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12/15/23, 10:28 PM SkillsBuild Learning

SkillsBuild Learning
Improve Your Resume Writing with
Generative AI

10 Minutes

Welcome to Improve Your Resume Writing with Generative AI!

In this short course, you’ll learn about the different ways to prompt ChatGPT when writing your resume from
scratch or updating it.

Imagine being able to input your work history, skills, and education into ChatGPT and letting it do the resume
work for you. In this course, you will get hands-on practice and tips for writing the best prompts to generate an
impressive resume that will make you stand out in the hiring process.


40 minutes

Create a ChatGPT account

Note: You need to create a free ChatGPT account to complete the activity in this course. Take a minute now to set
up an account with ChatGPT ( It’s simple. You will need the following to set up your

• An email address

• Your name

• Your birth date

• Note: ChatGPT requires users to be 13 years or older.

• A mobile phone number for verification and security purposes

Once you have created your account, you can continue in this course.

Select the following section to read detailed instructions to create an account.

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Instructions for creating an account to use ChatGPT

1. Go to (

2. Select Sign up.

3. Type your email address.

• You can also opt to use Google or Microsoft accounts if you already have one.

4. Create a password.

5. OpenAI will send an email to the email address that you provided to continue the setup. Check your email to
verify the account.

6. Type your first name, last name, and birthday (MM/DD/YYYY).

7. Type your mobile phone number.

8. OpenAI will send a code to the mobile phone number that you provided. Type the code to verify your account.

9. Read a few prompts regarding how ChatGPT uses information.

10. Then, the ChatGPT home page displays.

Click I’ve checked it out! to continue to explore this course.

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Key tips for success

5 Minutes

Resume crafting with ChatGPT

Before getting started, it’s important to keep these tips in mind (along with what you learned in Mastering the Art
of Prompting ( when using ChatGPT to create or update your

Select the following sections to explore these tips in detail.

Be specific

When crafting your prompts or questions, be as specific as possible to get the most effective results.

Put in the time and effort

Investing time and effort is crucial when creating a standout resume. While ChatGPT can simplify the process,
you must spend time providing it with accurate information and refining what is generated.

Provide as much information as possible

When crafting your prompts, include as much detail as possible about your qualifications, target role, and specific
requirements to help ChatGPT create a more effective and tailored resume for your needs.

For example:

• Provide a summary of your work experience.

• Share your top skills and how you have used them in your past roles.

• Provide any relevant information about your achievements.

Review and edit

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After ChatGPT generates your resume, carefully review and edit the content. Ensure that the information is
accurate and well organized, and aligns with your professional goals.

Customization is key

Tailor the generated resume to specific job applications. Highlight skills and experiences that are most relevant to
the position you're applying for, making your resume stand out to potential employers.

Keep asking for what you need

You can ask it to refine what it generates, such as, “I really like the resume summary you produced, but can you
make it more impactful by focusing on metrics?” or combine multiple prompts to elicit the kind of text you most

Maintain a professional tone

Check the language and tone of the generated content to ensure it maintains a professional and polished
appearance. Your resume should reflect your competence and suitability for the desired role.

Identify the length of your resume

Determine whether your resume should be one page, two pages, or longer.

Getting started with resume writing using

15 Minutes

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Open ChatGPT in another window while following along
After creating your ChatGPT account, determine whether you’re going to need ChatGPT to create a resume from
scratch or if you will be using it to update your resume. When you are asking ChatGPT to create a completely new
resume, make sure you feed it with as much information as possible because it doesn’t know anything about your
professional background. When you are updating your resume, you will need to have a digital copy of it handy to
share with ChatGPT.

If you are creating a resume from scratch, you can start by typing one of the
following prompts into ChatGPT

Prompt 1

“I’m going to give you information about myself. [Name, location, education, brief overview of experience, and
any career goals.] Please use this information to write a one-page resume for a [job title] with [X] years of
experience. Emphasize the following skills in the skills section: [list of skills].”

Prompt 2

“I’ve spent the last [X] years working as a [job title] and now I’m interested in pivoting to [job title or industry].
I’ve got a lot of transferable skills such as [skill 1, skill 2, skill 3] and I recently completed a digital credential on
IBM SkillsBuild ( Please use this information and the following job description I will supply
to write a one-page resume.”

Prompt 3

“I’m a recent graduate who attended [university name], earned a degree in [subject], graduated with a [X] GPA,
and interned at [company X]. I’m applying for an entry-level [job title] role. Here’s the job description: [copy +
paste job description]. Using all the information I’ve provided, please write a one-page resume that emphasizes
my accomplishments and metrics.”

If you are using ChatGPT to update your resume, you can start with one of the
following prompts

Prompt 1

“Here’s my current resume. Rewrite it to apply to this [title] role at [company]. Include metrics in the
achievements. [Copy/paste your resume and the job description.]”

Prompt 2

“Update the experience section of my resume to make it sound more actionable: [Copy/paste your resume.]”

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Prompt 3

“Here’s my current resume. Rewrite it to highlight the work I’ve done at [company] to align with this job role:
[Copy/paste your resume and the job description.]”

Fine-tune your resume

10 Minutes

Just as you learned in the Mastering the Art of Prompting ( and
Create a Great Professional Resume (
courses, you need to refine what you are inputting or add additional information to follow-up prompts until
ChatGPT gives you the results you are looking for.

Use follow-up prompts to refine your resume

Once you get the first copy of your resume from ChatGPT, it’s almost certain that you will need to make additional
changes to it. Here are some follow-up prompts that you can use to further polish your resume with ChatGPT:

1. “Can you add more detail to my work experience section about my responsibilities as a project manager at
my previous company?”

2. “Please revise the project section of my resume into a concise format, using bullet points.”

3. “Can you suggest any additional sections for my resume to highlight my skills and experience?”

4. “Can you add industry-specific jargon or keywords to my resume?”

Putting it all together!

While ChatGPT can provide you with a foundation for your resume, it’s ultimately up to you to put in the work and
find the most suitable template and format.

Don’t rely solely on ChatGPT’s generated content. Take the necessary steps to refine and edit your resume to
ensure it’s tailored to the job you want and it accurately showcases your skills and qualifications.

Like you learned in Create a Great Professional Resume (

DNQVNEEZEYVQ11DN), you need to make necessary edits to ensure the tone and voice sound like you.

Select the following sections to read some tips and specific examples.

Personalize details

Personalizing details in a resume is crucial even when using generative AI.
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Example: ChatGPT generates this response for you: “Developed and implemented marketing strategies to
increase brand awareness.”

You can personalize this output with: “Devised and executed targeted digital marketing campaigns, using social
media platforms and SEO techniques, resulting in a 40% boost in brand awareness for [company name].”

In this example, you made ChatGPT’s general response better by specifying the steps taken (digital marketing
campaigns, social media and SEO techniques) and by measuring the result (40% increase in brand awareness.)
This personalization makes the resume match the needs of a particular job and highlights real accomplishments.

Add in metrics

Add in specific numbers for the work you’ve done.

Example: “Increased sales by 15% through effective product promotion strategies at [name of part-time job].”

Humanize the language

Adding human language to a resume makes it more engaging and personalized.

Example: “Results-oriented individual with a passion for technology and a proven track record of academic
excellence. Known for effective leadership as Class President and Captain of the varsity soccer team, showcasing
strong interpersonal and organizational skills. Eager to bring enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence to a
dynamic team.”

In this example, the language is tailored to showcase the individual’s achievements and skills in a more narrative
and personalized manner. The writing provides a snapshot of the individual beyond just a list of
accomplishments, making it more relatable to potential employers or admissions officers.

Correct all typos

Don’t just let spellcheck do the job. Ask a teacher or a friend to read things through, ensuring that they’re clear
and spelled correctly.

Tailor skills and experience to the job

Review the description of the position you’re applying for. Make sure you’ve demonstrated your ability to meet all
the job requirements.

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Example: Say you’re applying for a marketing position that emphasizes social media management. You might
tailor your resume like this:

Tailored for a marketing position
Social Social media management: Successfully curated content calendars, increased engagement, and
media skills executed targeted social media campaigns across platforms, resulting in a 30% boost in audience
This adjustment specifically links the skill to the requirements of the job and showcases a measurable
achievement relevant to the position.

Perfecting your resume: Be patient!

Securing an interview might happen quickly or take some time. The key? Patience!

Be proactive and stay engaged in the job hunt by following up with recuiters and potential employers. Keep
exploring openings, discovering new opportunities, submitting applications, and crafting your path forward. Best
of luck in your job hunt!

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