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3, JUNE 2018

A Software Defined Network-Based Security

Assessment Framework for CloudIoT
Zhuobing Han , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Xiaohong Li, Member, IEEE,
Keman Huang, Member, IEEE, and Zhiyong Feng, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The integration of cloud and Internet of Things these two complementary technologies, the sensor-capability
(IoT), named CloudIoT, has been considered as an enabler for from IoT and the computing-capability from Cloud, has been
many different applications. However, the suspicion about the accepted as a novel IT paradigm, named CloudIoT [4]–[6],
security issue is one main concern that some organizations hes-
itate to adopt such technologies while some just ignore the for many different applications, including smart grid [7], smart
security issue while integrating the CloudIoT into their busi- cities [8], healthcare [9], [10], video surveillance [11], environ-
ness. Therefore, given the numerous choices of cloud-resource mental monitoring [12], etc. Actually, the CloudIoT is playing
providers and IoT devices, how to evaluate their security level an important role for the current IT system, especially for
becomes an important issue to promote the adoption of CloudIoT the critical infrastructure. Considering the fact that informa-
as well as reduce the business security risks. To solve this
problem, considering the importance of the business data in tion security has become increasing important for current IT
CloudIoT, we develop an end-to-end security assessment frame- environment [13] while we can observe many cyber attacks
work based on software defined network (SDN) to evaluate the these years, for example, the Ukraine Power Grid Attacks in
security level for the given CloudIoT offering. Specially, in order December 2015 resulting into power lost for a few hours elec-
to simplify the network controls and focus on the analysis about tricity lost for around 1.4 million populations,1 the security of
the data flow through CloudIoT, we develop a three-layer frame-
work by integrating SDN and CloudIoT, which consists of 23 CloudIoT is no doubt an urgent issue for both industry and
different indicators to describe its security features. Then, the academic.
interviews from industry and academic are carried out to under- On the other hand, with the prosperity of the cloud and
stand the importance of these features for the overall security. IoT these years, some CloudIoT solutions, such as Google
Furthermore, given the relevant evidences from the CloudIoT Brillo,2 Microsoft Azure IoT Suit,3 have been developed for
offering, the Google Brillo and Microsoft Azure IoT Suite, our
framework can effectively evaluate the security level which can the consumers. Due to the complexity of the CouldIoT solu-
help the consumers for their CloudIoT selection. tions, how to evaluate the security level is a nontrivial task for
the consumers. Some organizations will hesitate to adopt such
Index Terms—Cloud and Internet of Things (CloudIoT), cloud
computing, data-security-oriented, Internet of Things (IoT), technology due to the suspicion about the security and the
security assessment, software defined network (SDN). incomprehension of risk, which may harm the development
of the related business as well as affect the acceptance of the
CloudIoT. Conversely, some organizations may just integrated
CloudIoT into their business without considering the security
issue, resulting into high risk for them. Therefore, a methodol-
HE INTERNET of Things (IoT) has recently emerged
T as a novel networking paradigm to connect a large
amount of smart objects for data sharing and exchanging,
ogy to assist the security assessment of the CloudIoT solutions
is necessary for the consumers.
Recently, some researches on security assessment turn
so that we can measure, communicate, and interact with to focus on the security for the cloud-based applica-
the real physical world [1]. On the other hand, cloud com- tions [14], [15] or IoT environment [16]–[18]. Since they have
puting has been accepted as a cost-effective approach for been independently evolved, most of the existing approaches
providing high performance computing and virtually unlim- evaluate the security separately and expose some weak-points
ited storage resource [2], [3]. Therefore, the integration of in openness and standardization [19]. Actually, since CloudIoT
Manuscript received August 14, 2017; revised December 4, 2017; accepted brings data from real world through IoT system, uses cloud
January 22, 2018. Date of publication February 5, 2018; date of current version services to deal with these data and then enables triggering
June 8, 2018. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation actions into the real world, only focus on cloud or IoT is not
of China under Grant 61272106 and Grant 61572349. (Corresponding author:
Xiaohong Li.) comprehensive for assessing the secure data transmission, i.e.,
Z. Han and X. Li are with the Tianjin Key Laboratory of network security should be take into consideration. Due to the
Advanced Networking, School of Computer Science and Technology, fact that legacy network architecture based on closed networks
Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China (e-mail:; 1 [Online]. Available:
K. Huang is with the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA (e-mail: attacks-part-2-year-campaign
2 [Online]. Available:
Z. Feng is with the School of Computer Software, Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300350, China (e-mail: 3 [Online]. Available:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2801944 internet-of-things-azure-iot-suite
2327-4662 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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has a restriction on expanding to various services and inter- In addition, and more related to this paper, there are several
working with other devices or services, an independent scheme cloud-based IoT researches and SDN-based IoT researches
to integrate the entire networks is needed [19]. which aim to reveal the challenges and open issues in terms
As software defined network (SDN) provides flexibility to of security.
manage the network by separating the control plane from the
data plane, the integration of SDN and CloudIoT enables more
agile and scalable networks based on demand and a simplified A. Cloud Security
and strain less network control. In an SDN, data plane devices Various studies have investigated the methodologies of
are used as a packet forwarding device and leaving the network cloud-security auditing and assessment. Pilevari et al. [29]
control management to a logically centralized system called presented a model to assess the satisfaction of users of a given
controller [20]. The controller connects to the switch through cloud service with two main stages: the first stage is a con-
a secured OpenFlow [21] channel and manages this switch ceptual model consists of several attributes, including security,
via the OpenFlow protocol [22]. Several research works have efficiency and performance, adaptability, and cost; the second
been published on SDN-based architecture [23]–[26]. one is a fuzzy inference system architecture which consists of
Therefore, to solve these existing issues, this paper aims to five main rules and 11 inputs (the attributes). Taha et al. [30]
offer an end-to-end security assessment approach for CloudIoT proposed an AHP-based framework to quantitatively com-
solution selection. Since CloudIoT will collect data from pare, benchmark, and rank the security level provided by
real-world and then use these data to enable further appli- different cloud service providers based on its security level
cations, based on the analysis of the data flow, we develop agreements depending on cloud user security requirements.
an SDN-based three-layer framework consisting of 23 differ- Li and Bardi [31] adopted multifuzzy comprehensive evalu-
ent indicators to evaluate the data-security-oriented security ation and AHP method to assess the potential risk of cloud
for the CloudIoT solution. Then in order to assign the weight environment, including asset, vulnerability, threat, and con-
for these indicators, an online interview with researchers and trol measures. The result accurately reflects the overall safety
practitioners is carried out and then three different method- condition of cloud platform.
ologies, including AdaRank [27], analytic hierarchical pro- There are also some works focus on reviewing the cloud
cess (AHP) [28], and weighted-mean, are used to integrate the security open issues and challenges. Abuhussein et al. [14]
survey to generate a crowd-wisdom weight for different indi- studied security evaluation of cloud services by identifying
cators. Finally, given the document for the CloudIoT solution, and categorizing 17 attributes of cloud security and privacy.
the Google Brillo based on Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure By comparing three cloud service providers: 1) Amazon EC2;
IoT Suite based on Azure Cloud, we are success to identify the 2) Microsoft Azure; and 3) Google AppEngine based on their
security-related evidences and map them into the framework so attributes, consumers can get a better view of their security
that we can get an overall security level to facilitate the selec- features. Subashini and Kavitha [32] reviewed the security
tion for consumers. Hence, the main contribution of this paper issues based on the service delivery models of cloud com-
is the first end-to-end data-security-oriented security assess- puting. They present 14 security issues in SaaS and also make
ment approach to assist the CloudIoT selection, consisting of a general survey on PaaS and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
the following.
1) An SDN-based three-layer indicator framework for secu-
rity level assessment. B. IoT Security
2) The methodology to integrate indicator weight learn- Most of the IoT security researches review the security
ing and solutions’ security-related evidences mapping to issues within different frameworks. Zhang et al. [18] proposed
offer the real-world CloudIoT solution security assess- a four-level security index system, including perceptual layer
ment. security, transport layer security, application layer security,
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II and cloud computing security. Fuzzy-AHP method is adopted
surveys the current efforts on security assessment. Section III to evaluate the selected indicators and to find the key indi-
presents our indicator framework. Section IV reports the cators of the IoT security development. Farooq et al. [33]
interview weight learning process and results. Section V shows presented a four layer architecture of IoT and set the main
the security assessment for the two real-world solutions and security goal to keep data confidentiality. Then they discussed
discusses our findings. Section VI concludes this paper and 18 open security challenges which should be addressed at
proposes some future works. each layer. Finally, a security architecture of IoT with 11
security issues is proposed. Qiang et al. [34] described five
types of IoT security requirements: 1) RFID tag informa-
II. R ELATED W ORK tion security; 2) wireless communications and information
Generally, state-of-the-art CloudIoT security publications security; 3) network transmission of information security;
can be classified into the following categories. Many works 4) privacy protection; and 5) information processing security.
in literature have surveyed Cloud and IoT security separately. Sathishkumar and Patel [35] also listed several security con-
A broad number of publications review cloud-security issues, cerns and privacy concerns of IoT. Three categories of security
challenges, as well as the auditing and assessment approaches, concerns are proposed: 1) front-end sensors and equipment;
while some studies focus on the security concerns of IoT. 2) network; and 3) back-end of it systems. Sicari et al. [16]

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surveyed eight main security issues in IoT: 1) authentica-

tion; 2) confidentiality; 3) access control; 4) privacy; 5) trust;
6) enforcement; 7) middleware; and 8) mobile. The existing
solutions are provided as well to hint for future research.
And in their work of [36], an architecture for ensuring IoT
security and data quality is introduced. As it is the common
believe that it is important to ensure the incoming data secu-
rity, they design a reference system architecture to overcome
the issues of data extraction, integration, standardized design,
and reconfiguration.
In addition, there are also some works deal with IoT
security from different aspects, such as device security,
vulnerability scanning, and security control related prob-
lems. Shipley [37] proposed the thought of building security
into the IoT bottom up and addresses five security issues Fig. 1. High-level data flow diagram of SDN-based CloudIoT.
throughout the device lifecycle: 1) secure booting; 2) access
control; 3) device authentication; 4) fire-walling and intru-
sion prevention system (IPS); and 5) updates and patches. by adopting some SDN technology. Due to the on-time bypass-
Markowsky and Markowsky [38] represented three types of ing data transmission scheme, S-DTA can provide efficient
scanning for vulnerable devices in the IoT to ensure ade- and secure data transmission to various IoT devices in cloud
quate security. Hassanzadeh et al. [39] focused on the security networks.
control problems in IoT environment and proposed a frame- Though there are many researches to improve cloud and IoT
work for analyzing the effectiveness of security controls which security, and some researches begin to consider the CloudIoT
can be used by security architects to design and deploy new and the integration of SDN and CloudIoT, how to quantita-
systems. tively evaluate the overall security level of the CloudIoT is
still an open issue and it is very necessary for the consumers
C. Integration of Cloud and IoT to select the CloudIoT solution. Therefore, this paper aims to
Díaz et al. [5] surveyed the integration of IoT and cloud offer an end-to-end security level evaluation framework based
computing in three categories and make a summary of the on SDN for the CloudIoT solution to facilitate the selection.
existing proposals for cloud computing and IoT integra-
tion, as well as the challenges and open research issues. III. DATA -S ECURITY-O RIENTED S ECURITY
Botta et al. [40] reviewed the literature survey on the integra- A SSESSMENT I NDEX F RAMEWORK
tion of Cloud and IoT with a focus on their specific research The typical architecture of CloudIoT consists of three lay-
challenges and show the research trend. Also they present the ers: 1) the perception layer; 2) the network and transport
security related surveys which is a guide of this paper in the layer; and 3) the cloud-based application layer. In a CloudIoT
security evidence collection. Henze et al. [41] presented a system, the deployment data is acquired from sensor-equipped
UPECSI method providing an integrated solution for user- edge devices and aggregated on a wired or wireless network,
driven privacy enforcement for cloud-based services in the then transport via a gateway to a public or private cloud,
IoT, which is a comprehensive approach to privacy in the finally stored and analyzed on the cloud platform. Based on
cloud-based IoT by taking individual end-users and develop- a basic thought of ensuring data security during the whole
ers of cloud services into consideration in the mean while. process of data flow and simplify the network control, deci-
Gubbi et al. [1] proposed a vision, architectural elements, and sion making, and action implementation process, we proposed
future directions of Cloud centric IoT. an SDN-based high-level data flow diagram (see Fig. 1) and
a data-security-oriented security assessment index framework
D. Integration of SDN and IoT based on SDN (see Fig. 2). All these indicators have been
observed and collected during the analysis of primary stud-
Sood et al. [24] reviewed the recent works of integrating
ies. The difference between the proposed architecture and the
SDN and IoT and discuss the opportunities and challenges
legacy architecture is the second layer, which is the SDN
in SDN and IoT integration in the perspective of security
layer instead of the network and transport layer (detailed in
and scalability. Jararweh et al. [42] proposed a software
Section III-B).
defined-based IoT framework named SDIoT which is a con-
cept model to accommodate large data produced from IoT
objects. Flauzac et al. [22] and Olivier et al. [26] presented a A. Perception Layer Indicators
security model for the IoT based on the SDN architecture with At the perception layer, data is acquired by the devices
multiple SDN controllers. The security of the entire network enabled by open wireless technology, such as Bluetooth, radio
is guaranteed by the concept of grid of security embedded in frequency identification (RFID), and telephonic data services
each controller to prevent attacks. Kim and Na [19] proposed as well as embedded sensors. Some of the RFID tags are
a safe data transmission architecture S-DTA based on ClouIoT used in retail applications and access control applications.

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the limited bandwidth and intermittent connectivity of an

device in order to eliminate the security concerns.
6) Authentication (I6 ) [14], [33], [35], [37]:
Authentication is the process of verifying the validity
of the identification by providing digital signatures to
the terminals. IoT devices are suggested to provide
authentication mechanisms, such as dynamic passwords
and biometrics identities.
7) Access Control (I7 ) [14], [35], [37]: Access control
is defined as system making a decision on whether
to assign privileges or permissions to requested users
for accessing system resources. IoT devices should be
equipped with access control mechanisms.
8) Security Auditing (I8 ) [45]: An audit trail provides
records of the sequence of system activities which is
also a security-relevant documentary evidence for stake-
holders. Therefore, it is recommended that a security
Fig. 2. Data-security-oriented security assessment index framework. measurement is established in the system, in charge
of inspecting, controlling, handling, and auditing the
security of the system.
For instance, the finger print data is usually used to unlock
the device and deal with the payment. Therefore, three cri-
terion of security issues should be taken into consideration B. Software Defined Network Layer Indicators
to protect the data at this layer, i.e., ensure data security at At the SDN layer, control plane and data plane are decou-
the very beginning of the CloudIoT systems: device security, pled (see Fig. 1), where the data plane is used to forwarding
software security, and access control policy. Device security packets according to the forwarding tables prepared by the
collects the security issues relevant to the embedded physical control plane in the controller [46]. The protocol adopted in
devices. Software security at this layer focuses on the security this layer is OpenFlow [22], which works as follows: when a
of software embedded in the IoT devices. Access control is packet arrives at a switch, the switch evaluates the incoming
the policy of assigning privileges to access the resources and flow to find whether there is a matching flow. If there is a
data collected by devices and software at perception layer. match, the switch performs the associated action. If no match
Around these three criterion, eight indicators are collected is found, the switch forwards the packet to controller for get-
(see Fig. 2). ting instructions on how to deal with the packet. The SDN
1) Secure Booting (I1 ) [37]: Secure boot is a security stan- controller populates the switch with flow table entries [24].
dard used to help make sure that the device boots using In order to keep the data security, strategies on sensor
only software that is verified by cryptographically gener- network security and data communication should be provided.
ated digital signatures. When the device is plugged in for Both of them are considered with the security issues during
the fist time, the firmware should have the mechanism the process of spatially distributed sensors cooperatively pass
to check the signature of each piece of boot software. the collected data through the network to a specific location.
2) Device Hardware Physical Security (I2 ) [35], [43], [44]: Five indicators are discussed to refine these criterion at this
Since data is received via sensors and equipment in layer (see Fig. 2).
devices, it is important to protect the physical security 1) Network Socket (I9 ) [32]: A network socket is an
of multiple sensors so that to ensure data security at endpoint of a connection across a network, which deter-
the very beginning. Thus physical security mechanisms mines whether a local program can transport to the
ought to be provided by the providers. networking application programming interface to use the
3) Firewall and IPS (I3 ) [33], [37]: In order to make sure connection.
the incoming network traffic is legitimate, preventative 2) Web Interface Security (I10 ) [47]: The Web interface is
technical control mechanisms, such as firewall and IPS an IP configuration front-end which can be accessed via
should be provided in the IoT devices to filter the data. Web browsers on the internal network by authenticated
4) Antivirus and Antimalware (I4 ) [33]: Antivirus soft- users. Web interface security issues includes persistent
ware and antimalware are software that used to prevent, cross-site scripting, poor session management, and weak
detect, and remove computer viruses and malicious soft- default credentials.
ware. The devices embedded in IoT systems should 3) Port Security (I11 ) [34]: Port security mechanisms is
be equipped with antivirus software or antimalware to used to configure switch port with a unique list of MAC
ensure the security of the system. addresses of devices which are authorized to access the
5) Software Updates and Patches (I5 ) [37]: Software network via the port, which enables individual ports
updates and patches are new software which can fix to detect, prevent, and log intrusions by unauthorized
some bugs and issues. They should be delivered through devices.

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4) Data Transfer Protocol (I12 ) [14]: Traditionally, a data vulnerability scanners are suggested to mitigate mali-
transfer protocol is a standardized format for transmit- cious attacks.
ting data between two devices. Cryptographic protocols, 6) Locality (I19 ) [14], [32]: Data locality focuses on the
such as FTPS (SSL), SFTP (SSH), and HTTPS protects storage location of the cloud data, the circumstances
the data when it travels over network. In SDN, the data that data ever transferred from the cloud location, the
transfer protocol is usually OpenFlow. location of management, and control structures.
5) Transport Encryption (I13 ) [32]: Transport encryption 7) Integrity (I20 ) [32], [33], [35]: Data integrity is the
techniques encrypted all the communications at the maintenance of the accuracy and consistency of data
beginning of information transferring through devices. over its entire life-cycle. Service providers should pro-
Certain encryption algorithms should put on constrained vide some tracking methods to protect user information
devices to provide communications security during from unauthorized tampering during data transmission.
transport. 8) Isolation (I21 ) [14]: Data isolation determines how
transaction integrity is visible to other users and systems.
In order to guarantee user transactions being inde-
C. Cloud-Based Application Layer Indicators pendently executed, mechanisms on supporting data
At the cloud-based application layer, data is stored and ana- isolation such as the two-phase locking protocol should
lyzed on the cloud due to its high reliability, scalability, and be provided by service providers.
autonomy to provide ubiquitous access. However, the virtual 9) Confidentiality (I22 ) [33], [35], [37]: Data confidential-
environment of cloud may bring security threats to user data. ity focuses on the ability to protect user privacy and
Thus, virtual machine security, virtual network security, and sensitive data which means only authorized users can
data security should be taken into consideration. Since virtual get access to the data. There are several mechanisms
machine security and virtual network security are key prob- to ensure data confidentiality, such as virtual private
lems in cloud computing, especially at the IaaS layer, they networks or physical media encryption.
must be considered in cloud-based IoT systems. Data security 10) Post-Termination Data Management (I23 ) [14]: Some
focuses on the data acquired from sensor-equipped devices, cloud service providers may not erase the customer’s
finally stored and analyzed on the cloud platform. Around data immediately when their contract expires. Post-
these three criterion, ten indicators are examined in order to termination data-management is a way of maintaining
analyze issues related to cloud-based application layer security the client data and ensure the security of data before the
(see Fig. 2). client retrieve it or for a period of time.
1) Virtual-Machine (VM) Image Repository Security
(I14 ) [48]: The VM image may be attacked by mali- IV. I NDEX W EIGHT L EARNING
cious viruses or even stolen. Moreover, VM templates
may contain information of previous users, which could Straightforwardly, we can employ the presented indicators
be accessed by subsequent users. Since attackers may to evaluate the security level for the CloudIoT. However, dif-
place a new image or produce poisoned images, scan- ferent indicators in different layers have different contributions
ning, and filtering mechanisms are suggested to cloud for the overall security. Therefore, to get the weight for dif-
providers. ferent indicators, in this section, an online interview with
2) VM Boundaries (I15 ) [49]: The VMs are coexisted researchers and practitioners is carried out to assign the weight
on the same server, so that they share resources with for these indicators based on their experiences. Then three dif-
limited CPU and memory. As there is no physical iso- ferent methodologies, including AdaRank [27], AHP [28], and
lation among VM resources, an artificial boundary for weighted-mean, are used to integrate the survey to generate a
the virtual machine is the responsibility of the cloud crowd-wisdom weight.
3) DNS Server Security (I16 ) [50]: When a DNS server A. Online Interview
resolves a DNS name request to an IP address, the A 13-item short-form4 was constructed to survey the rela-
response ought to exactly match the query. However, tive importance of the proposed CloudIoT security evaluation
if the resolving server caches a malicious request, secu- indicators. The survey was designed for use in obtaining the
rity problems may ensue. Thus, DNS firewalls and the experts knowledge on CloudIoT security assessment and indi-
latest DNS software patches are suggested to ensure the cator importance ranking list, which includes 12 multi-item
DNS Server security. scale that assesses all the eight criterion and 23 indicators. As
4) Virtual-Switch Security (I17 ) [51]: Virtual switches the CloudIoT security is a specific knowledge and experience
enable the specification of a logical network among a set intensive domain, we should not use the general crowd sourc-
of VMs. There are many types of virtual-switch security ing platform, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk5 to hire people
mechanisms, such as isolation and content inspection for interview. Instead, based on the online community focusing
between VMs. on the related domains, we succeed to invite 46 persons with
5) Malicious Network Attacks (I18 ) [32]: Malicious
network attacks may happen when user data transmit- 4 [Online]. Available:
ted via the virtual network with illegal access. Routine 5 [Online]. Available:

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2) Analytic Hierarchy Process: Second, AHP [28], [54] is a

hierarchical decision analysis method for assigning weights to
multifactor problems. AHP is based on pair-wise comparison
of the relative importance of each variables, which allows the
decision maker to determine the tradeoffs among the various
Algorithm 1: AdaRank Algorithm criteria under consideration. The AHP methodology consists
Input: S = {(qi , di , yi )}m of four steps: 1) problem decomposition; 2) prioritization;
i=1 , and parameters E and T
Output: Output ranking model: f (− →
x ) = fT ( −

x) 3) priority aggregation; and 4) consistency verification.
Step 1 (Problem Decomposition): The first step for AHP is
Initialize P1 (i) = 1/m.
foreach t = 1, · · · , T do
2 to map the situation into a hierarchical structure. In our con-
• Create weak ranker ht with weighted distribution text, the hierarchical structure is generally divided into three
Pt on training data S.  levels: 1) layer level; 2) criterion level; and 3) indicator level.
Pt (i){1+E(π(qi ,di ,ht ),yi )}
• Choose αt , αt = 12 · ln i=1m . Step 2 (Prioritization): In traditional AHP method, each
t Pt (i){1−E(π(qi ,di ,ht ),yi )}

• Create f , f ( x ) = a h (−
→x ). variable is assigned a relative weight by comparing it against
t t k=1 k k
exp{−E(π(qi ,di ,ft ),yi )} the others, in a 1–9 scale to indicate its importance [54].
• Update Pt+1 , pt+1 (i) = m .
exp{−E(π(qj ,dj ,ft ),yj )}
j=1 However, it is difficult for experts and participants to make
such precise numerical assignments. Therefore, we adopt an
improved AHP method with 0–2 scale [28] to overcome this
shortcoming (seeTable II). By calculating the importance
an average of 7-year background in computer science or IT order index xi = ni=1 Cij , i = 1, 2 · · · n, the elements in pair-
security to join our survey research, including three engineers wise comparison matrix can be established by (1). Therefore,
from IT companies, 16 professors from different universities, in this paper, we do pairwise comparisons between the aver-
and 27 post-graduate students. age scores of each indicators (or criterion,layers) by the 46
For each question, we use the well known Likert Scale [52] participants with 0–2 scale
and ask every expert to rate each indicator’s importance in ⎧
⎪ xi − xj
five levels: 1) not at all; 2) weak; 3) medium; 4) high; and ⎪
⎪ (am − 1) + 1, xi ≥ xj

⎨ xmax − xmin
5) extremely high. Finally, we can get their inputs for further
aij = 1, xmax = xmin (1)
analysis. ⎪  −1

⎪ x − x

j i
(am − 1) + 1 , xi < xj
xmax − xmin
B. Learning Methods where am = xmax /xmin .
Note that the inputs from experts may be affected from their Step 3 (Priority Aggregation): The relative weights is
experiences and will result into the bias. In order to get a obtained by the root mean square method, which is used to
more objective weights, we use three different methodologies, calculate the eigenvectors of the pairwise comparison matrix
including AdaRank [27], AHP [28], and weighted-average, to generated by step 1.
integrate the survey to generate a crowd-wisdom weight for 1) Normalize each column of the pairwise comparison

different indicators. matrix wi = n nj=1 aij .
1) Learning To Rank: First, the result of the survey can be 2) Normalize the vector w = (w1 , w2 , . . . , wn )T
extracted as a 23 × 46 matrix and each element is a score of
the question item given by participants, ranged from 1 to 5. wi
wi = n , i = 1, 2, . . . , n (2)
Therefore, it can be considered as the ranking for these 23 i=1 wi
items so that we can use the learning to rank algorithms [53] to
where Wi = (w1 , w2 , . . . , wn )T is the eigenvector.
learn the weight for each indicators. Specially, in our context,
3) Calculate the maximum eigenvalue λmax of the matrix
we consider the inputs from the survey as the training dataset
and the results from industry participants and professors as the 1 (Aw)i
label due to their experience. Then the AdaRank [27] algo- λmax = (3)
n wi
rithm is used as a library of to train the weights. Since we are i=1
not focusing on the algorithm, we only report the algorithm where, A is the pairwise comparison matrix and (Aw)i
process in Algorithm 1 and Table I. Finally, the layer weight is is the ith element of matrix Aw.
generated by normalization the average score of the indicators Step 4 (Consistency Verification): Finally, to verify whether
in each level. the matrix is consistent, the consistency ratio CR =

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The second column shows the term of indicators. The rest

columns are the weight in ranking. It can be seen that though
there are some differences in detail ranking, we can achieve
the following consistent observations.
1) The security of SDN layer (A2) and cloud-based appli-
cation layer (A3) are considered much more important
than the perception layer (A1). It can be seen that the
ranking for the eight indicators in perception layer is
much lower than the indicators in the other two layers.
Most of these indicators are ranked in the bottoms, only
the access control and software updates and patches are
rated in top 10 in the AHP approach.
CI/RI is calculated. CI is the consistency index CI = 2) The two indicators from data communication (A2-C5)
[(λmax − n)/(n − 1)]. RI is a random index, randomly gen- are listed top 3 by the three approaches. Therefore, how
erated for a matrix of size n (see Table III). When CR is less to guarantee the data security during the transportation
than or equal to 0.1, the result is acceptable. is the biggest concern for the consumers to select the
3) Weighted Mean: Third, weighted average is the simplest CloudIoT solutions.
and most easy to assign importance weight to each indicator. 3) Devices security (A1-C1) and the embedded software
In this paper, we assign the equal weight to each participant security (A1-C2) are regarded as the least important
so that for each indicator, criterion, and layer we can get an indicators by the participants, which is consistent in the
average score. Note that the final weight for each indicator three approaches. This means that the customers cur-
will be affected by its hierarchical structure. Additionally, the rently highly trust the physical security of the CloudIoT
score for the layer is more important than the criterion while system.
the criterion score is more informative than the leaf indicator. Furthermore, to test the consistence of the ranking among
Therefore, we simply assign wights to the hierarchical levels these three approaches, we calculate the cosine similarity and
as follows: layer level 3/6, criterion level 2/6, and indicator the Pearson correlation coefficient between them. As reported
level 1/6. Finally, we can get the weight for each indicator as in Table V, it can be seen that these three ranking are highly
follows: relevant, with a cosine similarity larger than 0.9 and the
N Pearson correlation coefficient are at least 0.602, which are all
Weight_mean = ξk Xk (t) (4) significant at the 0.01 level. Therefore, these results are con-
sistent and in the following discussion, we will only use the
result from AdaRank to show the differences between different
where, Xk (t) refers to the average score from survey for each groups.
indicator in different hierarchical
 level, and ξk are chosen Q2 (Differences Between Different Groups): Taking the
weight which satisfied: N ξ
k=1 k = 1(ξ k > 0, k = 1, . . . , N). result from LTR as an example, beside the overall score, we
can further calculate the ranking which are based on the dif-
C. Results and Discussions ferent groups, i.e., industry, professor, and student. The results
Based on the survey, in this section, we will discuss the from Table VI show the following.
consistent observations from different methodologies as well 1) All the three groups agree that the “data communication
as different groups to understand the different importance for (A2-C5)” are top priority for the security. “device secu-
the indicators. rity (A1-C1)” and “software security (A1-C2)” are all
Q1 (Indicator Weight From Different Methodologies): Given rated with relative lower positions. These are consistent
the inputs from the 46 experts, based on the three approaches with the overall observations.
discussed in Section IV-B, we can calculate the weight for each 2) Comparing with the other two groups, the professors
indicator and then rank them according to it. As reported in consider the “access control (A1-C2)” as very impor-
Table IV, the first column represents the indicator ids. Label A, tant features for the security, while the participants from
C, and I are for the three levels (later, criterion, and indicator). industry and the students give them a relative lower

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C OMPARING D IFFERENT G ROUP OF PARTICIPANTS b) core platform services; and c) a developer kit. Google
W ITH LTR (A DA R ANK ) Brillo is about the smart home, which comes hand-in-
hand with Google’s new communications protocol called
Google Wave Federation Protocol.6 Googles Brillo OS
will run on devices with 64 or 32 MB of RAM and that it
will launch under the Android brand. The data storage
and processing center for this IoT service can be the
Google cloud, including the Google Compute Engine,
the Google App Engine.
2) Azure IoT Suite is a set of cloud-based services built
on the flexible and scalable Microsoft Azure Cloud
Platform, which is about the business. The Azure IoT
Suite is designed to integrate with the existing processes,
devices, and systems to enable users to analyze and
mine disparate data with worldwide availability of the
Microsoft Cloud Platform, which including Azure’s
Linux virtual machine, Azure’s new “cloud services.”
These two CloudIoT offers both provide the official, pub-
licly available security documentations so that we can find the
rating. Furthermore, for the “data isolation,” which is
related evidences, explaining how these providers address the
important for the privacy, the professor group and the
concern related to each indicator. Some examples of the evi-
industry group have a much higher rating than the
dences are listed in Table VII and the whole list is in the link.7
student group. Conversely, the student group give the
Finally, we can generate the ranking for these indicators for
“authentication” and “network socket” much higher
each solution, which is shown in Table VIII. It can be seen as
rating than the professor and industry group.
Therefore, based on the experiments, we can see that the
1) The indicators at SDN layer rank the top, which is con-
group’s background will affect the ranking about the indica-
sistent with the learning results present in Section IV.
tors. We will further discuss the observations in Section VI.
The average score shows that the eight indicators in the
Since the rankings about the weight for different indicators
perception layer (A1) and the “network socket (A2-C4-
from three approaches are consistent, we will use the average
I9)” occupy the bottom nine positions. Goolge Brillo
of these three approaches for the further solution security level
contains four bottom indicators and Azure IoT Suite has
five. However, for Google Brillo, it can be seen that
the authentication (A1-C3-I6) has a related top position.
V. C LOUD I OT S OLUTION S ECURITY L EVEL This indicates that at the perception layer, neither of
A SSESSMENT: C ASE S TUDY these two solutions pays many attentions while Google
Until now we already get the different weights for different Brillo may have a better security level than the Azure
indicators representing their importance for the overall secu- IoT Suite.
rity. Therefore, given a CloudIoT solution, we can map its 2) Comparing the two solution in the cloud-based appli-
security-related mechanism into the framework to figure out cation layer, it is obviously that the Azure CloudIoT
whether they offer the necessary security guarantee. Since we has a better security-related performance: four indica-
offer its definition for each indicator, we can use the related tors in “data security” except the “data locality” gain the
key words to search over the solution’s description documents top positions while these indicators have a high impor-
to find the related security mechanisms. Then for each found tance. However, for the same level, all the indicators
mechanism, we can further evaluate its relevance to the indica- for Google Brillo are lower than top 8. It indicates that
tor. To assess this relevance, similarly, we invite five security for the security level in the data security criterion in
experts chosen from the survey participants, then show them the cloud-based application layer, Azure CloudIot has a
the related evidence and ask them to remark the relevance in better performance than Google Brillo. Actually, Azure
“low,” “medium,” and “high,” which represents the degree that CloudIoT has a higher overall score than the Google
the solution can solve the security concern. Finally, we can get Brillo. The Pearson correlation testing shows that the
the ranking based on the input from these experts and then cal- ranking of the indicators for Azure has a significant pos-
culate the overall security score by multiplying the indicators’ itive correlation with the indicator importance ranking,
weights and the covered degree. r = 0.574, p = 0.004. However, the correlation between
To proof the effectiveness of this framework, in this section, Google Brillo and the indicator importance ranking can-
we demonstrate how our framework can offer the end-to-end not pass the testing. Hence, we can conclude that overall,
CloudIoT solution security assessment, we use the following Azure IoT Suite has a better security level than Google
two real-world CloudIoT offering as the cases.
1) Google Brillo is an OS for low-powered IoT devices 6 [Online]. Available:
with three elements: a) Android-based embedded OS; 7 [Online]. Available:

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A SSESSMENT BASED ON G OOGLE B RILLO AND A ZURE I OT S UITE be generated in the same way as in our approach. A set of sur-
vey questions about the specialized use case can be formulated,
weights can be assigned to the questions responses accord-
ing to the security needs, and various analysis approaches can
again be adopted to formulate a crowd-reviewed ranking of
the responses.
Due to the complexity of the CloudIoT platform, there
are numerous indicators affect the security assessment of
the CloudIoT offerings besides our indication framework, for
example, the number and severity of major security incidences,
as well as the number and scale of the CloudIoT deployment.
These indicators also provide measures of the readiness of the
CloudIoT offering for deployment, as well as the popularity of
the offering. However, our approach is data-security-oriented,
we design the framework based on a basic thought of ensur-
ing data security during the whole process of data flow and
simplify the network control, decision making, and action
implementation process.
Additionally, based on our experiment, it can be seen that
Brillo. This is consistency with our previous work on overall, the security for the perception layer is considered as
assessing cloud security [55]. low priority while two solutions also offer few mechanisms
3) Comparing the two solutions with the indicator impor- to guarantee this layer’s security. However, on October 21,
tance ranking, Azure IoT has a related weakness in “port 2016, massive amounts of the Internet in USA have been shut
security,” “virtual switch security,” and “DNS server down by the huge DDOS attack. One of the sources of traf-
security” as it has a significant gap between its rank- fic of the attacks came from the Mirai botnet, which consists
ing to the indicator importance ranking. On the other of millions of infected IoT and smart home devices.8 This
hand, for the Google Brillo, the weakness locates in October-21 DDos attack ring the bell for the whole society,
data isolation and “data confidentiality.” Good news is including academic and industry, to pay attention to the secu-
that Google Brillo has a better performance in authen- rity of the perception layer. Good new is that our experiment
tication in the perception layer. Hence, it can has a shows that the professor group give a related higher rating
related better performance than Azure IoT in defending for this layer. Google Brillo solution pays a specific attention
the cyberattack to the IoT devices. to the authentication for defending the cyberattack to the IoT
Therefore, the result from the two cases shows that our frame- devices. However, it is still a far way to go for the security of
work can finally help the consumer to compare the security CloudIoT.
level of the offered solution with a overall security score. Also,
it can also identify the weaknesses so that the providers can
have a guide to improve their solution’s security. B. Threat to Validity
There are internal and external threats that may potentially
affect the validity of our experiments.
A. Discussion 1) Threats to Internal Validity: It relate to errors in our
Since our approach aims at providing an overall evalua- experimental dataset and methodology implementation. We
tion result for a given CloudIoT offering in terms of security, avoid such errors by having implementation and experiment
we can also help the customer who seeks to use offerings results double checked by co-authors. We have also manually
with specific security requirements. In such cases, some indi- checked the statistics data in our interview and the scores by
cators from our indication framework are obviously important,
while others are obviously irrelevant. The weights learned in 8 [Online]. Available:
Section III are no longer suitable but a customized weights can internet-shut-down-ddos-attack-dyn/

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