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1. A gas expands from 3 dm3 to 5 dm3 against a constant pressure of 3 atm. The work done during expansion
is used to heat 10 moles of water of temperature 290 K. Calculate final temperature of water. Specific heat
of water = 4.184 J/g-K. [ 1atm-L = 101.3J]
2. 10 g of argon gas is compressed isothermally and reversibly at a temperature of 27oC from 10 L to 5 L.
Calculate q, W, U and H for this process. R = 2 cal/K-mol , log 2 = 0.30 , atomic wt. of Ar = 40.
3. A sample of argon gas at 1 atm pressure and 27oC expands reversibly and adiabatically from 1.25 dm3 to
2.5 dm . Calculate the enthalpy change in this process. CV,m for argon is 12.48 J/K-mol.,   = 0.633
4. Two moles of a perfect gas undergo the following process:
a) a reversible isobaric expansion from (1 atm, 20 L) to (1 atm, 40 L)
b) a reversible isochoric change of state from (1 atm, 40 L) to (0.5 atm, 40 L)
c) a revesible isothermal compression from (0.5 atm, 40 L) to (1 atm, 20 L)
Calculate W, q, U, H and S.
5. 1
Show that the reaction CO( g ) + O2 ( g ) → CO2 ( g ) at 300K is spontaneous and exothermic, when standard
entropy change is – 0.094 kJ/mol-K. The standard Gibbs free energies of formation for CO2 and CO are –
394.4 and – 137.2 kJ/mol respectively.
6. Water is boiled under a pressure of 1 atm. When an electric current of 0.50 A from a 12 V supply is
passed for 300 sec through a resistance in thermal contact with it, it is found that 0.789 g of water is
vaporised. Calculate the molar internal energy and enthalpy changes at boiling point (T = 373.15K)
7. 1 mole of an ideal gas undergoes reversible isothermal expansion from an initial volume V1 to a final
volume 10V1 and does 10 kJ of work. The initial pressure was 1 x 107 Pa.
a) Calculate V1.
b) If there were 2 mole of gas, what must its temperature have been?
8. A lead bullet weighing 18 g and travelling at 500 m/s is embedded in a wooden block of 1.00 kg. If both the
bullet and the block were initially at 25oC, what is the final temperature of block containing bullet? Assume
no temperature loss to the surroundings.
(Heat capacity of wood = 0.5 kcal/kg-K; of lead = 0.030 kcal/kg-K)
9. The enthalpy change involved in the oxidation of glucose is – 2880 kJ/mol. Thwenty five percent of this
energy is available for muscular work. If 100 kJ of muscular work is needed to walk one kilometre, what is
the maximum distance that a person will be able to walk after eating 120g of glucose?
[molar mass of glucose = 180]
10. Calculate H of for chlorine ion from the following date:
1 1
H 2 ( g ) + Cl2 ( g ) → HCl ( g ); H of = −92.4kJ
2 2
HCl ( g ) + nH 2O → H + (aq) + Cl − (aq ); H o = −74.8kJ
(H of ) of H + (aq) = 0.0kJ
11. 3.67 L of ethylene and methane gaseous mixture on complete combustion at 25oC produce 6.11 L of CO2.
Find out the amount of heat evolved on burning one litre of the gaseous mixture. The heat of combustion
of C2H4 and CH4 are – 1423 and – 891 kJ/mol at 25oC.
12. Using the data (all values in kcal/mol at 25oC) given below, calculate bond energy of C – C and C – H
C ( s) → C ( g ) H = 172
H 2 ( g ) → 2H ( g ) H = 104
H 2 ( g ) + 1 2 O2 ( g ) → H 2O(l ) H = −68.0
C ( s ) + O2 ( g ) → CO2 ( g ) H = −94.0
Heat of combustion of C2H6 = – 372
Heat of combustion of C3H8 = – 530

FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000





17. One mole ideal monoatomic gas is heated gas according to path AB
and AC. If temperature of state B and C are equal. Calculate AC ×10
q AB

18. There are two vessels. Each of them contains one mole of a monoatomic ideal gas. Initial volume of the
gas in each vessel is 8.3  10−3 m3 at 27C. Equal amount of heat is supplied to each vessel. In one of the
vessel, the volume of the gas is doubled without change in its internal energy, where as the volume of the
gas is held constant in the second vessel. The vessels are now connected to allow free mixing of the gas.
Find the final temperature of the combined gas in Kelvin. (take ln2 = 0.6931)
19. From the given graph below which is correct?

(A) In process IV, V = 0, compression (B) In process III, E = 0, expansion

(C) In process I, H = 0, compression (D) In process II, E = 0, expansion

FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000


21. Hydrogen atom is its ground state is excited by means of monochromatic radiation of wavelength 970.6Å.
How many different wavelengths are possible in the resulting EMISSION spectrum? [hc = 1.986×10–25 J-
m] :
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6


FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000

Comprehension (25 – 26)



In the graph between υ and Z for the Mosley’s equation, the intercept OX is -1 on υ axis. What is
the frequency when atomic number (Z) is 51?

(A) 50 Hz (B) 100 Hz (C) 2500 Hz (D) None




FIITJEE Office: A-3 Nandalal Bithi, City Center, Durgapur -713216. Ph. 03432542642, 03432542643, 9679997745
National Admission Office: FIITJEE Ltd. FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph-46106000

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