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Reading Test (4) – Part (C) – Text (1)

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Part (C) - Text (1)

! How to Answer

Multiple Choice ေမးခွ နး် များကို (A, B, C or D) မှနရ

် ာတစ် ခုကို ေရွ း1ပီ း ေြဖဆိုရပါမည်

စာပိုဒ်တစ် ခုစီ၏ number များကို ;ှပ

ိ ် 1ပီ း ဖတ်ပါ

ေလ့လာထားေသာ Part (C) ကို ချ@်းကပ် ေြဖဆိုနည်း အတိင

ု ်း ေလ့ကျင့်ပါ

ေမးခွ နး် (၈)ခု ကို အေြဖများကို ေရွ း1ပီ းလDင် Finish ;ှင့် Show Solution ခလုတ်များကို ;ှပ
ိ ် 1ပီ း အေြဖတိက
ု ်ပါ

Text 1: Eggs

Paragraph (1) Paragraph (2) Paragraph (3) Paragraph (4)

It’s hard to keep up with the message on eggs. Are they good for you or not? In the 1960s, people were told: “Go to work on an
egg.” But in the 1970s the public was advised to avoid eggs because they were linked to high blood cholesterol. The negative
press on eggs continued in the 1980s when raw eggs were linked to salmonella poisoning. The message changed in 1999 when a
study, published in a leading medical journal, found no link between egg consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
This lack of a relationship between egg consumption and cardiovascular disease was reaffirmed in 2013 in an analysis of 17
reports of studies involving over three million participants. Indeed, eggs seemed to have been rehabilitated as part of a healthy
diet, so much so that it became fashionable to keep chickens.

Paragraph (5) Paragraph (6) Paragraph (7)

Most adults in North America, Europe, and Australasia have moderately increased blood cholesterol levels as a result of middle-
aged spread, saturated fat intake and, to some extent, cholesterol intake. Randomized controlled trials, where participants are fed
increasing amounts of eggs, have found that each 200mg of cholesterol from eggs increases the harmful form of blood
cholesterol by only a 3% rise.

7. What does the first paragraph tell us about medical opinions concerning egg consumption?

! A. Although some experts have changed their opinion, eggs are still unsafe.

! B. Salmonella poisoning is no longer associated with egg consumption.

! C. Over the years, advice has been inconsistent.

! D. The risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by cutting your egg consumption.

! Check "

! How to Check

ေမးခွ နး် (၈)ခု ကို အေြဖများကို ေရွ း1ပီ းလDင် Finish ;ှင့် Show Solution ခလုတ်များကို ;ှပ
ိ ် 1ပီ း အေြဖတိက
ု ်ပါ

ေမးခွ နး် အားလံးု ကို ေြဖ1ပီ းမှသာ Finish ခလုတ်ေပFလာပါမည်

1ပီ းလDင် Explanation Video ကိုGကည့်1ပီ း Hှ င်းချက်များကို ေလ့လာပါ

အားလံးု 1ပီ းလDင် Mark Complete ကို ;ှပ

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ု ်ပါသည်


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