Housinganalysis Islam

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21 houses in Atlantic County were approved as

potential purchases for a customer. However, the

following criteria had to be met;
1. Had to be in one of the three better school
districts: Linwood City, Galloway Township, and/or
Hammonton Township, 2. Must be at least 2 miles
away from hazardous waste sites, and 1 mile away
from solid waste landfills, 3. Located in upland area,
4. Within 2 miles of public-owned forested areas,
state parks, or preserved land
Using GIS, analyst tools were used in order to find
homes that met the criteria. Query builders were
used to find houses that met criteria 1 and 4 by
restricting the layers down to the requirement, while
the Clip and Buffer tools in the ArcToolbox were
used to find houses that also met criteria 1 and 4. In
the end, 2 houses (20, 21) were the houses that met
the whole criteria.

20 21
Cartographer: Tajneen Islam

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