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Model Compositions LRN

Level B2
The reasons which push people into a life of crime
TEST 1 are varied. One major factor is unemployment and
poverty. When you cannot make ends meet or put
food on the table, it is not surprising that you will
do whatever it takes to survive. However, some
people, especially youths, turn to crime for other
Task 1 reasons. Films and video games may present crime
The growing tendency for people to become as an easy or glamorous way to get wealthy, or they
vegans has become a subject of controversy. may be influenced by their friends. Finally, in many
In your opinion, what are the benefits and cases the inefficiency of law enforcement agencies
drawbacks of becoming a vegan? Support your also leads to criminal rings getting stronger and
views. stronger, resulting in more crimes being committed.
More and more, we hear about people becoming Increasing crime affects society in countless ways.
vegans, both for practical and ethical reasons. To First and foremost, citizens do not feel safe in their
my mind, despite some difficulties, veganism is own homes, or when moving around their towns.
the only acceptable option for humans. This dramatically decreases the quality of life and
increases stress levels, especially in urban areas.
There is no denying that for a large proportion Of course, there are also financial repercussions.
of the population, giving up meat would be Taxpayers must foot the bill of the ever-increasing
inconceivable. Many Western diets are based on number of prisons, as well as larger police forces
hamburgers, steaks and cheese. It is also argued and court expenses. Businesses also suffer as they
that animal products contain vital minerals and must cover the cost of property that is damaged
vitamins that cannot be found in a plant-based or goods that are stolen. Finally, worst of all is the
diet. Finally, it cannot be denied that some vegan feeling that the law of the jungle is predominant,
foods are very unhealthy, as in an attempt to and that violence becomes part and parcel of our
make them taste like meat, they contain flavour everyday lives.
enhancers and artificial ingredients.
In conclusion, it is clear that rising crime rates must
However, breeding and consuming animals is be dealt with if we wish to live higher quality lives.
impractical and immoral, especially if one examines Otherwise, we will continue to live in fear in a world
the conditions under which they are kept. There that is constantly becoming more dangerous.
are also many toxins such as hormones that are
used on the animals, which humans ultimately
consume. It is also undeniable that vegans have Task 3
a lower incidence of disease and heart attacks,
due to lower cholesterol levels and better health Nowadays, many children are encouraged
in general. Finally, much of our planet is being to start doing sports at a very young age.
destroyed to accommodate cattle so that we can In your opinion, what are the advantages
eat meat. Entire jungles are being razed, with and disadvantages of starting sports young?
disastrous consequences for our planet. Support your views.
In conclusion, veganism is the only way for human Most modern parents are keen to have their
beings to be healthy, be fair to animals and to children participate in athletic activities, both
protect the planet we live on. It is high time we for reasons of physical fitness and character
changed our habits and be humane to other living development. However, there is much discussion
creatures. surrounding at what age a child should start doing
On the one hand, it is widely believed that a child
Task 2 is never too young to start doing sports. Anything
Crime rates are rising in most urban areas that involves physical movement is healthy, and
all over the world. In your opinion, why do will keep them away from screen time. When very
people become criminals and what are the young children do sports, it is usually more like
consequences of rising crime for society? creative play that is fun and keeps them active.
Support your views. In addition, team sports help children to develop
cooperation skills and learn the meaning of
The increase in criminal activity is the focus of sportsmanship. Finally, it is also true that in order
much discussion, as it is a phenomenon that is to become a professional athlete, a person must
happening at a global level. There are various start a sport at a very young age. Otherwise, this
factors which have led to this rise in crime and will not be an option.
many consequences which affect all of us.

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At the other end of the spectrum, there are many

reasons why starting a sport at a young age is not
a wise choice. Firstly, children need to have time
in which they are free to play in their own way.
Studies have shown that feeling bored is actually
beneficial and we should not fill their schedules Task 1
with activities. This results in unnecessary pressure
which can be very stressful. Moreover, at a young Most students find examinations very stressful
age, most children cannot discern if they actually and challenging. What steps can they take to
like a sport or not: they usually take it up because improve their performance in exams? Support
their parents want them to. your views.
Ultimately, it is up to an individual child’s skills, Examinations play a major role in every student’s
talents and desires as to what age they start a sport. academic career, and doing well in them is vital if
What is most important is that they are not forced to a student wants to achieve high marks. In order
do anything and are not pushed into living out the to do well, there are several strategies students
dreams and ambitions of their parents. should follow, both in preparation for the exam
and on the day before actually sitting it.

Task 4 First and foremost, students should understand

that they will perform better in an exam with less
Nuclear power plants exist all over the world effort if they have been good students all year
and power many major cities. In your opinion, round. This entails paying proper attention in
what are the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear class, making sure to attend all classes, catching
energy? Support your views. up if absent and taking hand-written notes during
It is common knowledge that we are running lectures and talks. It is also a good idea to review
out of viable energy resources. Some countries notes and summarise them in a way that makes
depend heavily on the use of nuclear power, them more concise. The process of summarising
but in my opinion, the drawbacks of this type of them in itself is a very effective study method.
energy outweigh the benefits. Finally, at all costs, cramming on the eve of the
exam should be avoided, but if the aforesaid
Of course, there is no denying that there are procedures have been followed, there will be no
some advantages to nuclear energy. Perhaps most need to do so.
important of all is that vast amounts of energy
are created at a relatively low cost. This is what Concerning the day before the examination, it
makes it so popular in developing countries such is vital that no important revision is done. This
as Bulgaria. It is also true that to an extent, fewer is because if new questions arise, they will only
greenhouse gases are emitted by nuclear power create panic. It is also of utmost importance to get
plants as compared to coal burning plants. This is a solid night’s sleep, so it would be best to take
a definite plus for the environment. a hot bath or do mediation so as to feel relaxed.
Finally, on the day of the exam, drinks containing
However, there are drawbacks to the production
caffeine or energy drinks should be avoided, as
of nuclear energy which cannot be ignored.
they cause a rush but then a drop in energy.
First and foremost, no matter how many safety
measures are taken, there is always a possibility All in all, doing well in exams depends on putting
of an accident. If an accident were to occur, we in effort during the academic year. Not only is this
know from Chernobyl that the repercussions the best way to achieve a high mark, it is also the
are horrifying and extend over decades, if not only way to truly absorb information and learn.
centuries. Furthermore, in producing nuclear
energy, radioactive waste is also produced as a
by-product. We are running out of places to store Task 2
this dangerous material. Finally, although energy
production may be more economical, the building Being popular and social is very important for
of a nuclear power plant is exorbitantly expensive, most people, especially with the growth of
especially if one wants to ensure that all safety social media. However, others prefer to spend
measures are implemented. time alone. In your opinion, is it better to be
outgoing or introverted? Support your views.
In conclusion, it is clear that nuclear energy
may have some advantages, but on the whole Most people can be classified as either
it is better to concentrate on developing safer, extroverted or introverted, depending on how
greener alternative energy sources. outgoing they are and what their character is
generally like. Although it is not usually a matter

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of choice, I would say that nowadays, up to a already, whereas a large proportion of young
certain extent it is better to be extroverted. people lack the critical judgment to discern what
is true and what is exaggeration. This can lead to
In order to survive in the modern world, we need to
them panicking or losing hope, believing that the
be able to get along with fellow human beings. This
world is a hostile place which has no chance of
is only possible if we are able to connect with them
improving. Instead of activating them, it can lead
and form relationships. If we are able to connect to
to despair.
many people, we will never be lonely and there will
be many people in our lives to assist us when we To my mind, young people need to be taught to
are in need. It will also add colour and feeling to discern the truth in what they hear and read. In
our lives, as there is nothing more frightening than this endeavour, it is in the hands of parents, adults
feeling lonely and having no one to talk to. and educators to discuss current events with them
so that they are aware of what happens around
However, there also some positive aspects to being
them without drowning in misinformation.
introverted. It is vital that we spend some time
alone, meditating or just enjoying our own company.
It enables us to evaluate our lives and not just
listen to others. In addition to this, many modern
Task 4
friendships lack substance. They are simply a means Some people prefer living in busy urban centres
to spend time and feel better about ourselves. while others move out to the suburbs. In your
Finally, it is preferable to have a few genuine opinion, what are the advantages of living in
friendships than hundreds of virtual ones, as is the the centre and the advantages of living in the
case for many young people on social media. suburbs? Support your views.
In conclusion, although I believe that being Choosing where you will live is always a big
outgoing is a necessary trait to survive in decision, be it the city centre or the suburbs.
modern times, one must always strive to strike a Although your decision will largely depend on
balance and always search for more meaningful employment, family and other factors, to my mind,
connections with others. the suburbs tend to offer more pleasant living
On the one hand, there is no denying that living
Task 3 in the city centre offers many conveniences and
Many teens keep up with world news while advantages. First and foremost, you are in the
others are indifferent. Do you think it is a good heart of everything and many things are within
idea for young people to follow current events easy walking distance. This is of great importance
or not? Support your views. for many young people, who spend a larger
proportion of their time going out, attending
Nowadays, young people are constantly being
events and hanging out together. It is also true
bombarded by the news, be it on the Internet, the
that it is much easier to find people to spend time
television or radio. The question is, should they
with, as the city centre is densely populated.
stay abreast of current events or is it better to
ignore the news? On the other hand, I would choose to live in the
suburbs because of the quality of life it offers.
On the one hand, it seems ridiculous to try to
As suburbs generally accommodate families,
insulate the young from the events happening
there are more parks and greenery in general.
around them. Political events, natural disasters,
Houses tend to have gardens, making the area
wars and other things that occur have a direct
healthier to live in and more aesthetically pleasing.
impact on their lives and their future. Young
It also means that there is less pollution and
people are the ones who can and must make a
there are more areas to play in, jog and athletic
difference since we are talking about what will
centres. Personally, since most of my friends live
happen in their lives. If they do not follow current
in the suburbs, I would have no problem finding
events, they will not be informed and cannot
company to hang out with.
become active participants in their own fate.
In the final analysis, whether a person decides to
However, the above is only true if young people
live in the city centre or the suburbs is a personal
are not negatively affected by the current events
choice, as both offer benefits and drawbacks. In
they learn about. Often the media can be very
my opinion, the advantages of either location
pessimistic and sensationalist. In other words,
depend on what phase of your life you are in,
the main purpose of news shows is often to
whether you have children not, and what your
frighten and disturb viewers. Adults have formed
priorities are.
their own personalities and have strong opinions

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However, being the owner of a business has

TEST 3 both positive and negative points that should be
To begin with, there are clear advantages to
owning your own business. One of the most
Task 1 appealing ones is the potential for great wealth.
No one ever became fantastically rich as a simple
Not everyone is cut out to be a good leader.
employee and those who dream of financial
What do you consider to be the qualities of a freedom often believe that owning a business
good leader? Support your views. is their only hope. Others dream of opening up
Leadership qualities have been widely discussed their own business to have the freedom to work
lately, as it is thought that we all need them in order the hours they choose to, and to make important
to get ahead in life. However, what are the qualities decisions without having to be accountable to a
one needs in order to become a strong leader? boss that may know less than they do.
First and foremost, a good leader needs both However, there are undeniable dangers to taking
courage and humility. Although these may sound like on the entire responsibility of being a business
contrasting qualities, in reality they can complement owner. First of all, it is a huge risk, which you take
one another. Without courage, a person will never completely upon your own shoulders. Bills must
take risks or try to go further than others. But be paid, employees and suppliers must be paid,
without humility, they will not consider the real and all obligations met regardless of whether your
needs of others or what the circumstances demand. business makes a profit or not. Furthermore, you
Sometimes doing the right thing can be difficult. may have the ability to arrange your own hours,
In this case, it demands the humility to recognise but on average, entrepreneurs work much longer
what the right thing is, and the courage to execute hours than employees do. This makes sense since
it is their own livelihood that depends on it, but it
it. Humility also enables a person to admit they are
also means many sacrifices must be made in one’s
wrong and correct their mistakes. No one is perfect,
private life.
and a good leader will realise this.
In the end, as with everything in life, owning your
However, integrity is also a key trait of a truly good own business has both advantages and drawbacks.
leader. As a leader, be it politician or business However, every large decision requires risk, and to
person, there will always be opportunities to take my mind, it would be better to have the freedom
advantage of situations and try to make money to do what you love in the way you think is best,
or gain benefits illegally. Once a person does no matter what the cost.
this, they cannot be considered trustworthy or
even worthy of leading others. One of the main
problems our world is facing is a lack of integrity, Task 3
especially in those who should be setting examples
for the rest of the population. Many teenagers today are suffering from
depression. In your opinion, what is the reason
Finally, ambition and vision are very important for teenage depression and what are the
qualities that all leaders need. The purpose of a consequences of it? Support your views.
leader is to lead, and without the ability to imagine
a better world, to improve conditions and to help Lately, much can be heard about the rising
people move forward, a person cannot do so. incidence of depression, especially amongst young
people. As a teenager, I feel it is worth examining
To conclude, although not everyone is cut out to the factors which lead to this increase and what the
lead masses of people, the qualities of courage, consequences are.
humility, integrity, ambition and vision are ones
There are many reasons which cause teenagers to be
which can enrich the lives of us all.
depressed in this modern world. First and foremost,
life for people of all ages has become more stressful.
The demands made on our children today are far
Task 2 greater in number and intensity than in the past. Most
Although owning a business is many people’s teens spend countless hours at their desks, revising
dream, there are risks that you have to take. and reading, and no matter how hard they try, they are
In your opinion, what are the advantages and made to feel inadequate. However, it is also true that
disadvantages of owning your own business? many teens are spoiled. Since everything has come to
Support your views. them so easily, nothing has any value, and they are not
taught the importance of friendship or contribution
It is a common dream to own a business, regardless to society, both of which combat depression. Finally,
of whether it is a café or multinational corporation. modern demands on parents also mean they many
teenagers lack guidance and support from them,
leading to a sense of worthlessness.
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The effects of teenage depression are evident
everywhere one looks. First of all, believing that they
will never meet the academic demands placed on
them, teens may give up completely. Their marks
may suffer, leading to even further depression. In
addition, a depressed person will not make friends Task 1
easily, and generally will lack social skills. This will
be an obstacle in their lives. In extreme cases, Some people are completely against online
depression can culminate in serious life-threatening gaming, while others say that it can be
disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. beneficial. What is your opinion of online
gaming? Support your views.
To sum up, depression is always a serious condition,
but is especially detrimental when it affects the Playing games online has become very popular,
younger members of our society. It is up to adults and especially amongst the young. Despite the
educators to try to provide the necessary tools and excitement and pleasure it seems to offer, there
psychological support in order to help them overcome are many who say it is not a positive trend.
these problems before their futures are destroyed.
Those who devote much of their time to online
gaming cite many reasons to defend their hobby.
Firstly, they claim that they form friendships online
Task 4 and games like Fortnite allow them to play in
Many students nowadays enrol in distance learning teams with real or virtual friends. There has also
courses and complete their degrees online. In your been research which supports that some of the
opinion, what are the benefits and drawbacks of techniques and strategies required by complex
online learning? Support your views. games help children to develop concentration
and reading skills, as well as assisting in the
One of the most significant developments in development of a higher thought process. The
education is e-learning, or in other words, distance more difficult the game, the more skills the players
learning courses. There are both advantages and will learn. Two valuable skills for example, are the
disadvantages to e-learning to be considered before ability to make quick decisions and to plan ahead.
one makes a decision to get an education this way.
However, the evidence of the dangers of online
On the one hand, there are many benefits to gaming is very damning. Playing online games for
using the internet instead of attending a class. hours takes a definite toll on the body. Children
First and foremost, it is incredibly convenient, as who spend too much time in front of a screen will
students do not have to leave the comfort of their certainly damage their eyes, be in worse physical
own homes. This means that no time is wasted in shape than children who play sports and often
commuting, and in some cases, where students develop unhealthy eating habits. What is even
live too far away, it enables them to gain access worse is the effect on their psychological state.
to an education they would otherwise not be able Since many of the popular games encourage
to have. In addition, since there is no limit to the violence, players subconsciously adopt violent ways
number of students that can attend a course, a of thinking. It is also true that many games are
larger group of people can be taught through created to be addictive, causing players to become
an online course. This means that classes can be depressed or nervous when they are not playing.
offered at a lower cost. Finally, e-learning allows
students to have access to the best and most All in all, it is impossible to avoid technological
appropriate professors and courses that it might developments and protect young people from the
otherwise be impossible for them to attend. harm they can cause. However, it is in the best
interest of every individual to play as few online
However, the drawbacks of e-learning are also games as possible and spend time more creatively
significant. Firstly, students and professors miss and productively.
out on the opportunity to socialise with one
another because they lack personal contact. This
is especially disadvantageous for students, since Task 2
they do not learn important social skills and it is
impossible for professors to have a real sense of Taking a year off between high school and
who their students are. It should also be considered university, or after university before entering
that it is easier for students to cheat, as it is difficult the workforce, has become very popular. In
to prove the originality of their work. your opinion, why do students take a gap
year and what benefits does doing this offer?
All in all, distance learning should be preferred Support your views.
when it is impossible for lessons to take place in
person. Otherwise, the social aspect of being in a After the pressures of their studies, many
real classroom with fellow students is an important students choose to take a year off before entering
experience as it is also a vital part of a person’s
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university or starting a job. There are several on teaching students to think creatively so that they
reasons why they choose to do so, and many can meet the new demands of our technological
benefits which they can enjoy as a result. world. The world is constantly changing and
students need abilities and skills to adjust to them.
To begin with, let us examine why many students
The government should also initiate programmes
opt to take a year off. In order to graduate either
to help increase employment, as ultimately, the
from high school or college, intensive and extensive
economy will improve if joblessness decreases.
work is required, especially in the final year. As
Finally, we should all do our part and support
a result, most students are completely burnt out
domestically manufactured goods, thus assisting
and not in any state to move on to even greater
fellow citizens to stay employed.
challenges. They also consider that taking an entire
year to travel may be impossible in the future and Although the problem of growing unemployment
they will probably not be able to travel economically, is a complex one, we all need to combat it as
stay at youth hostels or enjoy youth discounts. best as possible for the greater good. Otherwise,
society will continue to deteriorate and the quality
There are many positive outcomes for people who
of life will decrease rapidly.
are able to take a gap year. First and foremost,
they learn more about themselves, especially about
their strengths, their identity and sense of self. This
allows them to develop and become more capable
Task 4
and independent and will most certainly affect their Digital piracy means downloading films and
future decisions in positive ways. Finally, it is widely music illegally. In your opinion, is downloading
accepted that travelling is the greatest form of films and music a crime or should it be legal?
education, one which complements the theoretical Support your views.
knowledge they have gained. The experience of
new cultures and mentalities will broaden their With the rise of computer ownership and easy
minds in the way studies cannot. access to the Internet, downloading and streaming
music and films illegally has become a widespread
In conclusion, it is evident that taking a gap year phenomenon. There are both pros and cons to
is an excellent opportunity for young people to this which will be discussed below.
acquire new experiences, enjoy new cultures and
explore their own capabilities. On the one hand, there are many reasons why
digital piracy is considered to be a crime. Stealing
does not only involve property or goods; one can
also steal the creations of another. When artists,
Task 3 actors, producers and others put so much time
Lately, in many countries unemployment is on and work into their music or films, they deserve
the rise. In your opinion, why is this so and what to be paid for their efforts. It is also true that
solutions can be proposed? Support your views. producing and releasing music and films is a very
expensive endeavour. When people share these
One of the most pressing problems we hear about
things online illegally, people and corporations
nowadays is rising unemployment and politicians
are not receiving the profits they deserve. This
are always trying to find ways to alleviate it.
argument is especially valid in cases where
However, before solutions can be proposed, it
struggling artists barely make enough to survive
is worth examining factors which have led to
and depend on selling their work.
growing joblessness.
However, there are reasons which support the
There are three main reasons for the increase in
legalisation of digital piracy that should also be
unemployment. Without doubt, the most significant
taken into account. First of all, most films and
factor is rapidly developing technology, which
songs still bring in large profits for the people
allows machines and computers to do the jobs of
producing them, and in some cases, profits go into
humans more effectively and economically. As result,
the millions. Others also believe that artist creations
there are fewer jobs in sectors such as banking and
should be public property and no one has the right
accounting. In some countries, overpopulation plays
to deny access to another to fantastic music or
a large role, as there are too many people and not
great films. Finally, there are many cases in which a
enough jobs. It is also true that people are retiring
film or song may not be shown or sold in a certain
at older ages, meaning that they are occupying their
area and people have no choice but to find a
positions for more years. Finally, there has been a
downloadable source, be it legal or not.
recent trend for manufacturing to be done in less
developed countries, causing factories in Western To sum up, although digital piracy is a form of
countries to close down. theft and should not happen, there are cases
in which I do not feel it is unethical. Ultimately,
In order to confront the unemployment crisis,
it depends on each individual situation and the
citizens and the government must take certain
circumstances of the person who is downloading
measures. First of all, education must be focused
the song or film.
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On the one hand, sometimes you may feel that
TEST 5 it is necessary to tell a white lie. First of all, you
can avoid hurting other people’s feelings. If you
do not approve of your best friend’s new tattoo,
you would only be hurting her feelings by telling
Task 1 her that you thought it to be unattractive. It may
also be argued that some white lies are so small
With the development of plastic surgery, many that they are not really lies, just a slight twist of
people’s lives have been improved. However, the truth. Finally, some claim it is impossible for a
we are reaching the point where more harm is person to be completely honest in everything they
being done than good. What is your opinion of say or do.
plastic surgery? Support your views.
On the other hand, telling one lie often leads to
One field in medicine which has witnessed great the necessity of telling another, which can lead to
advances is that of plastic surgery. Although in disaster and more feelings being hurt than if the
some cases, it is absolutely necessary and can truth were just told from the start. I also feel that if
even be life-saving, in others patients go too far we truly care about another person, they deserve
and it can become destructive. our complete honesty, no matter how painful it
may be at first. There is always the chance that the
There are many cases in which plastic surgery is
lie will be discovered, and then the person who
beneficial. In some cases, it is essential to help patients
was lied to will feel betrayed.
restore bodily functions or have tumours removed
successfully. Plastic surgery can give certain people For these reasons, I am of the opinion that all lies,
the chance to feel better about their appearance regardless of size, should be avoided. Dishonesty
and gain more self-confidence, thus improving their is dishonesty, regardless of the ‘size’ of the lie,
psychological state of mind. This is especially true in and will usually lead to more complications and
cases of people born with deformities which have a heartache.
devastating impact on their lives. In addition, after
an accident or injury, a patient who would have been
scarred for life can live normally. Task 3
However, there is an ever-growing number of cases Many people choose to continue living at home
in which people take plastic surgery to an extreme, even after they finish high school or university.
thus ending up doing more harm than good. We In your opinion, is this a good decision?
live in a society obsessed with appearance, beauty Support your views.
and youth and many procedures are performed
in an effort to unnecessarily beautify a person or Because of the increasing cost of living, many
to keep them looking unnaturally young. Often, young people choose to live at home even after
patients become addicted to having surgeries and completing their education. Although this trend
continue until they are permanently scarred or their may seem to offer some benefits, I am convinced
appearance is destroyed. This can lead to greater that in the long run, it is detrimental both to
dissatisfaction and depression. In some cases, parents and their children.
plastic surgery can be life threatening, especially There is no denying that there are some practical
considering that general anaesthetic in itself is a advantages to living at home after completing
dangerous procedure. an education. First and foremost, you can save a
In an ideal world, appearance would not play lot of money. This applies both to children and
such a dominant role in people’s priorities and parents, insofar as the former contribute financially
happiness would have more to do with one’s to latter. In some cases, parents may be elderly
internal qualities. In all things, including plastic and appreciate the assistance and presence of
surgery, people must learn to strike a balance their children at home and certainly, most young
between what is necessary and beneficial, and adults love the convenience of being taken care
what is extreme and ultimately detrimental. of. It is also true that some families have close
relationships and continue living together because
they genuinely enjoy one another’s company.
Task 2 However, I feel that young adults need to start
In some situations, people feel obliged to tell their own lives and take on responsibilities. They
white lies. In your opinion, are these type of can only do so if they make a home of their own
lies justified? Support your views. and learn to take care of themselves. Supporting
older children can also be very tiring and costly for
Although it is often said that honesty is the best parents, who finally yearn to live their lives more
policy, there are some cases in which people prefer freely.
to tell a white lie. The question is, can we ever
justify dishonesty, even if the lie is a small one?

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In conclusion, although in my country it is quite

common for children to continue living with their
parents until they get married, I believe this is not
beneficial for either party. After an education is
completed, it is time for young adults to move on
to the next stage of life and this can only be done Task 1
if they are living on their own.
What are the difficulties that senior citizens
face in the modern world, and in what ways
could they be considered valuable members of
Task 4 our society? Support your views.
In the near future, single-use plastic will be As the proportion of the elderly population increases
banned all over the world. In your opinion, why in most developed countries, it is vital to consider
shouldn’t single-use plastic be used and what the issues they face as they age and to always bear
can be used instead? Support your views. in mind that senior citizens should be considered a
After almost a century of mindlessly producing valuable resource rather than a burden.
and disposing of single-use plastic, we have finally When people retire or pass the age of sixty-five,
reached the point where we know the situation they must inevitably confront many difficulties,
cannot continue. For many reasons, we must most of which are a direct result of how society
ban the use of such materials and find other treats them. First and foremost, because of
alternatives to cover our needs. the importance of money, older people may
be considered inferior since they are no longer
The situation has become quite desperate earning a salary. In many cases, their pensions
concerning the disposal of single-use plastic. are not sufficient to support their basic needs
Our oceans are drowning in plastic particles and and they may need assistance from their family.
marine life is being wiped out. Most litter on Another priority in modern society is physical
the streets is also the result of plastic cups and beauty, which inevitably fades as one ages. Seen
straws that people carelessly discard. The reasons as less attractive, older people are often treated
why plastic is so harmful is that it takes centuries as being less interesting.
to biodegrade, if it even is biodegradable. This However, the elderly are not a different race
means that it will exist indefinitely and eventually of people; they are us in a few decades. The
find its way back into our systems, leading to pensions they earn are a direct result of the taxes
disease and death. or other money they have paid into the pension
system of each country, not a hand-out from the
Many people argue that we will never be able government. In general, we should also bear in
to come up with a replacement for single-use mind how senior citizens have contributed all
plastic but I disagree. First of all, many cafes their lives. They have raised children, some have
have made it policy to sell permanent cups and fought in wars, and all of them have been active
charge clients less for their coffee or beverage members of the society they live in. There is also
if they use them. Plastic shopping bags are also great potential to exploit their knowledge and
being replaced by cloth ones which can be reused experience, such as in positions such as judges
countless times. This has had a positive impact and teachers, or even as babysitters to help
on the environment, as bags comprised a large parents with their young.
proportion of plastic waste, but there is still room In conclusion, the way in which elderly people
for improvement. Finally, we should choose fruit are treated is a sad reflection of our society’s
and vegetables that are sold loose, not in plastic weaknesses and it is high time we changed our
packaging which we simply throw out as soon as mentality and appreciated all that they have done
we bring our groceries home. Paper packaging is and can still do.
also far less harmful to the environment.
To conclude, it is high time we completely banned Task 2
the use of single-use plastic and continued
to develop more environmentally-friendly It seems that nowadays students have less and
alternatives. One can only hope that we are not less free time. In your opinion, why is this so and
what are the consequences? Support your views.
too late and that our habits change as soon as
possible. As the pace of life is constantly increasing, so are
the demands made on young people. This being
the case, they have less free time in their lives,
leading to many difficulties.
There are many reasons why students nowadays
have fewer leisure hours than they did in the
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past. To begin with, in response to the demands aeroplanes is one of the most damaging types of
of the modern job market, the school curriculum contamination of the atmosphere. In addition, it
is becoming more complex and requires more is often the case that tourists do not gain any real
hours of study. It is often the case that extra insights into the country they visit, and instead,
lessons are needed or foreign languages must be only reconfirm their own biases and stereotypes.
learned. This means that after school, instead of Finally, in some cases areas of natural beauty
resting and entertaining themselves, they continue are destroyed or polluted and locals become
studying and attending lessons. In addition, many corrupted as they lose their own culture and
teens are pressured into doing extra-curricular become seduced by Western values.
activities or sports that also take up their time
after school. Although in some cases, this is a All in all, in order for global tourism to be a positive
source of entertainment or letting off steam, in development, it must take place with the utmost
others it is an added pressure. respect of travellers both for the locals and the
environment. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case.
There are several harmful effects of the
demanding schedule that most young people
follow. First of all, their health can be negatively Task 4
affected, both physically and mentally. Lack of
sleep, which the majority of students suffer from, Fewer people are watching television
can be extremely detrimental to one’s physical nowadays, as they prefer to watch their
condition and also makes a person’s brain less favourite videos online. In your opinion, which
capable of functioning. Less free time also leads is preferable: television or online videos?
to feelings of stress, and the sense that one is Support your views.
inefficient or incapable. It is also the case that In the past, parents used to lament the endless
young people do not have time to develop real hours their children spent in front of the television.
friendships and miss out on activities suitable for Nowadays, although the screen is still the issue,
their age. most youngsters are watching their favourite
In conclusion, the pressures put on youths to videos online. To my mind, the latter is a far more
achieve more and more from a young age are enjoyable activity.
ultimately doing more harm than good. Students Of course, there are some ways in which television
may enter into better universities or have higher is preferable to online videos. To begin with, it
qualifications, but they will have missed out on requires less thought as the programmes are
the experience of being young, which can lead to chosen for you. There is also better control of
deeper unhappiness in their future. quality and content, since the shows have been
carefully selected by the stations. Unlike videos
online, one can also be sure there will be no
Task 3 inappropriate language or extreme violence.
Finally, the television industry supports many
Most people love travelling and have taken
artists, producers, etc., without whom many of the
trips to foreign countries. In your opinion, what
videos online would not exist in the first place.
are the advantages and disadvantages of global
tourism? Support your views. Despite these advantages of television, my
personal preference is to watch online videos. First
With advances in technology, especially in the
and foremost, I want to be able to select exactly
field of transportation, international travel has
what I want to watch, not to be a passive observer
become both affordable and convenient. However,
following the schedule and notions of other
the increase in travel brings with it both positive
people. My interest is in football, so I am keen
and negative aspects.
to watch any video that is to do with players and
It cannot be denied that much can be gained matches. Online videos also offer a much wider
through international travel, both for the travellers selection of what I can watch. I can easily switch
and the local economies. Firstly, people’s minds from sports videos to cartoons, depending on my
are broadened as they learn more about other mood. Finally, I am very frustrated by the long
cultures and mentalities. This can lead to a commercial breaks that disrupt television shows.
strengthening of international relations, as people Apart from short online ads, watching internet
see that, at heart, we all belong to the same videos is far less annoying.
human race. In addition, locals who live in the
host country receive a valuable boost in their For these reasons, I am an avid fan of online
economies, since job positions open up and videos. I enjoy the variety, flexibility and fewer
foreign currency enters their country. ads when I watch them, and since my free time is
very valuable, I want to spend it as pleasantly as
However, there are also negative consequences
of global tourism that cannot be ignored. To
a considerable extent, pollution caused by

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to take part in volunteer work by making it a

TEST 7 compulsory part of their school education.
Education is not simply about acquiring
knowledge and skills, it is also about enabling
Task 1 students to grow into more responsible and
caring citizens. The best way to do so would be
As environmental problems continue to worsen, to let them participate in the improvement of
it has become clear that recycling alone is not a their community and get to know people in need
viable solution. Why is this so, and what alternative who live around them. Programmes could include
measures can we take? Support your views. helping elderly people who are lonely in senior
citizen homes, participating in environmental
Although many support the benefits of recycling, projects to better the area they live in or
it has become clear that in itself, it is not enough helping out the homeless or refugees. In such
to confront the problem of waste. Since this is the programmes, students not only acquire valuable
case, other measures must be taken to deal with experience of helping others, they may also
the situation. develop strong bonds with the people they assist
Recycling is insufficient for a variety of reasons. and in this way, enrich their lives.
To begin with, the process itself requires the use Of course, there are some who argue that
of vast quantities of water, as well as harmful volunteer work should not be mandatory. They
chemicals such as bleach which do untold damage feel that students are already stressed enough
to the environment. In addition, many materials with their curriculum, and do not need extra
are not recyclable and even when they are, they activities added to it. They also argue that you
are not biodegradable so at some point, they will cannot force people to care about others, as it
end up polluting the environment. Finally, there may have the opposite effect. Finally, some feel
is a huge problem concerning what can be done that students are too young to face the harsh
with the materials that we recycle. Until recently, realities of people less fortunate than them.
countries in Asia were accepting the recycled
waste of Western countries but they are no longer Despite these arguments, I still strongly feel that
doing so. As a result, there is nowhere to dump volunteer work is the best way to educate children
this new form of waste. about the world they live in and make them better
able to deal with present realities. We need to
This being the case, new mentalities must be care about the plight of our fellow humans, and
developed. To begin with, at the heart of the this lesson should be taught from a young age.
problem is over-consumption. We simply buy
too many things, and ultimately have nowhere to
dispose of products or items we do not need any Task 3
more. We should also be wiser in our purchases Despite advances in medicine, many people
and how we shop, avoiding single-use plastic as today are suffering from health problems. In
much as possible. It is also beneficial if we buy your opinion, are people healthier today than
locally, as local products are less damaging to they were in the past? Support your views.
the environment and do not require as much
packaging. Finally, we need to learn to reuse and Developments in medicine have enabled people
repair items, in this way reducing the need to to recover from more diseases and live longer
manufacture more and create more waste. than ever before. However, does this mean than
people today are healthier than their ancestors?
Although none of the aforementioned solutions
is easy to implement, it is up to the individual to On the one hand, it is difficult to deny that since
realise that saving the world depends on each one living conditions have improved significantly
of us and we must change our habits if there is to over the past and knowledge of the human body
be a clean world for our children to inhabit. is much more advanced, people are generally
healthier than they ever were. Modern hospitals
Task 2 and medicines can deal with virtually any illness
or injury. Individuals themselves also have a
Many schools are making it mandatory for deeper awareness as to how to stay healthy. In the
students to volunteer in the community as part of past, for example, smoking was not considered
their education. In your opinion, should all schools dangerous. Last but not least, many people are
implement this policy? Support your views. better informed about the importance of working
out and eating healthily so they correct their
Volunteering to assist the community you live in lifestyles. This means people can live longer and
has become more common in recent times, due happier lives, with less stress.
to the increasing needs of the less fortunate. To
my mind, young people should be encouraged Unfortunately, to a large extent the above
arguments have not really resulted in better
overall health for the general public. In the past,
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people ate far more natural foods than they
do today. Ingesting chemicals and hormones is
unavoidable in modern times, leading to new TEST 8
health problems and rising incidences of diseases
such as cancer. Increasing stress levels at school
and in the workplace also lead to people being Task 1
less healthy today. Many serious illnesses have
been linked to stress. Finally, technology has Although modern medicine is continually
advanced so much that most of us spend hours in advancing, more and more people are getting
front of a screen instead of getting fresh air and sick and, as a result, many are turning to
exercise. This has definitely contributed to lower alternative medicine. What are the advantages
stamina and more frequent illness. and disadvantages of alternative medicine?
Support your views.
To sum up, although some aspects of modern life
have led to improvements in human health, on the Lately alternative medicine has been the focus of
whole I believe that we were healthier in the past, great attention and is becoming more common
as life was more natural and less stressful. in many countries. There are both benefits and
drawbacks to be considered before one turns to
Task 4 alternative therapies, however.
Many conventional doctors claim that alternative
Retirement is a major step in anyone’s life. medicine is not only ineffective, it may be
In your opinion, should people be allowed to dangerous. That is largely because many forms of
choose when they retire or should there be a alternative medicine are not supported by a body
mandatory retirement age? Support your views. of scientific research. They fear that some patients
As the elderly population is growing in many countries, may reject essential medicines when they reject
the idea of retirement is a topic of great debate. On the advice of their doctors. It should also be taken
the one hand, some support the enforcement of into consideration that some alternative therapies
a mandatory retirement age, while others say that are very costly, as they are ongoing and offered
retirement should be a personal decision. only by so-called specialists.
There are some valid arguments to support However, there are many positive aspects to
compulsory retirement. Firstly, if people do not alternative therapies. First and foremost, in
retire, positions are not vacated and opportunities order to have won over such a large following,
are not given to younger people. This contributes they are clearly effective in a large percentage
to a rise in unemployment, which is detrimental to of cases. Since the remedies are derived from
society as a whole. It is also true that some jobs natural ingredients or use energy for healing, as
require physical stamina or acumen that people in the case of Reiki, alternative medicine is far
lose as they age. After a certain age, therefore, less damaging to a patient than chemicals and
people cannot fulfil their obligations in these medicines. Finally, alternative therapies consider
positions. Finally, if there is no law enforcing the individuals as a whole. They do not only examine
age of retirement, some companies may force specific symptoms, but take into account all
employees to continue working, even if they wish aspects of a person, thus having a better chance
to live out their golden years peacefully. at healing a person.
On the other hand, there are many reasons to In conclusion, although I realise that to a certain
refute a compulsory age of retirement. To begin extent, conventional medicine is necessary, there
with, when one works, one usually enjoys a better are many cases in which alternative therapies are
quality of life. This is not simply because of a not only less harmful, they are also more effective.
higher income, but also because society treats
people who are working with more respect. Thus,
each person should make their own decision as to Task 2
whether they wish to continue working or not. In
addition, many jobs, such as that of a professor or Advertisements are everywhere: on the
judge, are better done by those with experience Internet, in magazines, and on TV and
behind them. Finally, fewer retired people will billboards. In your opinion, what are the
relieve the state of the burden to pay out so many positive and negative aspects of modern
pensions, thus leaving more funds to allocate for advertisements? Support your views.
other needs of society. In this modern world of mass media and electronic
All in all, I am in favour of allowing people to entertainment, advertisements play a fundamental
choose at what age they wish to retire, not only role, as the revenue they provide often enables
for the practical benefits it offers to society shows and programmes to exist. However,
but also because I believe in free will and the advertisements also have negative aspects that
individual’s right to make decisions about his or affect society at large.
her own life.
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Of course, there is no denying that commercials students prefer to do better on their report card
and advertisements are necessary. Without them, than to actually learn anything, thus defeating
magazines, newspapers, shows and videos would the purpose. This is why other methods should
not have the money to exist. They also create be introduced to complement or even supplant
employment for the people involved in their the current marking system. To begin with, since
creation. In addition, many consumers find them effort is the most important strategy for success,
informative, as through ads they learn about new it must be rewarded. They say you only fail when
products and the latest gadgets. Finally, some you stop trying, but if children receive low marks,
advertisements are very entertaining and others they are often so discouraged that they do stop
pass on important social messages. I am a fan of trying. This is why I believe half of all marks
the Nike commercials, which encourage people to should be awarded for how much effort was
dream and strive to achieve their dreams. put into something, not just on the end result.
Another idea is to simply put pass or fail, and end
However, advertisements also have many negative
competition among students. Finally, it has also
effects on those who view or read them. First of
been proposed that each student has their own
all, they create a need for products that we may
measure of progress that is based on individual
not need. This encourages people to consume
growth and not compared to others.
more, spend more and leads to the need to
work more and be even further stressed about Although such proposals may seem difficult to
one’s life. Commercials and ads also portray an implement, it is time the school marking system was
idealised world, where women are 50 kilos and changed so that young people could understand the
all families are happy and live in harmony. This true value of learning and education.
can cause great dissatisfaction in people as they
compare their own lives to these ideals and come
up short. Finally, ads can be very damaging to Task 4
young children, who lack the critical judgment to
understand that they are being manipulated by Hospitals are advancing in many countries, but for
companies whose only aim is to sell their product. some people, hospital care has become unaffordable.
In your opinion, should hospital care be free? What
In conclusion, although I realise that are the advantages and disadvantages of free
advertisements are part and parcel of our modern hospital care? Support your ideas.
life, it is up to consumers to limit the negative
impact they can have on their spending habits and One of the areas that has experienced the most
their psychological state in general. growth is that of medical care. However, in some
countries it is so expensive that many people
cannot afford it. This is why free medical care has
Task 3 been proposed the world over, but there are still
many who disagree with the idea.
Students do their best to achieve the highest
Those who are against free medical care say
marks so they can have a better future. In your
that it will lead to healthy people paying for sick
opinion, are marks the best way to evaluate
people, since it would be funded by taxes. This is
students? Are there other ways to evaluate
especially unfair in cases where people’s illnesses
them that might be better? Support your ideas.
were brought on by unhealthy life choices such
One of the greatest source of stress for students has as smoking or overeating. Additionally, they add
always been what marks they will receive, as they that taxes would be exorbitantly high for the
often feel their whole sense of self-worth depends average person to cover the expenses of free
on them. Although there may be a necessity for hospitalisation. Finally, there is a fear that the
some type of system of evaluation, I am of the quality of healthcare will decrease, since it will
opinion that other methods may be more effective. have to be so widespread.
Since schools first opened, marks have always However, I believe that decent healthcare is one
been used to allow parents to see how their of the basic tenets of any civilized society. I find
children are doing and to motivate students to it inconceivable that in countries of great wealth,
do their best. Marking work makes students such as the United States, people who cannot
more conscientious and is a straight-forward and afford hospitalisation may actually die. We have an
objective way for them to understand how well obligation to care for every member of our society,
they are doing in a subject. especially those in need. It is also true that people
would be stronger and, hence, society itself would
However, often marks become more than an
be stronger. There would be fewer sick days at
indication of how well someone is performing
work and perhaps even lower crime rates.
and instead becomes the goal itself. Some
All in all, free healthcare is a basic right of every
citizen in a civilised country and I am proud that in
204 Model Compositions my country, it is offered to everyone.

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properly, it is worth examining what its causes and
TEST 9 effects are.
To begin with, it is human nature to always strive
for improvement, and many people believe
Task 1 that their lives will be enhanced with the latest
gadgets, cars, fashionable clothes, and so on.
It is clear that one of the most pressing This leads them to want to buy as much as they
problems we are now facing is global warming. can, regardless of whether the goods they buy
In your opinion, what are the causes and effects actually fulfil a genuine need. There is also an
of global warming? Support your views. underlying belief that these possessions will bring
them greater happiness, despite evidence to the
Much is being said about global warming contrary. Finally, the role of advertisements is to
nowadays and the catastrophic repercussions it convince us that we should all keep abreast of the
can have on our planet. In order to understand latest trends. As a result, we buy more and more.
the extent of the problem, both the causes and
effects of global warming should be examined. However, consumerism has had devastating
consequences both on people’s personal lives
There are many factors which have caused the rise and on the planet we live on. First of all, what
in global temperatures. First and foremost is the many people fail to take into account is that in
rising level of carbon dioxide and other harmful order to buy these goods, they need to spend
chemicals in our atmosphere due to factories and more of their time working and in the end, much
transportation means such as aeroplanes and cars. of our valuable time is wasted trying to make the
Ozone depletion is also another factor, as the money to consume endlessly. Then, when one
destruction of the ozone layers allows more of the owns so much and is still not happy, depression
sun’s radiation to enter the earth’s atmosphere and hopelessness can ensue. Last but not least,
and warm up its surface more. Deforestation is both the manufacturing of new products and
also a major contributing factor to global warming the disposal of the old take a terrible toll on the
as there are fewer trees to absorb carbon dioxide. environment. We are running out of places to
Finally, overpopulation is the third and most dump our waste, and polluting the planet.
devastating factor, as the more human activity
there is, the worse the greenhouse effect, once In conclusion, it is clear that we must examine
again leading to higher temperatures. our motives and real needs before we mindlessly
fall into the trap of buying. When we realise that
The consequences of global warming are serious. human happiness does not depend on what we
To begin with, the polar caps are melting, which have but who we are, perhaps we will finally
leads to sea levels rising. Entire cities may soon reduce our need for material goods.
be immersed in water and flooding has become
a common phenomenon. In addition, the climate
is becoming more unstable all over the world, Task 3
and natural disasters such as hurricanes are
occurring with greater frequency. This leads to the Nowadays, fewer people smoke than in the
migration of human and animal species, and in past, as they are more aware of the health
many cases, the extinction of some species which risks. However, there are still people who are
cannot successfully migrate. Marine species are addicted to smoking. In your opinion, should
also endangered as oceans acidify, due to higher smoking be allowed or should it be made
carbon dioxide levels. illegal? Support your views.
For all of the above reasons, it is evident that Despite all of the information available about the
human beings must make drastic changes in their dangers of smoking, many people continue to
lifestyle and politicians and world leaders must do so. For this reason, it has been argued that
take measures to protect the planet we live on it should be made illegal, just as narcotics are.
before it is too late. However, this is an issue that has two sides, both
of which should be examined.

Task 2 On the one hand, there is no denying that

thousands of deaths every year can be attributed
We live in a society in which many people are to smoking. Smoking is especially dangerous as
constantly buying the latest technological gadgets it has been proven that not only do the smokers
and products. In your opinion, what makes people suffer, but those around them who inhale the
so consumerist and what are the consequences of fumes are affected as well. Since when people are
consumerism? Support your views. addicted to a substance, they cannot control their
use of it, it is claimed that the government must
The overconsumption of goods in modern society
has led to a host of problems with far-reaching
consequences. In order to understand the issue
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step in and not allow the sale of cigarettes or

tobacco. Only in this way will smoking finally stop.
However, it is highly likely that this will not
happen. First of all, the government receives large
revenues from tobacco companies so the money Task 1
they would lose would have to be made up for
by taxpayers. In addition, many people claim they In the past, children used to do a fair share of
only smoke lightly and they derive great pleasure the housework, but this no longer happens. Why
from it. Finally, whether people should be allowed have they stopped doing chores and what are the
to harm themselves, be it by smoking or playing potential benefits of household chores for children?
too many video games, is ultimately a matter of
free choice and it is not right for the government Gone are the days when children used to help
to step in and control our lives in this way. their families with housework and other chores.
Instead, these duties are usually fulfilled solely by
In the end, smoking, like all bad habits, should be parents or paid housekeepers. There are many
curbed but not made illegal. Otherwise, people’s reasons why young people have stopped doing
rights will be infringed upon and a dangerous chores, but there are many benefits that they miss
precedent will be set. out on because of this.
To begin with, nowadays most children are under
Task 4 too much pressure to have time to do chores.
They have so much homework and so many
In most high schools, students do not have extracurricular activities that their schedules are
much of a choice as to what subjects they take. full. There is also the belief that it is wrong to make
In your opinion, should students choose the children do work, since they are so young, or that
subjects they take or should they follow one they might not do their chores very efficiently.
curriculum? Support your views. Finally, children nowadays are very spoiled and
Recently, it has become a matter of discussion as to would rather spend time playing electronic games
how much choice high-school students should have rather than cleaning or helping out.
concerning the choice of subjects they study. While However, there are many benefits for children
some argue that they are old enough to choose what if they learn responsibilities from a young age.
they do and do not want to study, others argue that First of all, they will certainly gain confidence
at this level, there should be one basic curriculum. in themselves as they become more and more
At one end of the spectrum, it is claimed that capable of doing ‘grown-up’ work. They will also
high-school students are not old enough to be learn how to cooperate with their siblings and
able to judge what subjects are necessary for parents to get things done, such as when setting
them. This being the case, they may opt out of the table for dinner all together. In addition,
important courses simply because they dislike chores teach children to be more responsible, as
them or because they are more challenging. there are repercussions if they slack off, and in
Which brings us to a basic point, that certain this way they learn accountability. These are all
subjects offer important general knowledge that valuable life lessons and skills that will help them
all students need, regardless of what field they mature and make their lives easier in the future,
wish to enter after high school. This includes when they live on their own.
maths, basic sciences and language skills. In conclusion, I strongly feel that families should
However, there are also arguments to support at start including children in household chores, as
least a partial choice in what subjects students it will help build strength of character and be
should take, especially in the last years of high beneficial for them in the future.
school. By the time they are 16 or 17, most people
know where their strengths lie and can rule out
areas of study that do not interest them. This being Task 2
the case, it is a waste of time to take specialised
subjects, such as algebra, when they already know Nowadays, we can find information about
that their talents lie elsewhere. A curriculum tailored almost anything online. However, most online
to each student would be far more interesting for articles are not checked or controlled in any
them and would provide more motivation. way. Do you think the government should
censor online information or should people post
In the final analysis, I strongly feel that high school information freely? Support your views.
students should have some choice concerning
which subjects they take so that what they learn is Although freedom of speech is thought to be a
relevant and interesting. Only in that way will their basic tenet of democracy, many are demanding
education prepare them for life after high school. stricter control over what is published online. I
am of the opinion that there should be a limited
degree of censorship.
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There is no denying that it is important for people and complete disqualification should be enforced.
to be able to express themselves freely, within However, I also believe that coaches and teams
limits. When articles that criticise the government must be penalised as well. It is difficult to believe
or the wealthy are banned, democracy dies and that a coach did not encourage or at least
all of society suffers. There is always the danger condone the use of these substances; in many
that the government will take complete control cases, the athletes are the victims and not the
of the country, as no one could speak out against perpetrators of the crime.
them. It is also argued that if something untrue
is published, then another article should be The ideals of sportsmanship and competition
published disputing it. In that way, everyone will are positive ones, but if illegal drugs are used
be free to form their own opinion. to increase one’s chances of winning, then the
point of sports becomes only to win at all costs,
However, there is no way that I could support including sometimes the death of the athletes. It is
complete freedom of speech. First of all, many high time we put a stop to such practices.
children are online and they lack critical judgment,
so if untrue articles are put online, they will
probably believe them. There have been cases Task 4
of spreading games which involved self-harm, Social media has become an important part
and some children even committed suicide of many people’s lives, while others avoid
playing them. It is also wrong to allow scenes of it completely. In your opinion, what are the
extreme violence online, as there is no knowing reasons for using or avoiding social media?
how people will be affected. Finally, dangerous Support your views.
information, such as how to build a perfect bomb,
should most certainly be censored. Most people have a social media account of some
sort, but there are still a minority who refuse to
All in all, we do not live in a perfect world but we open one. Although social media users enjoy
have an obligation to try to shield the younger many benefits, I also understand why some people
and more gullible members of our society from would want to avoid it completely.
dangerous and false information. This is why I feel
there must be a limited degree of online censorship. People who are avid social media fans say that their
lives are enriched by it. They find it an excellent
way to connect with their friends and even make
Task 3 new ones. It is enjoyable for them to exchange
comments with one another and gives them the
It has become common to hear about professional
ability to communicate with dozens of people at
athletes using performance enhancing drugs. In
the same time. Social media users also find it gives
your opinion, why do they do so and what can be
them a way to learn about what is happening in
done to discourage them? Support your views.
their community, school or even in other countries.
The competition and potential rewards in the world Finally, there is no denying that many posts and
of professional sports often results in athletes using pictures are amusing and entertaining. Some
illegal substances to improve their performance. people scroll through their walls, watching videos
However, this must be discouraged in any way and reading articles just to pass time pleasantly.
possible, as it is dangerous for the athletes and
However, there are still people who have resisted
defeats the whole purpose of competition.
the power of social media, preferring to remain
Before examining ways to end the use of anonymous. They argue that using social media can
performance enhancing drugs, it is crucial to become very addictive while at the same it fails to
examine the factors that push athletes to turn offer any genuine connection with fellow human
to them. First and foremost, they are under beings. They cite cases of people who have over
incredible pressure to play their best and to win. 25,000 friends, none of whom they have actually met.
When we are discussing professional football or Is there any real interaction or relationship with these
Olympic sports, millions of pounds are at stake, people? They also know that much of what people
not just for the athlete but for the entire team. In post is unreliable, especially pictures that have been
many cases, athletes are pushed into using these photo-shopped. Last but not least, they have no
substances by team coaches, while in others, they desire to publicise their every move or thought. They
are afraid of losing their position in a club. Finally, prefer to live their lives in peace and privacy.
there is the sense that since other athletes are
Although there are many reasons why most of
using illegal drugs, they need to do so in order to
us use social media, I feel that we overdo it and
balance the scales.
essentially waste too much time on a meaningless
However, the use of performance enhancing drugs activity. Personally, I much prefer to meet people
must be put to an end. More frequent checks and in person than have a collection of friends who do
blood tests should take place for all professional not know me.
athletes, without any warnings. If any athlete is
caught using drugs, there should be no leniency
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