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9/21/23, 7:02 AM Configure the Performance Reviews Feature

Configure the Performance Reviews Feature

Provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure the Performance Reviews feature of
UKG Pro.

Configure the Performance Reviews Feature

Configure the Performance Reviews Feature

Performance Reviews
UKG Pro™ Performance Reviews is a configurable Talent solution that enables your
organization to complete and monitor performance activities.

Roles and Configuration for Performance Reviews

Role and security access configuration tasks for Performance Reviews are completed
using the UKG Pro solution.

There are four steps in the configuration process:

1. Configure Business Processes.

2. Configure the Performance Reviews Administrator role.
3. Configure the Manager role.
4. Configure the Employee role.

Refer to the Configure Goal Planning job aid for instructions on how to configure
business rules and role-based security for the Goal Planning feature.
Refer to the Use Predictive Analytics to Assess and Retain Top Talent Guide for
information on how to configure predictive analytics for your organization.
Refer to the Configure Talent Notifications job aid for instructions on how to
enable, configure, activate, and restore email notifications for talent processes.

Configure Performance Reviews Business Processes

Configure Performance Reviews business processes from Business Processes page.

Navigation: Menu > System Configuration > Workflow Administration > Business

1. From the Business Processes page, search for a business process. 1/17
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2. Enable and select a default approver for each of the Performance Reviews business

Note Refer to the Configure Business Processes and Workflow job aid for detailed
information on how to configure access to business processes.

Select Allow Edits During Approval Process, to enable an Edit link in the Inbox >
Requests > To Do view for employees, managers, and approvers included in this
business process (Observers do not have edit rights.) If you deselect Allow Edits
during Approval Process, users cannot access the review from the Inbox >
Requests page.
The email option selected for this business process takes effect once the review
process reaches the Approval status. Before then, the review is either in an
Assessment or Acknowledgment status. During that time, email notifications are
automatically sent to review contributors.
Do not assign approvers unless required by your business requirements. Approvers
are not included in the review process until after the review has been
acknowledged. If an approver denies the request, the review is deleted and has to
be started over again.
Observers are optional and can be enabled if you need specific users to be notified
when a review is complete.

It is not recommended to enable Approvers and Observers unless required in your
business requirements.

Enabling approvers for the Add/Change Employee Goals (Employee) process will be
determined by your business requirements. Keep in mind that if you enable
approvals, every goal that an employee adds will have its own notification and this
can be overwhelming to managers, who are not used to this process. An alternative
is to enable approvers after the initial goals are added. Then, approvals will only be
required as employees maintain their goals.
Enabling observers is not recommended.

Enable approvers and observers as needed according to business requirements.

Business Process Category

Add/Change Employee Review Employee

Add/Change Employee Goals Administrator 2/17
9/21/23, 7:02 AM Configure the Performance Reviews Feature

Business Process Category

Add/Change Employee Goals Manager

Add/Change Employee Goals Employee

Add/Change Talent Factors Administrator

Add/Change Talent Factors Manager

Configure the Performance Reviews Administrator Role

Configure the Performance Reviews Administrator role to enable designated users to
administer the Performance Reviews feature.

Navigation: Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration

1. From the Role Administration page, select Add.

2. From the Add Role page, enter a Role Name and Role Description. (for example
PMADMIN - Performance Reviews Administrator).

3. Select Use this Role in Business Intelligence (Cognos), if the qualifiers assigned
to users in this role should also be used in People Analytics reports.

4. Check the following boxes for role types: Employee Administrator, System
Administrator, and Workflow Administrator. 3/17
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Note At this time, the Talent Management Administrator role type is needed for
Succession functionality and is not required for roles that need Performance Reviews
Administrator access.

5. Select Next. The Web Access Rights page appears.

6. Expand Employee Admin > My Employees > My Employees List > Employee
Admin > Jobs > Reviews

7. In the Reviews area, select the Add, View and Edit rights.

8. Expand the Career & Education area. 4/17
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9. In the Career & Education area, select the Add, View, Edit, and Delete rights for
the following functions, as applicable:
Personal Development
Talent Profile
Talent Factors

10. In the Talent Management area, expand the Performance Reviews area.

11. At the Performance Reviews area, select the Add, View, Edit, and Delete rights to
enable all areas of Performance Reviews. 5/17
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Enabling all areas of Performance Reviews for the Performance Reviews
Administrator role is recommended.
When you enable the rights for Competencies, Rating Scales, and Corporate
Goals, you are enabling these links to be available in the Configuration tab of the
Performance Reviews section within the Talent Management menu. However,
these links are directed to the business rules; therefore, you must also be sure to
provide access to view and edit the associated business rules, as applicable.

12. At System Configuration, expand Business Rules.

13. At Business Rules, select the Add, View, Edit, and Delete rights.

14. At Workflow Administration, select the Add, View, Edit, and Delete rights.

15. At Talent Management Setup, select the View and Edit rights. 6/17
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16. Select Next twice to open the Business Rules Access Rights step.

17. At Business Rules Access Rights, select the View and Edit rights for each of the
following business rules, as applicable.

18. Select Save.

Business Rule


Competency Type

Corporate Goals

Goal Type


Leadership Actions

Promotability Levels 7/17
9/21/23, 7:02 AM Configure the Performance Reviews Feature

Business Rule

Rating Scales

Retention Risk Impact Levels

Review Ratings

Review Types

Talent Pool


Once enabled, Competencies, Competency Types, Corporate Goals, Goal Types, and
Rating Scales appear in the Configuration page of the Performance Reviews
administrator area (Menu > Administration > Talent Management > Performance
Reviews > Configuration) as well as in the Business Rules page (Menu > System
Configuration > Business Rules).

19. Select Save.

20. Verify the Reviews page appears (Menu > Administration > Employee Admin >
My Employees > select an employee > Jobs > Reviews).

21. Verify the Goals page appears (Menu > Administration > My Employees > select
an employee > Jobs > Career & EducationGoals).

22. Verify the menu items appears (Menu > Administration > Talent Management >
Performance Reviews).

23. Verify the Business Rules appears (Menu > System Configuration > Business
Rules > search for business rules).

Assign The Performance Reviews Administrator Role To Users

After configuring the Performance Reviews Administrator role, administrators can be
assigned to the role.

Navigation: Menu > System Configuration > Security > User Administration

1. Search for and select the desired user.

2. Select the User Roles link. 8/17
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3. Select Add.

4. At the Role drop-down menu, select the new Performance Reviews role. The
Qualifiers and Values appear.

5. Check the Use this Role in Business Intelligence (Cognos) box if this user's
qualifiers should be used in People Analytics reports.

6. Select the applicable qualifiers for the user.

7. Select Save.


If you are assigning the role to a user with multiple roles that conflict with the web
access rights granted in the Performance Reviews Administrator role, your user may
have trouble viewing some of the pages. To resolve this, you can make sure both roles
provide access to the Performance Reviews areas, or you can create a role just for the
user that provides the access needed for the conflicting roles.

Refer to the Role Administration guide for detailed information on how to assign roles
and qualifiers.

Configure the Manager Role for Performance Reviews

Configure the Manager role to enable designated users to use the Performance
Reviews feature.

Navigation: Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration

1. From System Configuration, select Role Administration. The Role

Administration page appears.

2. At Find By, enter search criteria for the Manager role then select Search.

3. Select Next to open the Web Access Rights page.

4. From the Web Access Rights page, expand Reviews area on the employee record
(Menu > My Team > My Employees > My Employee List > My Team > Jobs >

5. At Reviews, select the Add, View, and Edit rights. 9/17
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6. From the Web Access Rights page, go to the Career & Education area (My Team >
My Employees > My Employees List > My Team > Career & Education).

7. At Career & Education, select rights to Add, View, Edit, and Delete the following
functions, as applicable:
Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

Goals If your business requirements do not include the use of

assignable goals, do not enable permissions for the Goals
area. 10/17
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Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

If your business requirements do not include the use of
Recommended Goals, do not enable the View
Recommended Goals web elements.

Competencies If your business requirements do not include the use of

Competencies, do not enable the permissions for the
Competencies area.

Personal By enabling the View rights for Personal Development

Development plans, the manager will have the ability to add, edit and
delete an employee's personal development plans.

Talent Profile Enable as desired.

Talent Factors Enable as desired.

8. In the Talent Management area (My Team > Talent Management), enable rights
to Add, View, Edit, and Delete , as applicable.

Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

Talent Dashboard Enable as desired. The Talent Dashboard provides

managers with talent-related information for their
employees. The dashboard includes statistics for the
different talent functions, as well as employee progress and
tasks. There are also reports that are very useful to the
manager (e.g., Competencies by Employee, Detailed
Review Status, Employees By Goal).

Assignable Goals If your business requirements do not include the use of

assignable goals or you do not wish to enable your
managers to assign assignable goals, do not enable the
associated permissions.

Recommended If your business requirements do not include the use of

Goals recommended goals or you do not want your managers to
assign recommended goals, do not enable the associated

Team It is not recommended to enable managers to add or edit

Competencies competencies found on the Team Competencies page.
Doing so will directly affect the Competencies business
rule in the UKG Pro solution. If you do not want managers 11/17
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Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

to add, edit, or delete competencies, ensure the applicable
permissions are not enabled.

Competencies are typically assigned by the Performance

Reviews Administrator, the employee's job, or the review
template. Only grant permissions to the Assign Team
Competencies web elements if your managers will be
assigning competencies directly to your employees.

9. If you wish to enable the mobile solution for employees, expand Mobile Website.

10. Enable permissions to Collaborate, Track & Take Action, Manage, and Learning,
as applicable.
Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

Collaborate The View permission enables managers to view and

modify employee notes from a mobile device.

Track & Take Action From this section, employees can view their goals,
competencies, and reviews as applicable.

Manage The Manage item, which includes Your Team and Team
Goals, only appears for those users who have direct

11. Select Save.

12. Verify the Reviews page appears (Menu > My Team > My Employees > select an
employee > Jobs > Reviews).

13. Verify the Goals page appears (Menu > My Team > My Employees > select an
employee > Career & Education).

14. Verify the menu items appear (Menu > My Team > Talent Dashboard).

Review the Add/Change User Role Settings and Qualifiers Assigned to

Users in the Manager Role
After the manager role is configured for Performance Reviews, you may also need to
review your managers' pages to ensure role settings and qualifiers are configured

1. From System Configuration, select User Administration. 12/17
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2. Search for and select the desired user.

3. Select the User Roles link.

4. Select the Manager Role.

5. Review the settings and adjust appropriately based on the information below.

Exclude User from Viewing Self:

When Exclude User From Viewing Self is selected, the user can no longer access
or modify their employee record; the user can still view information by accessing
the Myself menu option.

Supervisor Qualifier and Use Cascading Supervisor:

For managers, qualify by Supervisor and select the manager's name. Selecting the
manager's name enables that manager to view their direct reports. You can also
select Use Cascading Supervisor to extend the qualification to view all indirect
reports. This enables managers and senior managers to see everyone below them
in the organizational structure. Checking Use Cascading Supervisor also enables
an additional tab on the Talent Dashboard, called My Entire Team, providing
access to talent-related information for those qualified through the cascade. All
reporting available on the Talent Dashboard also includes the employees in the

Important 13/17
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Refer to the Role Administration guide for detailed information on how to assign roles
and qualifiers.

Configure the Employee Role for Performance Reviews

Configure the Employee role to enable employees to use the Performance Reviews

Navigation: Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration

1. From System Configuration, select Role Administration. The Role

Administration page appears.

2. At the Find By field, enter search criteria for the Employee role then select Search.

3. Open the Web Access Rights page.

4. In the Requests area, provide View access to the Inbox (Requests > Inbox).

5. From the Myself area, select Reviews (Myself > Jobs > Reviews).

6. In Reviews, enable the rights to Add, View, and Edit all areas of Performance
Reviews. 14/17
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Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

Reviews Review History cannot be turned off, even if the View

permissions are unchecked.

7. In the Career & Education area, enable rights to Add, View, Edit, and Delete for
the following functions, as applicable:
Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

Goals If your business requirements do not include the use of

assignable goals, do not enable permissions for the Goals
area. 15/17
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Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

If your business requirements do not include the use of
Recommended Goals, do not enable the View
Recommended Goals web elements.

Competencies If your business requirements do not include the use of

Competencies, do not enable the permissions for the
Competencies area.

Personal By enabling the View rights for Personal Development

Development plans, the employee will have the ability to add, edit, and
delete personal development plans.

Talent Profile Enable as desired.

8. If you wish to enable the mobile solution for employees, expand the Mobile
Website area.

9. Enable permissions to Collaborate, Track & Take Action, and Manage, as

applicable. This provides access to notes and goal tracking from a mobile device.
Area Configuration Recommendation/Notes

Collaborate The View permission enables employees and managers to

view and modify employee notes from a mobile device.

Track & Take From this section, employees can view their goals,
Action competencies, and reviews as applicable.

Manage The Manage item, which includes Your Team and Team
Goals, only appears for those users who have direct
reports, even though the permissions are granted on the
Employee role.

10. Select Save. The Role Administration page appears. The configuration of the
Employee role for Performance Reviews is complete. The Inbox, Career &
Education pages, In Progress section of the Reviews page, and mobile pages are

11. Verify the review request appears in the Inbox (Menu > Inbox > Requests).

12. Verify the menu item appears (Menu > Myself > Jobs > Reviews).

13. Verify the Goals page appears (Menu > Myself > Career & Education > Reviews). 16/17
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Refer to the Change Talent Management Settings job aid for detailed information on
how to configure additional Talent Settings.

Testing Considerations

For testing, it is best to configure two users with access to Performance Reviews,
an employee and their manager. Log in to the UKG Pro solution as each role to
confirm that the access is correct to perform the various Performance Reviews
tasks. If reviews will go to senior managers, we recommend providing access to a
senior manager for additional testing.

For administrators, we recommend at least two users be assigned to the

Performance Reviews Administrator role.

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