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What are the four phases of External supply chain What are supplier service Steps to determine

the project process? components characteristics? deviations from the forecast

What are the factors that What are the five When is the capacity bill
What are performance
capital projects are components of supply procedure most
targets focused around?
evaluated on? chain? appropriate?

What are some of the

Quantitative factors of
typical financial methods What are some examples of Steps in the capacity bill
modification of existing
that are used to evaluate a order confirmation? procedure

Qualitative factors of
Order entry flow includes What are the final assembly
Average ROI formula modification of existing
what functions? schedule process steps?

What are the four segments Accounting and finance

Levels of supply chain
in a supplier segmentation responsibilities in the order Modular planning bill
exercise? entry flow process

Elements of relationships
What are some risks of Logistics order entry flow
between customer and Common parts planning bill
doing a project? responsibilities

Criteria for evaluating an

Factor for determining the Sales and marketing order
alliance relationship with a Super planning bill
IRR formula entry flow responsibilities
Why is it important to have
Production control
What does the Statement of Benefits of horizontal senior management's
responsibilities during order
work (SOW) define? integration ongoing participation in the
entry flow
S&OP process?

Work breakdown structure Product and service Customer order flow: make
The S&OP process provides:
(WBS) provides what? development stages to stock environment

What customer dates

Pert formula for task Methods used when
should be recorded in all S&OP Process Steps
completion time accumulating actual costs

In a make to stock
environment there are two What are the six
What are the five stages 3 main methods of dates associated with a considerations that should
that a team goes through? allocating overhead customer-requested item, be addressed in the S&OP
date, and quantity, what are process?

In the service and make to

order environments what
Before a project can be 6 categories of
are the dates that may be
closed out, what tasks must organizational S&OP grids
associated with a customer
be completed? measurements
requested item, quantity,
and date?

What are the three

Total contribution Margin
Transportation inventories characteristics for various Subprocesses in forecasting
types of orders?

What are the order

Lot size inventory Contribution margin ratio Steps in demand planning
promising methods?
Customer requested
Break even point in Steps in the supply planning
Fluctuation inventory delivery dates order
monetary units formula process:
promising method

Standard lead time

Required sales revenue Objectives of the
Anticipation Inventory approach to customer
formula preliminary S&OP meeting
promise dating

Uncommitted inventory and What are the procedures to

Hedge inventory Required sales units formula planned production method develop the production
of customer order dating plan?

Uncommitted resources of
What are the assumptions What are the 4 Rs of supply Resource planning process
all types method of
of the EOQ model? chain agility? flow:
customer order dating

What are the four primary What are the four basics
What are the four steps of Positions on the volume-
approaches to demand methods of resource
the MRP planning process? variety matrix
fulfillment? planning?

What are the business

What are the three
What questions does environment factors that
Shrinkage factor formula categories of production
business planning answer? affect customer
planning costs?
commitment decisions?

Strategic customer service

Adjusted gross requirement External inputs to business Monthly production rate
measurements are based on
formula planning formula (MTS)
what categories?
What are the three
categories of characteristics Internal inputs to business What are internally focused Monthly production rate
of the detailed planning and planning customer measurements? formula (MTO)
scheduling process?

What are the three main

What are some other
objectives of the Detailed
Output of business planning focused customer Ending inventory formula
Scheduling and Planning

Ways in which business

What is the difference
planning is interrelated with
between bucketless and Level of service metrics Ending backlog formula
master planning of
bucketed planning systems?

What are the three ways

waiting time can be What are the three major Variance percentage
Customer service ratio
reduced in service components of MPR? formula

Fill rate based on volume is

Inputs to demand Cumulative variance
Safety capacity calculated from one of what
management formula
three formulas?

Principle of postponement
Demand management Percent of complete orders
Surge capacity (aka order penetration
outputs shipped on time formula

Percent of order line items What are some commonly

Sales and ops planning
Scheduling capacity shipped on schedule used form oils of
formula postponement?
What are the four
Percent of total units categories that distribution
Sales and ops planning
Planned utilization shipped on schedule (not policy choices an
recommended) organization must make fall

What are the 4 interrelated

Fill rate based on value is
choices that affect the
Planned efficiency Master Scheduling Inputs calculated using one of
structure of a company's
which two formulas?
distribution network?

What are the transportation

Percent of order value
Outputs of master choices that affect a
Productive capacity shipped on schedule
scheduling company's distribution

What are the 4 basic What are the two types of

Percent of unto dollar
Protective capacity business choices a company forecast approaches in a
volume formula
makes that influence MPR? distribution system?

What formula should be

used to calculate customer
What relationship is
fill rate in the make-to- What are some inventory
Idle capacity demand fulfillment based
order, assemble-to-order, replenishment methods?
and engineer-to-order

Qualitative forecasting Percent of jobs shipped on Delivery performance

Excess capacity
methods schedule calculation

Percent of revenue shipped

on schedule formula - for
Period 1 planned Backlog Quantitative extrinsic Responsiveness
internal measurement
formula forecasting methods performance calculation
revenue shipped on
At what value does the
tracking signal indicate that
Planned backlog after Quantitative intrinsic
What is master scheduling? there is bias in the forecast
period 1 formula forecasting methods
that needs to be

What are the primary

storage area organization Key aspects of forecasting Why do master scheduling? Tracking signal formula

What are the four major

Targeted inventory level What does master What are the four types of
forecasting system design
formula scheduling do? distribution?

What are the three

What are the two measurements for forecast What does master time-phased order point
components of quality? error at a single point in scheduling achieve? (TPOP)

What are the three

How do you determine the
commonly used What does master 3 main ways of allocating
number of classes in a
measurements of forecast scheduling involve? overhead
error over time?

What are the parts of a two

Basic 7 quality tools Tracking signal Costing methods
level MPS?

Running Sum of Forecast

Seven new tools of quality Inputs to master scheduling Mixed model scheduling
Errors (RSFE)
What are the three steps in
what are the 5 What are the three phases
master production Two level MPS
organizational designs? of the sales cycle?

What are the outputs of Order wise finite scheduling

What are the attributes of a Ways that a promise date
master production vs order oriented
sound strategy? can be applied
scheduling? scheduling

Two categories of customer What are the outputs of the

Five forces model Planning Bill of Material
service metrics master scheduling process?

What tasks must the master

What are the 4 product life Two dimensions of scheduler perform in discrete available-to-
cycles? responsiveness addition to executing the promise
master scheduling process?

What are the performance What is the difference

Innovation market entry
measurements related to between deviations from Infinite Loading Technique
customer service? plan and changes to plan?

What are the three ways

Flexibility market entry What are the three phases Order oriented vs order
proposed changes can be
strategy of the sales cycle? wise scheduling

Standardized market entry What are the elements of What are the two types of
Finite loading
strategy the pre-transaction phase? master schedule hedges?
What are some commonly
What are the elements of Constraints oriented finite
Blunder market strategy used measures of
the transaction phase? loading

What are the three major

5 Organizational design What are the pre-order Operations oriented finite
sub processes of Master
structures activities? loading

Interns supply chain What are the elements of PAB formula after the Network planning
components the post transaction phase? demand time fence techniques
Competence - are the suppliers representatives
capable of doing their jobs and are the
knowledgeable? Creditability - can the supplier
Step 1: determine if the deviation was
Project evaluation and selection Project and it's representatives be believed? Courtesy -
Parts of the supply chain that organization significant Step 2: determine of the deviation
planning Project implementation Project does the supplier treat the customer
doesn't have control over was real Step 3: determine if the forecast is still
closeout professionally and with consideration?
Understanding - does the suppliers
representative understand the customers
needs, expectations, and interests?

In a environment where resources are not

Cost/benefit analysis Time value of money
Plan Source Make Deliver Return Quality Cost/price Delivery Reliability Support aligned with product families and changes in
Present value of future payments Risk
volume and product family mix are moderate

Step 1: develop capacity bills Step 2: determine

Inventory status Credit Pricing Shipping and
Simple payback Average return on investment Transportation costs Utility costs Local labor the capacity available Step 3: calculate the
handling costs Delivery schedule Open order
Net present value Internal rate of return skills and rates Taxes Facility costs capacity required Step 4: accumulate the
status Status of backorder
required capacity Step 5: identify imbalances

Step 1: determine material required and

rooting of order Step 2: check material
Closeness to suppliers Closeness to customers availability Step 3: schedule the final assembly
Accounting/finance Logistics Sales and
Average operating income/investment Quality of life for workforce Legal issues order Step 4: update the final assembly orders
marketing Production control
Community attitude Step 5: update the master production
schedules Step 6: release the final assembly

Level 1: functional and process improvement

Level 2: savings and excellence Level 3: Credit check Value order Maintain customer Groups the components that are needed when
Core Growth Nuisance Profitable
strategic sourcing Level 4: collaboration Level 5: record Reports a specific feature or option is specified

Length of the project to complete Newness of Closeness Trust Sharing success Long term
Groups all of the common components for a
the technology How accurate the costs and Multiple Points of communication Joint Consolidate shipments Communicate with
product or family of products into one bill of
savings are Operating costs Exchange risk learning Coordination Information Problem carriers Shipping documentation
Additional investment required solving Assets

Company profile Cost structure Management

capability Personnel capabilities Total quality
management philosophy Process and
technological capability Environmental Ties the modular bills and common parts bills
Communicate with sales reps Sales
Investment in the project/net annual cash flow regulation compliance Financial together to define an entire product or product
performance against forecast
capability/stability Production scheduling and family
control systems Information systems capability
Supplier sourcing strategies, policies, and
techniques Longer term relationship potential
1) the process provides a direct link between
senior management and functional
management, and between functions at all
Scope Benefits Expected results Measurements Economies of scale Economies of scope
Product availability Master planning levels of the organization 2) broad trade off
Resources Risks Increased market power Reduction in costs
decisions require senior management
perspective 3) senior management can force
difficult decisions to be made

Visibility into the future so potential

imbalances can be recognized before they
The essential framework of what needs to be
actually occur Balancing of product family
done and when for a project. The overall goal is Concept investigation Design preparation Order entry item validation process Order entry
volume which ensures that functional plans are
to clearly define the deliverables needed to Prototype phase Pilot phase Mfg ramp up pricing process Priority for allocation of goods
consistent and mutually supportive
complete the project and to show the Continuous improvement Phase out Packaging of goods for shipment
Appropriate level for senior management
ownership of each deliverable.
involvement to set direction and make
necessary decisions

Step 1: run the sales forecast Step 2: demand

(O + 4ML + P)/6 O - most optimistic time ML- Customer order date Receipt date Order
Process Job Project planning Step 3: supply planning Step 4: pre-
most likely P - most pessimistic processing date
S&OP meeting Step 5: executive S&OP

1) establishing the planning horizon far enough

into the future to include the business plans. It
should also be longer than the longest
cumulative lead time 2) establishing product
families convenient for the various functions of
Forming Storming Norming Performing Requested date - represents demand Shipment
the organization and dividing units of measure
Reforming date - represents fulfillment of that demand
to be used for each product family 3)
determining resource definitions, considering
only those that will constrain the production
plans. This might include critical raw materials,
critical skills, and funding. 4) deciding what to
forecast as input to the process in order to

Documentation Post-implementation audit Cross functional grids that combine demand,

Individual Process Operational Financial Local Requested date Initial committed date Latest
Final report Close-out meeting Closing supply, and inventory or backlog for a product
Global committed date Ship date
operations and gaining customer approval family. Should have one for MTS & MTO

1) all orders for services require a promise of

future delivery of the service 2) all orders in the
1) update data for the month just ended 2)
assemble-to-order, make-to-stock, and
execute any automated forecasting processes
Goods that exist because of the time needed to (Sales revenue - (total variable costs x variable engineer-to-order environments require a
3) generate data for forecasting by sales and
transport goods from one location to another cost per unit)) promise of future shipment or delivery 3) some
marketing 4) disseminate the data 5) capture
orders in the make-to-stock and distribution
and disseminate performance data
environments require a promise of future
shipment or delivery

Also referred to as cycle stock, this inventory is Customer requested delivery dates Standard
1) develop management forecasts 2)
maintained because it was not procured in the Contribution Margin / Sales (Variable cost per lead times Uncommitted inventory and
management review and approval 3) create the
exact amount needed. Average is generally 1/2 unit/sales revenue per unit) planned production Uncommitted resources of
initial S&OP grids
what is procured at one time all types
All customer requested delivery dates are
1) develop the preliminary supply plan 2)
accepted regardless of the work to be done.
Inventory that is maintained to compensate for perform resource planning 3) develop
Total fixed costs/contribution margin per unit This is a very risky approach as a next day
fluctuations in supply and demand inventory or backlog plans 4) create updated
delivery for a two week lead time item would
S&OP grids
be accepted for example

1) make decisions regarding the balancing of

demand and supply 2) resolve issues and
A firm commits to delivery of product a certain
Represents the inventory maintained to formulate a single set of recommendations 3)
(Total fixed costs + target time after receipt of the order This is sufficient
compensate for planned changes in supply and document the issues that could not be resolved
income)/contribution margin ratio when lead times are consistent and sufficient
demand or lead-time and alternate courses of action for each 4)
capacity exists
develop the agenda for the executive S&OP

1) develop the preliminary supply plan 2)

Represents the goods maintained as a buffer The "available-to-promise" method Order is
perform resource planning 3) develop
against some event that may or may not (Fixed costs + target income) / margin per unit matched with either available units in inventory
inventory or backlog plans 4) update the S&OP
happen or units in a planned production lot

This is referred to as the "capable-to-promise"

1) determine resource availability by period 2)
-the demand rate is constant, recurring, and method of order dating Most complex, uses a
determine resource requirements by period 3)
known -the carrying cost rate is independent of Responsiveness Reliability Resilience finite scheduling model of the production and
significant imbalances? If no then done 4) if
the order qty -the lead time is constant and Relationships distribution system. Simulation and
significant imbalances, revise plan to resolve
known -orders arrive in a single batch optimization methods may be employed in this
differences and go back to step 2

1) production rates: appropriate when critical

resources are aligned with product families, not
adequate of resources aren't aligned 2)
capacity planning using overall factor (CPOF):
Step 1: initiate the MRP planning grid Step 2: Position 1: project, engineer to order Position
Customer requested delivery date Standard most appropriate for a stable environment 3)
project the on-hand balance Step 3: plan 2: batch, make to order Position 3: line,
lead times Available-to-promise Capable-to- bill of resources: most appropriate for when
additional supply orders Step 4: replay all assemble to order Position 4: continuous, make
promise resources are not aligned with families, but
affected components to stock
planning periods and lead times are similar 4)
resource profiles method: most appropriate
when resources aren't aligned, lead time and
planning time vary

Rate of change in technology and markets

Where, how many, how, and who in order to Inventory costs Rate change costs Capacity
(100% - yield factor)/yield factor Complexity of product configuration
move a firm towards attaining a strategic goal change costs
Constraints in meeting demand

(Sum of demand over planning horizon +

Market needs, demographics, economics, Quality Support Level of service Lateness
(Unadjusted gross requirements)/(1-scrap (planned ending inventory-beginning
government actions, technology, and Responsiveness Requirements of the
factor) inventory)/number of months in planning
competition marketplace Policies of the firm
Customer retention - measuring the
percentage of customers who are still being
served Growth of customer base - calculating
the difference between the ending base and
(Sum of demand over planning horizon +
Principles, stakeholders, resources, the actual number of new customers that were
(beginning backlog - planned ending
Design Performance Operation competencies, critical goals, and functional added to the base throughout the year
backlog)/number of months in planning
plans Performance to budget - how well are we
performing to plan? Headcount and
transaction by type Adherence to policies and
guidelines - could be how many shipped orders
followed the correct order processing policy
Average maximum time for orders - measures

-ensure that all resources are available when

and where necessary -communicate any
restraints that will prevent the organization The business plan which is a direct input into Customer complaints Labeling and shipping
Beginning inventory + production - demand
from meeting the upper level plans - Master planning of resources errors Customer returns
communicate the detailed plans and any
revised plans to all functional areas

Strategic Objectives set financial targets Measure the firms ability to satisfy customers
Bucketless systems use daily planning
Financial objectives set MPR revenue forecasts requirements from inventory or planned
increments, and bucketed use planning Beginning inventory + forecast - production
Key functional plans become inputs to the production Should be an element for the
increments greater than one day
master planning of resource process balanced scorecard

Information technology can be used Employees Also called fill rate Can be calculated based on
Demand management, sales and operations (Actual production - planned production) /
can be cross trained The service design can be monetary units, orders, line items, or physical
planning, and master scheduling planned production
improved units Typically stated as a percentage

Percent of complete orders shipped on

Business plan, including sales forecast, schedule - doesn't account for value or
fulfillment strategies, and updates on market importance and is affected by the number of
activity Demand history from past shipments items per order it is a strong indicator of (Cumulative actual production - cumulative
A quantifiable capacity that is available over
and customer inquiries Current customer customer satisfaction Percent of order line planned production) / cumulative planned
and above productive capacity
orders, current backlog, and any new bids or items shipped on schedule - indicated the production
proposals that could require resources in the degree of individual item availability Percent of
time period Market intelligence total units shipped on schedule - ignores value
of importance and is not recommended

This strategy involves delaying the

commitment of finished goods by deferring the
(Number of orders shipped on schedule during final assembly, packaging, or labeling as long
Capacity available to meet sudden, unexpected Forecasts Current customer orders that have
the period/number of orders scheduled to be as possible. The objective of this tactic is to
increases in demand contract releases or due dates
shipped during the period)x100 minimize the risk of carrying inventory in the
distribution system by delaying product
differentiation to the latest practical moment.

Business plans Product family forecasts from

(Number of items shipped on schedule during Commitment Delay of title transfer Final
Uses safety stock and safety lead time to buffer demand management Production plan from
the period/number of items scheduled to be assembly, blending, or finishing Labeling Bulk
uncertainty in an MRP system the previous S&OP time period Inventory and
shipped during the period)x100 breaking
backlog levels
Sales plan Inventory plan and/or the backlog 1) structure of the distribution network 2)
(Number of units shipped on schedule during
Is a measure of how intensely a resource is plan Production plan Product release plan, if infrastructure of the distribution system 3)
the period/number of units scheduled to be
being used to produce a good or service applicable Resource plan Financial or other transportation of goods 4) distribution
shipped during the period)x100
functional plans inventory management

Production plan from S&OP Conflicts identified

in S&OP Master production schedule from the
1) number of stocking levels 2) number and
The ratio of standard load versus actual old, previous master planning time period Final
Percent of order value shipped on schedule placement of stocking locations 3) functions
averaged over all operations performed at a assembly schedules from the previous planning
Percent of unto dollar volume performed at each location 4) ownership and
work center time period New customer orders received
operation of each location
since the previous master planning time period
Inventory and planning data

Master production schedule Final assembly

The maximum out the output capabilities of a schedule Rough cut capacity load profiles (Value of orders shipped on schedule during Modes of transport to be employed Routing of
resource or the market demand for that output Resolutions to any conflicts identified in sales the period/value of orders scheduled to ship shipments Selection of carrier Ownership of
for a given period of time and operations planning Identified changes during the period)x100 transportation equipment
needed to sales and operations planning

Aggregation: demand starts at local stocking

Is quantifiable capacity that can be made
Approach to demand fulfillment Manufacturing (Value of units shipped on schedule during the points and is then aggregated upward
available at a non constraint work center to
process Facility layout Method of workflow period/value of units scheduled to be shipped Disaggregation: allocation on forecast starts
protect against fluctuation of the constraint
control during the period)x100 with the total system demand and is then
work center
allocated downward to the next level

Capacity that is normally not used in a system Jobs instead of customer orders Committed
The relationship between lead time required by
of linked resources. From theory of constraints date to determine what was scheduled to be Visual review Two-bin Min-max Periodic review
the customer and the cumulative lead time for
perspective, idle capacity consists of protective shipped Committed date to indicate when Order point Distribution requirements planning
the product
and excess capacity service was to be provided

The output capability at a non constraint

Sales force estimate, Delphi method, panel (Number of jobs shipped on schedule/number 1/3 line item fill rate + 1/3 order fill rate + 1/3
resource that exceeds the productive and
consensus, expert opinion, and market research of jobs scheduled to be shipped)x100 revenue fill rate
protective capacity required

1/2 percentage of calls completed + value for

Starting planned backlog + planned input - Regression analysis, lifecycle analysis, and (Revenue from jobs shipped/revenue from jobs
number of rings to answer + value for most
planned output econometric models scheduled to be shipped)x100
rings before answer
The process of creating a plan that will: Drive
Previous period planned backlog + planned Moving average, weighted moving average, production Execute the production plan
Greater than 3
input - planned output exponential smoothing Provide product to satisfy demand Provide
information for order promising

Cost effectiveness: the costs of managing the

forecasting process must be proportional to
the magnitude of the business decisions being
made Horizon: the forecast must support the
lead times of the business decision 1: failure to plan means planning to fail 2: the
Fixed location Random location Zone location Aggregation: the forecast must be at the quality of our master scheduling process will RSFE/MAD
appropriate level of precision Timelines: the determine the success of the entire operation
forecast must be generated in time to meet the
deadlines of the business decisions Accuracy:
acceptable forecast error limits must be
established and achieved Accountability: when
Business performance
decision: is unacceptable,
the forecasting process must
be designed to support one or more business
decisions System performance: the forecasting
process must contain appropriate
T = D(LT + R) + SS T - targeted inventory level measurements to evaluate performance It links strategic planning with operational
Discerning distribution: Selective distribution
D - demand rate LT - lead time R - review Methods: a variety of quantitative and planning. Also links forecast and customer
Intensive distribution Exclusive distribution
period SS - safety stock qualitative techniques exist in industry. The order information
choice of an appropriate technique is usually
dependent upon business decision that is
being addressed and the availability of data
Data: data can be either internal or external.
Internal sources include demand history and

MRP-like time planning for independent

demand items where gross requirements come
Forecast error (actual - forecast) Absolute
Quality of conformance - the absence of from a forecast not from BOM explosion; can
forecast error: | actual-forecast | Absolute If done well it creates a good master schedule,
defects Quality of design - how well does it be used to plan distribution center inventories
percent error: (absolute forecast error) / actual that will generate effective use of all resources
meet customer expectations as well as service parts since MRP logic can
plan items with dependent, independent, or
both demand

Achieving the production plan goals

Standard deviation Mean absolute deviation Disaggregating the production plan
(MAD): sum or absolute forecast errors / n time Developing production schedules to meet
The square root of the number of data points,
periods Mean absolute forecast error (MAPE): market needs Ensuring that the schedule is
rounded to the nearest whole number
(100/n) x (sum (absolute forecast error/ actual feasible Ensuring that the planning horizon is
demand)) covered The plan must cover the planning

Level one MPS: will create the availability of the

Cause and effect diagram Check sheet Compares the running forecast error with the components, assemblies, and options that are
Flowchart Histogram Pareto chart Process map dispersion of the error. =sum of forecast errors needed for the final assembly schedule Level
Scatter plot / MAD two MPS: to fine tune what we have made and
to produce the end products

Activity network diagram Affinity diagram provides a measure of forecast bias. RSFE Production plan rules on: inventory, customer
Interrelationship diagram Matrix diagram indicates the tendency of a forecast to be service, resource utilization Current MPS
Prioritization matrix Process decision program consistently higher or lower than actual Forecasts, customer orders, inventory levels,
chart Tree diagram demand. and resource constraints
Create the MPS Calculate information for
Simple Functions Divisional Conglomerate 1) pre-transaction 2) transaction 3) post-
order-promising Create the final assembly
Hybrid or Matrix transaction

A statement of the planned output for each

Customer requested date Product family
It must be sustainable The assumptions have time period Stability within the fixed time fence
guidelines Uncommitted inventory and
been identified and are realistic The risks have A benchmark against which performance can
planned production Uncommitted resources of
been recognized and are realistic be measured A statement of future inventory
all types
or backlog

An artificial grouping of items or events in bill-

of-material format used to facilitate master
scheduling and material planning. It may
include the historical average of demand
Rivalry among existing competitors Threat of
External customer focused metrics Internal expressed as a percentage of total demand for
new entrants Threat of substitute products Master production schedule Rough cut
metrics focused on effectiveness and efficiency all options within a feature or for a specific end
Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining capacity plan
of operations item within a product family and is used as the
power of buyers
quantity per in the planning bill of material.
Synonym: planning bill. See: hedge, option
overplanning, production forecast, pseudo bill
of material.
A calculation based on the available-to-
Analyzing the feasibility of the preliminary
promise figure in the master schedule. For the
master schedules against all resources
first period, the ATP is the sum of the
Resolving imbalances between current
beginning inventory plus the MPS quantity
requirements and current performance levels
Speed: how quickly we respond to the initial minus backlog for all periods until the item is
Analyzing deviations from plan and developing
Introduction Growth Maturity Decline request Correctness: was the request fulfilled master scheduled again. For all other periods, if
recovery plans Receiving change requests and
correctly the first time? a quantity has been scheduled for that time
understanding the impact of the proposed
period then the ATP is this quantity minus all
changes on the organization Developing and
customer commitments for this and other
negotiating solutions that optimize the
periods until another quantity is scheduled in
business results for the organization
the MPS. For those periods where the quantity
scheduled is zero, the ATP is zero (even if

An organization enters the market with a new Backlog level Level of quality Delivery Infinite is better when meeting due dates is
Deviations happened in the past Changes are
product or process and exits when the product performance Stockout percentage Customer more important than high utilization of the
requested for the future
starts to develop stable growth support production facility

Order oriented: objective is to achieve a high

level of delivery reliability. Meeting need dates
for production or procurement orders is more
An org enters the market when there are still
Supply or demand classification Timing: important than utilization Order wise: loads
opportunities for competition. At this point the Pre-transaction phase Transaction phase Post-
immediate or long-term Significance: major orders individually on an order by order basis.
product still has to mature, it exits when transaction phase
importance or insignificant Most appropriate when there is limited
volume starts to decline
capacity and schedule flexibility. Also usually
used when there are a few high value orders
being processed

Customer Service Policy- defines firms

objectives of customer service, provides
guidance for service activities and should be
Volume hedge: protects against fluctuations in
communicated to the customer. Should at least
demand Mix hedge: utilize planning bill
An org enters just before a product is ready to include a service mission statement, detailed Considers capacity Objectives: keep resources
structures, is used to hedge demand
explode into a high volume level. It exits when service standards and a list of quantifiable highly utilized and minimize delays in meeting
fluctuation at the product feature or option
volume is starting to decline. performance measurements. Communication committed dates
level. Percentage of components adds to more
of Service Policy- service policy must be
than 100%
communicated to everyone in the organization
as well as the customer. Organization
Structure- must develop and organization
capable of executing the mission statement.
Product availability Order inquiries - ability of
the firm to respond quickly and accurately to
customer inquiries. Components of the order
Follows the theory of constraints method.
cycle - from the moment the order is placed
Good for limited schedule flexibility and
An org enters when market volume is at its until receipt of the final product Expedited Cost per transaction Time per activity Asset
relatively level demand Objective is to
peak and tried to steal market share, and exits shipment - two types: expediting through utilization Turnaround time Output per unit of
maximize the output of the system by
when volume starts to decline order processing and expediting when a resource
maximizing the output of the constraint. (Drum
customer backorder occurs. Inventory transfers
buffer rope scheduling)
- refers to the transfer of inventory between
stocking points in the supply chain System
integrity - inaccuracies in the order cycle are
costly both to the firm and the customer Order

Validating part numbers for accuracy

Reviewing the agreed-upon pricing and terms
A form of vertical loading, also referred to as
Evaluating the accuracy of options or system Develop the master production schedule
Simple Functional Divisional Conglomerate operations sequencing. Objective: minimize the
configurations Performing credit checks and Perform rough cut capacity planning Formulate
Hybrid delays of individual operations which will also
address verifications Evaluating the ability to the final assembly schedule
minimize the delay of the system as a whole
ship on or before the date requested by the

Installation, warranty, alterations, repairs,

service parts - these are value added to the
customer Product tracking - tracing by lot or Critical path method: based on infinite loading
Aspects of the supply chain over which the Prior period PAB + MPS receipts - greater of
serial number Customer claims, complaints, PERT: also based on infinite loading Critical
organization has direct control forecast or orders
and returns - these should be clearly explained chain: constraint oriented finite loading
in the customer service policy Product

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