 1158 1183
8.1 pl m⫺2 95.6 95.8 1228 1234
SE 2.11 53.0
4 Mean of six cultivars 6.1 pl m⫺2 88.8 91.7 1327 1336
8.7 pl m⫺2 94.3 96.0 1442 1454
11.4 pl m⫺2 95.0 97.0 1441 1467
SE 0.59 21.7
5 Means of two cultivars 6.0 pl m⫺2 94.0 94.5 1183 1189
8.5 pl m⫺2 96.0 96.5 1156 1181
11.5 pl m⫺2 98.0 98.0 1096 1110
SE 0.34 31.0
6 Mean of six cultivars 80.8 97.2 259 289
7 D. Mario 2800 15 pl m ⫺2 74.5 91.0 310 350
30 pl m⫺ 2 81.5 90.5 362 373
45 pl m⫺ 2 90.5 91.5 359 366
Pioneer 9396 15 pl m ⫺2 72.0 88.0 333 362
30 pl m⫺ 2 79.0 90.0 361 382
45 pl m⫺ 2 87.5 90.0 362 393
SE 1.5 5.1
8 Mitchel Shallow soils 89.6 90.4 247 248
Deep soils 91.4 91.8 312 306
A⫻3127 Shallow soils 86.7 90.1 235 244
Deep soils 88.9 90.8 296 310
SE 2.1 11.9
9 Rancul 96.2 97.4 251 237
Zenit 80.8 93.9 248 271
SE 1.7 7.2
10 Paraiso 83.9 92.8 324 322
Zenit 74.8 89.3 303 338
SE 2.1 8.1
† pl, plants.
‡ NA, not applicable.

and positively related to percentage increase in RI (r 2 ⫽ A common relationship for the three species com-
0.64, p ⬍ 0.01) (Table 4). bined was determined (Fig. 1 and 2). Average grain
In sunflower, increases in grain yield in response to yield response to narrow rows was close to zero when
narrow rows were only observed in the short-season RI in wide rows was ⬎90%. The average grain yield re-
hybrid Zenit (Table 2) (p ⬍ 0.05). This cultivar showed sponses increased to 4.5 and 8.8% for RI values in wide
the lowest RI at flowering in wide rows. Maximum RI rows of 80 to 90% and 70 to 80%, respectively (Fig. 1).
at flowering in wide rows was achieved with the long- On the other hand, when row distance was reduced, the
season hybrid Rancull, and no positive grain yield re- relative increase in grain yield was approximately 50%
sponse to narrow rows was observed. Again, percentage of the relative increase in RI (Fig. 2).
grain yield increase in response to decrease in row spac-
ing was inversely associated (r 2 ⫽ 0.86, p ⬍ 0.1) with DISCUSSION
RI achieved with wide rows at flowering (Table 3).
Moreover, when row spacing was reduced, percentage Most of the yield response of the maize crop to reduc-
yield increase was positively and directly related to per- tions in row distance was related to improvements in
centage increase in RI (r 2 ⫽ 0.94, p ⬍ 0.05) (Table 4).
Table 4. Ordinate (a), slope (b), and coefficient of determination
Table 3. Ordinate (a), slope (b), and coefficient of determination (r 2) of the linear regressions between percentage yield increase
(r 2) of the linear regressions between percentage yield increase and radiation interception (RI) increase when row width was
in response to a reduction in row spacing and radiation intercep- reduced for maize, soybean, and sunflower. Radiation intercep-
tion observed in wide rows for maize, soybean, and sunflower. tion increase was expressed as [(RI in narrow rows ⫺ RI in
Standard error of a and b are also shown. N is the number with wide rows)/RI in wide rows] ⫻ 100. Standard error of a
of observations. and b are also shown. N is the number of observations.
Species a b r2 N Species a b r2 N
Maize 34 ⫾ 7 ⫺0.35 ⫾ 0.08 0.62 14 Maize 0.20 ⫾ 0.8 0.72 ⫾ 0.13 0.71 14
Soybean 47.9 ⫾ 13 ⫺0.51 ⫾ 0.16 0.54 11 Soybean 1.71 ⫾ 1.3 0.41 ⫾ 0.10 0.64 11
Sunflower 74.6 ⫾ 21 ⫺0.85 ⫾ 0.25 0.86 4 Sunflower ⫺8.3 ⫾ 2.5 1.00 ⫾ 0.18 0.94 4

Fig. 1. Relationship between percentage grain yield increase in re- Fig. 2. Relationship between percentage grain yield increase in re-
sponse to reduction in row spacing and radiation interception (RI) sponse to narrow rows and radiation interception (RI) increase in
observed in wide rows for maize (circles), soybean (triangles), and response to the same treatment for maize (circles), soybean (tri-
sunflower (squares). Radiation interception was expressed as per- angles), and sunflower (squares). Radiation interception increase
centage of incident radiation and measured at flowering in maize was expressed as [(RI in narrow rows ⫺ RI in wide rows)/RI in
and sunflower and at R3 in soybean. Average standard errors of wide rows] ⫻ 100. Average standard errors of all experiments
all experiments were 1.4 and 3.4% for x and y variables, respec- were 1.9 and 3.4% for x and y variables, respectively. Radiation
tively. Y ⫽ 42.85 ⫺ 0.45x; r 2 ⫽ 0.60; p ⬍ 0.001. interception was measured at flowering in maize and sunflower
and at R3 in soybean. Y ⫽ 0.17 ⫹ 0.52x; r 2 ⫽ 0.62; p ⬍ 0.001.
RI at the critical flowering period. When available data
from the literature were combined (Westgate et al., Greater responses to decreases in row spacing are ex-
1997; Scarsbrook and Doss, 1973; Ottman and Welch, pected in those crop species whose plants are closer to-
1989; Bullock et al., 1988), a similar relationship was gether within the row. Similarly, the response of maize
found between percentage yield increase and percent- to narrow rows is low or null at low plant densities
age RI increase at flowering in response to narrow rows (Fulton, 1970) because the decrease in transmitted PAR
(slope ⫽ 0.54, r 2 ⫽ 0.49, p ⬍ 0.01, n ⫽ 11). In soybean, between the rows is compensated by an increase in
there was an association between yield response to re- transmitted PAR between the plants in the row.
ductions in row spacing and RI increase at R3. A similar In the three crops, full light interception can probably
conclusion was obtained when data from the literature, not be achieved when (i) short-season and/or erect leaf
in which RI at R3 or close to R3 was reported (Board cultivars are grown (Anderson et al., 1998) or (ii) plants
et al., 1992; Egli, 1994; Board and Harville, 1996), were are defoliated (frost, hail, insects, etc.) or subjected to
combined and analyzed (slope ⫽ 0.45, r 2 ⫽ 0.44, p ⬍ water or nutrient stress at vegetative stages (Alessi et al.,
0.01, n ⫽ 16). Thus, soybean yield responses to reduc- 1977; Barbieri et al., 2000). Because drought or nutrient
tions in row spacing can be partly attributed to improve- deficiencies at vegetative periods limit leaf area expan-
ments in RI at the critical pod-setting period. Finally, sion (Trapani and Hall, 1996; Salah and Tardieu, 1997),
in sunflower, yield response to narrow rows was ob- they would increase the probability of response to nar-
served for the short-season hybrid only, and again, it was row rows. Early plantings in maize and late plantings
related to improvements in RI at flowering. In most cases, in soybean would also increase the response to narrow
the literature indicates little or no effect of row spacing rows because these management practices produce small
on sunflower grain yield (Zaffaroni and Schneiter, 1991; plants with fewer leaves (Andrade et al., 1996; Duncan
Robinson, 1978; Vijayalakshmi et al., 1975). This lack et al., 1973; Weaver et al., 1991).
of response is probably because sunflower has a high There are suggestions in the literature that reduced
capacity to achieve full light interception at flowering, row distance can increase soybean yield without affect-
provided that adapted cultivars are grown without seri- ing light interception at the critical period for grain
ous water deficits or other adversities during the vegeta- number determination (Duncan, 1986; Egli, 1994; Wells,
tive period. 1991). Such responses would be explained by an increase
In our work, maximal increases in RI with narrow in potential grain number due to an increase in node
rows did not differ much among the three species. In number and vegetative biomass, which would increase
the literature, however, reported increases are often dry matter partitioning to reproductive structures and
⬎25% in late-planted soybean (Board et al., 1992; Egli, the number of grains set per unit growth during the
1994; Board and Harville, 1996) and generally ⬍15% critical periods for grain set. Increases in potential grain
in maize (Scarsbrook and Doss, 1973; Bullock et al., number in response to plant biomass are greatest in soy-
1988; Ottman and Welch, 1989; Westgate et al., 1997). bean, intermediate in sunflower, and smallest in maize

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