Wood Box Construction Path

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Wood Box

By: Gursimarjit Thandi
Safety Equipment for the Project

• Hearing
• Goggles
• First of all, you have to
find wood pieces for your
box. You have to know the
length of all of the pieces
of your box and add all of
them together and ask
Step: 1 Mr. Spiers to give you that
length of wood piece.
After you get your wood
piece from Mr. Spiers you
have to cut your wood on
the miter saw.
Step: 2

• After you get your wood piece

from Mr. Spiers you have to cut
all of your pieces on the miter
saw. Before you use the miter
saw you have to watch all of
the videos that Mr. Spiers
posted on teams or this
website. You also have
to complete the miter saw tests
and get 100% on it to use the
miter saw. After you have
completed the tests and
watched the videos, you will
wear your safety equipment
and first set your
measurements of the longest
piece and call Mr. Spiers
before you cut your piece.
Step: 3
• After you have cut all of your pieces on the miter saw,
you will sand your pieces. You will first start with the 60
grit of sand paper to get rid of all the scratch marks and
other things on your wood. After you used the 60 grit
sand paper, you will use the 120 grit of sand paper to
smooth out your pieces of wood. After that you will use
the 320 grit of sand paper. After you sanded your wood,
you will put a few drops of water on your hand and rub
it on top of your wood.
Step: 4
• After you are done with sanding your wood pieces, you
will start on the dado. After you will use a pencil and
draw a line to every side of every piece of wood like
shown in the picture. Then you will do the same thing on
the top of the piece and on the corner of the piece.
After you are done with that, you will watch the videos
that Mr. Spiers posted about the Dado and also
complete the test.
Step: 5
• After you have done marking your pieces of wood with
the pencil, you will watch the videos that Mr. Spiers
provided in teams or on his website and after you watch
the videos you will do the test and get 100% on it. After
you did that, you will set up your dado to the right width
and call Mr. Spiers to check over it. Before you start the
Dado be sure that you have your safety equipment on.
Step: 6

• After you are done with the

dado, you will find a base
for your box. After you have
found your base, you will
cut the base to the same
length and width of your
Step: 7
• After you have found your base and cut it to the same
length and width of your box, you will use the table to cut
the lines on the bottom where you are going to put your
base in. First you will setup your fence and they use safety
equipment before you start working on the table saw. Then
you will run all of your pieces through the table saw. Then
you will only run one piece through until you get the
perfect width for your base. After you get the perfect width
for your base, then you will run all of your pieces through
the table saw.
Step: 8

• After you have cut all of

your pieces through with
the table saw, you will put
all of your pieces together
with the base and cut your
base until your box fully
builds together and there
are no gaps in between.
Step: 9

• After you are done with cutting

your base and adjusting your
pieces together you will start to
glue your pieces together. Then
you start gluing, use the clamps
and paper towel so that the glue
doesn't stick on the clamps. After
you glued your pieces together
clamp your pieces together and
show Mr. Spiers so that you didn't
make any mistakes.
Step: 10

• After you done gluing your pieces

together, you will find pieces for your
lid. After you find pieces for your lid
you will have to calculate the price of
the wood and pay Mr. Spiers the
money before you can use the wood.
After you pay Mr. Spiers the money
you will glue your lid pieces together
and wait 24 hours. After 24 hours you
will take your lid and use the planer
and plane your lid until it is leveled.
Step: 11
• After you are done planing your lid, you will sand your
lid with 60 grit, then 120, and then 320. After you done
with that you will unclamp your box and use the
thickness sander to level the top and bottom of your
box. After you are done, you will use the belt sander and
sand the sides of your box and make all of the four sides
blend in and make it smooth.
• After you are done with the belt sander you will
laser a picture on your box if you haven't done

Step: 12 laser. Before you start on the laser you will

watch all the videos posted and do the test on
teams. After you are done you will ask Mr.
Spiers if you can start the laser.
Step: 13

• After you are done with the

laser you can make a handle if
you want. I made a handle for
my box with a small piece of
wood and used different tools
to shape out the handle so it
looked good on my box. I
also sanded the handle so it
looked clean and smooth.
Final Product

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