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7/28/23, 4:39 PM Configure a Life Event in UKG Pro Benefits

Customer Market: Mid-Market

Configure a Life Event in UKG Pro Benefits

Provides step-by-step instructions for configuring and managing life events in UKG Pro Benefits
(core). Benefits administrators have three options: copy an existing life event, use a template,
or setup a life event manually.

Configure a Life Event in UKG Pro Benefits

Manage Life Events in UKG Pro Benefits
Life events describe common changes to an employee's life situation, such as a change
in marital status or having a child.

Life events may require employees to make changes to their benefit elections outside of
open enrollment periods. Benefits administrators can configure life events to include
the benefit groups, types, plans, options, messages, and settings that are specific to
each event and the needs of different employee populations.

View the Life Events Session Page

Benefits administrators can view a list of existing life event sessions on the Life Events

The information that is provided for each life event includes the status, code,
description (both for the administrator and the employee), and enrollment period as
well as audit information such as date created, last modified, and last modified by.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Benefits Admin > Life Events Setup > Life

1. From the Life Events page, view the list of existing life events sessions noticing
their status, either Active or Inactive.

2. Use the Find By drop-down to enter search criteria to quickly locate existing life
events based on the code, description, enrollment period, status, date created, date 1/15
7/28/23, 4:39 PM Configure a Life Event in UKG Pro Benefits

last modified, and last modified by.

3. Add a new life event by selecting the Actions drop-down and selecting the Add
New Life Event (+).

Add a New Life Event Session

Benefits administrators can add a new life event using the Actions menu bar.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Benefits Admin > Life Events Setup > Life

1. From the Life Events page, select the plus '+' next to the Actions menu bar. The Life
Events Details page appears and provides three ways to create a life event.

2. Select an option.
Life Event Configuration

Copy an existing life event Create a copy of an existing life event session.
This option is automatically selected, as the
default, when there are existing life events.

Use a template for settings,

descriptions, and messages of Create a life event from five system-delivered
common life events templates:

I am a new employee
I have a change in my marital status
I have a new dependent
I have moved or transferred
I want to remove a dependent 2/15
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Life Event Configuration


I'll create everything myself Create the life event session on your own by
configuring all parts, including the settings,
descriptions, and messages.

3. Select Next.

Copy an Existing Life Event

You can create a copy of an existing Life Event session in the UKG Pro Benefits solution
to save time and reduce the potential for errors.

Choose the life event to copy and then select which parts to copy. You can copy the
enrollment period, messages, change reasons, administrator options, and
deduction/benefit groups. Once the life event is copied, you can make additional
modifications before finalizing the configured life event.

During the copy process, administrators must enter a life event code, confirm the action
to copy the session, and review any warnings or errors that may have prevented any
portions of the existing session from being copied. Administrators can then make any
final manual configuration changes as needed before activating the new life event.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Benefits Admin > Life Events Setup > Life
Event > Actions (+)

1. From the Life Event Details page, at the Life Event Code field, enter a unique code
for your new session. If a previously used code is entered, a message prompts you
to enter another code.

2. Select Copy an Existing Life Event option. A menu and five options display in an
expanded section on the page.

3. Search and select the life event to copy.

4. Select or deselect checkboxes to indicate the parts of the life event to copy. By
default, all parts are selected:
a. Enrollment period (Includes Enrollment Period Expiration message)
b. Messages
c. Change reasons
d. Administrator options
e. Deduction/Benefit Groups (Includes Types, Plans, and Qualifiers)

Note Life Event descriptions and the List Page message are automatically copied but can
be modified after the copy process is completed. 3/15
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5. Select Copy. The Confirm Copy message appears. This action will save and update
your current session with your selected options from the existing life event that you
chose to copy.

6. Select Yes. The Copy In Progress message appears. This session is being copied and
may take a while to complete. Close this page to follow the copy progress on the
Life Events session list page.

7. Select Close. The page refreshes, and your new session will be visible, but it will not
be editable until the copy process has completed.

View the Copied Session

The newly copied session appears on the Life Events session list page in an Inactive
status. The copy process includes several validations to ensure the session contains
valid information.

In cases where the session was not successfully completed, warnings and errors appear.
Review the session and address warnings and errors before finalizing.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Benefits Admin > Life Events Setup > Life

1. From the Life Events list page, select the description link for the copied session to
view the results of the copy process.
The Life Events Details page appears.

2. Review the messages and, if applicable, download the linked report in cases where
issues were encountered during the copy process. There are three types of
A green message appears with details of items that were successfully copied.
A yellow warning or red error message appears with a linked report you can
download to obtain more details.

Review the Validation Messages in the Report

A report that contains warning and error messages is available for copied life events
that have validation issues. Review the validation messages in the report and make
changes to the copied session before finalizing.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Benefits Admin > Life Events Setup > Life

1. From the Life Events list page, select the copied session.

2. Select the download report link from the Session Setup window to access the

3. When a deduction group is copied, the following messages may appear:

Completed. Warning, or Error. 4/15
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A Completed message indicates that the session was copied successfully.

A Warning message indicates that the selected deduction plans were stopped
or are no longer valid based on configuration changes in the Deduction/Benefit
Groups, Types, or Plans business rules. The Benefits Administrator should
review any deduction groups with a warning message.
An Error message indicates a validation error occurred during the copy process.
This means that a deduction type, plan, or qualifier did not copy correctly. The
Benefits Administrator should review any deduction groups with an Error

4. Resolve issues and make configuration changes.

Note Errors during the copy process mean that between the time you setup the original
session, which could be last year or several years ago, the business rules may have been
updated and are no longer valid for the copied session. Since newly copied sessions are
initially set to inactive, you have the opportunity to review and make any necessary
changes to the business rules listed in the report to ensure they are valid for the new

Depending on the group, type, or qualifier issue that was included on the
report, manually review and update the business rule configuration, as needed.
Complete any remaining edits to any of the other areas of the session setup,
including descriptions, messaging, administrator options, enrollment period,
types, plans, and qualifiers.

5. Activate the new session when you are ready to use it, which allows employees to
start making elections.

Tip In cases where you need to test the life event session, consider doing so in your test
environment (if you have one), or creating a test employee for this purpose. When you
submit an election during a test, the life event session becomes locked and some items
are no longer editable. Refrain from submitting during testing.

Use a Template to Create a Life Event

Benefits administrators can use a template to create a life event session.

Using a template is not required, but it can help get you started with creating a new life
event, especially if the life event is based on the following common types of life events.

I am a new employee
I have a change in my marital status
I have a new dependent
I have moved or transferred
I want to remove a dependent 5/15
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Begin by selecting the Use a template for settings, descriptions, and messages of
common life event option and then choose your desired template from the drop-down

When using a template, many fields pre-populate with sample settings, including
descriptions, messages, and enrollment periods. You can also edit these to meet your

A life event session's status is managed on the Life Events Details page where you can
activate or inactive the session for employees. During setup, make sure that the session
is inactive.

Manually Create or Edit a Life Event

Manually create a life event using the I'll create everything myself option and enter
specific information, including the code, description, employee message, enrollment
period, valid change reasons, and administrator options.

Whether you manually create a life event or edit one that was either copied from an
existing life event or started from a template, continue through the session setup
process to add or change the groups, types, plans, and qualifiers.

For details, review the steps included in the setup process:

1. Add or change details for a Life Event
2. Add or change details for a deduction benefit group 6/15
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3. Add or change deduction/benefit types for a life events session

4. Add or change plans for a life events session
5. Review and complete a life events setup

Add or Change Details for a Life Event

Add or change details for a life event on the Life Events Details page. Enter information
specific to the life event including code, description, employee message, approvals,
employee activities for this event, enrollment period, and valid change reasons.

Use the Life Events List page and Employee Welcome messages to communicate
helpful information, links, and other guidance about each life event to your employees.
Customize messages to include basic HTML, formatting, document attachments, and
Web links.

1. From the Life Events Details page, complete one of the following:
To add a life event, from the Actions drop-down list, select Add New Life
Event. Add New Life Event displays by default.
To change details for a specific life event, select the applicable Life Event
Description link. From the Status menu, select Inactive Life Event.

2. Enter a unique code. The code is used by UKG Pro to identify the session records. It
is not visible to employees.

3. Enter descriptions for you and your employees.

4. Select the List Page Message field.

A List Page Message box appears.

5. Enter a message and include specific formatting.

6. IMPORTANT: Life Events are activated or inactivated using the Status menu on the
Life Events Details page. Activate the life event only after you have completed all
configurations and you are ready to begin allowing employees to make elections.

7. In the Enrollment Period section, define the length of time the employee has to
complete this life event. 7/15
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From Enrollment Period Begins, select any of the following:

Date of Benefits Seniority – indicates the date that is used specifically for
those deductions that are also benefits. This date is tied to waiting periods
and benefits eligibility.
Date of Original Hire – indicates the date when the employee was first
hired. The is the default field. . Using this date may limit rehired employees'
ability to use the life event.
Date of Last Hire – indicates the date when the employee was last hired
This field is recommended for new hire life events.
Employee Supplied - indicates the date that the employee must provide
and reflects the date the life event took place. This option is recommended
for qualifying life events.

Note To ensure that rehires can enroll in benefits upon rehire, it is

recommended to select either the Date of Last Hire or the Date of Benefits
Seniority when configuring life events for new employee enrollments.

In the Time to Complete Life Event area, select one of the following:
No Limit – indicates that there is no enrollment time limit for when
employees can make elections for the life event. Typically, this option is
selected for HSA or 401(k) plans where the amounts can change at any
time. When selected, the Enrollment Period Expiration Message is
Limited Enrollment Period. - indicates that there is an enrollment time
limit. Typically, this option is selected for life events where the carrier
or plan rules have a time limit for enrollment from the date of the
Select the Enrollment Period Expiration Message field. An Expiration
Message box appears. Enter a message and include specific 8/15
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Select Save. The Details page appears.

8. From the Messages section, enter messages in the following fields:

Employee Welcome Message
Beneficiaries and Dependents Message
Confirm Your Elections or Changes Message
Confirmation Message

Note You may want to remind employees to print a copy of their Confirmation page
before selecting Submit as they may not have access to this page in the future if
there are eligibility changes after submitting their elections.

The messages will appear for the employee in the applicable area of the life event.

Note Messages can provide your employees with additional information regarding the
life event. Customize messages to include basic formatting, HTML, document
attachments, and website links.

9. Select Save.
The Details page appears.

10. In the Valid Change Reasons section, move one or more change reasons from the
Available to the Selected column. These reasons will then be available for the
employee to select when he/she begins their life event. 9/15
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11. In the Administrator Options section, select how benefit options should be sorted:
Option Name or Option Cost (Employee). Within an employee's session, the default
for new sessions is to sort by Option Cost and the default for existing sessions is to
sort by Option Name. If two options exist with the same employee cost, then the
options sort alphabetically.

12. If approvals are not required, uncheck the This Life Event Requires Administrator
Approval box. The box is checked by default.

13. If adding and editing beneficiaries and dependents is permitted, check the Allow
employees to add and edit Beneficiaries and Dependents within the session box.

14. Select Next.

The Deduction/Benefit Group List page appears.

Add or Change Deduction/Benefit Groups for a Life Event Session

The Deduction/Benefit Groups List page designates which benefit group(s) are assigned
to the session.

Add or change a Deduction/Benefit Group on the Deduction/Benefit Group List page. At

a minimum, a single benefit group with at least one benefit plan is required to activate a
life events session.

1. From the Deduction/Benefit Group List page, complete one of the following:
To add a deduction/benefit group, select the Add icon.
To change details for a specific deduction/benefit group, select the applicable
Deduction/Benefit Group from the list.

Note 10/15
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If all deduction/benefit groups have been configured for this life event session, select
Next and the Session Summary page appears.

2. Select Next.
The Add/Change Deduction/Benefit Group page appears.

Add or Change Details for a Deduction/Benefit Group

The Add/Change Deduction/Benefit Group page designates specific deductions/benefit
plans applicable to the deduction/benefit group from within a life events session.

Add or change the deduction/benefit group on the Add/Change Deduction/Benefit

Group page.

1. From the Add/Change Deduction/Benefit Group page, Benefit Group drop-down

list, select a deduction/benefit group.

2. Select Next.
The Select Deduction/Benefit Type page appears.

Add or Change Deduction/Benefit Types for a Life Events Session

Add or change deduction/benefit types and related data for this benefit group on the
Select Deduction/Benefit Type page for this life events session.

The Deduction/Benefit Type business rule determines the information displayed for
each deduction/benefit type and availability of the Decline by Benefit Plan or Decline
by Benefit Type check box. When a deduction or benefit allows multiple deductions,
the Decline by Benefit Plan check box is enabled. When a deduction or benefit does
not allow multiple deductions, the Decline by Benefit Type check box is enabled.

1. From the Select Deduction Benefit/Type page, check a box for a deduction/benefit
type to be included for this deduction/benefit group. By default, when a code is
checked, the Do Not Allow Decline box is checked.

2. At the Display Order field, enter the sort order field number to display the
deduction/benefit types during the employee open enrollment session.

3. At the Employee Election is Required box, check the box if an employee action is
required; the employee must then select or decline the benefit type. If the
employee does not make an election for this benefit type, the Submit button will
not be enabled for the employee during the session.

4. For the selected deduction/benefit type, choose whether to allow employees to

decline the plans offered under each benefit type:
Do Not Allow Decline - This option is selected by default. When deselected, UKG
Pro automatically checks either the Benefit Plan or Benefit Type box based on
the configured business rule. 11/15
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Decline by Benefit Plan

Decline by Benefit Type

5. Select Next.
The Select Deduction/Benefit Plan page appears.

Add or Change Plans for a Life Events Session

Add or change specific deduction/benefit plans for this benefit group on the Select
Deduction/Benefit Plan page for this life events session.

Plans are displayed by deduction/benefit type. Also, use this page to identify any plan
that an employee can decline.

The Deduction/Benefit Type business rule determines options and behavior for specific
deduction/benefit plans.
When a deduction or benefit allows multiple deductions, the employee can select
one or more deduction/benefit plans or depending on the configuration, decline all
When a deduction or benefit does not allow multiple deductions, one plan must be
configured as a plan that can be declined.

Benefit options can be configured by plan for Life Events. For the selected deduction
plans that use option rates, configure benefit options by selecting the configurable
Benefit Options field and selecting the applicable options. If you choose not to
configure benefit options for the selected deduction plans that use option rates, then all
available benefit options will be assigned.

Plan contingencies (linked plans) are offered in Life Events. When you have plan
contingencies, which are configured in the Deduction/Benefit Plans business rules, for
plans in a Life Events session, use the Display Order feature to display the
deduction/benefit type containing the plan to be elected first prior to displaying the
deduction/benefit type containing subsequent plan contingencies. This requires an
employee to enroll in one plan before enrolling in another plan.

Note 12/15
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The most common plan contingency scenarios occur for High Deductible Health Plans/Health
Savings Account Plans and Employee Supplemental Life/Dependent Life Plans.

Informational message:

Configurable benefit options:

1. From the Select Deduction/Benefit Plan page, for each deduction/benefit type,
check one or more deduction/benefit plans to be included for this
deduction/benefit group.

2. At the Display Order field, enter the sort order field number to display the
deduction/benefit plans during the employee life event session.

3. At the Configurable Benefit Options field for those plans that use Option Rates, it
is recommended to leave the benefit options blank (unselected), unless you want to
limit the selection. When left blank, all benefit options appear in the life event
session. If you need to add a new benefit option in the future on the plan level, the
options will appear in the life event election page. If you choose to limit the
selection, you can select to configure the benefit options. Once approval occurs for
that life event and the deduction/benefit group, you no longer have the ability to
add a new benefit option to that benefit plan in the future.

4. Check at least one Employee Can Decline Plan boxes.

5. Select Next.

Add Qualifiers for a Life Events Session 13/15
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Add qualifiers to a benefit group for a life events session on the Add/Change Qualifiers

Any qualifiers configured for the selected deduction/benefit group will also appear.
Qualifiers can be used to restrict employees in a life events session by matching
additional information aside from the benefit group. Only those employees meeting the
benefit group qualifiers will be added to that benefit group within that session.

1. From the Add/Change Qualifiers page, select Add.

2. From the Qualifier drop-down list, select a qualifier.

3. At the Value or From and To fields, select or enter the applicable qualifier


If two of the same qualifiers are used, an "or" relationship is implied between the
qualifiers. If different qualifiers are used, an "and" relationship is implied between the

4. Repeat steps 1 - 3, as needed.


To delete a deduction/benefit group qualifier, check the Delete box for the qualifier.

5. Select Next.
The Deduction/Benefit Group List page appears.

Review and Finish a Life Events Setup

Review the life events details on the Summary page.

Review general information such as descriptions, list page message, approval

information; enrollment period information; additional message you may configure for
the employee welcome message and beneficiaries and dependents message; benefit
groups, benefit types, benefit plans, and qualifiers.

1. From the Summary page, review details for the life event.

2. Return to the applicable page to make any changes, if needed.

3. Select Print to print a detailed summary of the life event.

4. Select Finish. 14/15
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Remember to return to the Life Event Detail page to activate the life event upon

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This document and all information contained herein are provided to you "AS IS" and UKG Inc. and its affiliates
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resemblance to actual companies, organizations, persons, and events is entirely coincidental. 15/15

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