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Department of Information technology

Software Project Management (3171609)

Practical 5
Question: Design test suite to ensure software quality

Test Suite for "Neuro boosters" Brain Training Game:

1. Functional Testing:
Verify user registration:

• Test successful user registration with valid details.

• Test registration with invalid email format.

• Test registration with missing required fields.

Test user login:

• Test successful login with valid credentials.

• Test login with incorrect password.

• Test login with a non-existing user.

Test gameplay mechanics:

• Test different game levels for correct difficulty and progression.

• Test user interaction with game elements.

• Test scoring system accuracy.

Test profile management:

• Test updating user profile information.

• Test changing profile picture.

• Test claiming rewards based on progress.

2. Usability Testing:
Test user interface:

• Evaluate the ease of navigation through the app's screens.

• Check if UI elements are responsive and intuitive.

Test user experience:

• Collect feedback from potential users on the game's interface and gameplay.

Batch: A 210570116503 Nivedita Siroya

Department of Information technology
Software Project Management (3171609)

3. Performance Testing:
Load Testing:

• Test the game's performance under different user load scenarios.

• Measure response time and server load during peak usage.

4. Security Testing:
Test data security:

• Verify that user data is stored securely and not vulnerable to attacks.
Test user authentication:

• Test if unauthorized users can access protected features.

5. Compatibility Testing:
Test on different devices:

• Test the game on various devices (phones, tablets) to ensure compatibility.

6. Regression Testing:
Test fixes and updates:

• Re-test previously identified issues to ensure they have been resolved.

7. Boundary Testing:
Test input boundaries:

• Test the game's response to inputs at the edges of their valid ranges.

8. Error Handling Testing:

Test error scenarios:

• Test how the game handles unexpected errors or invalid inputs.

9. User Feedback Incorporation:

Collect user feedback:

• Incorporate feedback from users into testing scenarios.

10. User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

Involve end-users:

• Allow end-users to test the game and provide feedback on their experience.

Batch: A 210570116503 Nivedita Siroya

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