Physics Practical Record

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VELAMMAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST SCHOOL... Name Pawar «1 Batch No. Class xu Regd. No. __Certificate Certified that this is a bonafide Record of Practical work done by Mr. / Miss .. in the Laboratory during the year ...20241., Record Total | =i oe Teacher - in - charge Submitted for the Practical Examination in ..... held o1 Principal Internal Examiners External Examiners Name of the Experiment — = —— METER Barone ~ SERIES | MeteR Oe GoNOMETER - 28 ConVEX LENS 24 6 |ge-8-3| CONVEX MiRRoR [33 + lg4-923| Prism 34 % hav] DunctioN Dio pe. || Lt | Name Ex.No} Date V jiseeasl Acuwiry « CONTENTS Class Name of the Experiment o Jeo A ACTIVITY™ L a z Ty 3 |W | Activity - 2 a eS PA Y |ret-y Atri ty ~ 4 - fe F S |es93] Activity ~ 5 61 oe b |n4 Aeuvity -G 65 A 3 anual ee the rescsTanrce a a Obewi's Sele Se FS Baas a Fl To deters the Aesnkovty 24 too ured a plsthoug a gia fex._po Mee sl part om a yeti po pel — pans RN en at ais Lada ocoomutloler o too Arg cell wel ieielys(ohSv)y bn ahilltamm - emir, (0-500 mh, nhesstot , plug ken connaching whieh anata paite fy towd. paper 6 Pronuple Pile nlotis thal at gitniniatas the deduce urna feviung 0 thea. a.conductor is diutly propstonal to The gxtenbal dfforie acroes th wads ne Ato oy thas conduchor pemaies evmula Fest the given ude , R= NIT, where ve Diol dilfercrce. Co ; a = Se” an ALA Ser eno oe $0: Peni: ae conpevills - narrow st rb estak. | alti ey 5 Vothmetin anc ammotin as sbenorw win We didiopavrr: sit whether a aummlin aud volkmobir | caircide i ¢ ak on the miaurtiag ecole Ge 1 BENG DIO Ov 1x10 Cokudotion Pr - Strato: 4 Bt pune ned ray ae A uispovn, auc pes | wer bride a ware obeut lm Dong (2. anatiniol. whore | pepiatamces tA to box dotrrenimed), Rapin dee Joox le nhwestok gabionomrbrr . 0 golery, ont- Way deo, 0 ell atti Diehan tide eoruhong pod bea, (2 Observation ' To pond resis lamer of que ere G.No | Rurkstomce oleae Length | x = | RCohm) yee: Q Comy De= CooL) Gm eau on See i |, = gee Sa — a Sek = a eke X= RCioo-2) C9) [mewn renatorrer iact eas | 2 a Poe core Ae ae 7 CPT : [Q- Resistance vv thy pesrstamee becegeie ee | | p- balameung Length. CH) 5 St Sarl eee [Procedure LProw tie cincrit diagno ond mole cumnciens feonduno ta the cdrust dungrane a 9.|Remove Fly udilatiens prema the ands o the comnechng loines woitlr thre Lulpet rand paper amd mole weak, teow ond told camnectiew - z 3.|| Make pure hot Hae puscstonce ww the A fouwce box 2s a oy Shin poss crdar op nngrctuds od the sssnbastedwe pareblowwes. To duck whether the Hus_connactious | tae ccaeual ont nemnonecl cock feud the fork , Linak of the eee, sy de de le Caleulation 9 X= R Cwo-0) lean = § ti) ae (ery) Mia X= FT ecerd ale Ass Of beth parts of the wre sin the Pee ei toh a ves zed Cig Dae mraz gertte, oe Lpurtoble volusos a qulicae paul peiwk betiver Our io ome Tellow cub Ae reristoree wine % ab * ak thie pou ity whore sb | braves bounding toriminals. Strarghtin ik by stretelons lomd Amevt 3 Kyles - aE: 4.|| Vsung Acre) qourge measure the SPT) Al the Wars. ak gow dito places by heaping bun a amutaally a popunduaular. drectow Precaution Vell connectiors should be amade fight. moataud clean as un own Bs We martin rides, wirw alrould Lave dunsukerrna arse op eros ; Sounwso}. snare E ST Aah ey omnauyenct toe plugged at iw properly 794 = Repislomce ef gaven wie ts i Hf Lado combo bers Caries) pusirbiioes wkung as, budge. i wabion o rerirforiers (shes wks | \> badge, Aaensbive galvassamelir , tuo differat parttonns je msstance box a poke rae ales tale a pig eT tn busibfance (0) od tyrstawer woe or a.ceil ia quien by | X= 2 Cioo-2)/t where Ris the pesatouce ates Jusiatonn co pox tw the Debt aap aud Lin the Hy creshonhnidae woe frome. Ln weds up fo Mee balance two rsdtanes Riou kp are commedlid ww series , a Yolake ware thot the prisoner dn the periatiarce bon ss Lg baw odin - emagmilicls onthe suluovon resstiure age a tte To dreek whuthrr the o mnie 0 the ww Cee ike Beall ei Hoh od tab ‘| Ges htts Dobe bend [in the galvausmeb, aren oppose diiechioud , the Dp Pies anes connect a || Now pe a a tha ressTovice cota ee ee | pcan ate la eel ae Wierd Joapil beth parted caine jw the obsemolin | Repeal the above ommete hina Valuss of ® aeltiang asl powd belive Oem amd tOcm _ Nets peniotanece & “aud Lusgthd &B od D din th ebsonabion de Heepent thu whale ayprment iad i yee : a, freddy tha valut. of HN Sudneee acl: Waste or Fr Glalade the espowmanrtal value of th sopwolenk series £ wtanoe CX of. combina fiw og pnseptamces —_—_ ale Oblaiw thy msowvoluce ol} cubeuswr hese h 5 | ay ue = [te ameter bridge wire vied slueuld have afer adeo— rss _aecliow - i. ela To pund. Bw Prespasssiy BAC rmaaias uote 0 acnomelen 4 | Ase ; ee a a et die oe [edtia magwak,, a. ee ites eed auiglule Lasaper. a plgstsal hatamee, two sharp adage wedges laud a. uaeigt fox. Le iat Ligtl op toa sali sine wlan pusemaute ait frequency on oy the, a At Holset e te Me lesa agN™m Lia Length of the schraling Abusing Tie tau Pelco, funder i ba mats por sunk Jongh, a ; oa Ten sow Russ ng CSN) MR 6 didn a fa ened pr wel” Lerngtle — j piles | | eS Sen | Te frequceansces gq Accessed Sav ons a) ia LYM | whe [p= Length of, cs, a Metso fats Aono a Dambetes T- Minmien applied te the Wire a= conn pia uscd: Lena oy Hn vie Procedure. i Sab sp Dw sersralio. oud atts Haine AG by stig a Load A Ua ka on the Shou asww De onc ‘ ugg the, sledtora grat Gbaseeeeee a7 Ge, uondaay ga ttipdown traurstovmer - Adyust tip esto Pek ou pole ins close te the middle’ oy the MS ho [To-fsd Ale focal Length. % oconverx Devs by plattuag, | papas betwen fein SEL pe ime ‘Apganccus paguured, ‘A.aownee Joox worth flamaeut lawp amabre Scale lors bolder, AU quire caver Juan atv oo whe. we date A deja De fe “duakamen 4) sanage fron Leos C eka f= Faia Aegis conver Lend! Proud = ; oral, Demat: a cake gente sol ee Ak | eA t a ed tha Loa i»_novgh fol Losgll aE co) ns Cie. i ee Papa iia wu Coo) Cem) oe 38 aa tf aie 3 | we a 4 Ae 3b [op the source box amd screen on both, adr og thu Lever hee eo Pee the ere = | Wate the. (oe beatae ee ~ Adpuat of wi and_ teas. lear nate ae = dust cL bebvoeen the ler oun en —— rausspeadiig ony d Dengtle using thy a [foramen i Sources of wer. jane lax oro while nrnosunind dusters Thre ay, td he feud aeatocolly — 7 : ee A hag 9 gi cane Lents Nem b|| To Bund the treat Lon i : tla venvex Jong ; gh of 2 we veconinoe ees [tien . | to fund tn focal Lomatle of. A Convex mune wang ov q convex Lens Apprdtin am optical burl with upralds for halderg Les, inner iaomerro Lis alin dencexboun aebaveeeni baer 4 didlex rude, a mute sale and @ spout hurl . fevmuda Fool feng op convex mir is f= ec aR 2 gal Proudure elim Care. abe She focal Lengths of ths. given Shuey venuer Lins 4 mot known then Copprowmals value eoild be ustimatid. | Plow the optical Janie on ac aged table rma platform. Using the apinut Level , make it shortgon bol wile tas Delp ol Lucllong sores: : Ala BC vorghti oni walle put Pr, ornvex Lnsth vex miner MM Sali adel gptaal Deiclios = = Sno Position o% Com) ei | ie j ‘ » cunvalon, Moony | [ORS co) | ns CL) | Menon CP) | Toma ei ale Ee fl le Sere a4 2 [33 Seeet 23-5 Log 35° check that the Lins, omer d pus One vertically places! . | em the optical bench . also warify that ta Zep of the ia, optical coutru of Lins aur pole aire Le, ra ee some haut era f a = 5.| Deloming index correction beturen aprighk tH “é datding, convex munoy aud image wing an | eta 7 TS | Place Thu abyed pon convex Lows ab distowus 6 £ from We Lightly thou focal Length oo t Adgusr postion, df the even ie Me d back pir thu, nmrrov ass threuble funds avd. fom a-tal ond wweatid A wuac.ding vith P' p convex Lvs . Eis pcewdA when tu rays slanting pom th, tp 4 P., sblbh the mirror novmally aud ane neflicted back along J 4 ral paths: i ee es &:| Rod the pos of praia Datong the abjeck pw Py cmmvex Lina and cenver mnrnr aud receid vu obsewalesy Mtoble leumove. tha umvex minor from ita upright anol hex RS winage spin Peon ik. Adyusk the hgh 9 puss such that | ta tip abso Lies to prrcpal axts of tho tins Takis, The, PN ern antlps acl tac opted CoutnG Ol on sbiialt byrgntal. bine lo. Guanes oh parallax pula once changing Ue — CHEN ow theleoiuak and seavehully Paes oy Ht peti, of ‘thee amultinmcbos I lich dlls : applied si eres. wy Peirce winks onlcan ni Oa gn AR mo Liab serine the dom a 0 diode td May poustir mores whim vollage ia applied im one vary amd deun't whiw duwursed ound Hue ia igh meni Haw dh tua 0. LEO a iy Dh ty pola omnayea voltage us applied uv ene wasp a the time oa esti lw) ty th ey ound. aah revrrnd, the tir iA oo capacitor: pi dard LED, pater onpacsbor @ saudtabicc bo ~~ ad > S iets oy thw pubs Si et ce oe ta daub pete auses dus te —— reas as |Vroee edu | [ex ths blak pas on Tas gla plate by fas = Place to? _narer b _dodhal thy Marp edaer one. tel ees dese th sadn sth 4p fon a. inne Pmt small slit iy biteevoe the sharp edges a, the p bled aud place ol: o dustabl. distance from o Wallon seneun de dane pov £ 2 Two a brome Lughat on Shae slat Joy th Daaer A ditbroctien, jade Dae Witenes uw ow the all Precoutiovo fin gaps shouldut be Db below glass plotis oud glass pope oe sdtvmaly clesedons eI eee nl eS Twinn taki CPi =e a Hes cd 2 thane one Sox sunday tamdle anid a snun — a bins optical, Aelia white Sines lik aa Apa and, ot onc sen seo le g condlsard Most apoub hs said Bee ttl erage, feos Joy a aaa tupun cm tras pesiliow oe : Brae as tormusloy 1! ue i Toy fer ws vet for u = - 20 N= u=-f N= Am uw 2(-£) v beerms mapobwe Camage becomes Witual) unee antl cbjuct is moved from smabvarty truords the cower Deve Aur umage moves aula prone te ole temie nw ; ad Esmd Asuah focal Demglhs o) thu comurrtins by waual andbd |Mewal tu ornves bes ain bolder sw eoutrol mapright amd _ Keep ut wv the crud dhe optrcod Sem Lom 1 Ale op ieee jMowakthe codbeard sun ow ambther upahl and kept ak dustamor easel ti Asugl focal LAengtlhe Al Lia porn Dhan cvtiad ieee ose ee Mount tw bea tandbe iw turd, ee ae i oe | : "a aps uglt amd anor pha 24d Sp tis. ophcol, | ol | tel | lel bel\ | Aust has so flat ta waruled sonage of a oust fares. a burning conde. 4h ened on, sworn. Move thy Soon Pare kina gos onp Thy sveva will be maarly ak Hu io ce

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