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October - December, 2023 VOL.


A New Wave - In Search of ‘Practical Taekwondo’ Kukkiwon, 50 Years of Grand Master
Women’s Taekwondo! Lee, Yuri, an actress in love with History and the Next 50 Cho, Young ki
Taekwondo Years to Come III
2 1
A New Wave, Women’s Taekwondo

8 Women’s Taekwondo as a Pathway to Recovery and Expansion,

Lighting the Way Forward With Inclusion and Integration
2023 VOL. 3
Reopening Issue 10 Women’s Taekwondo,
(Volume 22, Number 3) A Guiding Light for the Development of World Taekwondo
October - December, 2023

Table of 12 Women’s Taekwondo Training Becomes More Important in the Realm of

Self-defense, Self-protection

Contents 14 ‘Passionate Woman’ Lim, Mi hwa: Love Affair with Taekwondo

Over 40 Years

16 Women’s Taekwondo Diary ❶

“Practicing Taekwondo not only eases physical tension
but also lightens the heart.”

17 Women’s Taekwondo Diary ❷

“Taekwondo is the nourishment for self-growth,
Training together for mental and physical maturity.”

18 Meeting Taekwondo Soop:

A Specialized Taekwondo Dojang for Girls

20 Taekwondo Training for the Silver Generation:
Fight Aging and Boost Self-Esteem

34 Grand Master Cho, Young ki
Beyond Korea, Into the World of Taekwondo

38 Lee, Sung woo, President of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Taekwondo Association
“Transforming the World Taekwondo Hanmadang with Practical Taekwondo”

58 Historical Figures <3> The Master of Taekwondo Administration, the
late Uhm, Woon kyu, former President of Kukkiwon
The Main Contributor to the Globalization of Taekwondo as the
10 Right-hand Man of Kim, Un yong

62 50th Anniversary of Kukkiwon <3>

The Globalization of ‘Kukki’ Taekwondo
First Among Eastern Martial Arts to Become an Official Olympic Sport

2 3
Search For “Practical Taekwondo”Ⅱ-End

22 Integrating Taekwondo with a Military Spirit

Combat Taekwondo - A Path Back to Practicality
2023 VOL. 3
Reopening Issue 24 Breathing Life into ‘Combat Taekwondo’ and ‘Practical Taekwondo’ with
(Volume 22, Number 3) Proven Utility Value
October - December, 2023

Table of 28 Combat Taekwondo Training ❶

“Highly Popular Combat Taekwondo: A Significant Contribution

to the Promotion of Korean Traditional Culture”

29 Combat Taekwondo Training ❷

“Combat Taekwondo Proves Its Value in Real-Life Situations

As Training Progresses.”

30 Actress Lee, Yuri Falls in Love with Taekwondo

32 Practical Taekwondo Private Organization: Forging a Path of Innovation

and Prosperity in the Field

40 Taekwondo, The Original K-Culture Platform

42 College Students' Refreshing and Creative Research Presentations

24 44 Taekwondo Craze Sweeps Across Mongolia

Pilgrimage of Taekwondo Dojangs <3>
Adults Specilized Dojang, Dodam Taekwondo
Until the Day Every Adult Enjoys Health and Happiness

70 A Proposal for the Objective, Logical, and Systematic Establishment
of the Philosophy of Taekwondo

72 Dojang Must Survive for Taekwondo To Survive <3>
Competitiveness in Taekwondo Dojangs!
A Systematic Strategy Meeting System for Specialization

76 Learning Taekwondo Techniques Through Pictures <3>

Back Kick, Back Spin Hook Kick
Kukkiwon, 50 Years of History
and the Next 50 Years to Come III

2023 VOL. 3 46 When Reflecting on Yesterday and Today,

Tomorrow Will Rise With A Bright Sun
Reopening Issue
(Volume 22, Number 3)
October - December, 2023 48 Vision and Blueprint,

Table of
Commitment to Execution Trumps Presentation


Contents Preserving the True Value and Charm of Taekwondo

for a Brighter Future <1>

Family & Credit The Future of Taekwondo Lies in AI and Innovative Integration
Publisher Kukkiwon Chairman of the Board
54 PICTORIALNESS Tracing the 50-Year Journey of Kukkiwon <3>
Jeon, Kab kil
2010s: Expanding Taekwondo Dojangs in Korea and Abroad
Editor Kukkiwon Chairman
-in-chief Lee, Dong sup

Editorial Chairperson Choe, Kyoo-Sup (Secretary General of the

Committee Korean Sports Journalists Association) GLOBAL
Members Kim, Jung heon (Professor, Yongin University)
80 Hijab, Women’s Sports, and Taekwondo
Song, Ji hoon (Deputy Chief of the Sports
Department, JoongAng Ilbo) 84 Miracle of South Sudan: Taekwondo as an Instrument of Peace
Seo, Sung won (Taekwondo Box Media

Jung, Kook hyun (Professor at the Korea 88 TAEKWONDO WORLD News From Around The World
National Sport University)

Public Kye, Eun young (Director)

Han, Sun ok (Assistant Manager), Park, Young jun (Assistant)
Overseas Asia Lee, Joo sang (Bangladesh)
Choi, Yong seok (Cambodia)
92 The 17th 3rd Degree Taekwondo Self-defense
spondents Instructor Qualification Training
(dispatched Africa Kim, Do jin (Ethiopia) “This Heat Is Nothing Compared to Our Taekwondo Passion!”
Jang, Ho sung (Tunisia)

America Kim, Ho seok (Honduras)

Im, Yeon chul (Brazil) GRAPHIC NEWS

Europe Kang, Cheol in (Poland)
94 Benefits of Practicing Taekwondo <2> Boosting Confidence
Jung, Woo min (France) Taekwondo Training for Improved Self-Esteem and Physical Confidence
ISSN 2982-9615

Published Kukkiwon
Address 32, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, CALENDAR
Republic of Korea
96 Major Events (October-December)
TEL 02-567-1058~9

Date Ooctober 1, 2023

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the Korea Press Ethics Commission.
※ Unauthorized copying and reproduction of all contents, including articles, photo-
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6 7
COVER STORY A New Wave, Women’s Taekwondo

Women’s Taekwondo
as a Pathway to Recovery
and Expansion,
Lighting the Way
Forward With
Inclusion and
Text by Choe, Kyoo sup (Head of Editorial Board)
Photo by Kukkiwon

Taekwondo, a martial arts sport, is deeply rooted in our na-

tion’s rich heritage. It embodies the intangible traditions that deeply rooted in Taoism, parallels Buddhist practices and Con-
humans have practiced over centuries. At its core, Taekwondo fucian teachings.
is a specific discipline born from the broader concept of mar- There are rising concerns about Taekwondo's future, par-
tial arts. It represents a set of combat techniques, with “com- ticularly in its birthplace, South Korea. Challenges posed by
bat” suggesting confrontations that convey strength and in- declining birth rates and slower growth cast shadows of un-
tensity. This robust image often led many to see it as a domain certainty. But is there a way to navigate these challenges? The
primarily for men. Indeed, there was an era when Taekwondo notions of rejuvenation and expansion have surfaced as po-
was predominantly a male territory. A few decades ago, it was tential solutions. Taekwondo can embrace a brighter future by
rare to find women entering this sphere. reconnecting with the essence of martial arts and broadening
However, time brings change. As the world evolved, so did its reach. In this narrative, the role of women in Taekwondo
Taekwondo. Embracing change, it began to resonate with emerges as a pivotal factor.
women’s voices determined to shatter traditional norms and The foundation of martial arts lies in the principles of slowness
venture into martial arts. This evolution became an antidote and gentleness. This ethos, encapsulated in the belief “Lead
to a society once riddled with gender biases. Over the past with slowness to achieve speed, and employ softness to con-
fifty years, the winds of positive change have been palpable, quer strength,” challenges conventional wisdom. Taekwondo,
with Taekwondo becoming increasingly inclusive. Women in naturally, is no exception. Women, often symbolizing grace
Taekwondo now represent not a step back but a leap forward. and softness, play a vital role in shaping Taekwondo's tra-
Training in Taekwondo is primarily about self-defense and jectory. Their innate empathy and exceptional inclusiveness,
personal growth. What begins as a journey for self-protection birthed from maternal instincts, are assets in our global mul-
evolves into a quest for self-fulfillment. This evolution touch- ticultural era. Thus, women’s contributions to Taekwondo are
es both the body and the spirit. This transformative journey, desirable and essential for its harmonious growth and unity.

8 9
COVER STORY A New Wave, Women’s Taekwondo

Women’s Taekwondo, pic sport, the pursuit shifted from “softness” to “strength.” This
is an inherent limitation faced by all Olympic sports, including

A Guiding Light for Taekwondo. Due to the environment that advocates for stronger
Taekwondo, there have been ongoing concerns that the martial

the Development of World Taekwondo spirit of Taekwondo is fading. Among various avenues to secure
the martial spirit of Taekwondo, women’s Taekwondo can pro-
vide a shortcut. As women inherently embody softness and flex-
Text by Ryu, Jeong ae (Professor of Physical Education, Chung-Ang University)
ibility, women’s Taekwondo can act as a catalyst to remind us of
Photo by Kukkiwon
the essence of Taekwondo and its most beautiful martial spirit
that we might have momentarily forgotten.

Making Inclusivity the Bedrock of Global Taekwondo Unity

The four major Taekwondo organizations in Korea, Kukkiwon, Korea Taekwondo Association, World Taekwondo, In our aging society, Taekwondo dojangs have become places
and Taekwondo Promotion Foundation, are preparing in various ways to grow Taekwondo into a discipline loved where people of all ages and generations practice together. As
and practiced by many. However, there needs to be specialized preparation for women’s Taekwondo, who comprise boundaries between nations and regions continue to blur, we
half the population. Despite the aftermath of a declining birthrate and slow growth hitting the sport, there is only a find ourselves in a global multicultural training era where indi-
tenuous focus on women's Taekwondo. viduals of diverse races and ethnicities practice Taekwondo side
Now, Kukkiwon must take the lead. Women's Taekwondo is the beacon that will lead the development of global by side. These characteristics have led to diverse and complex
Taekwondo beyond South Korea. Since its establishment in 1972, Kukkiwon has done much for the tradition and patterns of conflict and differentiation, which hinder our soci-
future of Taekwondo over the past 50 years. Looking ahead to the next 50 or 100 years, they must actively nurture ety’s growth potential.
sustainable areas of Taekwondo development. We are at a juncture where we need to deeply recognize that the This dynamic is also reflected in the Taekwondo world. Most
centennial plan of “national sport” Taekwondo lies in women’s Taekwondo. At the core of this mission is Kukkiwon. women experience pregnancy and childbirth and take on a sig-
nificant amount of childcare. Despite increasing male involve-
ment in household and co-parenting duties, these tasks are of-
ten perceived as primarily women’s responsibilities. As a result
of both biological and social factors, women tend to be more
inclusive, open to other cultures, and empathetic. Therefore,
women and female Taekwondo practitioners can embrace the
Reject Binary Views on Gender that will propel the future growth of Taekwondo. Developed
diversity and complexity in Taekwondo schools, organizations,
As we know, with its long history, Taekwondo was initiated countries and global companies have long utilized women’s
and associations and contribute to building a Taekwondo com-
by men, and men have consistently held prominent positions characteristics in developing national societies and companies.
munity akin to ‘Sweet Home.’ Women’s Taekwondo is a vital
in the sport. Women have been on the periphery of the sport. Therefore, Kukkiwon should actively leverage women’s attri-
agenda that deserves attention within the Taekwondo world,
In the case of women’s Taekwondo in South Korea, the Korean butes in shaping the future of the sport.
including at Kukkiwon.
Women’s Taekwondo Federation was founded in 1979 and has
In conclusion, we look forward to the establishment of a wom-
been around ever since. However, given the sport's 40+ year Harnessing Delicacy to Expand Taekwondo Participation
en’s Taekwondo demonstration team in the short term, the es-
history, it has yet to be active. Academically, women have been proven influential deci-
tablishment of a dedicated organization in charge of women's
The meaning of women’s Taekwondo shouldn’t be viewed sion-makers in determining whether family members partici-
Taekwondo education projects in Korea and abroad, and the
through a biological or binary lens of men’s Taekwondo versus pate in sports. More recently, they have been reported to play
development and implementation of a long-term plan to pro-
women’s Taekwondo. The gender ratio of Taekwondo practi- a pivotal role as leading agents in shaping public opinion and
mote women’s Taekwondo.
tioners is indeed much higher for men than women. This is usu- cultural reinvention in societies and cultures. Women’s del-
ally why people uncomfortable with women’s Taekwondo say icacy can silently move hearts and minds in their homes and
there is no need to create a separate category for women. They communities. A culture that respects diverse individuality and
argue that if we continue to develop Taekwondo as it is now uniqueness is becoming mainstream in Korea and worldwide.
without separating women, women’s Taekwondo will grow au- Consequently, Kukkiwon’s interest and investment in women’s
tomatically. While they are not 100% wrong, this outdated view- Taekwondo is a great way to reach the hearts and minds of half
point is not helpful to the organization as it seeks new growth the population. Moreover, if they are successful in their role as
Utilizing Women’s
engines for the future. It is a clichéd and narrow-minded opin- Taekwondo agents in their homes and communities, they may Women's Taekwondo is key
ion that does not align with the organization’s status amid the even win the admiration of men. Taekwondo to shaping Kukkiwon’s
centennial vision.
Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Restoring the Martiality of Taekwondo Through Softness Female Taekwondo practitioners are actively engaged in learning
Poomsae. Across the nation, adult Taekwondo women’s dojangs are Inclusiveness Softness
Paving the Way for Taekwondo’s Future American basketball legend John Wooden said, “Nothing is springing up everywhere.
Women are not an afterthought; they constitute a vital sector stronger than gentleness.” With Taekwondo becoming an Olym-

10 11
COVER STORY A New Wave, Women’s Taekwondo

Women’s Taekwondo Training

Becomes More Important in the Realm of
Self-defense, Self-protection
Text by Lee, Suk gyeong (Professor of the Department of Sports Coaching, Jeonju University)
Photo by Kukkiwon

Recently, there has been a disturbing surge in violent crimes targeting women. Compounding societal con-
cerns, recent data from the National Statistical Office revealed that South Korea’s total fertility rate in the
second quarter of 2023 dipped to a concerning 0.6%, leading to dire predictions of a potential 'national
extinction.’ These pressing social issues have positive and negative implications for the Taekwondo in- The case for the Kukkiwon to take the lead in advancing women’s Taekwondo empowerment is gaining traction. At the opening ceremony of the 2023 Kukkiwon
Taekwondo Hanmaeum Grand Festival, a female Kukkiwon Taekwondo demonstration team member demonstrated an impressive three-step spinning kick.
dustry. Incidents of violent crimes occurring in broad daylight have eroded trust in the social safety net,
underscoring the importance of self-defense as a “survival strategy.” Additionally, the declining birth rate,
which evokes the feeling that the country is on the brink of disappearing, is closely linked to the closure of
Taekwondo centers. This underscores that South Korea remains a challenging place for women to live. Ulti- Table 2. Percentage of Female Managers in South Korean Taekwondo Dojangs way to those aspiring to be part of these teams.
mately, creating a safe environment for women and fostering a conducive atmosphere for their well-being However, looking at the gender ratio in most demonstration
Total(Domestic) Female Female Percentage(%)
is intrinsically tied to the revitalization of Taekwondo education. teams, women barely constitute 10%. Undoubtedly, under the
9,693 448 4.6%
premise that there are gender differences, both sparring and
poomsae select and allow the participation of men and women
equally. On the other hand, Taekwondo demonstration teams,
will naturally establish a foundation for adult Taekwondo ac-
aiming to showcase the flashy techniques and performances of
Revitalizing Adult Taekwondo? Table 1. Percentage of Women Certified as International Taekwondo tivation.
Master Instructors
Taekwondo, predominantly select men over women.
Securing Female Practitioners is the Shortcut! Looking at the domestic Taekwondo dojang managers, only
Most sports aim to acknowledge gender differences and strive
Among Taekwondo practitioners, the proportion of women about 4.6% are women (Table 2). Compared to the popula-
Domestic Female
Female to expand women’s participation in sports. The Kukkiwon is
stands at about 20%. Increasing the number of female practi- certification Rate(%) tion ratio in Korea, female Taekwondo managers still need to
the heart of Taekwondo, a sport with a global presence. Efforts
tioners to revitalize adult Taekwondo could be a driving force 1 degree 646 22 3.4% improve. Of course, most Taekwondo dojangs employ female
to empower women in Taekwondo should be proactive, start-
for the future development of the sport. In South Korea, the instructors. However, the educational objectives, philosophies,
2 degree 2,564 147 5.7% ing with the Kukkiwon.
male-female population ratio is 49.84% male and 50.16% fe- and training systems of Taekwondo gyms vary depending on
3 degree 54,641 6,512 12%
male, meaning about half the population is female. Looking the manager’s inclinations. Thus, fostering female Taekwondo
at the current status of black belt examinations in Korea from leaders and managers is a crucial factor that should be consid-
January to July 2023, the percentage of female practitioners Promoting the Advancement of Women Professionals ered, as it naturally leads to securing more female Taekwondo
in Taekwondo schools is about 20%. However, a significant and Attracting Female Researchers students and continuous Taekwondo training.
decrease in female advanced masters from 6th Dan onwards Fights between women and men are violent. It is not just about
is interpreted as a break in training due to pregnancy and winning or losing; specialized Taekwondo training is necessary
childcare. This may be due to the lack of training environment, for survival. In other words, self-defense training is essential. It The Need for a Strong Foundation of
space, and programs during pregnancy and childcare. aims to understand the environment, quickly recognize dan- Female Taekwondo Athletes
The discontinuation of Taekwondo training among women ap- gerous situations, and train for scenarios such as sense, de- As the home of Taekwondo and a global sport, Korea’s Tae-
pears in statistics similar to the proportion of females with 1st fense, response, running, and falling. The goal of training and kwondo stands out in various fields, such as etiquette, humil-
to 3rd-degree instructor certifications from Kukkiwon (Table 1). education should be the ‘wise self-defense’ considering vari- ity, and spiritual cultivation. Over the years, it has expanded
Looking in detail, 3rd-degree instructors (4th Dan or high- ous potential threats. into culture, arts, and performance. Beginning with the global-
er, aged 22 or older) account for 12%. However, 2nd-degree In cases of sexual assault, the Sunflower Center protects wom- ization of sparring in 1973, the poomsae have grown relative-
instructors (6th Dan or higher, aged 30 or older) make up a en, ensuring they adapt well to society post-crime, from the ly equally between men and women. Furthermore, breaking,
mere 5.7%. These numbers showcase women’s societal and point of report to judgment and treatment. This protection which directly connects to culture, art, and performance, is
economic challenges in continuing Taekwondo training, espe- spans female police officers, lawyers, and nurses to doctors. more influential in team events than individual ones. Accord-
cially amid marriage, pregnancy, and childcare. Research must Similarly, in Taekwondo, continuous research, education, and ingly, most Taekwondo departments operate demonstra-
be undertaken to explore environmental, policy-driven, and leadership training efforts should be poured into by psycholo- tion teams, promoting Taekwondo and generating revenue
systemic solutions that will enable women who've halted their gists, educational experts, and self-defense experts to expand through Taekwondo demonstration performances. Notably, Taekwondo is gaining popularity as a smart self-defense martial art for
women. At the Taekwondo Hanmaeum Grand Festival in March, a female
training to continue practicing Taekwondo throughout their the base for female Taekwondo practitioners. Increasing the the demonstration teams operated by Kukkiwon, World Tae- Taekwondo practitioner smashed 11 marbles with her fists, reminding us
lives. participation and activities of female Taekwondo practitioners kwondo, and the Korea Taekwondo Association are like a gate- of the power of the sport.

12 13
COVER STORY A New Wave, Women’s Taekwondo

‘Passionate Woman’
Lim, Mi hwa:
Love Affair with
Taekwondo Over 40 Years ❶ ❷

① Master Lim garnered admiration for her powerful breaking techniques

during her time as a member of the Kukkiwon Taekwondo demonstration 5 Essential Tips for Welcoming and
team. Guiding Female Trainees
Text and Photo by Lim, Mi hwa (Master of Naracha Dojang)
② On the wooden boards of the training hall, one can see how much sweat
1. Welcoming at the Entrance
was shed during practice.
When we think of Taekwondo, we think of the strong smell
“I wanted to become a woman in a dobok (Taekwondo uniform). of sweat. It's a sign of pride and symbolism, but it's a big no-
My desire grew so strong that, despite my mother’s discourage- no for women. To appeal to female or prospective students,
ment, I finally wore the dobok in the third grade of elementary freshen up the entrance: with planters and scented dojang.
school. Wearing it, I dreamt of a stronger me. Only later did I re- Master Lim, Mi hwa coaches a female practitioner. Appointment as Director of Kukkiwon... Young and old alike will be excited to enter.
alize that the strength I dreamt of wasn't just physical, but inner “To Change the System, We Must Enter Its Domain”
strength.” gizing to the seniors and peers who played the opponents in the In the education service industry of Taekwondo dojangs, the pri- 2. Consider a Color Change for Dobok
Starting from the third grade of elementary school, I followed self-defense scenes, making it look real as I used powerful tech- mary decision-makers are predominantly mothers. To mothers It's worth considering having a different color for the pants
my older brother to the Waryong Dojang (Jongno-gu, Seoul) niques on them. Wearing the Taekwondo uniform and demon- or women with children, a female master wearing a Taekwondo of the female uniform, especially for those sensitive days
and donned the dobok. From a beginner female practitioner to strating self-defense as a woman, I wanted to showcase its power uniform might have seemed appealing. As a female master in women experience. Dark-colored pants might make them
a demonstration team member of the Kukkiwon, and then from and practicality. Expressing my inner cry in this manner made the South Korea running my own business, there was no inequality. feel more comfortable and confident even when doing high
a master instructor to a director of the Kukkiwon, my journey apologies only appropriate. However, it was different within the institutional realm. In the re- kicks on such days.
deeply engraved Taekwondo in my heart, and I've proudly pro- gional association, I was part of, the highest position a woman
claimed myself not just a female Taekwondo practitioner, but a Pride in Taekwondo, Regret in Opening a Dojang could attain was that of an ‘auditor’. Even this position wasn't held 3. Be sensitive to Small Changes
born ‘Taekwondoist.’ People around me often ask, “Do you love Becoming a ‘master instructor’ in Taekwondo as a woman, wear- for long. Looking at the institutions, aside from positions in the Every movement in Taekwondo is a defensive or offensive
Taekwondo that much?” They suggest I try other sports. Some- ing the dobok for life, was another challenge. I wanted to meet Women's League or Women’s Committee, I am trying to remem- technique. For many, attacking someone or defending
times, I wondered if my life was becoming too one-dimensional, and nurture female Taekwondo students with a strong inner spir- ber instances where a woman was a chairperson with male mem- against an attack can be startling. Encourage them when
answering ‘Taekwondo’ when questioned about my hobbies and it. I pondered whether, as a female master, I could effectively as- bers. I had suppressed the underlying unfairness and buried my they attempt initial shouts, kicks, and blocks, even if not ex-
‘Taekwondo’ when asked about my expertise. I have been practic- sist and connect with female students. After much thought, I de- resentment. ecuted perfectly. Respond sensitively to their gradual prog-
ing Taekwondo since the age of 10. Taekwondo is genuinely me. cided to run a Taekwondo dojang. The journey was not smooth. Finally, an opportunity arose to voice the concerns of women. On ress, cheering them on and reminding them, “Strong women
When I put up the sign for my dojang, the neighboring masters March 7, 2019, at a public hearing to amend Kukkiwon’s regula- are beautiful.”
seemed very friendly. However, their greetings felt tinged with a tions, I spoke up for the ‘quota system for female directors’. The
‘young woman, really?’ sentiment. After the opening ceremony, amendment was underway to prepare Kukkiwon for the next 50 4. Gently Draw Out Their Potential
Performing as a Demonstration Team: some came in a crowd, questioning, “Why did you install a bas- years. Given that many female students and Taekwondo majors When kicking a mitt and hearing that crisp sound, one can’t
Authentic Power and Practical Training ketball hoop in a Taekwondo dojang? Why are you giving away were emerging, I believed women in Taekwondo should also be help but feel exhilarated, and breaking a board successfully
Upon entering college, I sought out the Taekwondo demonstra- doboks as gifts?” Reflecting on it now, I wonder if they ques- given leadership opportunities within the system. In October calls for celebration. Ensure that mitts produce that satisfying
tion team through club activities. At that time, only a few female tioned me because I was a woman. An even sadder memory was 2019, I became a director of Kukkiwon through a public recruit- sound when kicked and assist in making challenging breaks
members were on the demonstration team. I admired the se- when a senior instructor accused me of intruding into his territo- ment process. possible. Through defensive and offensive technique train-
nior female members as they showcased powerful breaks and ry and teamed up with others to confront me. Reflecting on it, I wonder if there’s any discipline that practices ing, help them harness the power they didn't know they had.
subdued male seniors with self-defense techniques. The image I cried at that time. Tears that signified ‘regret.’ It was the first time gender equality and Taekwondo. The representative training
I aspired to was far from the somewhat delicate image defined I regretted wearing a dobok. Taekwondo had always been my subject of Taekwondo, poomsae, can be practiced equally by 5. Facilitate Inclusivity and Bonding
as “femininity.” This aspiration evolved into practical self-defense pride, but I regretted opening the dojang. Nevertheless, those both men and women. And the process of promotion is equal- Not being able to socialize easily or being alone in a group
techniques. As a member of the National Demonstration Team tears became a catalyst. They propelled me to become a pas- ly given to both. The various qualifications from the Kukkiwon can dampen interest in Taekwondo. It's important to make
(now known as the Kukkiwon Demonstration Team), I traveled sionate female master, dedicating myself to training students Training Center are also provided based on rank with equal op- it easy for female students to socialize with each other and
around the world, presenting not a performance but authentic, regardless of gender. Ultimately, I served as motivation to wear portunities. In the end, wearing the dobok, we're not defined as create the perception of a fun place to be.
palpable self-defense techniques. I remember frequently apolo- the dobok for life. male or female; we’re ‘Taekwondo practitioners.’

14 15
COVER STORY A New Wave, Women in Taekwondo

Women's Taekwondo Diary ➊ Women's Taekwondo Diary ➋ monthly regular grading exams are a time to review what’s been
learned and to challenge the next goal. Students take exams for
“Practicing Taekwondo “Taekwondo is the nourish- their growth, not to compete with others. So, if someone makes a
mistake during an exam, everyone encourages them to try again
not only eases physical ment for self-growth, and succeed. Such moments always touch my heart.
It might sound a bit cheesy to write down, but it makes me think,
tension but also lightens training together for mental “This is how we should live together; we have warm hearts.” I’m
grateful for the master and fellow students who share this journey
the heart.” and physical maturity.” with me.
“Training for one's growth and supporting each other for mutual
growth.” This is the spirit of Taekwondo. Ultimately, Taekwondo
Text by Shin, Hyo jung (Housewife) Photo by Kukkiwon Text by Moon, Mi so (Office Worker) Photo by Kukkiwon might be more than just a sport; it might be a path to becoming
a better adult. I hope many more people experience Taekwondo
and its benefits of correct thinking, a bright heart, and a healthy
body. Today, once again, I head to the dojang with an excited

When I share that I'm learning Taekwondo as a middle-aged “Taekwondo? The one kids do?” This is what most people say
woman, I'm often met with surprised faces asking, "How did when I tell them I practice Taekwondo. Taekwondo is still per-
you start practicing? I’ve prioritized joy, entertainment, and ceived as a sport for children. Adult dojangs are indeed rare. But
meaningful endeavors throughout my life. Before embark- after a year and a half of training, I’ve realized that Taekwondo is
ing on my Taekwondo journey, I spent a lot of time pondering a sport anyone can enjoy and a way to cultivate the “right mind, a
which exercise would suit me. It’s fun to learn new things. And bright heart, and a healthy body.”
I thought using my body instead of my mind would be more
fun. I wanted to do an exercise that would take care of my phys-
ical and mental health together. Thus, Taekwondo, which pre-
dominantly required bodily movements and seemed to calm Taekwondo is, above all, fun. Between stretching, fitness
the mind with focused actions, resonated deeply with me. training, fundamental skills, poosae, and kicks, a 50-min-
Taekwondo, indeed, has allowed me to enjoy learning new ute class feels incredibly short. My favorite part is hitting the
things. The adult class meets every evening at 8 p.m., which mitt. When you yell and kick the mitt with a “bang, bang!”
makes the 60-minute workout feel like six minutes. It was just the day’s stress disappears.
as exciting and enjoyable. After warming up with basic stretch-
es and being taught and practicing a mix of grappling, fighting,
kicking, and striking, the 60 minutes flew by. I realized how much
I love kicking. I didn’t know there were so many types of kicks: Fundamental moves and Poomsae have their unique charm. If
front, back, side, spinning, back, spinning, and spinning kicks, kicking the mitt feels like a refreshing soda, then the basics and
time to focus entirely on the body’s movement. The art empha-
Poomsae taste different. Focusing on refining each move, my cha-
and I especially love the dynamic 540-degree kick. sizes relaxation, contraction, balance, and strategic distancing
otic mind settles. Mastering a challenging activity brings a sense
from opponents, leading to natural self-control. In doing so, my
of achievement.
mind is free of distractions, and my body and mind are calm.
Taekwondo also develops many different physical abilities.
Controlling your body helps you manage your mind. We've all
Through various kicks like front, downward, spinning, side kicks,
experienced the tension that builds up in our minds at work
At first, I started Taekwondo because I wanted to use my and stances like ready, forward, and backward, the hip joint be-
or home, and when it’s transferred to our bodies, our primal
body, but as I learned, I realized that Taekwondo is also comes flexible, strengthening the thighs, buttocks, and core mus-
emotions and behaviors take over. With its genuine kicks and
cles. I used to be quite stiff, but after a year and a half of Taekwon-
about using your head. It's not just about being smart. punches, Taekwondo provides an outlet for bodily tension and
do, I can now do an almost 180-degree split. My body has toned
induces mental tranquility. Intriguingly, as the physical stress dis-
up overall. I used to get winded easily, but consistent running in
sipates, one's mind broadens, often revealing uncharted paths.
the dojang has improved my cardiovascular stamina. Recognizing
Learning Taekwondo helps me to have a balanced “right mind,” a
this healthier version of myself brings more joy to training.
You have to memorize the forms, and the kicks and fights are “big heart,” and a “healthy body,” just like the chi at our “Naracha”
Another advantage of Taekwondo is its well-structured promo-
very demanding, requiring both physical and cognitive coor- dojoang, which we chant at the end of every class. Every night, I
tion system. Belts in various colors, such as white, yellow, blue,
dination. This is why I have the utmost respect for my teachers. am equipped with a new body and mind for tomorrow. Here’s to
and red, act as motivations to work toward the next goal. The
Above all, the most meaningful part of the training is that it is a flying high with every kick!

16 17
COVER STORY A New Wave, Women’s Taekwondo

Meeting Taekwon Soop:

A Specialized Taekwondo Dojang
for Girls
Text & Photos by Jo, Jun woo (Martial Arts Newspaper Reporter)

I met Lee, Eun ji, the master of Taekwon Soop, a specialist in teaching the first “Girl’s Taekwondo” in
Korea. When I visited the dojang for the interview at 3:30 PM, the energetic cries of kihap filled the
room. As expected, Master Lee had a determined presence. Throughout the interview, she came
across as a leader who felt that only teaching girls Taekwondo was too limiting. The dojang oper-
ated on a well-organized and disciplined system. Master Lee, who chose the unusual path of “Girls’
Taekwondo,” had aspirations to expand her student base to include adult women. Let’s explore the
world of girls’ Taekwondo. Master Lee, Eun ji (far right in the back row) poses with the young female trainees—the warmth of the Taekwondo Soop family.

2. Emotional Stability
Being a girl doesn’t inherently cause more anxiety or sensitivity. high school, juggling academics and Taekwondo. Though not
Fears arise from a lack of experience. By practicing Taekwondo, an athlete and without aspirations to major in Taekwondo, she
they gain stability and build confidence through diverse back- stated that Taekwondo at the Taekwon Soop helped relieve her
grounds, enabling them to respond to school or daily situations academic stress. This year, she was admitted to a prestigious uni-
without relying on others. versity, E University, and aims to achieve her 4th Dan.

3. Community Plans To Expand Her Student Base to Adults and

Girls love to work together more than they love to compete. As Future Goals
girls learn Taekwondo, they fill in each other’s gaps and share dif- There are currently many female teenage students. Initially, she
ferent experiences more often. This is resilience in sports. When aimed to teach only those aged 6-13. However, as the dojang
individual strength becomes a code of conduct for a group, a reaches its 10th year, she encounters students who continue
bond is formed. It creates a culture of waiting for others and practicing Taekwondo as a hobby upon reaching ages 14, 17, or
feeling good about being together. It becomes a shared destiny, even college. She plans to start teaching adult women, estab-
another social family that supports each other. lishing a self-defense system suited for female bodies. Recent-
ly, there's been a significant rise in inquiries from adult women.
Focuses on Her Teachings Plans to guide adult female students had been postponed while
In the Taekwon Soop, smiles always blossom on the faces of the young girls training. This scenery originates from the generous yet meticulous guidance of Master She has faced many trials and errors. To effectively guide girls, focusing on young girls but are now set to launch this year.
Lee, Eun ji (center).
meticulous attention is needed in the environment, system, and Another plan is to establishing a training study room and oper-
management. The Taekwondo program for girls differs from ation program for female Taekwondo instructors. The goal is to
Reasons for Her Interest in Girls’ Taekwondo Benefits of Girls Practicing Taekwondo that of boys in physical, emotional, and cultural aspects. She resolve challenges faced by female instructors in dojang oper-
In 2012, at a dojang where she was an instructor, she wondered 1. Physical Development aims to draw in girls interested in dance, ballet, or dance, with ation and guidance. The plan includes providing education tai-
why a 4th-grade girl would watch for a year without learning Girls experience different physical development than boys. Even the motto: “Make the hard easy, the boring interesting, and the lored to consumer needs, encompassing marketing, consulting,
Taekwondo. After consulting with mother, she decided to teach when puberty begins, boys don’t show noticeable physical scary not scary.” and promotion to adapt to the changing times. The intent is to
Taekwondo exclusively to girls. Later, she realized that many par- changes, whereas girls develop breasts and start menstruating. share the expertise she has accumulated with female instructors
ents wanted their daughters to learn Taekwondo but hesitated Therefore, girls who practice Taekwondo before puberty have Rewarding Experiences who are contemplating how to start or enhance their teaching
due to the environment, system, or management of typical do- superior physical functionality compared to those who don’t. How many students start Taekwondo in the upper grades of methods. There will be concurrent Zoom training for instructors
jangs. In 2014, she opened Taekwon Soop, exclusively for girls. They become aware of the lengths of their limbs and develop elementary school nowadays? One student began in the 5th unable to travel due to distance. The announcement was made
better crisis-response abilities. grade of elementary school. She continued into middle and in September, and seminars are set to start in October.

18 19

physical and mental training.”

In Dongducheon, Gyeonggi Province, some elders maintain
their health through Taekwondo. Founded in 2007, the Dong-
ducheon Silver Taekwondo team, which has won various compe-
titions and built a reputation, consists of members aged 60 to 80.

Taekwondo Training for the Silver Generation: Master Park, Je cheol, who teaches Taekwondo to these nearly
30 members twice a week, said, “Through various Taekwondo

Fight Aging and

movements, one’s body can become healthier. Especially, the
Taekwondo patterns require memorizing sequences, which is
effective in enhancing the memory of the elderly and preventing

Boost Self-Esteem
In September 2016, in Muju, North Jeolla Province, the Silver Tae-
kwondo Cultural and Performance Demonstration Team was es-
tablished as a non-profit private organization with the approval In March 2016, founding members of the Korea Silver Taekwondo
of the Jeonbuk Provincial Office. With an average age of 76, this Federation gathered after a meeting. Ⓒ TaekwonBox Media
demonstration team, comprising about 20 dan-holders, aims to
promote health through Taekwondo.
In Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, about 80 members of a com-
munity sports Silver Taekwondo class comprised individuals zations. Silver Taekwondo is being practiced in over 30 locations
Text by Seo, Sung won (Editorial Board Member) aged 65 and above. The Taekwondo class is held three times a nationwide. We plan to hold one seminar and two tournaments
week. Considering the age of the seniors, half of the exercise time in the future.”
is dedicated to stretching, after which they proceed with basic After the first tournament in 2018, the 2nd KTA President’s Cup
With the increasing elderly population, South Korea has already entered an ‘aged society.’ As the Baby Boomer gen-
Taekwondo movements and patterns. National Silver Taekwondo Competition was held at the Kuk-
eration (born between 1955 and 1963) ages, it is predicted that by 2025, the proportion of people aged 65 and older
The Silver Taekwondo Club operated by the Bukgu Senior Wel- kiwon in May 2019. Hosted by the Korean Taekwondo Associa-
will reach 20%. In response to this societal trend, there’s a growing interest in “Silver Taekwondo.” “Silver” in English
fare Center in Ulsan Metropolitan City is also noteworthy. Found- tion (President Yang, Jin bang) and managed by the KTA Silver
refers to the color silver (銀), and as people age, their hair turns silver-white, leading to the use of ‘silver’ in terms related
ed in 2012 to enhance the health of local seniors, this club started Committee, the event saw participation from over 500 Silver Tae-
to older people. Therefore, Silver Taekwondo means Taekwondo practiced by those 65 years and older. It’s actively
with 30 members and has now grown to over 120. kwondo enthusiasts aged 60 and above.
recommended for elderly health promotion and leisure activities, primarily by local self-governing bodies, senior wel-
The Eumseong County Health Center in North Chungcheong However, there are many challenges to address if we wish to
fare centers, sports organizations, and health centers. Various studies have shown that when older people consistently
Province has been operating a Silver Taekwondo health class for lay a sustainable foundation for the continued growth of Silver
practice Taekwondo, they can experience positive physiological changes in their bodies, prevent aging, enhance their
older people in collaboration with Gangdong University since Taekwondo. Firstly, Silver Taekwondo tournaments, suspended
self-esteem, and increase leisure satisfaction. This recognition of its benefits is leading to the widespread adoption of
January 2015. Recently, they held an opening ceremony for the due to the COVID-19 pandemic, must be resumed. When strate-
Silver Taekwondo.
Vascular Robust Health Centennial Silver Taekwondo program, gies for promoting Silver Taekwondo were raised during the KTA
aiming to manage and prevent cerebrovascular diseases. regular general meeting in January 2021, President Yang said,
Furthermore, the Senior Welfare Center in Gwangsan-gu, “First, we will grasp the overall facts and statistics related to Sil-
Gwangju Metropolitan City, operates a ’Proud Silver Taekwondo ver Taekwondo and then devise a plan for its promotion.” But so
Class’ twice a week. In addition, various facilities like the Jorye far, significant progress has yet to be made. Fortunately, there’s a
Welfare Center in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province; Hope Senior glimmer of hope as the Incheon Metropolitan City Taekwondo
The Current State of Silver Taekwondo Welfare Center in Yangju, Gyeonggi Province; Comprehensive Se- Association plans to resume the temporarily halted Silver Tae-
Where is Silver Taekwondo primarily practiced? Let’s take a clos- nior Welfare Center in Dalseo-gu, Daegu; Comprehensive Senior kwondo tournaments before winter.
er look. In 2014, the Mansu 2-dong in Namdong-gu, Incheon, Welfare Center in Seongsan-gu, Changwon, South Gyeongsang For the revitalization of Silver Taekwondo, academic research
opened a Silver Taekwondo Classroom targeting older people. Province; Munsu Silver Welfare Center in Ulsan; Senior Welfare must also be supported. The study titled ’An Implementation
Conducted once a week, this class was designed to promote Center in Michuhol, Incheon; Gansuk 3-dong Community Center Study for the Development of a Silver Taekwondo Program,’ pub-
healthy and happy leisure activities for the growing elderly pop- in Incheon; and the Health Center in Ilsan Seo-gu, Gongyang City, lished by Im, Jin seon, Kim, Young hoon, and Choi, Dong hoon in
ulation, teaching them basic physical exercises, joint movements, Gyeonggi Province are also operating Silver Taekwondo classes the 43rd Volume, Issue 4 of the Korean Leisure Recreation Journal
self-defense techniques, and health-oriented Taekwondo. This to enhance seniors’ physical activity and balance senses. in 2019, carries significant implications for the Taekwondo aca-
was rooted in the belief that Taekwondo training can effectively demic community. To develop a Taekwondo training program
prevent osteoporosis and dementia. Strategies for Promoting Silver Taekwondo for seniors, it’s imperative to comprehend the physical and phys-
In April of the same year, the Manwol Welfare Center in Nam- In line with the nationwide expansion of Silver Taekwondo, the iological traits of the elderly. Furthermore, scientific research is
dong-gu, Incheon, began its Silver Taekwondo program. Master Korean Silver Taekwondo Federation (President Kim, Yong hwi) necessary to determine how movements like kicking, striking,
Kim, Young soo said, “Through the regular program, we focus was officially established in 2016. President Kim said, “We aim to and punching can be beneficial and contribute to their overall
Members of the Namdong-gu, Incheon Silver Taekwondo Association are
on physical training and emphasize etiquette, engaging in both training in Taekwondo. Ⓒ Korea Sports & Olympic Committee promote Silver Taekwondo by expanding our affiliated organi- health.

20 21
SPECIAL REPORT Search For “Practical Taekwondo”Ⅱ-End

Integrating Taekwondo with a Military Spirit

Combat Taekwondo –
A Path Back to Practicality Combat Taekwondo,
Another Name for Practical Taekwondo
Text by Choe, Kyoo sup (Head of Editorial Board) Photo by Kukkiwon

“At its core, Taekwondo is a martial art.” Is this statement true? and identity are gaining traction. Reviving this practical facet
Indeed, it is. Even if its essence might have diminished due to is an imperative every Taekwondo enthusiast should earnestly
the shift towards sports, it remains an integral concept. The reflect upon. This backdrop is why ‘Combat Taekwondo’ stands
intrinsic value of practical Taekwondo, somewhat overshad- in the spotlight.
owed by the prevailing wave of sports Taekwondo, demands
rejuvenation. The structured adaptation of sports Taekwondo Remarkably, Combat Taekwondo boasts a 60-year lineage.
adversely affects the quest for practicality in martial arts Tae- Since its inception by the U.S. 7th Division in Korea in 1963, it
kwondo. We need to recognize this overextension of change has firmly anchored its principles and evolved steadily. Its im-
and seek remedies. portance is escalating as a method for overpowering adver-
saries and safeguarding oneself in battle scenarios. Combat
How is Taekwondo perceived today? On the exterior, it's so- Taekwondo symbolizes a 'behavioral mode' that amalgamates
lidified its role as a pivotal entity within the global martial arts Taekwondo's essence and techniques. It epitomizes spiritual re-
realm. The expansion of WT (World Taekwondo), boasting the finement and offense/defense strategies, manifesting as a pro-
most member nations (213+1) worldwide, attests to this growth. active 'combat blueprint' for survival during exigent conflicts.
Indeed, its outreach is commendable. Yet, there are undeniable
challenges on the inside, making the current state hard to over- In today's warfare, state-of-the-art armaments are at the fore-
look. The tribulations experienced by practical Taekwondo, front. Yet, their effectiveness is inherently contingent upon the
caught in the whirlwind of Taekwondo's dazzling evolution, individual soldier wielding them. For humans, mental resilience
evoke a sense of melancholy. plays a pivotal role. It becomes even more vital for those sol-
diers whose training encompasses life-threatening scenarios.
Within the Olympics, Taekwondo has continually reinforced its Robust mental stability is paramount for them. This significance
central stature. From its inauguration as a demonstration sport is why Combat Taekwondo, a fusion of Taekwondo's spirit and
in Seoul 1988, its elevation to an official event in Sydney 2000, the military ethos, holds such allure. The practicality of Combat
to its acknowledgment as a core sport in 2013, its progression Taekwondo is universally acknowledged, solidifying its indis-
has been seamless. Yet, paradoxically, it found itself ensnared pensable nature.
in the derision of being labeled “foot fencing.” The dependence
on electronic scoring gear, which prioritizes fair judgment of
victory, inadvertently led to a discernible decline in practicality.

“The genuine practical nature of Taekwondo must be restored.”

This plea is increasingly resonating. We’re at a juncture where
the drive for ceaseless change and growth is being reevaluated.
The calls to introspect and refocus on our foundational values

22 23
SPECIAL REPORT Search For “Practical Taekwondo”Ⅱ-End

Breathing Life Into What Exactly Is Combat Taekwondo?

It refers to the Taekwondo techniques soldiers use when not
extensive, primarily geared towards rank promotion tests in
Taekwondo schools and not real combat techniques. As time
the soldiers were deeply engaged and passionate about their

‘Combat Taekwondo’ and using firearms or knives in hand-to-hand combat. Interesting-

ly, this version of Taekwondo isn’t a skill Korean soldiers learn.
passed, Taekwondo failed to capture the interest and enthu-
siasm of the adult military personnel. Taking the suggestion
“I realized that Combat Taekwondo could become its own
category, moving beyond the traditional children-centric Tae-
‘Practical Taekwondo’ Instead, the first practitioners of Combat Taekwondo in Korea
were the U.S. military personnel stationed there.
of the U.S. Army commander, Kim spent about three months
integrating lethal techniques from various striking martial arts
kwondo curriculum to cater to young adults and adults. With
this confidence, I continued developing and spreading the
with Proven Utility Value The pioneer of Combat Taekwondo is Kim, Moon ok, the head
of the U.S. Army Taekwondo Support Group in South Korea. In
into Taekwondo, thus formulating the methodology for Com-
bat Taekwondo. At that time, Taekwondo was recognized as a
Initially voluntary, education in Combat Taekwondo for the
the early 2000s, Kim received a request from the commander martial art that only employed kicking techniques. Identifying U.S. forces stationed in Korea became mandatory for all units
of the U.S. forces in South Korea to provide martial arts train- the characteristics of the U.S. military, Kim developed tech- starting in 2004. Around this time, Master Kim began recruit-
Text by Choi, Jin woo (TaekwonBox Media Reporter)
Photo by Foreigner’s Taekwondo Cultural Association
ing that U.S. troops could use in actual combat situations. niques that utilized hand strikes from Taekwondo to target ing instructors to disseminate Combat Taekwondo across all
While the U.S. Army had its close combat system called “Com- vital points, control an opponent's attack, counter swiftly, and U.S. Army units in Korea. This was the inception of the current
batives,” the commander of the U.S. forces in Korea proposed deliver lethal blows. U.S. Army Taekwondo Support Group in Korea.
an Eastern martial art that could be more passionate and en- The techniques developed by Kim were introduced to the U.S.
gaging for the troops. With this in mind, Kim, a Taekwondo forces in Korea as “Combat Taekwondo” starting in June 2000. Spread of Combat Taekwondo
instructor, decided to develop and teach practical techniques Initially, there was skepticism from Taekwondo organizations Currently, an instructor is dispatched to each U.S. military
based on Taekwondo. and the surrounding community, with some perceiving it as battalion in Korea to teach Combat Taekwondo. Command-
The U.S. forces stationed in Korea began learning Taekwon- teaching odd techniques. However, as he began instructing er Kim has dispatched these instructors to each battalion and
do in 1963. However, their training could have been more the U.S. military in Combat Taekwondo, it was evident that simultaneously provides them with job-specific training. He
conducts biannual professional training sessions, focusing on
Combat Taekwondo techniques, educating and communicat-
ing with foreigners, and enhancing their expertise, ensuring
they can efficiently teach U.S. soldiers in their respective units.
In 2005, the U.S. military in Korea established the 2nd Division
Taekwondo Demonstration Team. Comprising U.S. soldiers
trained in Combat Taekwondo, they also received a special as-
signment as the “Division Commander's Special Guard Unit.”
Moreover, they created a Combat Taekwondo tournament
where participants compete wearing 16-ounce boxing gloves
and MMA-style headgear.
Commander Kim said, “There aren't huge benefits, but a system
is in place to award promotion points to those who perform well
in the tournament. Just as young adults are passionate about
MMA fights like the UFC, the enthusiasm and response from the
U.S. military are sincere.”
The spread of Combat Taekwondo is gradually expanding over-
seas. The deployment period for the U.S. military in Korea is one
year, and after learning Combat Taekwondo during this time,
they return to their home country. Thus, a one-year black belt
program is being offered to these U.S. military personnel.
"In the past, there was only one training session per week, so
achieving a belt rank was challenging. Many would complete
the program with a red belt. However, we're running a black belt
program now that we've transitioned to twice-weekly sessions.
Those who work in Korea and learn Taekwondo can earn their
black belt before they depart. Though the number is still small,
the number of U.S. soldiers who learned Combat Taekwondo in
Korea and then became instructors in the U.S. is increasing." From
Commander Kim's tone, while discussing the status of Combat
Taekwondo among the U.S. military in Korea, one could sense a
Combat Taekwondo, which started targeting the U.S. military in Korea, is trending towards expansion, backed by high participation and enthusiastic mix of strong determination and overflowing pride.
response. Ⓒ Kukkiwon

24 25
Kukkiwon Embarks on Spreading Combat Taekwondo international students, and foreign workers. Fifty-six active in-
Under the Name of Practical Taekwondo structors cater to the U.S. military, international students, and
Combat Taekwondo was developed and disseminated to the foreign workers.
U.S. military stationed in Korea in the 2000s by Master Kim.
However, the Korean army only conducted training for acquir- What is the Role of Combat Taekwondo
ing Taekwondo certifications and did not propagate it as a in Practical Taekwondo?
real-life combat technique. Since 2017, Kukkiwon has partic- “Currently, Taekwondo is a program for children and teenagers
ipated in the Taekwondo camp for the U.S. military in Korea, to obtain their rank and degree certifications. While develop-
run by the Ministry of National Defense. Consequently, Master ing Combat Taekwondo, I contemplated why the young adult
Kim's Combat Taekwondo is now being conducted as a part of generation is so passionate about the practical martial arts of
Kukkiwon’s Taekwondo dissemination project for foreigners UFC. I realized they desire to learn practical techniques they
in Korea. can watch, absorb, and use. Therefore, based on Taekwondo,
In particular, since Lee, Dong sup took office as the head of we’ve transformed underutilized hand techniques into offen-
Kukkiwon in 2021, Kukkiwon began to view and systemize sive techniques following defense and taught them. Although
Combat Taekwondo as a segment of practical Taekwondo that it’s called ‘Combat Taekwondo’ because it’s distributed in the
should be spread and supported alongside self-defense tech- military, we designed it as a technique that adults can learn
niques. While practical Taekwondo self-defense techniques with fun and interest. Fortunately, Kukkiwon has embraced it
are seen as essential for roles such as agents of the National as practical Taekwondo, and they are jointly researching and
Intelligence Service, the Presidential Security Service, and the developing it, soon to produce teaching materials. It’s not just
police, Kukkiwon believes that the military should be exposed Taekwondo taught in the military, but also a program that or-
to Combat Taekwondo. Currently, they are preparing educa- dinary adults can learn as practical techniques.”
tional materials based on Master Kim’s Combat Taekwondo President Lee, Dong sup shares
techniques. Master Kim’s perspective. In the Combat Taekwondo sparring competition for the U.S. military in Korea, female soldiers are competing using Combat Taekwondo techniques. Ⓒ Kukkiwon
Kukkiwon is also concurrently conducting instructor training With a background in the
to propagate this. Although Combat Taekwondo isn't an in- police force and experi-
dependent domain, active instructor training is underway as ence as a prosecutor in-
a part of the Taekwondo dissemination support project for vestigator, President Lee used Taekwondo techniques in the field to apprehend crimi- of Taekwondo began to emerge. Kukkiwon, in collaboration
foreigners in Korea, funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, has expressed, post-ap- nals. We learned self-defense and practical techniques in the with the then Korean Taekwondo Association, undertook
and Tourism. This training targets the U.S. military in Korea, pointment, that “I have past, but there aren’t dojangs teaching this way. It’s not just various projects to revive the old patterns and self-defense
about mastering forms for rank and degree certification. It’s techniques from the nine traditional schools (including Kang
necessary to learn and master techniques that can be used in Duk Won, Moo Duk Kwan, Song Moo Kwan, Oh Do Kwan and
real situations.” others) but did not achieve satisfactory results.
Aligned with President Lee’s intentions, Kukkiwon has inte- Subsequently, with the new director’s inauguration, Kukki-
grated practical Taekwondo self-defense training into their won began to establish Taekwondo techniques beyond sim-
existing self-defense instructor training, embarking on a com- ple movements, delving into practical and combative forms of
prehensive dissemination of practical Taekwondo. The next martial arts. Under ‘Practical Taekwondo,’ genres like self-de-
step is to spread Combat Taekwondo practical Taekwondo, fense techniques and Combat Taekwondo are being added.
currently centered on the U.S. military in Korea, to the Korean For Practical Taekwondo to rapidly establish its position, it is
army. Last March, Kukkiwon visited the Special Warfare Com- essential to promote training programs for young adults do-
mand to award an honorary Dan to the commander, empha- mestically and internationally. Beyond just a self-defense pro-
sizing their firm intention to promote practical Taekwondo’s gram, there’s a need to disseminate practical techniques.
military distribution actively. For this to happen, instructor training should be prioritized.
Instead of solely relying on face-to-face training, there should
How Should Practical Taekwondo Secure Its Position? be a parallel approach with online education to facilitate a
Kukkiwon is actively working towards promoting Practical Tae- faster distribution of Practical Taekwondo. Especially over-
kwondo, which has its roots in martial Taekwondo. Since its seas, there is a high demand for Kukkiwon training. However,
adoption as an official sport at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Tae- they need more personnel to meet the request due to bud-
kwondo has grown significantly as a global sport. The promotion get constraints and lack of personnel. Kukkiwon operates the
of sparring competitions is a prime example. Poomsae has also TCON service, integrated with the Kukkiwon Membership
followed a high growth trajectory, being adopted as an official System (KMS), which connects Taekwondo instructors world-
sport in events such as the Asian Games and the Universiade. wide. There’s an urgent need for online education on Practical
Kim, Moon ok, the head of the U.S. military in Korea's Taekwondo support team, has proven the utility value of Combat Taekwondo. Ⓒ Kukkiwon Starting from 2010, the issue of restoring the martial aspect Taekwondo using the TCON service.

26 27
SPECIAL REPORT Search For “Practical Taekwondo”Ⅱ-End

Combat Taekwondo Training ➊ Although teaching Taekwondo in English presents challenges,

past experiences of instructing in the U.S. prove invaluable. By
Combat Taekwondo Training ➋
“Highly Popular fostering confidence through consistent praise and encour-
agement, they aspire to facilitate more active participation

Combat Taekwondo: from the U.S. troops in Combat Taekwondo. This endeavor
resonates with Kukkiwon’s global mission of propagating Ko-
“Combat Taekwondo Proves
A Significant Contribution rean traditional culture via Taekwondo. Approaching this role
with humility and pride, they strive to amplify Taekwondo's in-
Its Value in Real-Life Situations
to the Promotion of ternational presence through meaningful cultural exchanges.
As Training Progresses.”
Korean Traditional Culture”
Irregular training schedules and short rotations of specific
units, often only around six months, combined with the U.S.
Forces’ brief dispatch periods in Korea, can be challenging Text & Photo by Avery Nolan
(Lieutenant, 55TH Military Police Unit, Camp Casey)
for consistent training. However, the instructors believe that
Text & Photo by Jo, Young through sincere communication and highlighting the virtues
(Instructor of Combat Taekwondo for the U.S. Forces in Korea) of Taekwondo, they can amplify Korean traditional culture's
reach. Furthermore, this teaching experience is an opportu-
nity to enhance their English proficiency, furthering their ca-
pabilities as global citizens. With this mindset, they remain
committed to daily instruction and training sessions.

Built on the strong spirit of the military, Combat Taekwondo,

emphasizing self-defense without weapons, has garnered sig-
nificant admiration from the U.S. Forces in Korea. The Combat
Taekwondo instructor team, understanding their pivotal role
in bridging Korean culture to international military personnel,
approaches each class with profound dedication and a sense
of responsibility. They provide guidance based on a structured
curriculum explicitly tailored for ranking tests. Additionally,
the annual Taekwondo competition among the U.S. Forces in
Korea strengthens bonds and camaraderie. Their continuous
efforts to introduce Korean culture, food, and tourist spots Greetings! I'm honored and grateful to share my experiences cially when learning self-defense methods and fall techniques.
have enabled them to maintain consistent Taekwondo classes training in Combat Taekwondo. Since I arrived in Korea and Combat Taekwondo equips one with practical skills for de-
with over ten different units for nearly two years. after the initial two classes with Master Jo, Young, my per- fense, allowing swift and precise counter-attacks that can ef-
spective and attitude towards Taekwondo have undergone a fectively immobilize an opponent. The diverse range of hand
Highlighting that Taekwondo has been a part of the U.S. Forc- complete transformation. Before setting foot in Korea, I had techniques and kicks has continually fueled my dedication.
es in Korea for over 40 years, they fervently introduce its spirit minimal interest in Taekwondo in the USA. However, those
and awaken participants’ latent instincts with collective, res- initial sessions ignited a passion for learning every move and As a leader, witnessing the positive transformation of our sol-
onating kihap (yells). Observing the troops train with such technique. I’ve grown to deeply value Taekwondo as an in- diers through Taekwondo has heightened my appreciation for
zeal and imparting the discipline required of a martial artist, tegral facet of Korean culture and fitness, particularly for its its positive impact. While in Korea, I’m setting my sights on
their transformation in attitude and approach to Taekwondo real-world applicability as Combat Taekwondo. The energy the Kukkiwon black belt examination. I am resolute in enhanc-
becomes evident. The authenticity is visible in every move and zeal in each class have only intensified my enthusiasm, ing my flexibility, pushing myself harder each training session.
during training, showcasing both the excellence of Taekwon- and through our shared training, I've forged a strong bond Naturally, my journey with Taekwondo will persist once I re-
do and its influential reach worldwide. The instructor team with Master Jo. turn to the USA. I’m immensely thankful to Master Jo for kin-
believes this training enhances self-esteem, relationships, dling my passion for Taekwondo and steering me through its
and leadership skills. The appreciation shown by the troops, At first, the unfamiliar movements were strenuous, making it transformative powers. My commitment to persevering in my
through medals and commendation letters, serves as a con- challenging to master the intricacies of kicks and other tech- Taekwondo training remains unwavering.
tinuous source of motivation for the instructors. niques. But as the saying goes, “practice makes perfect.” My
comfort and confidence grew with time and repetition, espe- Thank you!

28 29
SPECIAL REPORT Search For “Practical Taekwondo”Ⅱ-End

to sudden physical threats, reducing the risk. The thrill of sub-

duing someone physically bigger or stronger using a suppres-
sion technique is beyond imagination,” she said with a broad

Taekwondo, Part of My Life

Lee Yuri’s master in practical self-defense Taekwondo is Mas-
ter Lee, Ji seok, who teaches self-defense at the World Tae-
kwondo Training Center under Kukkiwon. He is also an action

Actress Lee, Yuri actor active in Hollywood and the head coach of the World
Taekwondo demonstration team.

Falls in Love Lee, Yuri advocated for

practical self-defense
“I learned from my master about the Kukkiwon Self-defense
(defensive sparring) Textbook, which details over 120 self-de-

with Taekwondo
Taekwondo. fense techniques. Practical self-defense Taekwondo consists
of the best movements for those wanting to protect them-
selves. Given the increasing societal unease due to severe
crimes nowadays, I recommend practical self-defense Tae-
kwondo to women and other vulnerable groups.”
Text by Song, Ji hoon (Editorial Board Member)
Photo by Kukkiwon Lee, Yuri, who became a certified 1st Dan black belt in Feb-
ruary, has been actively practicing her love of Taekwondo,
including serving as an ambassador at the World Taekwondo
of reciprocating the love I receive from Hanmadang in Seongnam City in July. “If given the chance, I'd
Through training, I repeatedly experience my fans.” Throughout her acting career, like to directly introduce to my fans practical self-defense Tae-
the exhilaration of overcoming limitations.” she has continuously transformed, and her kwondo techniques applicable in real-life situations, including
next challenge is action. “I wanted to break the acting mold methods to defend against attackers with knives using every-
Acting Transformations again, so I focused on action roles. While looking for ways day items like bags. I initially began training in Taekwondo for
and Taekwondo to showcase genuine action moves without a stand-in, I dis- my roles, but now it has become a part of my life. I feel phys-
Her acting spectrum is the epitome of di- covered practical self-defense Taekwondo. Taekwondo is a ically and mentally healthier, which makes me happier,” she
versity. Since her debut in 2001 with the familiar martial art for Koreans, but perhaps its familiarity has emphasized.
drama ‘School 4' as a rebellious high school caused many to overlook its importance. I had also forgotten
girl, she has played a variety of roles, from about Taekwondo since attending a dojang in my youth. Only
a queen in ‘Queen Myeongsung,’ to the after learning about Taekwondo techniques that can be used
youngest daughter of a large family with for self-defense did my interest and passion reignite.”
no luck in ‘Parents' Shrine,’ to a polio patient
Lee, Yuri (right) with Lee, Ji seok, a Taekwondo instructor from the Kukki- in ‘Love and Ambition,’ a career woman in Defending Oneself with the National Martial Arts
won World Taekwondo Training Center, specializing in practical self-de-
fense. ‘Feisty Woman,’ and an avatar of vengeance After being introduced to practical self-defense Taekwondo,
in ‘Yellow Revenge Flower.’ In 2014, she por- she has become its advocate. “The moves used in practical
Lee, Yuri, an actress who has garnered attention for her au- trayed the villain Yeon, Min jung in ‘Here self-defense are restructured applications of Taekwondo’s
dacious role transformations, has recently become deeply Comes Jang, Bori,’ securing her place among foundational Poomsae. It's astonishing and fascinating to de-
enchanted by the allure of Taekwondo. On her days off from the nation's top actresses by winning the MBC vise creative movements using South Korea’s ‘National Martial
filming, she consistently visits the dojang, fervently training for Acting Grand Prize. In 2017, she delivered a Arts’ to defend oneself and even for action acting. Practical
nearly five hours at a time. Among the various genres of Tae- stellar performance as lawyer Byun, Hye young self-defense Taekwondo comprises simple movements that
kwondo, what captivated her heart was the rapidly growing in ‘My Father is Strange,’ earning the KBS Acting anyone can easily follow. One of its strengths is that it can be
“practical self-defense” technique. Breaking the binary distinc- Grand Prize for Best Actress. learned without restriction to gender or age.”
tion of Taekwondo as “martial arts” and “sports,” it is an area
that is newly recognized for its cultural and industrial value. “I truly believe that being an actress is the best job. She remarked, “I don’t wish to instill the illusion that one can
“While preparing to take on action roles, I encountered prac- I'm so grateful for the immense love from the fans, perfectly defend against any attack by mastering practical
tical self-defense Taekwondo,” she said. “I began learning it as even when I feel I haven't given back enough. Trying self-defense Taekwondo. However, if one has pre-learned Lee, Yuri (right) attempting a kick while practicing practical self-defense
a physical exercise, but now it feels like I'm learning about life. diverse roles and not sticking to a set character is my way the movements to protect oneself, one can calmly respond Taekwondo.

30 31
SPECIAL REPORT Search For “Practical Taekwondo”Ⅱ-End

Practical Taekwondo platforms. This video, highlighting the practical

application of Taekwondo techniques, became a
by participating in the editorial committee for the “Practical Tae-
kwondo Self-Defense Textbook” published by the Kukkiwon.

Private Organization:
significant topic of discussion. Consequently, Mas- As Taekwondo instructors, these three private promoters of prac-
ter Lee established the World Kangjin Taekwondo tical Taekwondo have been developing their unique practical
Federation to research and propagate these practi- techniques based on Taekwondo for over seven years. They have
Forging a Path of cal Taekwondo techniques.
Kim, Eun sup, a Taekwondo instructor, gained pop-
disseminated these techniques in dojangs, schools, the military,
and the police.
Innovation and ularity by teaching action skills to aspiring actors us-
ing self-defense techniques based on Taekwondo. Kukkiwon Expands Research and

Prosperity in the Field As his teachings in self-defense became immensely

popular in 2018, Master Kim started disseminating
Development in Practical Taekwondo from 2021
Why is their approach to practical Taekwondo drawing so much
these techniques to foreign military and police attention? Taekwondo is widely recognized as Korea’s national
Text by Choi, Jin woo (TaekwonBox Media Reporter) forces through the World Defense Taekwondo Fed- martial art. However, since the 1980s, the perception in Korea
Photo by Lee, Dong hee
eration. Last year, he contributed to the promotion began to see it as a sport primarily intended for children, espe-
cially elementary students. As Taekwondo dojangs increasingly
Lee, Dong hee (center), president of the World Kangjin Taekwondo
Federation, leads a seminar on practical Taekwondo leadership in the catered to younger students, training programs started to re-
private sector. semble playful physical education sessions rather than tradition-
al martial arts training. Over time, programs for adult trainees in
The Kukkiwon has been expanding the promotion of Practical Taekwondo, first and more rapidly dissemi- dojangs became less prevalent.
nated in the private sector, targeting the young adult demographic. In the private sector, it was known by Starting in the mid-2000s, some instructors identified a need for
various names such as Practical Taekwondo, Hand Technique Taekwondo, and Defense Taekwondo, all based new training programs to cater to adults. This realization led to
on Taekwondo techniques. With the systematization of these, several private organizations have been estab- private study groups and practical seminars centered on adult
lished around the principles of practical Taekwondo techniques. The World Taekwondo Hand Technique As- education. In practical Taekwondo, from the mid-2010s onwards,
sociation (President Uhm, Jee young Master), the World Kangjin Taekwondo Federation (President Lee, Dong instructors like Uhm, Jee young, Lee, Dong hee, and Kim, Eun sup
hee Master), and the World Defense Taekwondo Federation (President Kim, Eun sup Master) can be cited as established their research groups and introduced new training
representative private organizations promoting methodologies.
These technical seminars attracted many frontline instructors.
practical Taekwondo.
Since many of Taekwondo’s sparring and self-defense techniques
were not systematically specialized, instructors felt a pressing
need to enhance Taekwondo’s technical value independent-
ly. However, prominent organizations like Kukkiwon and KTA
viewed these private initiatives skeptically. A prevailing conser-
Leading with Hand Techniques, vative mindset believed that the research, systematization, and
Self-Defense Techniques and Practical Skills promotion of new techniques should be spearheaded only by
Uhm, Jee young, a former gold medalist in the World Poomsae established entities like Kukkiwon, often relegating these private
Taekwondo Championship, is currently a director and educa- efforts to a marginalized “subculture.”
tor for the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA). In 2017, he de- Yet, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020, curtailing
veloped practical hand techniques using Taekwondo’s hand in-person activities, these private efforts began to thrive online,
techniques and established a technical research and training drawing national and international interest.
group. This training group expanded and transitioned into the Recently, Kukkiwon has incorporated individuals from the pri-
World Taekwondo Hand Technique Association in 2018. This vate sector actively involved in practical Taekwondo into their
year, they are conducting private qualification training based textbook editorial committee. However, this representation is
on the techniques they’ve developed. minimal, and engagement with instructors from diverse personal
Lee, Dong hee a former Taekwondo sparring athlete, began backgrounds still needs to be improved.
systematizing various practical moves derived from Taekwon- For Kukkiwon’s focus on expanding adult training through practi-
do techniques during his time as a mixed martial arts fighter. cal Taekwondo to truly flourish, a concerted effort from both Kuk-
In April 2019, he showcased practical Taekwondo demon- kiwon and the private sector is essential, ensuring a quicker and
strations and education linked with poomsae using video more comprehensive propagation of the discipline.

Practical Taekwondo is a system of

techniques based on realistic fighting techniques.

32 33

Yeonggwang Dojang: Where the Spirit Never Wavers

When you visit the Yeonggwang dojang in South Jeolla Province,
you'll find a motto hanging on the wall: “Even if the electricity and
water supply are cut off, the spirit never wavers.” This saying en-
capsulates the unwavering determination of the martial artists
who have trained at this gym since its establishment in 1968, as
expressed by Taekwondo elder Cho, Young ki.
“When we first opened the inaugural Taekwondo dojang in Yeong-
gwang, the dream of creating the best Taekwondo dojang not only
in South Jeolla Province but also in South Korea was still alive.”
The Yeonggwang dojang has been a powerhouse for producing
national team athletes, coaches, and leaders in the Taekwondo
community. Among the many disciples, one stands out promi-
nently in Cho, Young ki’s memory – Choi, Kyung ryeong. Choi was
a dedicated student and a beloved. However, in September 1997,
tragedy struck when Choi, Kyung ryeong lost her life in a severe
traffic accident while traveling with Cho, Young ki to attend the
wedding of Uhm, Woon kyu, the former president of Kukkiwon Former Kukkiwon President Kim, Un yong, Grandmaster Cho, Young ki
(right), and current Kukkiwon President and Member of Parliament, Lee,
and his son. Although she survived the accident with severe in- Dong sup (left).
juries and regained consciousness in the hospital, he ultimately
died. Cho, Young ki, who had to endure three months of hospital-
On August 25th, at The K Hotel in Seoul, a book launch event was held ization, suffered profound physical and emotional wounds. The
to commemorate the autobiography of a Taekwondo master. The pro- grief was overwhelming as he was one of his most cherished disci-
tagonist of this event was Cho, Young ki, the former Vice Chairman of ples. However, many other disciples’ active and thriving activities
the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA). Born in 1938, he is currently have been a source of consolation for him. 66 Years of a Taekwondo Life: A Witness to Taekwondo in
85 years old and holds the highest rank among active Taekwondo el- South Jeolla Province
ders. His influence in the Taekwondo community is unparalleled, and Cho, Young ki was born as the fourth son of a family with five sons
it is safe to say that there are very few, if any, within the Taekwondo and two daughters under the guidance of his father, a scholar.
community who do not know him. The presence of prominent figures Despite the scholarly atmosphere at home, he
in the Taekwondo community at the book launch is a testament to his had a stronger affinity for sports than academ-
status as a Taekwondo luminary. ics, often leading to disagreements with his fa-
The guest list included over 200 attendees, among whom the most ther. However, his father was open-minded and
Grand Master Cho, Young ki,
notable group was his disciples. Many of his disciples are involved in supportive. Seeing his son’s passion for sports,
Beyond Korea, major Taekwondo organizations, making them well-known in the
community. Originating from the Yeonggwang dojang, an ambitious
particularly Taekwondo, he even converted a
space in their home garden into a training cen-
Into the World of project he dedicated his life to, it is one of the dojangs that has pro-
duced the highest number of black belts and athletes nationwide.
ter and encouraged him to pursue his athletic
Taekwondo Moreover, it is renowned for creating numerous alums who are active
as association presidents, executives, university professors, and more.
The official establishment of Yeonggwang do-
jang was in 1968, but its roots can be traced
Notable among them are university professors such as Jin, Joong back to 1957 when they created a space for
Text by Park, Sung jin (Reporter, Inside Taekwondo)
Photo by Cho, Young ki ui (Yongin University), Kim, Jong gil (Yongin University), Lee, Chung training called Moo Duck Kwan Yeonggwang
young (Nazarene University), Lee, Young woo (Sehan University), and dojang. Cho, who always had a passion for
Kim, Cheol min (Dongsin University). Additionally, prominent figures sports, first ventured into boxing during high
like Jang, Chang young, the Standing Advisor of the Korean University school. After encountering Taekwondo, known
Taekwondo Federation, Park, Eun seok, the former Director-General of as “Dangsoo” at that time, he found his true call-
the Korean University Taekwondo Federation, and Im, Chae soo, the ing in a sport that he believed could train him in
Representative Director and Head Coach of the Jeollanam Taekwondo every aspect. From then on, he dedicated him-
Association, are actively contributing to the Taekwondo community. self to Taekwondo, emphasizing the harmony
Some of his disciples, such as Park, Haeng sool, the President of the Fun of its three core elements: sparring, patterns,
On August 25th, at The K Hotel in Seoul, a book launch event celebrated Grandmaster Cho,
Taekwondo Association, and Kim, Kwang joo, a Taekwondo instructor and breaking.
Young ki’s autobiography. Many Taekwondo figures, relatives, and disciples gathered to com-
dispatched to Tajikistan, are also engaged in overseas activities. memorate the publication of his book. In his early twenties, he actively promoted Tae-

34 35
kwondo and performed demonstrations nationwide. He recalled
participating in the 1963 National Sports Festival as an athlete and
performing demonstrations at Seoul Citizen Hall and Jangchung
Gymnasium around 1964. These memories remain vivid in his
mind, even after more than 60 years.
Cho, Young ki Taekwondo’s journey wasn’t without challenges.
1961, after the military coup, there was a crackdown on gangsters
nationwide, and people associated with Taekwondo were some-
times unfairly perceived as troublemakers. He faced such misun-
derstandings in his twenties and was eventually taken to the po-
lice station. Fortunately, residents rallied behind him, advocating
that he was not a gangster but a martial artist. He was released
from custody after just 15 days, thanks to their petitions. Although
it might not have been an extended period, it was a distressing
experience for him.
Shortly after, the police sought him out again, this time for in-
structing police officers in martial arts. Initially, he hesitated and
Grandmaster Cho, Young ki.
declined the offer but was convinced after they showed him of-
ficial documents. He became an instructor for the police, which ❶ ❷
improved the social perception of Taekwondo instructors.
① At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Taekwondo venue, Grandmaster Cho, Young ki (second from the left in the front row) is rallying Korea's athletes, alongside
Jeon, Man gil, Kukkiwon Chairman (left) and, Chung won Choue President of the World Taekwondo Federation (right).

② In the midst of the Taekwondo matches at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Grandmaster Cho, Young ki (right), engages in conversation with Ri, Yong son,
The Position of a Taekwondo Master President of the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF).
Gradually, in the small local community of Yeonggwang, no one
didn't know the name “Taekwondo Master Cho, Young ki.” With
such recognition came increased responsibility, and he became
cautious in his conduct. Although he naturally had a low tolerance
for alcohol, he distanced himself from alcohol and cigarettes. His
face quickly turned red when he drank, and he wanted to avoid
misunderstandings where people might think a Taekwondo mas-
ter indulged in alcohol. Consequently, he gradually distanced body? A healthy body leads to a sound mind and spirit. ‘The spirit must figure out how well it works.
himself from alcohol and its surroundings, making no mistakes of Taekwondo’ begins from here.” His words, delivered with a smile, revealed his understanding
and naturally gaining respect as a Taekwondo master. In the world of Taekwondo, there are a few elders who are excep- of the basic requirements for earning respect as a Taekwondo
“Most importantly, self-management is crucial. While keeping tionally good at self-management. Among them, he is one who elder.
promises and maintaining professionalism as a societal figure is never misses a beat. Nowadays, “Silver Taekwondo” is empha- Although he speaks humbly, few Taekwondo elders have com-
important, what’s even more critical is never neglecting self-disci- sized. If “Silver Taekwondo” refers to Taekwondo for the elderly, parable expertise, experience, and wisdom in the Taekwon-
pline for both your body and mind.” then he can undoubtedly be considered the living embodiment do community today. He is often called the “leader of South
At sixty-six, he remains incredibly healthy for his age, thanks to his of that concept. Jeolla Province’s Taekwondo community.” Still, the name
consistent dedication to exercise. “Cho, Young ki” has always been at the forefront of the South
“It’s said that I eat four meals a day. Three are actual meals, and one Taekwondo with Words, Taekwondo with Body Korean Taekwondo community, transcending South Jeolla
is exercise. That’s crucial exercise; it's like the ‘air’ for me.” “Sometimes, when we look at our Taekwondo community, we Province and Honam regions. As evident from his age, he has
About ten years ago, on a reporting trip to Europe for a Taekwon- see many people with many words. They talk about every- experienced South Korea’s modern history firsthand and has
do competition, the reporter once went for a walk outside the thing. But the crucial point is action. Isn’t Taekwondo a physi- simultaneously contributed to the history of Taekwondo. He
hotel around 5 a.m., unable to sleep due to jet lag. In the distance, cal practice? As Taekwondo practitioners, we should demon- is one of the few individuals who can witness South Korean
they saw someone who appeared to be of Asian descent jogging strate our commitment through actions rather than words. Taekwondo’s history through his own experiences.
slowly. Upon approaching, they realized it was Master Cho. Seeing I’ve realized something as I’ve grown older and received rec- However, his journey in the world of Taekwondo is far from
him running in the early dawn left a deep impression, as it was a ognition as a Taekwondo elder. I should speak as little as pos- over. He continues to actively serve in various capacities
glimpse into his everyday life. sible. If someone seeks advice from me as a Taekwondo elder, within the Taekwondo community, making himself available
“A Taekwondo master is a profession that many people watch I must offer my knowledge to the best of my ability. However, where his expertise is needed. The final chapter of Taekwondo
closely. Therefore, you must start by taking care of your own body. it isn’t good to talk excessively, especially when young people practitioner Cho, Young ki’s autobiography may not be writ-
In his youth, his image radiates the strength of determination. How can you lead others if you can’t maintain a healthy and sound might not want to hear it. I’m putting this into practice, but I ten for another 15 years.

36 37

Lee, Sung woo, ciation. We will prepare for the World Taekwondo Hanmadang ables efficient communication between Kukkiwon, Mungyeo-
with the same determination. The tournament will serve as a ng City, and the organizing committee.”
President of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Taekwondo Association
stepping stone for a new leap forward.”
Key to Success: “Expanding and Attracting”
“Transforming Full Focus on Establishing a Competent The most noticeable change at the upcoming World Taekwon-

the World Taekwondo Hanmadang Organizing Committee

President Lee is meticulously preparing for the upcoming Tae-
do Hanmadang in Mungyeong next year is the “Open.” At this
year’s event in Seongnam, the demonstration discipline of

with Practical Taekwondo” kwondo Hanmadang event in Mungyeong next year, and one
of the areas he is giving the utmost attention to is securing the
practical Taekwondo made its debut as an official discipline,
expanding the criteria for selecting disciplines.
budget. He stated, “Although this year's event in Seongnam “There has long been a debate about whether Taekwondo is
Text by Song, Ji hoon (Editorial Board Member)
concluded successfully, I heard that the budget acquisition a martial art with practical applicability. We can end related
Photo by Gyeongsangbuk-do Taekwondo Association
process was not without challenges, causing difficulties for controversies with practical Taekwondo officially joining the
the organizing committee during the preparation stage.” He World Taekwondo Hanmadang, which brings together the
added, “Mungyeong is making thorough preparations with global Taekwondo community. The day is not far off when
full cooperation between the city and the council. We have the practical Taekwondo techniques showcased at the Han-
Mungyeong City in Gyeongsangbuk-do will host the upcom- allocated a budget of KRW 1 billion, an increase of KRW 200 madang will spread to countries worldwide.”
ing World Taekwondo Hanmadang, a grand celebration for million compared to this year, to plan an even more com- Another significant change is the consideration given to over-
practitioners worldwide. Over 5,000 Taekwondo family mem- prehensive and high-quality event. Mungyeong has actively seas Taekwondo families by announcing schedules in advance
bers from around 60 countries will gather to share diverse attracted various domestic and international sports events, and opening early registration. Only now, the event schedule
and spectacular performances, including Poomsae, breaking, including successfully hosting the 2015 World Military Sports was typically announced a maximum of 6 months in advance,
self-defense techniques, and Taekwondo gymnastics, exclud- Games. It is steadily growing as a sports-centric city. Through and even later announcements, just three months before the
ing sparring. This is the first time Mungyeong City is hosting the upcoming World Taekwondo Hanmadang, another interna- event, were a burden for international participants, leading to
the event. Lee, Sung woo, the 63-year-old president of the tional stage, we hope to showcase the charm of Mungyeong as a increased expenses from hurriedly arranging flights and ac-
Gyeongsangbuk-do Taekwondo Association, who played a leading tourism and sports city in South Korea to the world.” commodations.
pivotal role in securing the hosting rights, said, “I wanted to He emphasized, “The first key to a successful event is estab- President Lee has made all schedules for the Mungyeong
elevate the World Taekwondo Hanmadang into a more presti- lishing a competent organizing committee.” President Lee event available one year in advance, allowing participants to
gious and open event and transform Mungyeong into a more pledged, “We will collaborate with experts at every stage, plan their visits to Korea as reasonably as possible. “Deciding
vibrant city, so I combined the two aspirations. Look forward Lee, Sung woo, president of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Taekwondo As- from budget allocation to comprehensive planning and event the event schedule with ample time is not only a consider-
sociation, which hosted the 2024 World Taekwondo Hanmadang in
to a dramatically different World Taekwondo Hanmadang in management. Additionally, we will set up a system that en- ation for participants but also an opportunity to enhance the
Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, expressed confidence that “we will
Mungyeong in 2024.” create a stage with a new face, including practical Taekwondo.” completeness of the preparation process from the perspec-
tive of the organizing committee,” President Lee explained.
He emphasized, “I am confident in making changes, both big
Foreign Taekwondo practitioners who participated in the 2023 and small, step by step. I am determined to create a ‘Trans-
Seongnam World Taekwondo Hanmadang are visiting the Kukkiwon
formed World Taekwondo Hanmadang’ in every aspect.”
to experience Korean traditional culture.

A Distinguished Master
President Lee holds the prestigious 9th dan rank certified by Taekwondo Association President is important and demand-
the Kukkiwon. In 2006, he showcased the “dignity of a master” ing in many ways, I still find the most joy in wearing my dobok
by winning a gold medal in the individual event of the Mas- and sweating alongside my students.”
ter’s division (for those aged 40 and above) at the 1st World The success of the upcoming World Taekwondo Hanmadang
Taekwondo Poomsae Championships. Two years later, he was in Mungyeong next year is attributed to the collaboration be-
honored with the Sports Merit Order, Gireumjang, in recogni- tween President Lee, who has rich experience in organizing in-
tion of his contributions to the development of Taekwondo. ternational competitions, and the determination of President
Since 2021, he has served as the 2nd President of the Unified Lee, Dong sup of Kukkiwon to elevate the status of the event.
Gyeongsangbuk-do Taekwondo Association. While excelling President Lee stated, “I have joined forces with President Lee,
as a Taekwondo administrator, he pays attention to his duty Dong sup to make the World Taekwondo Hanmadang a great
of teaching and mentoring students. He operates the Pohang success. While exploring the possibility of hosting the event in
National Representative Taekwondo Center in Pohang, North local government areas of North Gyeongsang Province, I had
Gyeongsang Province, and is dedicated to nurturing the next the fortune of meeting Mayor Shin, Hyun guk of Mungyeo-
generation of Taekwondo practitioners. ng, who loves Taekwondo exceptionally. I have taken on the
“I’ve lived my whole life as a martial artist without being at- slogan ‘Leap! Gyeongsang Taekwondo Jumps Again’ as my
tached to titles. Although the role of the Gyeongsangbuk-do mission in leading the Gyeongsangbuk-do Taekwondo Asso-

38 39
TOPIC MBN 29th Anniversary Report Conference

annually on its foundation day, outlining a future vision for a porting Conference, quantum comput-
healthy and hopeful South Korea. The event has established ing has emerged as a significant chal-
Taekwondo, itself as a lighthouse for opinion leaders and power people
to guide the direction of our society. Last year’s 28th-anniver-
lenge for South Korea‘s future.
The 2021 Reporting Conference, themed

The Original sary report conference focused on “Opening the ‘Infinite Era’
of Quantum Computers.” It was attended by key figures like
“Mobility Revolution,” was attended by
President Yoon, Suk yeol himself as a

K-Culture Platform Prime Minister Han, Duck soo, Ministry of Science and ICT Lee,
Jong ho, parliamentary representatives from the ruling and
presidential candidate. He listened to the
presentations and promised to incorpo-
rate them into his campaign. Of course,
Text and photo by Kim, Seong cheol (MBN Industrial Division) Democratic Party Chairman Lee, Jae
MBN 29th Anniversary Celebration myung and Representative Ahn, Cheol
soo, who were also presidential candi-
• Theme: Taekwondo as the Origin of K-Culture Platform dates at the time, attended the event and
• Date: November 23, 2023 agreed to actively introduce new mobil-
ity concepts such as UAM for the future
A plaza is an open space in a city where many people can gather. • Venue: Lotte Hotel, Seoul of Korea.
It is a space that anyone can use freely, regardless of age, gen-
• Organized by: Kukkiwon, MBN In addition, the 2017 conference was
der, or social status. On March 25, 2023, Gwanghwamun Square The annual MBN Anniversary Report Conference, aimed at presenting a roadmap for a healthier and
themed ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolu- hopeful South Korea, is seen here during its 2018 event, themed ‘China’s Intelligence Revolution.
in Seoul, South Korea, showcased an extraordinary scene. More
tion and Jobs,’ shedding light on future
than 12,200 Taekwondo practitioners dressed in white dobok
employment issues for the youth. The
gathered in Gwanghwamun Square. Seeing many people in the opposition parties, university presidents, and business execu-
2018 conference, ‘China’s Intelligence Revolution,’ forecasted difference between content and platform. To prevent K-cul-
same outfit was remarkable, demonstrating Taekwondo Poom- tives. Prime Minister Han emphasized the critical role of quan-
U.S.-China conflicts. And the 2020 report explored the trans- ture from ending as a momentary fad, it needs to be nurtured
sae in a single move. The spectacle made it into the Guinness tum computing. He is firmly committed to ensuring Korea re-
formative potential of AI with ‘The Arrival of Superhuman AI.’ into a platform.
Book of World Records and symbolized something more signif- mains competitive in the ongoing technology race between
Looking at our society today, many of the future issues pro- Indeed, the strategy to develop Taekwondo into a robust
icant. the United States and China.
jected during these annual MBN conferences have material- K-Culture platform is intriguing. With a presence in 212 coun-
According to the Guinness Record, 12,263 people successfully Just three months after the MBN Reporting Conference, Pres-
ized. tries—as members of World Taekwondo—Taekwondo sur-
demonstrated the largest group performance of a Taekwondo ident Yoon, Suk yeol, during his visit to Switzerland, made an
passes the number of countries with formal diplomatic ties
Poomsae, “Taegeuk 1 Jang.” It is the first Poomsae that one exceptional visit to ETH Zurich. He pledged to invest in quan-
Using Taekwondo to Foster a K-Culture Platform with South Korea. Through synchronized movements, Kore-
learns when beginning Taekwondo. MBN took note of this tum technology, declaring, “We will strive to contribute to the
This year, the MBN anniversary report conference is focused an-language commands, and mentor-mentee relationships
miracle created by Taegeuk 1 Jang, seeing a new future in the desirable future development of humanity through quantum
on strategizing how South Korean Taekwondo can evolve into grounded in traditional etiquette, Taekwondo has built an
spirit of soaring again toward the world. technology.” In June of this year, the Ministry of Science and
a significant platform for K-culture. As you may know, Kore- impressive global network. The sport’s potential as a gateway
MBN selected ‘Taekwondo’ as the theme for its 29th anni- ICT presented a blueprint to invest 3 trillion won in quantum
an artists like BTS and Blackpink have topped the Billboard for younger generations into K-Culture is beyond what we
versary report conference this year. MBN holds the meeting technology by 2035. Less than a year after the last MBN Re-
charts, and our movies and dramas such as “Parasite” and could easily imagine. The success of a platform depends on
“Squid Game” have captivated audiences globally. In addition, how many people come to it and how long they stay. For Tae-
K-food products such as soju, kimchi, ramyeon, and, more re- kwondo to succeed as a cultural platform, it needs to attract
cently, kimbap are gaining popularity in the United States and more people and encourage them to stay longer within the
other countries. The global interest in Korean culture has nev- Taekwondo ecosystem.
er increased, with positive reviews and even talk of a “K-Re- Of course, improvement is necessary on multiple fronts. From
naissance.” internal culture to external infrastructure, Taekwondo needs
But is there a risk that our culture will end up as a fad, and how a combination of self-improvement and external support. To
can we reduce that risk? Psy‘s “Gangnam Style” was a world- address this, MBN plans to co-host the 29th-anniversary re-
wide hit enjoyed by hundreds of millions of people through port conference with Kukkiwon on November 23 at the Lotte
broadcasting and YouTube. However, content is just some- Hotel to announce strategies for making a “quantum jump”
thing to be consumed, and it doesn‘t create more added value in promoting Taekwondo as a precursor to the K-Culture plat-
and grow into an ecosystem. On the other hand, a platform form. Extensive research is already underway, and video pro-
that weaves content is different. BTS, for example, united their duction and presentation materials are also being prepared.
fan club ARMY into a single network, allowing them to enjoy The resonating “Ki-hap” that gathers energy for that kick will
Comedian and actor Yoon, Taek (right) and MBN anchor Kim, Ju ha converse during the 2020 MBN Anniversary Report Conference titled ‘The Advent of Superhuman their songs, performances, and merchandise under the um- sound far and wide on the morning of November 23, signifying a
AI.’ Both are AI-generated humans. brella of ‘BTS’ as an individual platform. This is precisely the leap forward in Taekwondo’s journey as a cultural platform.

40 41
TOPIC 2023 National University Student Taekwondo Academic Competition

The team from

Hanyang University EREKA (Ansan Campus) lence awards. ▲Gachon University (Park, Hyun gyu, Kim, Sa Taekwondo Museum, a practical department of the Taekwon-

College Students’
Department of Sports Science do Promotion Foundation. The final rankings were based on
(Park, Min sung, Hong, Doo young, Baek, Seung young)
rang), Yongin University (Kim, Min seo), and another team from
who received the Grand Prize, is responding Yongin University (Lee, Seung je, Lim, Dae beom, Shin, Seung 70 points from the written evaluation and 30 points from the

Refreshing and
to the judges’ questions. hee) each received encouragement awards. final presentation. Bonus points (up to 3) were given based on
their relevance to the designated topic. The final review was
conducted with the names of the teams and their respective
Creative Research
Characteristics of the Presenting Teams and Content
of the Finals Presentation institutions disclosed. The presentations’ clarity, completeness,
and delivery were assessed. Additionally, after each team’s pre-
Last year’s excellence award recipient, the team from Seoul Na-
tional University, once again made it to the finals. Shinhan Uni- sentation, the panelists were allowed to ask questions, which
versity stood out with four teams applying, out of which three the groups addressed in their responses.
Text and Photo by Seo, Sung won (Editorial Board Member) progressed to the finals. This performance sparked skepticism
in some quarters, questioning the fairness of the evaluation. Results and Future Improvements
To commemorate the official ‘Taekwondo Day’ on September However, following the evaluation guidelines, the seven judges Hanyang University’s Department of Sports Science clinched
4th, university students in their 20s displayed their academic assessed the teams without knowing the teams’ affiliations or the grand prize. Despite refining their presentation from last
and research prowess in Taekwondo. On September 3rd, the institutions. They evaluated research papers based on creativity, year, Seoul National University settled for an excellence award
2023 National University Student Taekwondo Academic Com- relevance, specificity, reliability, and contribution. Scores from again. One of Shinhan University’s teams continued its previ-
petition was held at Muju Taekwondowon, organized by the the highest and lowest evaluations were excluded, with the aver- ous year’s success, clinching an excellence award. Of the three
Taekwondo Promotion Foundation. In the finals, six shortlist- age scores of five evaluators used to determine the result. teams from Shinhan University that made it to the finals, one
ed teams competed intensely. On September 3rd at 3 p.m., the finalists presented their find- group (consisting of Kim, Ha gyeong, Kim, Bo na, and Park, Su
ings at the Taekwondowon’s Narae Hall. During the opening young) clinched an excellence award, continuing their success
Purpose and Overview remarks, the Acting Director of the Taekwondo Promotion from the previous year. The grand prize winner was awarded
The academic competition was conceived last spring. Although (Ansan Campus) Sports Science Department (Park, Min seong, Foundation, Lee, Jong gap, who organized the competition, KRW 3 million, two excellence award-winning teams each re-
it's been 30 years since the establishment of the Taekwondo de- Hong, Doo young, Baek, Seung young) researched the optimi- commented, “The purpose of this academic competition is ceived KRW 2 million, and three commendation award-win-
partment, the educational and research for Taekwondo is still zation of Rakibium’s digital video interface through a study of to provide students majoring in Taekwondo and sports an ning teams received KRW 1 million as academic incentives.
sparse, a sentiment that has been rapidly gaining traction. The Taekwondo perception based on domestic and foreign You- opportunity to present various ideas for the development of The fact that all three members of the grand prize-winning
Taekwondo Promotion Foundation has taken the initiative to Tube big data, focusing on the time before and after COVID-19. Taekwondo, merging both sports and culture and to promote team from Hanyang University were freshmen became a
create change and progress in the academic field by offering ▲Shinhan University’s Taekwondo department (Kim, Min soo) humanistic studies of Taekwondo. I hope the established gen- talking point. Lee, Jong gab, the acting director, remarked,
college students who will lead the future of Taekwondo oppor- presented on accumulating and utilizing knowledge resources eration of Taekwondo enthusiasts will lend their ears to the in- “The content of the second competition was better than
tunities to present their research results. through Taekwondo Rakibium. ▲Shinhan University’s Tae- novative presentations of university students and find opportu- the first. Next year, we will strive to establish this as a larg-
This competition was open to any undergraduate student ma- kwondo department (Kim, Ha kyung, Kim, Bo na, Park, Soo nities to support their ambitions.” er and more specialized Taekwondo academic event.”
joring in Taekwondo or related sports disciplines and under- young) discussed awareness and activation strategy for Tae- The evaluation method for the finals was the same as the pre- Consequently, changes are expected in the third competition
graduate students in Taekwondo clubs. From May 12th to July kwondo among the middle-aged and elderly. ▲Seoul National liminary written evaluation. However, the final panel of judges next year, including its scale, theme, eligibility, evaluation
21st, submissions were accepted for research papers on three University Taekwondo club (Kim, Min seo, Joeun sesang, Yoo, was expanded to eight members by adding the curator of the method, and venue. Specifically, the standards and practices
themes: a) Utilizing Taekwondo knowledge resources in collab- Ye jin) proposed a strategy for revitalizing the Taekwondo cul- of the preliminary written eval-
oration with Taekwondo Rakibium, b) Strategies for invigorat- tural industry by introducing a professional league, focusing on uation and the final on-site pre-
ing the Taekwondo cultural industry, and c) a free topic related spectator and participatory Taekwondo events. ▲Jeonju Uni- sentation evaluation will be re-
to Taekwondo. versity’s Department of Sports Coaching (Kang, Su chan, Seon, viewed. There are plans to expand
18 teams applied, five more than last year’s first competition. Hyun seok, Jeong, Mi joo) analyzed the content characteristics participation eligibility from un-
The organizing committee formed a panel of seven judges ex- of Taekwondo creators recognized by Generation Z. ▲Shin- dergraduate students to include
perts in various fields of Taekwondo, and selected six teams for han University’s Taekwondo department (Jo, Yeon jae, Shin, graduate students. The attention
the finals through a preliminary written evaluation. Especially Jae kyung) provided a manual guideline for injury prevention is on how this competition, en-
since the prize money (academic encouragement award) from and response for young Taekwondo sparring athletes. ▲These tering its third year, will uphold
the government budget was a total of KRW 10 million, to en- topics showcased the unique innovation and creativity of uni- its original purpose and promote
sure the objectivity and fairness of the evaluation, the highest versity students. In the first competition held last year, Chosun Taekwondo academics, fostering
and lowest scores for each evaluation item were excluded, and University (Jang, Hye lim, Choi, Su young) received the top a healthy research environment.
teams were selected for the finals based on average scores from award. At the same time, Seoul National University (Jo, Eunse
the aggregated points. sang, Kim, Min seo, Kim, Young yeon) and Shinhan University After the ceremony, the teams that received the Grand Prize, Excellence Award, and Encouragement Award
Finalist Teams and Their Topics: ▲Hanyang University EREKA (Yoon, Seok joo, Byun, Dae han, Park, Se won) received excel- took a commemorative photo with the event organizers.

42 43

Kukkiwon has recently made efforts and shown interest in From this point on, Taekwondo boomed in Mongolia like
promoting practical Taekwondo self-defense techniques in wildfire. Several teams emerged with regional cities as their

Taekwondo Craze Sweeps Across Mongolia Mongolia. During his visit, President Lee conferred an honor-
ary 6th-degree black belt to Altangerel, Director of the Special
bases. In 2013, the number of people practicing Taekwondo
in Mongolia increased dramatically, starting with the Mongo-
Security Department, as a gesture of gratitude for his keen in- lian National Championships hosted by the Korean Embassy
Text and Photo by Lee, Kyung sook (Kukkiwon Domestic Affairs Division Manager)
terest in and support for Taekwondo. in Mongolia and organized by the Mongolian Taekwondo As-
Furthermore, President Lee was honored with a diplomatic sociation.
Mongolia! A land of vast expanses, clear blue skies, and the 2023 Mongolia-Korea Week event.
medal from the Mongolian government in recognition of his
echoes of Genghis Khan. Despite its territory being 7.4 times Mongolia is currently experiencing a “Taekwondo craze” that
the size of the Korean Peninsula, Mongolia is home to only is nothing short of remarkable. There are over 70 Taekwondo
contributions to promoting practical Taekwondo self-defense The Leading Figure Behind the Taekwondo Craze in
around 3.38 million people, similar to Busan’s. In 2023, Mongo- gyms in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, and its 21 aimags (admin-
techniques and the development of Taekwondo in Mongolia. Mongolia: Instructor Heo, In young
The current Taekwondo enthusiasm in Mongolia can be at-
lia showed great enthusiasm for K-content, including sports, istrative regions), equivalent to South Korean provinces. What
tributed to Instructor Heo, In young, who took on the Mongo-
culture, and the arts. From August 23 to 30, a delegation from began in 1991 with four coaches and 30 athletes now includes
lian national team coach role in 2013 and later, in 2018, worked
Kukkiwon, led by President Lee Dong-seop, visited Mongolia 100 coaches and 1,000 practitioners. Let’s delve into Mongo-
as an instructor dispatched by Kukkiwon in Mongolia. Instruc-
upon the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea lia’s Taekwondo phenomenon.
tor Heo, who had a background in being a Taekwondo athlete
in Mongolia and Ulaanbaatar City, which jointly organized the
from Pungsan High School, played a pivotal role in making
this enthusiasm possible.
In 2012, Instructor Heo met with representatives from the
Mongolian Taekwondo Association and the Mongolian Sports
Council's Taekwondo division, thanks to the introduction of
Erica International Referees. During this meeting, Heo empha-
sized establishing a national team system. Just one year later,
in 2013, the Mongolian Sports Council and the Mongolian Tae-
kwondo Association recruited Instructor Heo as the coach of
the Mongolian national team. This strategic move led to the
thrilling moment when Mongolia won a bronze medal at the
Incheon Asian Games.
Kukkiwon President Lee, Dong sup was awarded a diplomatic decoration
This achievement was truly remarkable as it marked a signifi-
by the Mongolian government in recognition of his contributions to the
development of Taekwondo in Mongolia. cant milestone, considering that it had been over two decades
since the promotion of Taekwondo in Mongolia. Instructor
At the 2023 Korea Week event opening ceremony in Ulaanbaatar’s Sukhbaatar Square, more than 3,000 attendees expressed a keen interest in Hallyu The Surge in Popularity After the 2014 Incheon Asian Heo successfully promoted and developed Taekwondo in
culture led by Taekwondo. After the Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team’s performance, participants gathered to shout, “Fighting!.” Games Bronze Medal Mongolia and played a key role in instilling a major sports cul-
Mongolian Taekwondo experienced a surge in popularity and ture.
In August 2023, Sukhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar vided an opportunity to develop friendly cooperation between enthusiasm after winning a bronze medal at the 2014 Incheon
Was Filled With Cheers From Over 3,000 People Mongolia and South Korea. Considering that Kukkiwon’s over- Asian Games (Men’s -54kg category, by Munkhbat Tumenba-
During the Korea Week event opening ceremony at Sukhbaatar seas instructors are also active in Mongolia, we hope to continue yar). This achievement can also be seen through the number
Square, more than 3,000 citizens gathered to witness the perfor- promoting ongoing exchanges in Taekwondo.” of practitioners and black belt holders. In the 1990s, there
mance by the Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team. The au- were 147 practitioners, and 141 in the 2000s, never surpass-
dience cheered when various high-level techniques were displayed, President Lee, Dong sup, Conferred with Diplomatic ing the 100s mark. However, after winning the bronze medal
and when breaking boards occurred, the spectators responded with Medal in Mongolia at the Incheon Asian Games, the number of practitioners and
cheers, applause, and excitement. The impressive and powerful During his visit to Mongolia, President Lee, Dong sup visit- black belt holders grew rapidly, reaching 851 in the 2010s. Ad-
demonstration showcased the fervor for Taekwondo in Mongolia. ed the Mongolian National Olympic Committee and held ditionally, when Temuujin Purevjav broke through the Asian
Kim, Jong gu, the South Korean Ambassador to Mongolia, stated, talks with President Battushig Batbold. President Batbold qualifiers and participated in the 2016 Rio Olympics in the
“Taekwondo serves as a prominent bridge for South Korea to show- expressed his gratitude during their meeting, “We appreci- Men's -68kg category, the enthusiasm grew even further. This
case its culture worldwide, and it is popular in Mongolia.” ate Kukkiwon’s great interest and support for the Mongolian marked a significant moment, as it had been 25 years since the
Lee, Dong sup, President of Kukkiwon, remarked, “Taekwondo is Taekwondo Association. We hope for your assistance to help establishment of the Mongolian Taekwondo Association in
the pioneer of the Hallyu wave. The fantastic Taekwondo demon- Mongolian Taekwondo win medals and progress in the Olym- 1991 to achieve the dream of Olympic participation. The Asian President Lee, Dong sup (left) presented a 6th Dan honorary black belt
to Altangerel, the director of Mongolia's Special Security Agency, as a
stration by the Kukkiwon Demonstration Team, acting as civilian pics.” President Lee said, “We will actively support Mongolia in Games bronze medal, followed by this historic Olympic entry,
token of appreciation for his strong interest in and active support for
diplomatic envoys, has injected vitality into this event and pro- achieving good results in the Olympics.” opened a new chapter in Mongolia's sports history. Taekwondo.

44 45
YEARLY PROJECT Kukkiwon, 50 Years of History and the Next 50 Years to Come Ⅲ

When Reflecting on
Yesterday and Today,
Tomorrow Will Rise
With A Bright Sun
Text by Choe, Kyoo sup (Head of Editorial Board)
Photo by Kukkiwon

"Through long years,

you have walked a single path.
Neither yielding to nor avoiding
the hardships that came your way.
Amidst difficulties and challenges,
you found the roots of perseverance.
Believing that someday,
you would unleash the cheers of glory.
You did not succumb to the sadness of On November 30, 1972, the cry was heard. It was when a life force- out of the unyielding spirit that refuses to fall—Kukkiwon, which Today, we look back, wondering if that aspiration has not faded
fully exhaled its first breath with joy. The shout of hope resonated marches vigorously towards the day of triumphant cheers of glory. into emptiness. Tomorrow, we imagine the image that will serve
wanting to be embraced like a friend. throughout the four seas. “I will inherit the spirit of Taekwondo, a What kind of world will unfold in the future? The future, drawn as the foundation to realize ourselves and benefit the world—
Boldly shedding the veil of complacency, traditional cultural heritage of Korea, and contribute to the devel- without a script, generates curiosity with its unique charm. Per- Kukkiwon, which tastes yesterday and today to seek wisdom for
opment of national culture by disseminating correct techniques.” haps only God knows this realm. Trying to peek into that world tomorrow.
you embrace the first steps of fortune.
It was a birth full of vitality, long-awaited as the bright light of this veiled in mystery might be nothing more than the excessive greed The end and the beginning are interconnected. The end is an-
world. “Let it spread vigorously across the world.” That was the as- of a mere mortal. However, we cannot simply watch the flow of other form of a start. In the face of the wisdom of the ancients
(Excerpt) piration nurtured and reinforced. time passively, as we are bound by the inevitable destiny that will who called November (lunar October) at the beginning of winter
It was a path of boundless destiny as ordained by the heavens. come our way. We resolve to explore our destiny actively. Perhaps “상(上)달,” the head bows involuntarily. The insight of the sages
“You will walk the path of glory and perseverance with Taekwon- the future that will arrive then is the destiny that God intended. awakens the later generations. “Grow tomorrow’s flowers from
Determined to become a single grain of do.” Fifty-one years ago, this passion was held when making the Suddenly, it’s the end of another year. Another year is added to the sprouts of yesterday.” That’s right. To welcome a bright future,
first toast [濫觴(Namsang)]. It was a path walked, constantly recall- the stack of years piled up. Standing at the end of a year, we re- shouldn’t we carry ambitions, draw blueprints, and step forward
wheat, you continue walking."
ing the unforgettable mission as the world headquarters of Tae- flect. Yesterday, we made a promise while witnessing the dawn of on the path of progress? The Kukkiwon must continue to walk tire-
kwondo. Once again, we refine our hearts and engrave deeply in a new year. We pledged to lead the embodiment of the Taekwon- lessly until the day when ‘Taekwondo World’ arrives. Tomorrow,
(「Endless External Paths」 Chun-Chu-Phil) our chests. We ignite the spirit of challenge, making a companion do spirit, consisting of two values, “극기(克己)” and “홍익(弘益).” the sun will rise vigorously once again until tomorrow.

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YEARLY PROJECT Kukkiwon, 50 Years of History and the Next 50 Years to Come Ⅲ

Vision and Blueprint,

Commitment to Execution Trumps Presentation

Text by Seo, Sung won (Editorial Board Member)

On November 30, 1972, just a year after its foundation, the Kukkiwon was officially completed. At its inaugura-
tion ceremony, Prime Minister Kim, Jong pil proclaimed, “Korea’s Taekwondo has now fully established itself
The ceremony for the proclamation of the inaugural year for the construction of the second Kukkiwon and the flag-raising event in May 2021. Ⓒ Kukkiwon
as a national emblem, boasting a central dojo that serves as the cradle for Taekwondo’s future development.
The 1.3 million Taekwondo practitioners must unite and utilize this dojo to its fullest potential, propelling
Taekwondo’s exponential growth, uplifting our national prestige, and enhancing the physical stature of our textbooks and magazines. This helped craft Taekwondo’s Finally, on August 7, 1978, there was a consensus to shut
citizens. Let us strive to engrain the true essence of ‘Taekwondo Korea’ more deeply globally.” history and tradition. We also introduced unique compe- down ten schools. This was a historic moment that paved
Fast forward five decades and the Kukkiwon stands tall after 51 years since its establishment. What vision and tition rules, distinguishing us from Karate and Kung Fu, the way for Taekwondo’s development. On that day, the
blueprint should the Kukkiwon pursue for its continued growth? But before we delve into the future, it’s essen- thereby defining the modern face of Taekwondo.” (KimUn- heads of the ten schools agreed that the integration would
tial to reflect on the past visions and key policies set forth by previous administrations., August 29, 2011. Kim, Un yong Column: ‘How far help break free from Taekwondo’s deep-rooted factional
has Taekwondo come?’) mindset and become the driving force behind solidifying
President Kim, who held leadership roles in the Kukkiwon, and globalizing Taekwondo.
The 1970s Vision and Policy of Kim, Un Yong the Korea Taekwondo Association, and the World Tae-
Kukkiwon’s vision and main policies have constantly kwondo, sought to define the roles and functions of these Promotion Test Policy from 1980 to 1990
evolved under the influence of the incumbent director’s three organizations clearly. Reflecting on this later, Presi- In 1980, Dan’s promotion test and issuance responsibilities
will and the era’s zeitgeist. Additionally, they have been dent Kim stated, “The Korea Taekwondo Association serves were transferred from the Korea Taekwondo Association to
shaped in response to the changing demands from both as the pillar for the home country, the World Taekwondo Kukkiwon. As a result, Kukkiwon started overseeing these
the domestic and international Taekwondo communities. focuses on promoting Taekwondo globally and manag- test duties on March 1 of that year. However, the respon-
Immediately after the establishment of the Kukkiwon, its ing member countries, and the Kukkiwon preserves the sibility for overseas examinations was handed over to the
first director, Kim, Un Yong, expressed a determination martial spirit and traditions. I ensured these three entities World Taekwondo in July 1984 for issuance. This dual re-
to “standardize the promotion tests and retrain frontline moved in harmony. No one dictated the decision to sepa- sponsibility for examination tasks continued with Kukki-
instructors to showcase the pinnacle of Taekwondo tech- rate them into three; it was a historical imperative, deeply won and the World Taekwondo overseeing domestic and
niques to the world.” He further declared an ambition to In the early 1970s, Kim, Un yong, the first President of Kukkiwon, imbued with the spirit of the times.” international duties. But after a practical meeting on the
who also served as the President of the Korea Taekwondo Asso-
“host the World Taekwondo Championships in Seoul in In the late 1970s, a pivotal moment arrived that strength- matter, in January 1988, Kukkiwon took charge of overseas
ciation, is revealing his contemplations on “What to do for Tae-
May 1973, inviting teams from 40 countries where Korean kwondo”. Ⓒ Korea Taekwondo Association ened the role and stature of the Kukkiwon. A departure was examination duties.
instructors are stationed, to flaunt the true essence of Tae- made from the Taekwondo evaluation practices previously On April 20, 1983, the examination regulations were re-
kwondo, Korea’s national martial art, to the world.” izing and globalizing Taekwondo, elevating national pres- conducted by individual schools, consolidating administra- vised. The fundamental changes included designating up
Kukkiwon laid down its foundation stones for a centu- tige. He tirelessly worked towards cementing the modern tive evaluation processes centered around the Kukkiwon. to 3rd Poom and 9th Dan as the highest rank. Practical ex-
ry-long Taekwondo journey. Their goals encompassed: a) stature of Taekwondo. In February 1977, the Integration Promotion Committee aminations were limited up to 7th Dan. A technical review
Standardizing Taekwondo evaluations b) Enhancing the Kim reflected on his thoughts, “In 1972, we fulfilled the was formed, comprising 15 members, including veteran committee decided upon those of 8th Dan or higher. The
quality of instructors both domestically and internation- long-standing aspiration of Taekwondo practitioners by Taekwondo practitioners and central dojo masters. This examination subjects were divided into practical skills,
ally c) Hosting international-scale tournaments and do- completing the central dojang of the Korea Taekwondo committee agreed to give a grace period of one year, theory, and written answers. Practical skills comprised
mestic competitions d) Unifying Taekwondo techniques Association (Kukkiwon). This laid the foundation for Tae- during which the central main master would relinquish Poomsae, sparring, breaking (optional), and special skills
e) Cultivating pride amongst Taekwondo practitioners, kwondo’s journey towards becoming a national sport. all affiliations to his school. That August, to eliminate the (optional), while theory included written responses and
contributing to national prestige and public sports. After registering Kukkiwon as a foundation, we integrat- long-standing factionalism within the Taekwondo com- dissertations.
Kim, also the president of the Korea Taekwondo Associ- ed over 30 disparate Taekwondo schools, established munity and correct administrative and technical system In May 1986, some parts of the test regulations were revised.
ation, constantly contemplated the path forward for the training centers, unified promotion tests, integrated tech- issues, an organization responsible for integrating Tae- The main contents of the revision were a) If a Pum holder
development of Taekwondo. His vision and blueprint niques, dispatched and supported overseas instructors, kwondo schools, General Headquarters, was launched, surpasses the age of 15, they can apply for a corresponding
during the early to mid-1970s revolved around national- established a historical narrative, and issued Taekwondo with President Kim appointed its head. Dan replacement, b) The time frame for transitioning from

48 49
YEARLY PROJECT Kukkiwon, 50 Years of History and the Next 50 Years to Come Ⅲ

Poom to Dan was alteredm c) Safety provisions for candi- duce new policies and visions aligning with their transition local associations and instructors and to en-
dates were added to the text application form. to a special corporation. sure transparency in the process, the issue
In 1998, the hierarchy for Poom was revised to a 4 Poom Simultaneously, Kukkiwon actively pursued the Kukkiwon persists.
system, which was implemented in January 1999. If a Poom Overseas Dojang Registration (KOMS) project to invigorate The blueprint for establishing a manage-
holder reached or surpassed the age of 15, they could con- overseas dojangs. The KOMS project aimed to establish ment system for Kukkiwon, aligned with the
vert to Dan upon application. However, a 4th Poom holder a dojang network based on an overseas organizational changing global environment and to en-
must be 18 or older to transition to 4th Dan. foundation, solidify Kukkiwon’s global corporate base, and hance its brand, still needs to be improved.
strengthen the Kukkiwon brand in international markets The existing conflicts between the president
Vision and Blueprint for the 2000s through overseas promotion and enhanced training edu- and the board of directors and the board’s
With the turn of the millennium, Kukkiwon adjusted to cation. inability to meet expectations have only ex-
the changing times by implementing various policies and From September 2010, new Poom, Dan certificates were acerbated the situation.
projects. There was a substantial increase in the project issued incorporating a new CI. However, in response to
budget. In February 2006, the board passed a project bud- the public opinion that the design of the rank certificates
Taekwondo was adopted as an official sport at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and rode
What is the Vision and Blueprint of
get of KRW 8.3 billion. On this day, the board established a should be refined and aligned with an international sense, the wave of globalization. We've compiled a collection of exciting Taekwondo competi- Chairman Lee, Dong sup?
Taekwondo Research Institute to expand diverse research a renewed storage and carry-on version was introduced tions from the Sydney 2000 Games to the Tokyo 2020 Games. Ⓒ World Taekwondo In May 2021, Chairman Lee, Dong sup of Kuk-
activities and introduce a Taekwondo Ambassador System. in June 2011. The black graphic motif was enhanced with kiwon presented a vision report titled “A Leap
This system was aimed at protecting the rights of overseas holographic processing, reducing the number of graphics Forward for Kukkiwon, the World Taekwon-
Taekwondo instructors and serving as a bridge for pro- and increasing their size for clearer visibility. do Headquarters, through the Second Establishment.” He
motions. Furthermore, developing new Taekwondo tech- In May 2011, celebrating the first anniversary of its transition proposed strengthening Kukkiwon’s stature, expertise, and
niques and cultural content was promoted to keep up with to a special corporation, Kukkiwon unveiled the TKK Win- Beyond Mere Vision and Blueprint, identity. The three major strategies and six core tasks are a)
the times. They also aimed to create measures to support Win-Win 2020 mid-to-long-term vision and strategy. TKK Continuous Implementation is Essential Kukkiwon in the World: Establishing the Kukkiwon Global
and revitalize Taekwondo schools. stands for “Taekwondo, Kukkiwon, Korea”. This vision aimed The Kukkiwon executive board has announced visions Committee and the Kukkiwon Support/Branches, b) Chang-
In December 2009, Kukkiwon proclaimed a vision for new to address the perception of these three brands as distinct and blueprints for 20 years. However, many have merely ing Kukkiwon: Turning Kukkiwon into a renowned spot and
leaps. The five primary focus areas and main projects in- entities, emphasizing a brand synergy where “Taekwondo” remained slogans without the need for implementation. internally innovating towards a global organization, c) United
cluded strengthening Taekwondo’s international compet- evokes “Kukkiwon” and “Kukkiwon” evokes “Korea.” Especially after it transitioned to a special corporation Kukkiwon: Establishing a training system centered around
itiveness, enhancing promotional capabilities, revitalizing In 2015, Kukkiwon announced key policies that included in 2010, there was an added urgency from the executive Taekwondo dojangs and system improvements for World
training projects, refining business models, and restructur- improvements in the testing system, promoting the over- board to showcase tangible results. Taekwondo dojangs.
ing and enhancing human resources. seas Kukkiwon Cup competition, revitalizing martial arts In 2011, marking the first anniversary of the transition to a Chairman Lee stated, “While aiming to be the world Tae-
Amidst this momentum, in December 2009, Kukkiwon de- Taekwondo, and establishing an overseas organizational special corporation, Kukkiwon announced a mid-to-long- kwondo headquarters, Kukkiwon did not have a single
liberated on establishing an international office and over- foundation. In 2016, Kukkiwon highlighted a global man- term vision and strategy for 2020, introducing three ma- base organization in countries around the world. There
seas branches to reinforce its international foundation and agement system and the elevation and diversification of jor plans and 12 actionable tasks. Still, most of them only was also a lack of appropriate internal innovation and a
competitiveness. The international team was expanded the Taekwondo brand. Moreover, in 2021, they presented achieved a little. The three strategies were a) T-Valuable lack of establishment of a training system centered around
into an international department after perceiving a weak- objectives such as strengthening Kukkiwon’s prestige, en- Taekwondo: Enhancing the luxury status and value of Tae- Taekwondo dojangs and system improvements.” He em-
ening of Kukkiwon’s global foundation and external func- hancing its expertise, and establishing its identity. kwondo b) K-Vital Taekwondo: Strengthening competitive- phasized the establishment of Kukkiwon’s expertise and
tions due to limited interaction with overseas instructors. ness through innovative changes c) K-Global Korea: En- identity with solid momentum.
This department overseeing all international affairs was hancing international contributions as the premier country In October 2022, he was re-elected for a three-year term
mandated to establish branches across five continents and for Taekwondo. and announced plans to establish overseas support and
handle overseas school registrations, education, and train- From 2015 onwards, the main policies and projects pro- branches in 200 countries and to promote the construction
ing projects. moted by Kukkiwon included exam system improvement, of the second Kukkiwon. In a New Year interview in January
Kukkiwon tried to set up overseas branches in early 2010. establishment of a global management system, overseas 2023, Chairman Lee said, “Kukkiwon issues certifications in
They formed an evaluation committee for selecting these organizational foundation, enhancement of the prestige 203 countries and is the heart of Taekwondo. However, we
branches and scrutinizing applicant organizations. On Feb- and pilgrimage of Kukkiwon, activating overseas martial don’t have any branches. Hence, by November 30 of this
ruary 9, they held a meeting to explain the purpose of es- arts Taekwondo, developing certified Taekwondo uni- year (the 51st anniversary of Kukkiwon’s establishment),
tablishing overseas branches and gather opinions. forms, Strengthening Kukkiwon's professionalism and we aim to set up branches in over 200 countries. Current-
In 2010, Kukkiwon underwent significant changes, transi- identity, Establishing overseas support branches. ly, we’ve completed the formation in 80 countries. If over
tioning from a foundation corporation to a special corpo- While there has been some progress in improving the text 200 branches are established globally this year, a general
ration. In June of that year, Kukkiwon formed the Devel- system, with the management system for Taekwondo pro- assembly will be held in Seoul. Since Kukkiwon is a glob-
opment Strategy Committee Task Force Team, bringing motion exams being rebuilt in 2015 after its initial launch al entity, just like the World Taekwondo, we will also have
specialized committees for budget and settlement, struc- in 2006, other policies and projects still need momentum. a ‘Vice Chairman System’ across the five continents. If the

tural reform, and policy development under its wing. They Establishing overseas branches, a key initiative since 2010, chairman cannot visit a place, a non-standing vice chair-
Kukkiwon unveiled its metaverse utilizing future technologies in
recruited experts in various fields to be a part of these com- the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in March 2022. Poster remains problematic. Although Kukkiwon pledged in Au- man will be in charge of that region by continent.”
mittees. This demonstrated their determination to intro- for “KUKKI-Learn”. Ⓒ Kukkiwon gust 2015 to develop these branches in collaboration with

50 51
YEARLY PROJECT Kukkiwon, 50 Years of History and the Next 50 Years to Come Ⅲ


Preserving the True Value The Future of

and Charm of Taekwondo Taekwondo Lies in AI and
for a Brighter Future <1> Innovative Integration
Text and Photo by Ahn, Chang sup (Professor, University of California, Berkeley) Text and Photo by Choi, Jung gu (Special IT Committee Chairman, Kukkiwon)

It’s been over 30 years since I left South Korea, the “home of
Big Data
Taekwondo,” for the US. Over these three decades, I’ve wit- Analog Computerization Digitalization
nessed various changes and evolutions in Taekwondo. Es-
pecially since 2003, working at the prestigious University of
[ Change is not an option but a necessity ]
California, Berkeley, I’ve interacted with numerous students
through Taekwondo lessons and club training. By the end of
each semester, even beginners come to appreciate Taekwon-
do as a sport and martial art infused with Eastern philosophy, a deeper appreciation of Taekwondo's essence and purpose, In 1950, spurred by the research of the British mathematician tion technologies, there's a clarion call to rejuvenate Taekwondo.
strengthening both body and mind. its future is promising. In this light, I have several recommen- Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerged. Machine learning, Spearheading this transformation is Kukkiwon. As the custodian
Despite their sweat-soaked white uniforms, the students al- dations for its advancement. facilitated by the Turing Machine, cemented its role as a standard of Taekwondo’s foundational techniques, Kukkiwon bears the
ways wear their smiles. At the start of every semester, I invite First, Taekwondo programs should cater to everyone, irre- in computer architecture. Yet, when grappling with vast amounts responsibility of standardizing these techniques, transitioning
them to introduce themselves and share their motivations for spective of age or gender, ensuring shared enjoyment and of data, AI algorithm development encountered hurdles, hinder- them to the digital sphere, and orchestrating the Taekwondo
learning Taekwondo. While many enroll out of curiosity, for camaraderie. Beyond physical and mental training, Taekwon- ing its swift progress. D·N·A (Data·Network·Artificial Intelligence).
self-defense, or physical training, watching these free-spirited do can offer psychological stability and stress relief. The As the 2000s dawned, advancements in semiconductor memory In the contemporary New Normal era, digital technology has
American students shouting in unison and training passion- COVID-19 pandemic underscored our collective need for gen- technology marked notable strides in computer performance. transcended innovation to become a staple. Economic vigor
ately – as if attending a significant course – fills me with im- uine human relationships. If Taekwondo can support physical Consequently, the practical application of the Deep Neural Net- is increasingly anchored not in tangible assets but intangibles,
mense pride and gratitude. and mental growth while fostering meaningful human bonds, work (often called deep learning) gained traction. With these with ‘Work-Life Balance’ evolving from an aspiration to an actu-
Their dedication and seriousness only grow during af- its impact will be profound. technological leaps, by 2023, giants like Google and Facebook al reality. This paradigm shift also sheds light on the noticeable
ter-school Taekwondo club and athlete training sessions. Second, relative to other sports, Taekwondo is uniquely posi- are poised to achieve unparalleled accuracy in facial recognition scarcity of Taekwondo masters in dojangs.
They rigorously train for two hours 3-4 times a week and, later, tioned to instill educational and philosophical values. So many through deep learning. Simultaneously, IBM’s Watson show- To address this, automating routine chores, crafting a Taekwon-
convene to study or finish assignments collectively. In my over things can be introduced to students, such as the significance cased over 90% accuracy in diagnosing colorectal cancers. Not do Dojang Service Platform, implementing AI for Taekwondo
20 years as a coach at Berkeley, I’ve administered mid-term ex- and philosophy of practicing Taekwondo, understanding Ko- to be outdone, Tesla’s Autopilot has evolved to a stage where au- Motion Recognition, and devising an Integrated Taekwondo In-
ams for my athletes in hotel rooms and even on flights to com- rean philosophy as a Korean martial art, spreading traditional tonomous driving with minimal human input is feasible. struction Method synergized with devices are imperative. These
petitions. At Berkeley, athletes are given no special privileges. Korean culture, and learning good manners. It’s a great educa- AI, quintessential to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, finds appli- initiatives promise to alleviate work burdens while elevating ser-
Over the past eight years, as the All-American College Tae- tional opportunity to broaden your horizons while practicing cations spanning diverse domains, from society and culture to vice standards.
kwondo Federation president, I’ve noticed that top compet- Taekwondo. sports and the economy. Today, aligning with AI is less a choice In this landscape, AI isn’t an entity to dread or sidestep. The onus
itors often come from prestigious universities such as Berke- Taekwondo teaches its practitioners mental discipline virtues and more a mandate. Once rooted in tradition, the sports sector lies in judiciously cherry-picking and harnessing the AI tools that
ley, Stanford, Brown, MIT, Harvard, Columbia, and Princeton. such as patience, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, stead- is segueing into the digital realm, manifesting as e-sports forti- align with our needs. By orchestrating a symphony between Tae-
Balancing their academic responsibilities, these students pour fastness, discipline, and self-control. In addition, teaching fied by AI, big data, and sophisticated data analytics. kwondo and AI, we are poised to carve out a robust Taekwondo
their hearts into training. They view Taekwondo as a form of Taekwondo to practice goodness, gratitude, compassion, em- Taekwondo stands at this digital precipice, awaiting a seamless market and stand at the cusp of heralding Taekwondo’s second
exercise and a personal challenge, giving it their all. pathy, and a sense of wonder is an excellent opportunity to transition. Harnessing the prowess of Fourth Industrial Revolu- renaissance.
The future of Taekwondo should honor these values. While develop the body and mind, mental stability, and happiness
winning a gold medal is commendable, if training can inspire in life.
To be continued in the next issue…

52 53
YEARLY PROJECT Kukkiwon, 50 Years of History and the Next 50 Years to Come Ⅲ

PICTORIALNESS Tracing the 50-Year Journey of Kukkiwon <3>

2010s: Expanding Taekwondo Dojangs

in Korea and Abroad
Text by Park, Young jun (Assistant of Public Relations) Photo by Kukkiwon

The 2010s marked a pivotal decade for Taekwondo, highlighted by its official legal recognition as South Korea’s national martial art and
the historic visit of the North Korean Taekwondo demonstration team to the South. During this transformative period, when Kukkiwon
transitioned from a foundation corporation to a special corporation, they embarked on a project to expand their international network. On
October 4, 2010, Kukkiwon held a business presentation for the Kukkiwon Membership System (KMS). This meeting showcased Kukkiwon’s
strong commitment to overseas Taekwondo ventures, earning widespread acclaim from Taekwondo leaders worldwide. On November
17, 2012, the Kukkiwon held the 2012 Knowledge Seminar on the Hope of Revitalizing Taekwondo Dojangs in Korea. On June 28, 2017, a
demonstration team from the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) led by North Korea visited the Kukkiwon, the world headquarters
of Taekwondo, for the first time. It was a heartwarming moment that united the two Koreas through Taekwondo.
Also, on March 30, 2018, led by Congressman Lee, Dong sup (the current Kukkiwon President), the 358th provisional National Assembly’s
first general meeting approved the ‘Law Amendment for the Promotion of Taekwondo and the Establishment of a Taekwondo Park,’ thus
legally solidifying Taekwondo’s status as the esteemed national martial art.
President Almazbek Atambayev of Kyrgyzstan (center), accompanied by the First Lady (right), vis- On November 15, 2013, Kukkiwon was designated as
ited Kukkiwon on November 20, 2013. He was awarded an honorary 9th dan certificate in recogni- a Future Heritage of Seoul, referring to tangible and

2010 tion of his contributions to the expansion and development of Taekwondo. intangible assets not yet recognized as cultural prop-
erties but deemed valuable for future generations.
Currently, 502 heritages are managed by Seoul City.

Dreaming of a world united through Taekwondo, Kukkiwon held Kukkiwon hosted a welcome event for member countries of the Interna-
a seminar on November 17, 2012, to invigorate local Taekwondo tional Sports Press Association (AIPS) held in Korea on May 10, 2017,
For the first time in history, the North Korean ITF Taekwondo demonstration team visited Kukkiwon on June 28, 2017. dojangs. to promote their brand and Taekwondo.

54 55
In collaboration with Seoul City, Kukkiwon showcased a regular Taekwondo demonstration at the Namsangol Hanok Village
Cheonwoogak on May 3, 2014, actively promoting Taekwondo’s identity and excellence domestically and internationally.

On March 30, 2018, the National Assembly passed the ‘Law Amendment for the Promotion of Tae-
kwondo and the Establishment of a Taekwondo Park,’ legally solidifying Taekwondo’s status as a
national sport.

On March 27, 2019, King Philippe Leopold Louis Marie

of Belgium (right) visited Kukkiwon and demonstrated
a board-breaking technique. In recognition of his ef-
forts towards developing Taekwondo in Belgium, he
was awarded an honorary 8th dan certificate.

On October 4, 2010, the Coun-

On October 20, 2018, as a part of its community service cil of Elders, established as an
efforts, Kukkiwon launched an anti-school bullying advisory body to the President
campaign featuring a musical scene portraying the of the Kukkiwon, held its first
campaign’s message. meeting.

56 57
HISTORY Historical Figures <3>

Text by Suh, Wann suck

(Former specialist reporter for The Master of Taekwondo Administration, hard? Take it easy.”
Kookmin Daily) Thanks to his relentless Taekwondo training during his military
Photo by Kukkiwon the late Uhm, Woon kyu, former President of Kukkiwon service, he co-published a martial arts book titled “Kwonbop Kyo-
bon” at the suggestion of Principal Choi, Seok nam of the Army

The Main Contributor to Communications School. Principal Choi hailed him as a ‘genius
of the martial arts world.’ Even then, Taekwondo was known by

the Globalization of Taekwondo names like Dangsudo, Subakdo, and Kwonbop. He participated
in the production of the textbook, demonstrating various tech-

as the Right-hand Man of Kim, Un yong niques.

After his military discharge, he lived as an instructor under Son,
Deok sung, the second grandmaster of Cheong Do Kwan. At
Cheong Do Kwan, located in Gyeonji-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul,
In 1946, a 17-year-old Uhm, Woon kyu (second from left in the second students from prestigious nearby high schools came for training.
row), who had just joined Taekwondo, competed in a special kukkiwon Figures like Lee, Kyu seok, the current Asian Federation president,
competition to commemorate the founding of the Song Moo Kgwan.
and Lee, Kwan young, a French instructor, were also trained as dis-
ciples at Cheong Do Kwan. From 1956, he taught Taekwondo to
Martial Artist Uhm, Woon kyu
students from Seoul National University's College of Commerce
Born in Yongsan, Seoul, the former Kukkiwon President entered
and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In 1957, he passed on
Cheong Do Kwan, a Dangsudo dojang, at 17 in 1946, the year after
Taekwondo to the cadets of the Army Officer School. His empha-
Korea's liberation. His older brother, feeling sorry for his younger
sis on practicality, Taekwondo skills, and teaching ability were
sibling, who often got picked on due to his smaller stature, urged
highly regarded.
him to learn self-defense. At that time, Cheong Do Kwan rented
a church hall in Gyeonji-dong, Jongno-gu, for training. Holding
the registration number 120, he devoted himself to exercise with
a martial arts spirit of “one strike, certain kill.” When the Korean
War broke out in 1950, he enlisted in the army and was assigned
to the Army Communications School. Thanks to the consideration
of Choi, Seok nam, the school’s principal who had a deep interest
in martial arts, Eom could continue instructing and training in Tae-
kwondo for five years in the military.
He was a disciple of Lee, Won kuk, the founder of Cheong Do
Kwan. Whenever his master was absent, he took on the role of
instructing the dojo members. His master emphasized, “The foot
is more than three times stronger than the fist,” highlighting the
importance of honing kicking techniques. However, since kicking
At a tournament in the mid-1950s, Uhm performs a jumping spinning kick.
Former Kukkiwon President Uhm, Woon kyu. techniques were less agile than fist, he committed himself to train-
ing to use his legs as freely as his fists. Administrator: Uhm, Woon kyu
While he learned side kicks and spinning kicks from his master, he In 1959, when the second-generation leader Son, Duk seong had
In the mid-1990s, when Taekwondo was on the rise towards globalization and was adopted as an official Olympic sport, Uhm, Woon kyu’s also devised new techniques tailored to his physique. This led to conflicts with the founding leader Lee, Won kuk, and stepped
office, then the Vice-President of Kukkiwon, was always bustling with people. This was because Kim, Un yong, who was both the President the development of techniques like the double side kick, spinning down, Uhm, Woon kyu took over as the third-generation leader.
of Kukkiwon and the President of the World Taekwondo, as well as the chairman of the Korea Sports Association, often left Kukkiwon va- back kick, and spinning side kick. The spinning back kick involved At about 30 years old, he began to wield significant influence in
cant due to his role as the Vice-President of the IOC (International Olympic Committee). Vice-President Eom practically took charge of the spinning around using the left foot as a pivot, akin to a compass, the domestic martial arts community as the representative lead-
Kukkiwon, the headquarters of World Taekwondo, managing both domestic and international Taekwondo administrations. and striking the opponent’s face. Due to these unprecedented er of Cheong Do Kwan. Cheong Do Kwan is one of the five orig-
Coming from the lineage of the third grandmaster of Cheong Do Kwan, he, alongside masters like Lee, Chong woo, was a key figure in techniques, some seniors were hesitant to spar with him. inal dojangs that gave birth to modern Taekwondo, laying the
laying the foundation for modern Taekwondo. In 1961, he played a leading role in the establishment of the Korea Taesoodo Association, He was a leading practitioner representing Cheong Do Kwan. groundwork for the integration and globalization of Taekwondo.
the precursor to the Korea Taekwondo Association, and in 1971, he was instrumental, along with Lee, Chong woo, in recruiting Kim, Un Whenever there were martial arts demonstrations, he was the Uhm was at the center of this evolution.
yong, who was then serving in the Blue House security office, as the chairman of the Korea Taekwondo Association. But that’s not all. In representative player of Cheong Do Kwan. During his military ser- The May 16, 1961, military coup inadvertently became a catalyst
line with Kim, Un yong’s so-called ‘four visions for Taekwondo,’ he took the lead in promoting the globalization of Taekwondo. In 1972, he vice in Sokcho, Gangwon-do, he even took a leave to participate in for the integration and advancement of Taekwondo. The revolu-
established Kukkiwon and, the following year, the World Taekwondo. He also traveled the world to encourage his disciples to realize the a martial arts competition in Seoul in honor of President Syngman tionary government led by Park, Chung hee strongly demanded
1st World Championship. Rhee’s birthday. During the event, he sparred with instructor Lee, the consolidation of Taekwondo organizations with similar tech-
In the golden tripartite division of Taekwondo - diplomacy by Kim, Un yong, administration by Uhm, Woon kyu, and technique by Lee, Chong woo, and struck the tall Lee’s chest with his flying sidekick. niques, movements, training, and grading systems. In July of that
Chong woo - this structure left a significant mark in the history of Taekwondo’s development. In the changing room, Lee, Chong woo said, “Why did you kick so year, the Ministry of Education convened a coordination meeting

58 59
cial. In consultation with Lee, Chong woo, Uhm established com- to the devious strategies of some in the Taekwondo community.
petition rules in November 1961, laying the foundation for joining In October 2010, after Kang, Won sik assumed the Kukkiwon pres-
the Korea Sports Council as its 28th affiliated organization. Thanks idency, Uhm became a senior member of the Kukkiwon advisory
to the efforts of these young Taekwondo reformists, Taekwondo committee alongside Lee, Chong woo and Kim, Yong chae. He
became an official event at the Jeonju National Sports Festival in negatively opposed converting the Kukkiwon to a special corpo-
October 1963. ration, saying, “Taekwondo can be self-sustaining. It doesn’t need
the government’s budget, so why did this happen?” He expressed
Kim, Un yong, Lee, Chong woo, a negative view. When the directors failed to elect a chairman, he
and the Golden Triangular Division was bitter, saying, “They don’t think about the cause of develop-
Taekwondo underwent a significant transformation in 1971 with ing Taekwondo. They only think about themselves.” He also said,
the recruitment of Kim, Un yong, a former diplomat working as “Directors should be able to make concessions, but I don’t want
a presidential security officer’s assistant at the Blue House, as the to be that person. After the Kukkiwon became a legal entity, the
During his time as the third director of Cheong Do Kwan, Uhm, Woon Uhm (right) walking with Kukkiwon President Kim, Un yong (center) in the
kyu (left) encouraged his students. president of the Korea Taekwondo Association. On the recom- administration strangely turned everyone around them into ene-
early 2000s.
mendation of Cho, Shi hak, a New York instructor, Lee, Chong woo mies,” he said.
by summoning representatives from various martial arts associ- met with Kim, Un yong to persuade him to accept the presidency. maintaining the dominant position of the host country. In September 2014, the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation recog-
ations, including the Korea Hapki Association, Korea Taekwondo He, who had moved in tandem with Lee, Chong woo, also actively nized him and Kim, Un yong and Lee, Chong woo as one of the top
Association, Kongsudo Chang Moo Kwan, Kongsudo Song Moo engaged in the process. That January, when Kim took office, he Former Kukkiwon President Uhm, Woon kyu 10 ‘People Who Lit Up Taekwondo’. The following year, Kukkiwon
Kwan, Kangdukwon Martial Arts Association, and Han Moo Kwan was appointed vice president in the new executive branch to as- Time has passed, but Uhm, Woon kyu’s role as Kim, Un yong’s introduced the ‘Proud Taekwondo Person Award,’ and he, along-
Central Kongsu dojang. sist him, alongside Lee, Nam seok and Jang, Jae sik. Lee, Chong right-hand man and the administrative head of Taekwondo re- side Kim, Un yong, was the first recipient. He humbly responded,
When integration proved challenging, the second-in-command woo assumed the role of chairman of the Technical Review Com- mained unchanged. Meanwhile, Taekwondo was included as an “I am both embarrassed and thankful for this excessive honor.”
of the revolutionary government, Vice Chairman of the National mittee. official sport in the 1986 Seoul Asian Games and became an offi- His last letter to his students from his hospital bed in May 2017,
Reconstruction Council General Lee, Ju il, called upon Uhm and With Kim’s presidency, the world of Taekwondo set three core cial Olympic sport from the 2000 Sydney Olympics. The stature of a month before he passed away, is instructive for the turbulent
Lee, Chong woo, ordering them to consolidate Taekwondo under Kim, Un yong as the president of the World Taekwondo remained world of Taekwondo. “I want you to know that my life’s journey
the auspices of the Korea Sports Council chairman Lee, Hyo. The unshaken until the early 2000s. By then, voices calling for the res- will have its highs and lows, but my love for Taekwondo was at
revolutionary government recognized these “young blood” as ignation of members who had held power for 30-40 years, includ- the center of it all. Even now, it breaks my heart to see people who
the key players in the unification and advancement of Taekwon- ing President Kim, grew louder. In 2001, college student protests
do. They also promised to include the consolidated Taekwondo emerged over alleged ‘judgment manipulation.’ Amidst this ‘wind
organization in the National Sports Festival if unification was of democratization’ in Taekwondo, Kim, Un yong and Uhm, Woon
achieved. kyu stepped down from their respective roles.
In September of that year, the long-anticipated unification of the In 2004, Lee, Chong woo, who played a bridging role with the
Taekwondo community finally took place under the name Korea democratic forces, pressured Eom to take the position of Kuk-
Taesudo Association. At that time, among the five original do- kiwon President. Having served ten years as an association vice
jangs, Ji Do Kwan used the name “Kongsudo,” Chang Moo Kwan president, 15 years as the vice president of the global federation,
At the 2005 Taekwondo Night event, Uhm, Woon kyu (left) presented
“Kwonbeop,” Moo deok Kwan “Hwasudo,” Cheong Do Kwan a special award to his ‘lifetime comrade’ Lee, Chong woo took a com-
and 20 years as the vice president of Kukkiwon, Ehm was appoint-
“Dangsudo,” and O Do Kwan “Taekwondo.” The name “Taesudo” memorative photo. ed the second president of Kukkiwon in March 2004 by the board
was born by combining “Tae” from Taekwondo and “Su” from chairman, his lifelong comrade, Lee, Chong woo.
Kongsudo. tasks: administrative integration, national sport designation, and Uhm’s tenure was not smooth. In 2005, he faced investigations by
The Korea Taesudo Association’s vice-presidents, Uhm, Woon kyu, globalization. Lee, Chong woo, and he, who was in tune with Pres- the prosecutor’s office over suspicions of unauthorized issuance
Lee, Chong woo, and Lee, Nam seok, nominated General Chae, ident Kim, took the lead in spearheading initiatives as core execu- of certifications and misappropriation of public funds. He was In the inauguration ceremony held in March 2004, the newly appointed
Myung shin, who was a respected soldier and the head of the In- tives of the association. Their troika system served as the nucleus indicted and sued five times, but all charges were dropped. As a Kukkiwon President Uhm, Woon kyu (right) is saluting the national flag.
spection Board of the revolutionary government, as their inaugu- for the revival of Taekwondo for the next 30 years without a hitch. Christian with a pastor father, he never counter-sued, prioritizing
ral president. As Taekwondo organizations were streamlined and projects harmony and unity among Taekwondo practitioners. are slandering and slandering for positions, do not recognize their
On December 20, 1961, the Korea Taesudo Association joined expanded, the association’s need for a central gymnasium was In June 2006, he concluded a business agreement between Kuk- seniors as seniors, are obsessed with covering up for their family
the Korea Sports Council. As the sole vice president, Uhm played raised. He and Lee, Chong woo were moving from the site selec- kiwon, the World Taekwondo, and the Korea Taekwondo Associ- members, and will do anything for their gain. For a better future, I
a significant role in setting up the initial board of directors. After tion phase. After the establishment of the Kukkiwon in Novem- ation to foster cooperation among Taekwondo organizations. He request that we unite to create a Taekwondo culture that honors
establishing the association, an urgent task was to consolidate the ber 1972, they both busily prepared for the hosting of the World also actively promoted a cooperative system with the influential our masters and respects our seniors. I hope the next generation
dan grading tests conducted separately by each school. Uhm col- Championship and the establishment of the World Taekwondo. US Taekwondo Association for instructor education support. will be just and fair, put aside their selfishness, and unite for the
laborated as grading committee members with Lee, Chong woo, He served as the inaugural vice president of the global federation, In July 2008, he played a pivotal role in globalizing Taekwondo, cause more than any other athletic organization. I’ve been hap-
Lee, Nam seok, Park, Chul hee, Nam, Tae hi, and Lee, Young sup. while Lee, Chong woo fulfilled his duties as secretary-general. with the “World Taekwondo Hanmadang” held in Anaheim, USA. py with Taekwondo all my life, and I wouldn't change that choice
The association’s next mission was to become an official event in While President Kim focused on external affairs, such as diploma- However, a month prior, he had expressed his intention to resign, even if I were reborn.”
the National Sports Festival. For Taekwondo to spread nationwide cy and securing budgets, the two specialized in internal matters, taking moral responsibility for illegal construction at Kukkiwon’s
as a sport, becoming a part of the National Sports Festival was cru- such as Taekwondo technical issues, global proliferation, and lecture hall. Despite his lifelong service, he felt disillusioned due

60 61
HISTORY 50th Anniversary of Kukkiwon <3>

Kukkiwon Has Hosted World Championships Since Featured Countries and Coaches at the Inaugural
The Globalization of ‘Kukki’ Taekwondo Its Inception As the Cradle of the World’s Taekwondo World Championships
First Among Eastern Martial Arts President Kim, Un yong ensured that Kukkiwon, the World
Taekwondo Headquarters, provided technical and financial
Participating Countries
Korean Instructor
Seo, Yoon nam

to Become an Official Olympic Sport support to the KTA. The name “Central Dojang” was not only
meant to unify the separate halls, but also to globalize the
Kim, Nam sik
Lee, Kwan young

“national sport Taekwondo” recognized by the president. He East Min, Gyeong ho / Jeon, In mun

Text and photo by Kukkiwon Public Relations emphasized rigorous promotion systems and focused on the United States Central Jack Hwang / Kang, Yeong gu
education and training of instructors. He developed new Tae- West Kim, Il hoe / Kim, Dae hyeon
kwondo poomsae, rules of play, hogu, and dobok, and intro- Taiwan Noh, Hyo yeong
duced them to the world, making Taekwondo the living center Malaysia Yang, U yeop
of the world.
Austria Lee, Kyong myong
After the establishment of Kukkiwon, the need for an inter-
Côte d'Ivoire Kim, Young tae
national Taekwondo organization naturally arose. Instead of
Brunei Park, Won ha
a low-profile opening ceremony, it was suggested that Kuk-
Mexico Moon, Dai won
kiwon should be promoted through a world championship.
At the Kukkiwon opening ceremony, President Kim, who also Khmer Choi, Jeong hyeok / Kim, Si jong

served as the head of Kukkiwon, announced, “We will host a Singapore Lee, Seong su
World Taekwondo Championship, inviting teams from around Philippines Hong, Seong cheon
40 countries where Korean instructors are active.” Hong Kong Seung, Gang yong

South Korea’s First Global Stage,

the 1st World Taekwondo Championship national presence, with founder Choi, Hong hee moving to
On May 25, 1973, the 1st World Taekwondo Championship Canada in 1972. On May 28, 1973, the day after the first World
was inaugurated at Kukkiwon, with participation from 19 Championships concluded, 35 delegates from 17 countries,
countries, 21 teams, and 200 athletes. Because international including representatives from each of the countries that par-
competition rules were not yet established, there were mis- ticipated in the tournament, met at the Kukkiwon and decided
understandings about the rules, and some competitors even to form the WTF. The Ministry of Education gave momentum
used punches to the face. Some of the players had never worn to the founding of the WTF by dissolving the ITF on April 17,
hogu before. During the three days of competition, Kukkiwon 1973, due to controversies such as the excessive issuance of
was packed with spectators who flocked to watch the historic Dans and other matters.
event. The stadium’s 3,000 seats were so full that they had to The founding assembly was attended by 17 countries includ-
stop admissions. ing South Korea, France, Uganda, Colombia, West Germany,
At this championship, South Korea swept both the team and Austria, Guatemala, Colombia, the Philippines, Hong Kong,
individual events, convincingly demonstrating its dominance. Free China (Taiwan), Khmer, the United States, Côte d’Ivoire,
In the individual events, Lee, Ki hyung defeated West Germa- Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. The assembly elected Chair-
ny’s Habero in the lightweight class, and Kim, Jung tae defeat- man Kim, Un yong to a 4-year term as the inaugural president
ed Warren from the U.S. East team in the heavyweight class, and decided to hold the World Championship every two years.
securing their places as champions of the inaugural event. In particular, regulations were included the adoption of the
The event is significant in Korean sports history as it was the sport into the Olympics. The regulations actively encourage
first world championship to be held in South Korea, preceding both amateur and professional matches, stipulating a com-
the World Shooting Championships in 1978. It was also a his- plete separation between the two when the sport eventually
Lee, Dong sup, President of the Kukkiwon (fifth from the right), and Chungwon Choue, President of World Taekwondo (WT) (next to him on the left),
pose for a commemorative photo after signing an agreement for the global development of Taekwondo in March 2022. toric milestone in the globalization of Taekwondo and paved becomes an Olympic event. Although this provision assumed
the way for the sport’s eventual inclusion in the Olympic. that professional athletes would not be able to participate in
the Olympics at the time, it shows that the WT already had the
Founding of World Taekwondo Amidst Global Expan- goal of entering the Olympics in mind when it was founded.
Taekwondo was one of the last martial arts to be recognized overseas and one of the first to be recognized as an Olympic sion of Other East Asian Martial Arts This allowed the KTA to establish branches overseas, dispatch
sport, along with Eastern analogues like karate and kung fu. In 1971, Kim, Un yong, the president of the Korea Taekwondo The founding of the World Taekwondo (WT) was crucial for instructors, issue Dans, unify techniques, and carry out vari-
Association (KTA), presented the Four Visions of Taekwondo: “Nationalization,” “Globalization,” “Flag of National Pres- Taekwondo to compete with other similar global martial arts ous other initiatives to develop Taekwondo. This completes
tige,” and “Flag of Patriotism.” These served as the goals, values, and ideologies for Taekwondo, which aimed for ‘global- like Karate and Wushu. The International Taekwondo Feder- the trinity of Taekwondo’s administrative system, with the
ization’ as a martial art representing South Korea. ation (ITF), founded in Seoul in 1966, also had a strong inter- KTA as the governing body, the WT in charge of worldwide

62 63
distribution and management, and the Kukkiwon supporting
both organizations while maintaining the martial arts spirit
and tradition.

Joining the General Association of

International Sport Federations (GAISF)
In 1973, Taekwondo took a major step towards globalization
with the founding of the World Taekwondo. Kim, Un yong, the
chairman of the KTA, concurrently served as the head of Kuk-
kiwon and the WT, establishing a seamless administrative and
command structure in the world of Taekwondo. The global-
ization strategy conceived by Chairman Kim involved leverag-
ing diplomatic influence to gain international recognition and
ensuring that national associations were incorporated under
At the award ceremony of the 1st World Taekwondo Championships,
their respective National Olympic Committees (NOCs) for rec- President Kim, Un yong (right) presents the team championship trophy
ognition and budget support. Without such an administrative to South Korea team.
Kim, Un yong (center), former World Taekwondo president, attended a GAISF general assembly.
and support system, the organization would have been left
behind by the more internationally established karate.
In 1975, Taekwondo took another significant step towards glo- Breaking Free from the Perception of
balization by joining the General Association of International Being a Karate Offshoot federations would not have been possible without the support Libenow’s arrival in Korea with his martial arts director Stevens,
Sports Federations (GAISF). As the umbrella organization for At the time, there was a strong perception that Taekwondo of President Kim’s administration, who drew a big picture of president Kim arranged meetings with Minister of Culture Min,
each sport’s international federations, GAISF was a key player was an offshoot of karate on the international stage. It was a globalization and then quietly implemented it, and his senior Kwan shik, President Kim, Taek soo, and Prime Minister Kim, Jong
in world sport alongside the International Olympic Commit- period when overseas dojangs operated under the name of Taekwondo masters, such as Uhm, Woon kyu, and Lee, Chong pil. He also invited them to the Kukkiwon to observe instructor
tee (IOC), which governs the Olympics, and the National Olym- “Korean Karate,” neglecting the identity of Taekwondo. In this woo, who assisted him in the field. training and a children’s demonstration. Also, he guided them
pic Committee (NOC) affiliate organization, the Association of atmosphere, the WT’s entry into GAISF marked Taekwondo’s to the Taereung National Training Center to showcase Koreans’
National Olympic Committees (ANOC). For the international first recognition as an independent sport and competition or- Join an official Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) passion for sports development and proposed bilateral sports
sports federations, joining GAISF was a top priority to gain ganization on the international sports stage. Taekwondo was In the global strategy of Taekwondo through international rec- exchange. The AAU recognized Taekwondo as an independent
global recognition. In the lead-up to the GAISF General As- officially recognized as an independent sport and competition ognition, becoming an official sport in the Amateur Athletic sport.
sembly in October 1975, all-out efforts were made in secret to organization on the international sports stage. Taekwondo Union (AAU) held a very significant meaning. Joining the AAU,
secure membership. Among the 30 countries participating in has become an organization that competes and coexists with which wields substantial influence in
the WTF General Assembly in Seoul was communist Yugosla- other Olympic and non-Olympic international federations. the world of sports, not only expanded
via, surprising the international sports community. There was The fact that Taekwondo was the first sport to be recognized by Taekwondo’s footing in the U.S. sports
also a strong recommendation for GAISF membership from an international sports organization, while karate and wushu, community but also aided the activ-
Oscar State, the GAISF Secretary-General. On, October 5, at which were earlier in their internationalization, were unable to ities of Taekwondo instructors in the
the GAISF General Assembly in Montreal, Canada, Taekwondo join GAISF, was a significant step towards its future inclusion in U.S., where most international trainees
was unanimously approved over the objections of Judo, Kara- the Olympic program. resided. It would also boost Taekwon-
te, and Swimming. do, widespread but not recognized as
Establishment of Continental Federations, Starting an independent sport by the NOCs.
with the Asian Federation in 1978 The call to join the AAU began in 1973
In October 1974, the year after the first World Championships, with a proposal from Professor Min, Kyung
the first Asian Taekwondo Championships were held at the ho of the University of California, Berkeley.
Kukkiwon. After the third edition in 1978, the Asian Taekwon- Professor Min argued that for Taekwondo
do Union (ATU) was founded. In 1976, the year after joining to become a global sport, it needed to be
GAISF, the sport joined the Confederation of International Mil- recognized as an independent sport by
itary Sports (CISM). That year, the first European Taekwondo the AAU. He informed Kim, Taek soo, the
Championships were held in Barcelona, Spain, and the Euro- Korean Sports Association’s President,
pean Taekwondo Union (ETU) was founded, marking another about Korean-American instructors’ ef-
step toward globalization. In September 1978, the first Pan Am forts to join the AAU and its significance.
Taekwondo Championships were held in Mexico. In April 1979, President Kim then conveyed this to presi-
the first African Taekwondo Championships were held in Abi- dent Kim, Un yong. In April 1974, president
May 25, 1973, Taekwondo takes its first step onto the world stage. The atmo- David Livenes, President of the AAU (American Athletic Union), visited the Kukkiwon in South
sphere at the opening ceremony of the 1st World Championships held at the djan, Côte d’Ivoire, and the African Taekwondo Union (ATU) was Kim invited David Libenow, the President Korea in 1974 to encourage Taekwondo masters. President Kim, Un yong (left) watches on
Kukkiwon was nothing short of historic. founded. These continental competitions and the creation of of the AAU, to Korea. On April 17, upon with a bright smile.

64 65
PILGRIMAGE Pilgrimage of Taekwondo Dojangs <3>

Adults Specilized Dojang,

Dodam Taekwondo
Until the Day Every Adult Enjoys Health and Happiness

Text and photo by Kim, Hae sung (Taekwondo Times Reporter)

The trend is towards being ‘exercise enthusiasts’ lately. With the emergence of new slang words like
‘Hel-liny’ (a newbie in the gym) and ‘O-un-wan’ (short for “exercise completed today”), there’s a fitness
boom among adults. Building new communities through interactions with people met during exercise
sessions has a positive effect, and word of mouth has increased interest in Taekwondo among adults.
However, supply has yet to keep up with demand. While organizations like the Kukkiwon and the Ko-
rea Taekwondo Association (KTA) are making efforts to promote adult Taekwondo, changes in the field
need to be faster. Against this backdrop, the Dodam Taekwondo Dojang, led by Kim, Young kyun, was
chosen as the third destination for the PILGRIMAGE Taekwondo Dojang tour. On August 29th, amidst
the late summer heat, there was a sense of satisfaction watching adults train in Taekwondo at the
Dodam Taekwondo Dojang located in Jukbaek-dong, Pyeongtaek City, Gyeonggi Province. It hinted at
the potential of adult Taekwondo activation. Trainees of Dodam Taekwondo gathered for a commemorative photo shoot.

Adult Taekwondo? The Breakthrough for

The Answer Isn't to Find But to Create Adult Taekwondo Activation: Sparring
The biggest challenge in managing an adult Taekwondo divi- Dodam Taekwondo Dojang has drawn attention by operating
sion is consistency. From the perspective of frontline instructors, adult Taekwondo primarily through sparring practice, even
it’s often said, “It’s better not to do it than to do it half-hearted- though the head instructor isn’t a former sparring athlete. Typ-
ly,” due to difficulties in continuously securing adult trainees, ically, instructors run their dojangs based on the discipline they
ensuring operational costs, and developing adult programs. excel in. For example, an instructor who was a former sparring
Hence, understanding the characteristics of adult trainees, athlete would focus on sparring, a former poomsae (form) ath-
developing appropriate programs, and having professional lete would emphasize poomsae, and a former demonstration
knowledge and skills are essential. athlete would highlight demonstrations.

So, did Master Kim, Young kyun have the answer to activating However, Master Kim, who comes from a demonstration back-
the adult Taekwondo division from the start? Of course not. ground, found a breakthrough in adult Taekwondo activation
“I initially had no interest in managing an adult division. Adult by focusing on sparring training rather than his strongest suit
Taekwondo lacks the popularity of children’s Taekwondo, and of demonstrations.
securing trainees is difficult. However, continuous inquiries “I pondered deeply on what Taekwondo training programs
from adults led me to start it by chance. Over time, I realized adults find enjoyable. Despite much consideration, sparring is
the need to provide programs exclusively for adults. As I con- the only thing elites and regular adult trainees can easily ap-
sistently guided them through diverse programs, I gradually proach and learn.”
developed expertise. Now, it has become one of the main pro- Sparring is at the core of Taekwondo. Through sparring, not
grams of the dojang.” only can one master the fundamental techniques of Taekwon-
do but also experience fun and a sense of accomplishment.
In the end, the answer to activating adult Taekwondo wasn’t While many have forgotten, sparring is one of the best exercises
Master Kim, Young kyun demonstrates to the trainees, teaching precisely and Mr. Kim, Seok jin sweats as he diligently practices his kicks.
given, but was a process that had to be created. meticulously. to improve physical fitness and concentration.

66 67
students, regardless of age, gender,
profession, or zodiac, can maxi-
mize their abilities. Additionally, we
should foster an environment where
everyone acknowledges and re-
spects each other's differences. This
embodies the core values and objec-
tives of adult Taekwondo, focusing
on promoting health and enhancing
social interactions.”
The adult Taekwondo program at
Dodam Taekwondo Dojang has in-
deed had a positive impact, enrich-
ing their lives.

Regardless of Age or Profession,

Adult Taekwondo is a Captivating
At the Dodam Taekwondo Dojang,
people from diverse professions,
like active-duty police officers, kin-
dergarten teachers, school teachers,
office workers, farmers, and social
workers, enhance their health and
The trainees are performing their warm-up exercises.
social skills through training. Watch-
ing a 60-year-old mother and her
30-year-old daughter train together
in Taekwondo naturally makes me smile.
Adult Taekwondo:
Significant in Expanding Social Relationships Ms. Lim, Kyung mi, an active-duty police officer, proudly ex-
Adult Taekwondo is not just confined to the realm of exercise. plains the allure of adult Taekwondo, “Adult Taekwondo facili- Master Kim, Young kyun
Anyone who has engaged in physical activities as an adult tates interaction and communication with diverse individuals,
understands this. Adult sports activities promote health and serving as a source of life's vitality and boosting confidence. Q | At what age did you start Taekwondo and how long is your
offer an excellent opportunity to enrich social relationships. Taekwondo is a group training exercise. Through this, one can experience?
Of course, the primary reason adults exercise, which is health, enhance their ability to collaborate and communicate with “I started Taekwondo in the 5th grade of elementary school and
goes without saying. It can improve physical fitness, stress others. Moreover, competition allows one to gain a sense of have been practicing for over 30 years. Currently, I’m running the
relief, weight management, and balanced physical develop- achievement and build self-confidence.” Dodam Taekwondo dojang.”
ment. Furthermore, it significantly aids in building mental Mr. Kim, Seok jin, a Taekwondo athlete throughout college,
strength and focus, thus alleviating stress. From a social re- said, “Adult Taekwondo aids in improving health and alleviat- Q | What made it possible for Pyeongtaek to have its only
lationship expansion perspective, adults naturally form com- ing stress. As it’s an exercise that incorporates both aerobic adult-specific Taekwondo dojang?
munities by exercising together, enhancing their external ac- and strength training, it helps improve physical fitness and “I believe it’s because I showed passion; whenever even one per-
tivities. increase muscle mass.” son came in, I was grateful and prepared that day’s program dili-
As described by the two individuals, adult Taekwondo was a gently for the lesson.”
From this standpoint, Dodam Taekwondo Dojang’s adult Tae- captivating exercise where people of different ages and pro-
kwondo program allows individuals from various age groups fessions could come together, sweat, and enjoy themselves. Q | What’s the goal of Dodam Taekwondo dojang?
and professions to come together, providing opportunities to Dodam Taekwondo Dojang not only grasps the essence of “One thing I focus on to promote adult Taekwondo is the young
meet new people and facilitating communication. Master Kim adult Taekwondo training but also serves as a strong pillar for trainees. I want to create an environment where young trainees
explains: those aspiring to lead a healthy and vibrant life. Here's to hop- continue Taekwondo even as they grow into adults. If this hap-
“I want Taekwondo to help adults build a healthy body and ing that, through Taekwondo, every adult can enjoy better pens, I believe the population of adult Taekwondo practitioners
From their spirited exercises with shouts, a lively energy emanates.
mind and reclaim the vitality in their lives. It's crucial that all health and happiness and elevate their quality of life. will increase in the future.”

68 69

A Proposal The Importance of Practicing Attitude in Life Beyond

Observable Phenomena

for the Objective,

The Philosophy of Taekwondo should encompass the ob-
servable aspects of Taekwondo and the practical meaning

Logical, and Systematic

conveyed and acted upon in life. I emphasize this practical
significance when instructing my students. For the growth
of Taekwondo, a theoretical framework is essential. We must
Establishment of consider the objective and logical characteristics of a wide
range of practitioners. Still, sufficient discussion and consid-
the Philosophy of eration are needed to determine if these can form a coherent
academic discipline.

Taekwondo In this context, I propose five points for constructing the aca-
demic framework of the philosophy of Taekwondo:
1. Redefining the Concept of Taekwondo Philosophy: The phi- At the 3rd high-degree promotion test held at the Kukkiwon in September 2023, applicants are participating in the skill evaluation.
Text by Han, Kwon sang (Newly appointed 9th Dan of Kukkiwon)
Photo by Kukkiwon losophy of Taekwondo should go beyond merely explaining Typically, one begins Taekwondo around 6-7 and must train for over 45 years to achieve a high-degree rank.
its meaning and should establish a concept that logically de-
scribes its practical application.
2. Changing the Perception of Taekwondo Philosophy: One
should not perceive the enlightenment of martial arts or the Philosophy: We need to evaluate what ethical issues are nec- Fundamentals as a Foundation for
meaning of “Do” (Way) as something to be achieved at a spe- essary for the current philosophy of Taekwondo. Practice and Training
cific level. During my teaching experience at the university, I’ve real-
In early June, Kukkiwon conducted its second high-ranking 3. Transitioning from Practical Knowledge to Living the Philos- Character Education, Spirit, and ized that assisting students in discovering their genuine as-
promotion examination for 428 candidates seeking promo- ophy: While knowledge is understanding what a practitioner Philosophy Required for a Taekwondo Practitioner pirations through diverse experiences is the true calling of a
tions from 6th to 9th Dan. The training journey of Han, Kwon can achieve, life should be viewed as reaching self-fulfillment When students enroll in a major focused on Taekwondo, it’s mentor. Attempting to derive the ‘athletic significance’ from
sang, who achieved the 9th Dan (57, Professor of Taekwon- and becoming a desirable member of society. imperative to inspire them with the vision of their life’s goals the roots of Korean martial philosophy, such as Hwarangdo, or
do Diplomacy at Shin Sung University), was highlighted and 4. Understanding Taekwondo Aesthetics: There’s a need to and how they should endeavor to realize these dreams. In- great sages like Yi Hwang and Yi I, faces significant challenges
summarized. Han began his Taekwondo journey at 11 and has study the aesthetic characteristics of both Eastern and West- credibly grounded in the character education (etiquette), when trying to elucidate the philosophy of martial arts.
been instructing the discipline at various universities. The 9th ern sports, appreciate their differences and similarities, and spirit, and philosophy essential for a Taekwondo practitioner, Hence, the practitioners themselves must gain an understand-
Dan promotion consists of a practical examination, an inter- express them through practice and application. efforts should be made to instill the importance of fundamen- ing of Taekwondo’s philosophy through their own experienc-
view, and a written essay on Taekwondo. 5. Expanding the Horizon of Taekwondo Ethics with Eastern tals in all areas (Taekwondo, physical education, societal inter- es and consciousness developed during their martial training.
actions, and professional environments). This requires a deep introspection and objectification of their
Across all fields, centering on character and fundamentals, training journey. This step defines the practitioner’s stance to-
it’s beneficial to offer specialized training in various domains, wards martial arts as an inherent category within themselves.
such as competitive sparring, poomsae teams, demonstration One can awaken to their own Taekwondo philosophy by
teams, and international instructor workshops. This allows for emphasizing the basics in each area and implementing their
a wide range of experiences. Students should be introduced training centered around these fundamentals.
to and guided through international Taekwondo internships
in various countries during school breaks. Regularly, while
focusing on their primary training discipline, it’s also advan-
tageous for students to participate in different category com-
petitions for a broader experience.
Furthermore, offering diverse classes allows students to earn
certifications and gain knowledge and experience in fields
beyond Taekwondo. This ensures that they’re prepared to
venture into various professional realms after graduation.
Invaluable global expertise can be provided by allowing stu-
dents to serve as instructors in Taekwondo schools or join
the Taekwondo Peace Corps, traveling to countries like the
United States, Canada, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Africa. By
grasping and understanding the global currents of Taekwon-
do, they can broaden their perspectives and further cultivate Han, Kwon sang, 9th Dan, who attended the Kukkiwon’s 9th Dan Black Belt
Han, Kwan sang, the newly appointed 9th Dan (center), is instructing the students. their character. Ceremony on September 15, 2023.

70 71
EDUCATION Dojang Must Survive for Taekwondo To Survive <3>

Competitiveness in A Taekwondo Dojang is a Business

Similarly, frontline Taekwondo instructors must create a sys-
tematic meeting structure system for Taekwondo dojang
Taekwondo Dojangs! management based on the purpose. From now on, meetings
should be used as a means for establishing the basic struc-

A Systematic The head of the dojang represents the Taekwondo dojang and
can sometimes be referred to as the CEO of a company. However,
ture and roles required for improving the quality of dojang
education and generating profit. Daily, weekly, monthly, and

Strategy Meeting
let's look at Taekwondo dojang management from the past to yearly outcomes can differ depending on how meetings are
the present. The operation was about something other than or- conducted according to their purpose and how results are
ganized, specialized management but rather a repetitive, rough- discussed. The distribution of tasks based on each instructor’s

System for and-ready operation. This is because many have prioritized

teaching over control despite sharing the same corporate goal of
educational role and participation in management, and the
execution that occurs in the right places at the right times, ul-

profit-making. This indicates that management was valued less timately contribute to achieving the grand objectives of Tae-
than education. Additionally, many dojangs are accustomed to kwondo dojang management.
a unilateral vertical structure of directives and execution, leading I would like to introduce a few examples of purpose-driven
Text and Photo by Kwon, Ki deok (Instructor, Korea Taekwondo Association)
to a lack of communication between leaders. However, as times meetings that were conducted in my Taekwondo dojang.
change and competition becomes fiercer, many Taekwondo
dojangs are introducing systematic, specialized management 1. Daily Meeting
systems, highlighting significant interest and effort in dojang The daily meeting is held in the form of a report on the status
In a company, departments with various specializations and management. and situation of the previous day’s training journal, including
expertise teams focus on their tasks and operate according attendance, absence, enrollment, and injuries. The meeting
to their specific roles. Thus, when jobs are to be delegated encompasses plans for training to be carried out on the day
or matters to address, they always act with others. Instead, and all the necessary training materials. This is very similar to
they use many meetings, reports, and organized communi- Specializing in Management Means directive and reporting meetings conducted in corporations.
cation channels to distribute and handle tasks effectively. Creating a System of Organization The head of the dojang concludes the meeting by giving addi-
Consequently, corporations are fundamentally organized and tional instructions and delegating tasks based on the reports.
emphasize teamwork. Although production, logistics, distri- The average meeting time is between 30 to 40 minutes, end-
bution, IT, accounting, marketing, and HR management may Therefore, I emphasize introducing a systematic strategy ing in an uplifting atmosphere where everyone encourages
seem to operate independently, they work cohesively towards meeting system as the starting point for the development of one another. Additionally, the day’s objectives are aligned
a singular corporate goal: maximizing profit and growth. All Taekwondo dojang management and as the starting point for with the meeting’s agenda.
these chains of operations collaboratively fulfill their respec- the competitiveness and change of the Taekwondo dojang.
tive roles. “Are you holding meetings? If so, from where to where, when,
and how are they conducted?” In the past, many Taekwondo
dojangs used training journals as the basis for their meetings,
but these were merely simple records. These training jour-
nals, which recorded the theme of the training program, at-
tendance, and absences, summarized the day’s schedule and
reported it. Beyond serving as a daily recap, they didn’t offer
much more.
From now on, meetings should be critical in invigorating Tae-
kwondo dojang management. Through this, we can strength-
en internal communication within the dojang, make import-
ant decisions, and approach the themes of training programs
and attendance/absence statuses with a broader perspective.
According to Goo, Ki wook (2013), an internationally certified
Facilitator, business meetings can be classified into seven
categories based on their purpose: ▲ First, Directive and Re-
porting Meetings ▲ Second, Creative Planning and Develop-
ment Meetings ▲ Third, Decision-making Meetings ▲ Fourth,
Meetings for Conflict and Problem Resolution ▲ Fifth, Infor-
mation Sharing Meetings ▲ Sixth, Meetings for Solidarity and
Bonding ▲ Seventh, Capacity Building Meetings.

72 73
2. Weekly Regular Meeting opportunities, and threats and identifies your competitive
Regular weekly meetings are held at the end of each week’s advantage. The primary environmental analysis is very im-
training or at a specific time and place to discuss and share in- portant because it forms the basis of your strategy. Compa-
formation until a conclusion is reached. The meeting is a time nies with organizations and teams still use the 3Cs, McKinsey’s
for discussion, information gathering, and sharing, prioritizing 7Ss, SWOT, and external environment as the basis of their
tasks and events for the previous week, the current week, and strategy to ensure the success of new products and ideas in
the upcoming week, resolving outstanding issues, and fulfill- the planning stages. Once the basic environmental analysis is
ing each other’s duties. completed, the strategy is developed to include the STP and
marketing mix. We also have management-level marketing to
3. Strategic Planning Meeting keep our customers happy.
A strategic planning meeting is the most important meeting Finally, we take a holistic view of the expected before-and-af-
in my dojang. The meeting is a time to select a strategic topic, ter results of executing the current strategy topic to predict
analyze the internal and external environment, forecast, im- the expected effects and ramifications. This leads to a final-
plementation structure, and competitive environment, and ized conclusion and the execution phase. Of course, after the
develop ideas to make it successful. execution, the strategy can be modified through feedback
It also uses analytical research for strategic marketing, cen- based on the results.
tered on the marketing process of renowned marketing
scholar Dr. Philip Kotler. Environmental analysis is divided into 4. Ad Hoc Meeting
external and internal environments. External environmental Ad hoc meeting is an interim meeting for fixes, when you’re
analysis examines the macro environment, implementation in the execution phase, or when a problem arises in the pro-
structure, and competitive landscape. The internal environ- cess, and you have a short time to focus your thoughts and
mental analysis examines the 3Cs: Company, Competitor, and efforts for a better outcome. It’s a meeting that always leaves
Customer; the company’s differentiation strategy; the com- room for leaders to move from time to time, but also takes ad-
petitor’s uniqueness; and the customer’s needs. vantage of short breaks to address urgent issues that need to
The well-known SWOT environmental analysis follows this. be addressed, such as the problem at hand or something that
It objectively examines your dojang’s strengths, weaknesses, needs to be fixed or changed urgently.

5. Taekwondo Leader Workshop

Unlike the strategy meeting highlighted above, the leader to cover in the workshop.
workshop is an indispensable part of revitalizing the dojang The workshop will begin with a presentation of the pros and
and improving the skills and communication of each leader. cons of the previous month’s painting practices, followed by
Originally, a workshop refers to a training method in company an introductory topic lecture, and then a full-fledged work-
training where participants learn knowledge or skills neces- shop meeting on the first topic. After some time, each lead-
sary for their work practically and experientially to create con- er will present the topic’s pros, cons, and issues, and then all
crete results. The difference between workshops and seminars leaders will discuss it together. After the first round of discus-
is that they are based on topics faced in the real workplace and sions, we have a second round of meetings to continue to
allow participants to practice what they have learned. As with refine it. Then, after a final round of questions and answers
regular workshops, Taekwondo instructor workshops can be in the same way, you’ll receive a printout of the outcome for
held annually, quarterly, or monthly. However, focusing on a immediate action.
specific time, such as one or two days is very important. My In conclusion, a Taekwondo dojang is a business. It should
dojang started its workshop in January 2014, and now many of have a system of organized strategy meetings that can be
our instructors have joined us to conduct workshops. put into action immediately to facilitate organized teamwork.
The strategy meetings highlighted above are often covered in While it may seem that the leaders are acting independent-
depth in these workshops. This differs from a typical seminar ly, the result is that they are more organized and working to-
or meeting with a serious atmosphere. The important point wards one goal: the development of the Taekwondo dojang
is that horizontal relationships and mutual respects opinions and the maximization of business profits. Through their roles,
should be the basis, not vertical discussions and instructions, they can improve their professionalism and the competitive-
regardless of position. In particular, there should be no “dictat- ness of the dojang. In today’s society, success is determined
ing, ordering, dismissing, discarding, or emotional disagree- by practice and execution. Therefore, it is recommended that
ments” between leaders. For your own workshop meeting, you act quickly and implement a systematic strategy meeting
you'll need to prepare: files related to your actual work, your system immediately to improve the competitiveness and pro-
own laptop or device, Bluetooth, a printer, and a list of topics fessionalism of your Taekwondo dojang.

74 75

Learning Taekwondo
Techniques Back When you turn, you don't turn in a circle, and when you kick,
your heel should be higher than your toes.
1. Prepare the kicking stance.

Through PIctures <3> Kick 2. Determine the direction you want to kick and rotate your body around your hips.
3. Kick with the heel of your back foot in a straight line toward your target.
4. Lower the kicked foot in front and return to the kicking stance.

Text by Nam, Seung hyun <1> Ahp Chagi (Front Kick), Yeop Chagi (Side Kick)
(Director of the Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team)
Model Yang, Won hee <2> Axe Kick, Thrashing Kick
(Member of the Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team) <3> Back Kick, Back Spin Hook Kick
Photo by Kukkiwon
<4> Basic Kick Combinations

76 77
Back Spin Back Spin Hook Kick
1. Prepare the kicking stance.
2. D etermine the direction you want to kick and rotate your body around
Hook Kick your hips.
3. Bring your back foot diagonally up towards your target and kick face
horizontally with the sole of your foot.
4. Lower the kicked foot in front and return to the kicking stance.

78 79

❹❺ Moroccan defender Nuhaila

Benzina became the first to partic-
ipate in the FIFA Women’s World
Cup while wearing a hijab. Ⓒ Ben- ❹ ❺
zina Instagram

Benzina Breaks the 10-Year Barrier

The hijab refers to the cloth worn by Muslim women to cover Regarding Benzina, who took to the Women’s World Cup field
parts of their face and hair. While it symbolizes Islamic culture, wearing a hijab, Asma Helal, the founder of the Islamic Wom-
even within the Islamic world, there are differences in its form, en’s Sports Network, remarked, “Seeing Benzina on the field
❶ color, and usage. Some countries require it to cover the hair will inspire more Muslim girls to come out onto the football
❶ Taekwondo star Kübra Dağlı from Turkey is showcasing
entirely, while others allow showing the forehead. Countries pitch. Not just players but also coaching staff, administrators,

her form while wearing a hijab. Ⓒ Dağlı Instagram like Turkey do not penalize women for not wearing a hijab, and even other sports will draw positive inspiration from Ben-
while in places like Iran, it’s mandatory. Even within a single zina’s example.”
❷ Kübra Dağlı poses in her Taekwondo uniform without
her hijab. Ⓒ Dağlı Instagram country, standards for wearing the hijab can vary based on re-

Women's Sports,
gion, customs, and family norms. Does the Hijab Obstruct Equality?
❸ Figure skater Zahra Lari from the United Arab Emirates Until 2014, FIFA had prohibited female players from wearing a Even a decade after FIFA lifted the hijab-wearing restriction,
wearing the sports hijab. Ⓒ Nike
hijab during matches. The justification was a game regulation consensus has not been reached within the soccer world. In

and Taekwondo
that stated, “Players cannot wear unnecessary items that may June, the French State Council, France’s highest administrative
jeopardize their health and safety.” Without fully understand- court, ruled that there was no issue with the French Football
ing the significance of the hijab, it was seemingly treated on Federation (FFF) policy prohibiting female soccer players from
par with jewelry like earrings or necklaces. wearing the hijab.
Text by Song, Ji hoon (Editorial Board Member) However, even after FIFA allowed Muslim female soccer play-
ers to wear hijabs in 2014, for nearly a decade until Benzina’s The FFF and the French court diverged from FIFA's stance be-
appearance, no player donned one on the World Cup main cause expressing personal religious beliefs by wearing the hi-
stage. This suggests that more than the permissibility of wear- jab violates the ‘principle of equality.’ While individuals have
ing a hijab during sports matches, it’s crucial whether a coun- the right to express their beliefs on the field proudly, there is
try provides an environment conducive for women to enjoy significance in upholding a mutual agreement not to display
On July 30th, a match in Adelaide, Australia, between South Korea and Morocco during the group stage second round of the 2023 sports. such beliefs. The State Council explained, “The FFF’s decision
Australia-New Zealand FIFA Women’s World Cup set a small yet significant milestone in world football history. While it was notewor- Morocco became the first Muslim-majority country spanning to prohibit symbols or clothing that reveal one’s political, phil-
thy that Morocco, making their Women’s World Cup debut, secured their first-ever victory by defeating South Korea 1-0, an even the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and North Africa to qualify osophical, or religious affiliation is appropriate. The respon-
more significant ‘event’ accompanied this match. On that day, Moroccan defender Nuhaila Benzina entered the field wearing a Hijab for the Women’s World Cup main stage. This accomplishment sibility and authority to regulate clothing and equipment to
(‫)با َج ِ ح‬, adhering to her cultural and religious beliefs. She was the first-ever player to compete in the Women’s World Cup wearing a stemmed from the nation’s steady growth in women’s soccer, ensure the safety of players and compliance with game rules
Hijab. set against a religious and cultural backdrop where women lie with the FFF. This may involve restricting the freedom to
When discussing the growth story of women’s sports, the conversation about the Hijab is inseparable. This is because the advance- can choose whether or not to wear a hijab. Benzina plays for express opinions and beliefs.”
ment of women athletes’ rights has paralleled the international sports policy changes regarding the wearing of the Hijab. Interest- a prestigious team that has won the Moroccan women’s soc-
ingly, among various sports, Taekwondo first proactively allowed female athletes to wear the Hijab and opened its doors. It’s an cer league eight times, making her the top national women’s This decision, which might seem outdated at first glance, is an-
essential piece of sports knowledge that anyone involved in Taekwondo should know. soccer star. chored in France’s principle of ‘Laïcité,’ which strictly separates

80 81
politics from religion. In France, laws prohibit all members, was officially codified. After two years of deliberation, 2009 it Look at the Achieve-
except visitors, in schools and government institutions from was formally announced that hijabs could be worn in all inter- ment, Not the Hijab
wearing clothing that signifies religious meaning, such as the national competitions, including the Olympics. Many human rights orga-
hijab. In connection with this, Gérald Darmanin, the French nizations criticize the hijab,
Interior Minister, emphasized, “It’s not just soccer. Wearing re- Subsequently, countries in the Middle East, including Iran, ex- claiming it oppresses Mus-
ligious clothing in any sport you wish to play is inappropriate. perienced a surge in the popularity of women’s Taekwondo, lim women culturally and
In the sports arena, there’s no need to know the religion of the which many attribute to this inclusive rule. In Iran, as the pop- religiously. However, when
person you’re up against.” ularity of Taekwondo soared, an exciting side effect emerged viewed from the perspective
due to their unique system where women train, coach, and of sports, it’s undeniable
She Just Took Off Her Hijab referee among themselves: a significant increase in job op- that the hijab has paved the
In the Islamic world, numerous countries, in stark contrast to portunities related to Taekwondo for women. way for countless Muslim fe-
France, mandate wearing the hijab, with Iran being a notable male athletes to break bar-
example. Last year, Iranian female chess player Sara Khadem The hijab-friendly policy championed by Taekwondo soon riers and venture into new
attended the International Chess Federation (FIDE) Rapid & spread to most other sports disciplines. In line with this trend, domains. The evolution of
Blitz Chess World Championship in Kazakhstan without wear- sports equipment companies quickly adapted. In 2017, Nike women’s Taekwondo with-
ing a hijab. She faced possible punishment for violating her ❼ introduced a sports hijab for Muslim women, drawing signif- in the Islamic world stands
country’s laws. Ultimately, Khadem migrated to Spain with her icant attention. Named the ‘Pro Hijab,’ Nike advertised it as as a testament. Instead of
family and was granted Spanish nationality and citizenship ❻❼ Taekwondo star Kübra Dağlı from Turkey is showcasing her form stretchy and breathable material, ensuring it stays in place being hindered by the hijab,
with a special permit from the Spanish Ministry of Justice.
while wearing a hijab. Ⓒ Dağlı Instagram
even during intense movements. Zahra Lari, a figure skater women have been allowed ❾
from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), commented, “The mere to practice Taekwondo. While ❾ İrem Yaman poses in her Taekwon-
It’s known that Khadem’s decision to change her nationality fact that a hijab designed for athletes exists is already moving. there was a time when the do uniform without her hijab. Ⓒ
was influenced by the plight of a fellow athlete who faced For those who, for their reasons, choose to wear the hijab and hijab, seen as ‘religious at- Dağlı Instagram
repercussions after competing without a hijab in a sports compete, it’ll significantly enhance their performance.” tire,’ was prohibited in inter-
climbing event hosted in South Korea. Iranian female climber national competitions, the
Elnaz Rekabi competed in the Asian Climbing Championships mood shifted, and most countries now embrace its inclusion. It’s
in Seoul wearing a hairband instead of a hijab. Once news of fortunate that in regions where cultural restrictions make it chal-
her appearance reached Iran, she faced significant challeng- the hijab in France and Iran are opposites. Yet, in the crossfire lenging for women to freely engage in Taekwondo, a mere com-
es upon her return. It was later revealed that she had been between the right to enjoy sports and religious beliefs, the mitment to “covering part of the face” allows them to embody
banned from leaving the country by Iranian women’s sports women in both countries face a “forced choice.” the spirit of the sport and compete on an international stage.
organizations, preventing her from participating in interna-
tional competitions. CNN reported that “Rekabi’s family home Taekwondo Changed the Hijab Culture Sports human rights experts unanimously express the hope
was forcibly demolished During the 2014 Incheon Asian Games, the Qatari women’s that someday, Muslim female athletes will have the complete
by Iranian authorities” and basketball team, slated to play their first match against Mon- freedom to choose whether or not to wear the hijab. They
aired footage of her trou- golia, withdrew due to FIBA’s (International Basketball Fed- acknowledge that resolving this issue may take time, stating,
bled brother, Dabood. eration) regulation forbidding wearing any headgear during “Until then, it’s vital to continually secure the right and posi-
matches. When officials instructed the Qatari players to re- tion to compete on stages that match their skill, even if they
While Iran has a conserva- move their hijabs in compliance with this rule, the team chose choose to wear the hijab.” Ideally, the focus on whether or not
tive societal atmosphere to forfeit the game regarding their religious beliefs. Facing an athlete wears a hijab should not be a point of public in-
due to religious and cultural significant backlash domestically and internationally, FIBA terest. On this topic, Kübra Dağlı, a Taekwondo star from Tur-
reasons, it doesn’t entirely revised their regulations two years later to allow ‘headgear,’ key who has competed in various international competitions
prohibit women from par- categorizing the hijab as a type of permitted headgear. wearing a hijab, pointed out, “Western media always paid at-
ticipating in sports. Women tention to my hijab rather than my achievements. That needs
can’t train alongside men, Among Olympic sports, Taekwondo has been at the forefront to change. It should be our achievements and success stories,
❻ female coaches must pre- of breaking barriers associated with the hijab. A decade be- not the hijab, that get the attention.”
pare female athletes, and fore the Incheon Asian Games incident in 2004, Taekwondo
women must referee matches—these are some stringent allowed Muslim women to wear the hijab during official com- The world should appreciate these athletes’ talent and skill

rules. And there’s one non-negotiable principle: the wearing petitions, aiming to provide them with equal opportunities to rather than their attire.
of the hijab. practice the sport. After a controversial event in 2007 where
❽ Iranian-born chess player Sara Khadem appeared in an international
Even though both countries claim to uphold “fundamental five female players wearing hijabs were disqualified from a re- competition without wearing a hijab and had to seek asylum in Spain.
principles based on national beliefs,” the policies regarding gional Taekwondo tournament in Quebec, Canada, this rule Ⓒ Khadem Instagram

82 83

Miracle of South Sudan:
Taekwondo as an Instrument of Peace
Text by Song, Ji hoon (Editorial Board Member) Photo by South Sudan Taekwondo Association

Thanks to the film “Don’t Cry for Me Sudan”, which covers the sacrificial story of the late Father Lee, Tae seok, South Sudan, one of
the poorest countries in Africa, is well-known in South Korea. In this nation, plagued by longstanding famine, war, and relentless
epidemics, Taekwondo has become a beacon of hope. Amidst these harsh conditions, the people of South Sudan embrace sports
as a new hope, with the “spirit of Taekwondo” serving as a solid pillar of support. The citizens of South Sudan affectionately refer
to Koreans, who generously support the spread of Taekwondo in both spirit and resources, as ‘Sabi’ (an indigenous African word
meaning ‘friend’), signifying their warmth and camaraderie.
The Taekwondo equipment donation ceremony occurred at a local
South Sudan school. Im, Heung se (right), the Vice Chairman of the
South Sudan Olympic Committee, is often called the “Godfather of A Martial Art of Peace to Heal the Wounds of War
South Sudanese sports” from Korea.
Taekwondo Leads the Way to IOC Membership Recently, in Juba, there have been a few indoor spaces where
South Sudan, separated from Sudan in 2011, marks its 13th people can learn Taekwondo in proper uniforms, but these
year as a newly independent country in East Africa. It is a are still in the minority. Many still learn Taekwondo outdoors
landlocked nation, bordering Ethiopia to the east, the Cen- Practicing “Taekwondo” with the Homeland South Korea amidst challenging conditions.
tral African Republic to the west, Uganda and Kenya to the The spread of Taekwondo in South Sudan began in 2012, a One of the reasons the people of South Sudan are drawn to
south, and Sudan to the north. Sadly, 80% of its population year after its independence. The starting point was when Taekwondo is its emphasis on defense over offense, repre-
is under 18, a lamentable change due to the prolonged wars Lieutenant Kim, Sung soo (7th Dan certified by Kukkiwon), senting it as a “martial art of peace.” Honorary Chairman Kim,
the country has experienced. Since its independence, in- who served as a helicopter pilot under the UN peacekeeping Ki chun stated, “The history of South Sudan is essentially a his-
ter-tribal conflicts have led to several civil wars, resulting in forces, began teaching the locals. After the first-generation tory of war. Most of its people have experienced wars, both
over 400,000 international refugees. students of Lt Kim visited Kukkiwon, sponsored by the South large and small, even before its independence, and thus, they
Sports have taken on the symbolic role of national recon- Sudan Korean Association, and received training, they started have a deep yearning for peace. Many South Sudanese reso-
struction after South Sudan's independence. Under the their activities as instructors. Taekwondo began to take root in nate with the core principles of Taekwondo, which emphasize
leadership of Im, Heung se, the Vice-Chairman of the South South Sudan firmly. courtesy and treating everyone with equality.”
Sudan Olympic Committee (SSOC) and often referred to as Subsequently, the promotion of Taekwondo within South Su- Vice Chairman Im, Heung se said, “Recently, the frequency of
the “Godfather of South Sudanese Sports”, South Sudan dan primarily took place in police academies, military bases, civil wars in South Sudan has been decreasing, and the nation
joined the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as its and officer training schools. Due to the harsh living condi- is quickly moving towards a period of stability. We hope that
206th member nation in 2015. To become an IOC member, tions, even after a decade, no Taekwondo dojangs in South the spirit of Taekwondo will serve as a focal point for the new
a country must join more than five international sports or- Sudan operate on the Korean concept of collecting student generation.” He further added, “We are preparing a project to
ganizations. Taekwondo, having already joined the World fees. Centered around the South Sudan Taekwondo Associa- send promising talents to Kukkiwon for training, aiming to en-
Taekwondo ) in 2012, led the forefront of the “South Sudan tion, Taekwondo classes are conducted in over 10 locations in hance the international competitiveness of Taekwondo.”
IOC Membership Campaign.” Subsequently, sports organi- and around Juba’s capital. In each area, dozens to hundreds of
zations for nine sports, including table tennis, basketball, students gather to learn Taekwondo.
volleyball, and boxing, were established quickly. Kim, Ki chun, an honorary chairman of the South Sudan Tae-
A year later, in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, South Su- kwondo Association and a former president of the South Su-
dan formed its national team and participated for the first dan Korean Association, has been funding the training equip-
time since its establishment. This united the hearts of its citi- ment, including uniforms and mats, as well as the salaries of
zens, devastated by prolonged civil wars. Vice-Chairman Im, the instructors for over a decade. He said, “Organizations in
Heung se explained, “When our athletes, bearing the South Korea, including Kukkiwon, the Taekwondo Promotion Foun-

Sudanese flag, entered the Olympic opening ceremony in dation, Korea National Sport University, the Korea Sports
Rio, the entire country was in tears. The Korean sports com- Promotion Foundation, and the Future Hope Organization,
munity took responsibility for many aspects, from the ath- provide significant support by supplying Taekwondo-related
letes’ uniforms to sponsorship for each sport. This is why the items. Despite the challenging conditions, seeing the sincere
Vice Chairman Im, Heung se of the South Sudan Olympic Committee
people of South Sudan regard South Korea, located on the The instructor (right) and young trainees from a local Taekwondo class in dedication of the people of South Sudan to Taekwondo train- (center) led the South Sudan Taekwondo athletes to participate in the
opposite side of the globe, as a brother-like friend.” South Sudan. ing fills me with hope and passion.” 2015 Chuncheon Korea Open and visited the Kukkiwon.

84 85

TAEKWONDO N ews From KOREA Text and Photo by Kukkiwon Public Relations

2023 Foreigner Taekwondo Exhibition & Korean Traditional 2023 Taekwondo Day Commemorative
Culture Festival Held Successfully Ceremony Held at Taekwondowon

The Foreigner Taekwondo

Exhibition & Korean Tradi-
tional Culture Festival in Ko-
Kukkiwon Unveils New Website Kukkiwon Publishes Taekwondo Training rea took place on Septem-
Kukkiwon (President Lee, Dong sup) launched a comprehensive Diary of Adult Female Beginners ber 23 at Kukkiwon. Hosted
website overhaul on September 1st. The Kukkiwon website (www. by Kukkiwon and Gangnam has been redesigned to allow visitors easy access District Office and organized
to information and news about Taekwondo and Kukkiwon. Re- by the Foreigner Taekwondo
sponsive web design was applied to various user environments, Culture Association in Korea,
allowing the website to be accessible and consistent across devic- the 2023 Foreigner Taekwon-
es like smartphones and tablets. do Exhibition & Korean Tra-
ditional Culture Festiva saw
participation from around
900 members of the Tae-
The ‘Beginner’s Training Diary’ of adult females kwondo family, including U.S.
who have never experienced Taekwondo was forces in Korea, multicultural
released on Kukkiwon’s YouTube channel on families, foreign workers, and
August 31. Starting with the first episode, one students. Participants enjoyed both the Taekwondo competition and
episode will be produced each month until the traditional Korean culture. They showcased their skills in spar-
On September 4, 2023, the Taekwondo Day
December, totaling four episodes. By candidly ring, poomsae, speed kicking, hand breaking, high jump kicking, and
commemoration ceremony was held at the
showcasing the process of adults experiencing more. They also experienced traditional Korean culture through top
Taekwondowon T1 Stadium. It was conduct-
and practicing Taekwondo for the first time, spinning, hoop throwing, kite flying, traditional dress wearing, and
ed under the theme ‘Taekwondo! Reborn as
they aim to highlight the unique features and more.
a World Culture’.
benefits of Taekwondo training.

WT, 2023 World Taekwondo Poomsae Open

Kukkiwon Actively Prepares Challenge to be held in November
Taekwondo Grading System for The 2023 World Taekwondo Poomsae Open Challenge will be held at the Taekwondo
the Disabled T1 Stadium from November 3rd for three days. This G4-graded international competi-
The Kukkiwon has formed a Task Force (TF) tion will be divided into national representative and open categories. The senior male
to establish a Taekwondo grading system and female winners of the national representative category will secure a ticket to par-
for disabled people and has begun its ac- ticipate in the 2024 Hong Kong WT Poomsae Championship. WT allows international
tivities in earnest. The TF for creating the participants to attend a Poomsae seminar during the competition period. Additionally,
grading system plans to gather feedback they plan to provide a program linked to local regions to experience Korean culture.
from frontline Taekwondo instructors for Applications can be made on the WT website until October 4th.
disabled people by the end of the year
and establish the Taekwondo grading sys-
tem for disabled people.

86 87
TAEKWONDO News from Around The World Text and Photo by Kukkiwon Public Relations Madagascar
News Madagascar Triumphs
in Taekwondo at the Indian Ocean Games

Text and Photo by Lee, Jung moo (Dispatched Instructor to Madagascar)

Bolivia Fiji From August 24 to 27, the Indian Ocean Games took place in Mad-
agascar. In this quadrennial event, where seven nations compete
to showcase their skills, six countries – including host nation Mad-
Business Agreement Ceremony with The Wave of Taekwondo Passion Resonates in agascar, Mayotte, Réunion, Mauritius, Maldives, and Comoros –
the Deputy Chief of Bolivia’s Police Force the Small Island Nation of Tuvalu battled for the title in Taekwondo. Madagascar won 13 gold, eight
MOU for the Advancement of silver, and three bronze medals.
Text and Photo by Ra, Sang hyun (Dispatched Instructor to Fiji)
Police Taekwondo Following the Military Despite challenging circumstances, where they only had one week
of practice due to the electronic hogus (protective gear) not arriv-
Text and photo by Park, Jun seok (Dispatched Instructor to
Bolivia) ing on time, Madagascar’s triumph was all the more remarkable.
Interestingly, Taekwondo almost didn’t make it as an event in these
games. Upon hearing the news of the potential exclusion of Tae-
kwondo, the South Korean embassy in Madagascar, along with
Lee, Jung moo, the dispatched Kukkiwon instructor, engaged in
discussions with government officials, ensuring that Taekwondo
remained a part of the competition.

Malaysia’s Royal Guard Recognizes
the Value of Taekwondo

On August 25, in La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, a busi- Text and Photo by Lee, Byung hee (Dispatched Instructor to Malaysia)

ness agreement ceremony was held between Guiller-

Since 2022, Malaysia has been conducting promotion
mo Tedi Chicon, the Deputy Chief of Bolivia’s Police
examinations every three months for the police mem-
Force, and Park, Jun seok, a Kukkiwon dispatched
bers of the Royal Guard tasked with protecting the king.
instructor. This agreement comes approximately four
The fact that the Royal Malaysian
months after a meeting with the Chief of Police on The small island nation of Tuvalu, located in the South
Police’s Royal Guard is trained in
April 28. It is exceptional that the Bolivian Chief of Pacific, is enthusiastic about Taekwondo. From August 5
Taekwondo signifies the martial
Police initially proposed an agreement to a foreign to 12, during the opening ceremony of Tuvalu’s Nation-
arts’s recognized value in mental
dispatched instructor. Instructor Park established al Elementary School Sports Festival, Ra, Sang hyun, a
discipline and practical self-de-
the Bolivian Military Taekwondo Association in less Taekwondo instructor dispatched from the Kukkiwon,
fense. Through these promotion
than five years, created a martial arts unit, trained showcased a demonstration and received applause. In-
tests, the Kukkiwon dan certificate
specialized Taekwondo leaders within the military structor Ra, who teaches local students, also engaged
is solidifying its position as a cred-
organization, and spread Taekwondo throughout the in an in-depth discussion regarding public education
ible certification. Members of the
entire military. Bolivia’s Police Force also requested to and the training of Taekwondo athletes in collaboration
Royal Guard train in Taekwondo
promote Taekwondo within the police, similar to the with representatives from Tuvalu’s police department,
every week from Monday to Thurs-
military, and to produce excellent martial arts black Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sports, and the presi-
day, between 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., cul-
belt holders. dent of the Taekwondo Association.
tivating solid mental discipline.

88 89
Indonesia Sri Lanka Turkmenistan
The 2023 Ambassador of Korea Cup in Sri Lanka South Korean Ambassador’s Cup
Honorary Black Belt Awarded to an Active Four-Star General Taekwondo Championship Broadcasted
Stands as the Premier Martial Arts Event
for His Contribution to Transforming Taekwondo from an Optional to a Mandatory Martial Art Live Nationwide for the First Time
Text and Photo by Lee, Ki su (Dispatched Instructor to Sri Lanka)
Text and Photo by Kwak, Young min (Dispatched Instructor to Indonesia) Text and Photo by
Lee, Jae soo (Dispatched Instructor to Turkmenistan)
The 2023 Ambassador of Ko-
rea Cup Taekwondo Cham-
pionship, sponsored by the
Embassy of Korea in Sri Lanka
and organized by the Sri Lan-
ka Taekwondo Association,
concluded its finals and award ceremony on July 8 at the BMICH
in Colombo. This event, featuring recognized Poomsae, freestyle The Turkmenistan Taekwondo Federation
Poomsae, team sparring, and Taekwondo gymnastics, has solidi- hosted the 11th South Korean Ambassa-
fied its position as the premier martial arts event in Sri Lanka and dor’s Cup Taekwondo Championship over
a platform for public cultural diplomacy. Over 2,000 participants two days, starting from July 15 at the Olym-
graced the finals and award ceremony. Notably, the presence of pic Stadium in Ashgabat, the capital city.
In August, Muhammad Ali, the Chief of Staff of the Indone- Forces, the police, the Ministry of Sports, and the National the Deputy Minister of Sports in Sri Lanka, the President and ex- In this championship, which only included
sian Navy, received an honorary 6th Dan certificate from Taekwondo Association attended the ceremony. Kim, Moo ecutives of the Taekwondo Association, the Vice-Chairman of the sparring matches, 215 participants fiercely
Kukkiwon for his contributions in transforming Taekwondo Cheon, a director from Kukkiwon, presented the honorary National Olympic Committee, military generals, the Chairman of competed for medals. Notably, this event
from an optional martial art to a mandatory one within the black belt to Chief of Staff Ali. Within the Indonesian Armed the CISM Taekwondo Committee, high-ranking police officials, marked the first time a local Taekwondo
Navy and Marine Corps. This holds significant meaning as Forces, Kwak, Young min, the Kukkiwon dispatched instruc- and leaders of Korean associations, not only illuminated the championship in Turkmenistan was broad-
it’s the first time in the history of Indonesian Taekwondo tor, and Major General Rakshaman Muda Edwin (two-star event but also underscored its significance. cast live nationwide.
that an active four-star general has been awarded an honor- general) are responsible for the promotion and guidance of
ary black belt. Representatives from the Indonesian Armed Taekwondo.
Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team On August 5, an invited performance by the Kukkiwon
Pakistan Shines at the Ambassador of Korea Taekwondo
Tournament in Jordan
Taekwondo Demonstration Team and the Ambassa-
dor of Korea Taekwondo Tournament in Jordan took
place at Princess Sumaya Hall in the Amman Sports
Ambassador of Pakistan to Korea, Munir: “Promoting The Embassy of Pakistan in Korea hosted a banquet
Text and Photo by Lee, Chul kwon (Dispatched Instructor to Jordan) City in Jordan. The opening ceremony was attended
Pakistan’s National Prestige through Taekwondo” on August 18-20 in honor of the medalists from
by not only officials from the Jordan Taekwondo As-
the World Beach Taekwondo Championships and
sociation but also approximately 1,500 Taekwondo
Text and Photo by Choi, Sung oh (Dispatched Instructor to Pakistan) the World Octagon Diamond Games, held in Son-
practitioners and instructors, who gave generous
gam Sports Town, Chuncheon, Gangwon Province.
applause for the high-quality performance of the
Pakistan clinched a bronze medal in the Poomsae
Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team. For the
doubles event for men and women under 30 at the
cadet category (ages 12-14) of the tournament, about
World Beach Championships and another bronze in
100 players from Jordan participated. As a particular
the over 80 kg category at the World Octagon Dia-
segment, a demonstration by young trainees learn-
mond Games. Nabeel Munir, Ambassador of Paki-
ing Taekwondo in Zaatari and Azraq Syrian refugee
stan to Korea, remarked, “In Pakistan, cricket often
camps in northern Jordan made the event even more
takes the limelight regarding sports. However, I’m
grateful that Taekwondo recognizes Pakistan inter-
nationally by achieving great results.”
※ Kukkiwon has dispatched 53 Taekwondo instructors to 55 countries worldwide. The instructors dispatched abroad have brought
back global Taekwondo news.

90 91
PHOTO NEWS The 17th 3rd Degree Taekwondo Self-defense Instructor Qualification Training

“This Heat is Nothing Compared to Our Taekwondo Passion!”

Text & Photos by Kukkiwon Public Relations

The Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Training Center held the 17th 3rd Degree Taekwondo Self-defense Instructor Qualification Training
from August 12th to 14th at the Yeongcheon Indoor Gymnasium in North Gyeongsang Province. As part of the ‘Mobile Training Edu-
cation’ initiative, the training was conducted amidst the enthusiastic participation of 202 trainees and included segments on a) Key
Techniques b) Basic Movements Using Tools c) Combined with Actions of Key Techniques. Amidst a heatwave that saw temperatures
rise to 32℃, the Training Center and the North Gyeongsang Province Taekwondo Association took special care to ensure the train-
ees were not overly tired. Since the beginning of this year, Kukkiwon has been vigorously promoting and establishing Taekwondo
self-defense instruction and education, aiming for the ‘Activation of Mobile Taekwondo Self-defense Instructor Training and Educa-

The sweltering heat surpassing 30℃ couldn’t dampen the trainees’

passionate participation in the training.

Instructors Choi, Jeong heon (left) and Yoon, Bong sik demonstrate Taekwondo
self-defense's main techniques.

At the opening ceremony of the 17th 3rd-degree Taekwondo

Self-defense Instructor Qualification Training held at the Yeo-
ngcheon Indoor Gymnasium in North Gyeongsang Province
on August 12th, Kim, Se hyuk, the Director of the Training In-
stitute, is delivering his opening remarks.

The 202 participants are divided into two groups, receiving detailed guid- The instructors are immersed in teaching the precise techniques of Taekwondo Before the practical training, Kim, Chung hwan, the instructor of
ance. The seriousness can be discerned from their precise movements self-defense, correcting each participant's posture individually. the training institute (right), explains the theory of self-defense. To
and postures without any deviations. his left is Instructor Ku, Beom jun.

92 93
GRAPHIC NEWS Benefits of Practicing Taekwondo <2> Boosting Confidence

Taekwondo Training for Improved

Self-Esteem and Physical Confidence
Text and Photo by Nam, Sang seok (Senior Researcher, Kukkiwon Taekwondo Research Institute)

The Kukkiwon Taekwondo Research Institute conducted a meta-analysis of 803 domestic academic papers
from 1985 to 2019 to investigate the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of consistent practice of
Taekwondo. Meta-analysis is a method that systematically categorizes existing research results and quantita-
tively synthesizes specific influences, recognized as the highest level of evidence in the current scientific and
medical community.

Increased Social Increased Academic Increased Perceived Increased Physical

Self-esteem Self-esteem Physical Abilities Self-expression Confidence
Data from 6 previous studies Data from 6 previous studies Data from 8 previous studies Data from 8 previous studies
involving a total of 2,359 involving a total of 1,586 involving a total of 2,758 involving a total of 2,758
participants (1,214 Taekwondo participants (818 Taekwondo participants (1,487 Taekwondo participants (1,487 Taekwondo
practitioners and 1,145 practitioners and 768 practitioners and 1,271 practitioners and 1,271
non-practitioners). non-practitioners). non-practitioners). non-practitioners).

Taekwondo Training Promotes Happiness and Positive Self-esteem

When comparing individuals who practiced Taekwondo for 12 weeks with those who did not, it was found that
practicing Taekwondo led to approximately a) a 6.9% increase in feelings of self-respect in a social context, b) a
7.0% increase in feelings of self-respect academically, c) a 7.0% improvement in the ability to assess one’s physi-
cal abilities, and d) a 4.4% enhancement in the ability to express physical self-confidence. Consistent practice at
least three times a week for 12 weeks is necessary to achieve these improvement effects through Taekwondo
These results suggest that individuals who engage in regular Taekwondo training develop self-belief and hap-
piness, leading to a positive attitude where they feel confident to take on challenges. The improvement in
self-respect and physical self-confidence through Taekwondo training reflects the inherent value of self-culti-
vation in Taekwondo.
While it is expected that social and physical aspects would improve through Taekwondo training, the increase
in self-confidence academically is a noteworthy result. This phenomenon may be attributed to the unique
values embedded in Taekwondo training, but it is also likely influenced by the surrounding environment, in-
cluding instructors and programs. The fact that Taekwondo extends beyond martial arts to offer various values
is a fascinating phenomenon.

※ Detailed information can be found on the Kukkiwon website ( Taekwondo Research → “Academic Data and
Information” → “Academic Material” (No. 26).

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