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Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,

Department of CSE, Comilla University

Chapter 1
Introduction to Computers
Lesson 1
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Reference Book

Computer Fundamental
Dr. M Lutfar Rahman
Dr. M. Alamgir Hossain
Course Code : EMCS 513
Course Title : Introduction to Computer
Credit Hour : 3
Tentative Date for Final Exam : 1st week/ 1st December
Maximum Class : 8 + 2 =10
Date for 1st Midterm : 29/08/23
[Topics: Based Lecture 1-5]
Date for 2nd Midterm : 03/11/23
[Topics: Based Lecture 6-9]
Marks Distribution For Before Final and Final Exam

Before Final (40) Final (60)

Mid Term (20) Answer any 5 questions
Mid Term 1 10 out of 8.
Mid Term 2 10
Midterm 20
Attendance 10
Assignment 10
Total 40
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Basic Organization

What is a computer?
❑ A computer is a electronic machine that stores, processes
and retrieves data. It cannot think or reason, it can only
carry out instruction. It can be instructed to carry out
sequences of arithmetic or logical operations
automatically via computer programming.
❑ Program: A set of instructions that directs its action is
called a program. These programs enable computers to
perform an extremely wide range of tasks.
❑ Different programs are used to solve different problems.
❑ Ability to accept, store and execute programs makes the
computer an invaluable and all purpose business tool.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

How to solve a problem by a computer?

A computer performs four steps to solve a problem.

1. Develop a computer program to solve that program.
2. Store it to the memory.
3. Executes the instructions in that program.
4. Finally, the instructions direct the computer to solve the
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

What is Data Processing Cycle?

Computer performs three basic functions over and over

again; these are input, processing and output. Collectively,
these functions constitute the data processing cycle.
Input: Input devices feed the computer the computer the
facts or data to be processed.
Processing: The control and storing of data, numerical
comparisons and arithmetical operations are performed on
the input data to produce the results.
Output: The computer feed the processed data or
information to the output devices.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Input Devices : Disk, keyboard, scanner or other storage device.

Output Devices: Display Screen, disk or other media.

Input Processing Output

Fig: Data Processing Cycle

Keyboard Monitor
System Unit
(Input Unit) (Output Unit)

Fig: Solving a problem with a computer

Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Component of a Computer System

Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University


Hardware refers to the machines or physical equipment

that performs the basic functions of the data processing
Classification of Hardware
1. Off Line Hardware: These devices may be off line that
is detached from the computer and operating
independently. Example: A printer.
2. On-Line Hardware: These devices may be on line that
is directly connected to and controlled by the computer
and operating dependently. Example: A keyboard.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University


❑ A software is a sequence of instructions which is given to

a compute to solve mathematical and logical problems.
❑ Software of a computer system is intangible rather than
physical. It is the term used for any type of program.
Without software a computer is simply a mass of
electronic component.
❑ Classification of Software
1. System Software
2. Application Software
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

System Software

❑ System software consists of programs that helps the

use of a computer.
❑ System Software is a set of programs that control and
manage the operations of computer hardware. System
software makes the operation of a computer more fast,
effective, and secure. These programs perform such
standard tasks as organizing and maintaining data files,
translating programs written in programming languages to
a language accepted to the computer, scheduling jobs
Example: Operating system, language translator,
Communication software, Utility programs etc.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Application Software

❑ Application Software includes program to perform

user application.
❑ Application software is a type of computer program that
performs a specific personal, educational, and business
function. Each program is designed to assist the user.
❑ Example: Applications software include such things
as database programs, word
processors, Web-browsers and spreadsheets.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University


Humanware refers to the persons who design, program and

operate a computer.
Classification of Humanware
1. A system analyst defines the application problem,
determines system specifications, recommends
hardware and software designs information processing
2. A programmer principle job is to code or prepare
programs based on the specifications made by the
system analyst.
3. A computer operator generally performs a series of
well defined tasks to keep the computer operating at
maximum efficiency.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Operational Procedures

❑ Operational Procedures includes obtaining, preparing and

data into the computer, processing jobs, initiating new
programs and changing or deleting old ones.
❑ Such procedures require actions to be taken in the event
of hardware or software malfunctions.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Importance of a Computer

1. Volume of data: The computer is suitable to

handling large volume of data.
2. Accuracy: Ensure high degree of accuracy and their
consistency is reliable.
3. Repetitiveness: Performing the task as many times
as required.
4. Complexity: Performs complex calculation.
5. Speed: Works at very high speed and this enables
them to respond quickly to a given situation.
6. Common Data: One item of data can be used for
different computer procedures.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Limitation of a Computer

1. Computers can not think.

2. Computers can not do anything without human
3. Computers can not make any adjustment as human
being can do.
Prepared by Khairun Nahar,Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE, Comilla University

Home Work
1. Difference between Off Line and On Line hardware
2. Difference between System software and Application
software .

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