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Department of Information technology

Software Project Management (3171609)

Practical 2

Question: Compare SDLC models for the given project

Let's compare different Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models for the Library
Management System.

1. Waterfall Model

• Clear Phases: The Waterfall model provides a clear and structured approach, allowing for
a systematic progression from one phase to another, making it suitable for well-defined
projects like a library management system.

• Requirements Clarity: It forces a thorough understanding and documentation of

requirements at the beginning of the project, ensuring clarity and reducing ambiguity.

• Well-Suited for Stable Requirements: When the library management system's requirements
are well-understood and stable, the Waterfall model can be efficient and effective.

• Rigid and Inflexible: The Waterfall model is inflexible to changing requirements once a
phase is completed. It's challenging to accommodate changes without going back to the
beginning, which can be a significant drawback if requirements evolve during

• Late Customer Feedback: Customer feedback is obtained only after the entire system is
developed and deployed, potentially leading to extensive rework if the customer's
expectations are not met.

• Long Delivery Time: The delivery of the final product takes a considerable amount of time,
as each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. This can be a drawback in
projects where early delivery or rapid iterations are desired.

2. Agile Model

• Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile allows for frequent reassessment and adaptation based
on changing needs, technology advancements, or feedback. This is crucial for library
management systems that may require adjustments based on evolving user requirements or
shifts in technology.

Batch A 210570116503 Nivedita Siroya

Department of Information technology
Software Project Management (3171609)

• Customer Involvement: Agile involves continuous customer feedback and iterations. This
ensures the final product aligns closely with customer expectations, improving user
satisfaction and product quality for the library management system.

• Early Deliveries: Agile emphasizes delivering a minimum viable product (MVP) early in the
development process. This allows stakeholders to start using and providing feedback on a
functional system sooner, helping to refine subsequent iterations.

• Complexity in Large Projects: Agile can become complex to manage in larger projects,
including significant library management systems, as coordinating and managing multiple
small, cross-functional teams can be challenging.

• Dependency on Customer Availability: Agile requires regular and active participation from
the customer or stakeholders for feedback and decision-making. If stakeholders are
unavailable or unengaged, it can slow down the development process and impede progress.

• Potential for Scope Creep: The Agile model's flexibility can sometimes lead to "scope
creep," where the project's scope expands beyond the initially defined boundaries. This can
affect timelines and budgets if not well-managed.

3. Scrum

• Incremental Development: Scrum encourages incremental development through short

iterations (sprints). This allows for the regular release of usable features, enabling
stakeholders to see progress and provide feedback early in the development process for the
library management system.

• Flexibility and Adaptability: Scrum provides flexibility to respond to changing

requirements. It allows the library management system to evolve and adapt based on
customer feedback and changing needs in the academic or organizational environment.

• Stakeholder Involvement: Scrum emphasizes frequent collaboration and communication

with stakeholders, ensuring that their requirements and expectations are continually aligned
with the project's progress. This helps in creating a library management system that meets
the actual needs of the users.

• Requires Experienced Teams: Implementing Scrum effectively requires a skilled and

experienced team. Without proper understanding and training, teams may struggle to
implement Scrum practices optimally, potentially reducing its effectiveness for the library
management system project.

• Potential Overemphasis on Speed: The focus on sprint velocity in Scrum can sometimes

Batch A 210570116503 Nivedita Siroya

Department of Information technology
Software Project Management (3171609)

lead to a rush to complete tasks within a sprint. This can compromise the quality of the
library management system if speed is prioritized over thoroughness and attention to detail.

• Initial Learning Curve: Adopting Scrum requires a learning curve for both the development
team and stakeholders. This learning process may cause some initial delays or challenges
in implementing the methodology effectively for the library management system project.

4. Iterative Model:

• The Iterative model allows for incremental progress and continuous refinement of the
library management system through multiple iterations. This enables early delivery of
functional components, incorporating feedback and improvements in subsequent iterations.

• Flexibility in Requirements: The iterative nature of the model accommodates evolving

requirements. As the project progresses, requirements can be refined, added, or modified,
ensuring that the final product aligns well with the needs of the library and its users.

• Early Identification of Issues: Issues and risks can be identified early in the development
process through each iteration. This proactive approach allows for the timely resolution of
problems, reducing the impact on the library management system project.

• Managing multiple iterations can be complex, especially in larger projects. Coordination,

tracking progress, and ensuring all iterations contribute effectively to the final product can
be challenging.

• Potential Scope Creep: The iterative model, if not managed carefully, can lead to scope
creep, where the project scope expands beyond the initial plan. This may result in delays
and increased project costs for the library management system.

5. Spiral Model

• The Spiral model emphasizes risk assessment and management at each phase. It allows for
early identification and mitigation of risks related to the library management system,
improving the chances of project success.

• Flexibility and Adaptability: The Spiral model offers flexibility in incorporating changes
and adjustments during development. It's well-suited for the library management system
project, where requirements may evolve based on user feedback and evolving technology.

Batch A 210570116503 Nivedita Siroya

Department of Information technology
Software Project Management (3171609)

• Progressive Refinement: The model allows for progressive refinement of the system in
each spiral, enabling continuous improvement and enhancement. This iterative nature
aligns well with the evolving needs of a library.

• The Spiral model can be resource-intensive and costly due to the multiple iterations and
extensive risk analysis involved. This may not be suitable for projects with tight budget
constraints, potentially impacting the library management system project's feasibility.

• Challenging to Manage: Managing the iterations and risks in a systematic and controlled
manner can be complex, especially for inexperienced teams. The spiral model requires a
well-structured approach and skilled project management to be effective.

• In summary, both the Iterative and Spiral models offer advantages like flexibility, risk
management, and incremental progress for a library management system project. However,
they can be challenging to manage and may incur higher costs, necessitating careful
planning and experienced project teams.

Batch A 210570116503 Nivedita Siroya

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