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Greetings, My name is Natalie and I will be your helper today,

Before we get started today you are to listen to the trainer at all
times, and make sure to pay attention.

Do not go afk or try not to. Does anyone have any questions before the trainer begins? If not

Please state your greetings once I come up to you so it is easier to see. Please do not state it before and
make sure to also state your outro.

Good, a lot of information I know. We will now begin the trolling segment. Make sure to state your


This guide is what will be referred to when hosting or training in a session. It’ll contain all the
information staff will need throughout. It includes information on the roles, a tutorial of the whole
session, and general information MR+ should refer to when performing the procedures in an
assembly. If you have any other questions, please locate an experienced member preferably an
Executive Assistant+.

In Glacé training sessions there are 4 obtainable roles, they are…

● Host (max: 1)
● Trainer (max: 3)
● Helper (limited to the number of trainees)
● Overseer (max: 4)
The host hosts the session only Chief Communications Officer+ may host. (CCO+)
They set up the session, oversee and help during it as well as ranking. Hosting Permit needed
The trainers copy the information from the guide and paste it into the game to give to the trainees
during the session. Helper permit needed.
As a helper, you are assigned to help the trainer during sessions. Your role is to test the trainees on
how well they do. While you’re doing this, you should always remain professional. You should never
show signs of unprofessionalism. Grammar is highly mandatory, as it makes you look highly
professional. Consequences will be made when you show signs of unprofessionalism and lack of
grammar use.

To become a helper, you must join at xx:30-xx:40. Those times are preferred, as if you join late, there
might not be enough space for you to help. When you join, you should stand on the "helper" lines.
The host will then soon give you a group that you will be helping. Please be patient as the host has
many jobs to do. You should not be roaming, dancing or talking out loud. Use pms or /team chat to
communicate with other staff, failure to do so will result in a verbal warning. Helper Permit needed
Overseers oversee the session, only an EA+ can do this, they help out and make sure the training runs
smoothly. Chief Executive Officers - President may oversee with perms from the host. Overseer Permit

Setting up the session

Before the session commences, the host MUST shout the session at least 30 minutes before the
training begins.

Shouting on the Discord:

Sessions should be announced in #session-announcements. You can shout using the command
“..sessionshout (time in EST)”. If you are unable to shout the session, please contact an EA+ that can
do it for you.

Shouting on the group page:

When announcing on the group page, you are advised to use the bot on Discord, using the “..shout”
command in #staff-bot-commands. Please reach out for assistance if you are confused about the
following information.

Shout Formats:
[TRAINING] A training will be hosted at (Time in EST) by (Host). Head on down to the Training
Center for a chance to be promoted! 🔗 -
[TRAINING] The Training Center is now locked! Sorry if you were unable to attend! However, there
will be plenty of sessions hosted later on. Why not head down to the parlor instead?

[TRAINING] The training session is now concluded! Congrats to all that attended! Head on down to
the parlor to see the baristas in action! 🔗 -

Other Formats (EA+ Only):

[TRAINING] Unfortunately, the (Time in EST) session has been cancelled. However, there will be
many more sessions hosted in the future. Why not head down to the parlor instead?

[TRAINING] Unfortunately, the session for (Time in EST) has been delayed until (New Start Time in
EST). Sorry for the inconvenience! Head down to the Training Center so you don’t miss out on the

General Regulations:
● All MR+ should NOT be having side conversations & must be speaking in team chat/ PMs
(Personal Messages) when communicating with their peers.

● In no circumstances should an individual be arguing & fighting over a role. Host’s words are
final. However, if you sense biased actions, please report them and an EA+ will assist you.

● Staff should not be walking around. If you would like to communicate with someone, PM
them or use team chat.

● If someone is failing to comply, please be strict with them but fair. Manners should be used at
all times, failure to do so could result in a suspension.

● Emotes are now allowed, but please make sure you’re using them in an appropriate manner.
When using emotes please use them in lines, or at the end of the training.

● If you are dismissed from a session please do not cause drama or we will have to remove you
ourselves. Also, if you are causing drama the host has permission to dismiss you if you

● The host/overseer may use the kick command if any helpers refuse to leave after dismissal.
● All final decisions are to be made by the host. This includes issues with LRs or dismissing
helpers, Trainers or Overseers should not be making the decision.

● A minimum of 2 LRs are required for the session to start. If there are less than 2 LRs, the
Host may contact an EA+ off contract to delay or cancel the session.

● It is mandatory to use proper grammar throughout the entire training session if you are
attending as a Helper, Trainer, Host, or Overseer. Proper grammar is a fundamental aspect of
professionalism and must be maintained consistently to ensure that we maintain a high
standard for training sessions and represent Glace in the best possible way. Failure to use
proper grammar may result in consequences being issued.

● If you have requested to replace a training session, the EA+ who accepted your request will
delay the session for 5-10 minutes automatically. If they haven’t within 5 minutes or so after
the acceptance, please remind them to do so or ask another off contract EA to delay for you.

Assigning roles
During the minimal period of waiting time in the lobby, roles should be assigned. The host should be
the ONLY one assigning roles (unless they ask an overseer for help). Anyone who fails to comply can
be dismissed immediately. To give an MR+ their role, please use the command: name {user(s)}

Any CCO+ can use the :team command to group individuals. Please make sure you are not abusing
this command. However, trainers and helpers still need to be named as their stations, as the team
command doesn’t acknowledge stations. For example “:team (user) Helper.”

When assigning the trainer role you MUST use joinlogs, failing to do so will result in a VW being
issued followed by a 1 - 2 day suspension if continued.

All MR+ attendees must have the correct permits and be in the Glacé Discord Server. Helpers and
Trainers must have the Helper Permit, Hosts need the Hosting Permit, and Overseers require the
Overseer Permit. All of these permits can be obtained through mentoring.

The Host is responsible for verifying that every Helper has obtained the Helper Permit. If a Helper has
not obtained it, they must be dismissed. Alternatively, the Host may request an Overseer to perform
this task.

LR’s automatically get teamed when they have joined. Keep in mind that Head Scoopers and Shift
leaders cannot attend trainings.
Commencing the session
Before the session starts, make sure the host has disabled PTS. This should be done 5 minutes before
the training begins. To disable PTS, state -

“:m All PTS is now denied. Please refrain from talking with your peers or walking around from this
point forward. Momentarily, we will be starting soon.”

Any CEO+ uses the command :forcesit

Any CEO+ uses the command :togglepts to disable PTS request.

All Helpers+ should deny any PTS request from now onwards.

If anyone communicates, please make sure to give them a verbal warning to stop talking or walking
around. If they continue to do it multiple times, get a host or overseers permission to take moderation

Before the session begins, the host should slock the server exactly on the start time. You can do this
using the “:slock” command. If the session is delayed, the host may leave the session unslocked until
needed. To do this, use the command :unslock.

Script Information
Once the host has finished everything needed, it is time to begin the session. To begin, the host needs
to use “:m” when providing the introduction, rules & information. The trainers need to use :tm when
providing their teams the information. Below is a tutorial of the session, accompanied by a full script
of the session in the act.

Text with [TEAM] at the start does get copied and pasted.
Discluding italics or highlighted text.
Text without [TEAM] at the start does not get copied and pasted.

[HOST] :m Welcome everyone to today's training session! I am your Host, [NAME]. We are here to
assist you throughout the session. Best of luck to all of you!

The host uses the command :doors



[HOST] :m Throughout the session, professionalism is required. Anyone who is deemed to be acting
in an unprofessional and vulgar manner will immediately be removed without warning.

[HOST] :m During the session, attendees are not required to use proper grammar, but our staff
members must use it.

[HOST] :m However, please ensure that your sentences are clear and easy to understand for our staff

[HOST] :m Anyone who has an intent to cause disruption will be removed from the session. For
example, this could be trolling, spamming or breaking any of our general regulations.

[HOST] :m Failure to comply with orders from the staff members could result in not passing.
However, you may report individuals if you felt wrongfully removed.

[HOST] :m Hinting is prohibited. This is when you prompt yourself for an opportunity, most likely a
promotion. Promotions are awarded; not begged for.

[HOST] :m If you do happen to fail your session, please do not cause/ promote drama that could result
in consequences for yourself.
[HOST] :m That concludes all the information that we will be providing.

The host uses the command :beginsession to begin the session.

If anything goes wrong, such as trainees not being able to enter their specific room, use :doorsoverride
to unlock all doors.

[HOST] :m All HELPERS may head into your respective rooms.

[HOST] :m All TRAINEES may now head into the MAGENTA room for your training.

[HOST] :m All JUNIOR SCOOPERS may now head into the YELLOW room for your training.

[HOST] :m All SCOOPERS may now head into the BLUE room for your training.


After all LRs are in the correct rooms, Helpers may pick which Trainee(s) they want to train. Helpers
may introduce themselves and when they are ready, face the Trainer as a sign to show that they are
ready to start/continue.

Trainers should be going to the correct guide as it is different for each LR rank.

When the host says, "Proceed to your group," you go to your group and take a position in front of a
trainee. If there are any trainees left over, you may have another, but at first, stick to just one. You
should give an introduction along the lines of "Hello, my name is (username), and I will be assisting
you in today's training," Please refrain from conversing with your trainee while the trainer is
speaking, as this is impolite and distracts everyone. When the trainer says “Any questions/concerns
before we begin?” you should face your trainee and ask if they have any questions, if they do answer
it then face the trainer again.



Training Procedures (Part 1)

(All helpers should now be standing in front of a trainee of their choice. If there are more trainees, an individual can take more. The trainer
should be standing behind, but higher up on the ‘post’, so the group’s trainees can see them clearly.)

:tm Hello, everyone! My name is Natalie and I will begin by explaining vital information when
working behind the counter.

:tm You should all currently be the rank Trainee. If you are not, please let me or a Helper know so
that we can put you in the correct room.

:tm You may use the "!notepad" command to note down important information that I would be
stating. This is highly recommended.

] :tm To start, I would like to notify you that you must obtain 2+ points in order to be promoted. If
you pass a round, you will be awarded a point.

:tm Round I consists of providing quality service at Gl-ace. You will need to provide an intro,
complete an order & outro.

:tm When my helpers come to you, you must state your greeting. An example of a greeting can be
something like this…

:tm “Greetings, welcome to Gl-ace. My name Natalie, what would you like today?”

:tm You will then have to prepare an order and hand it to one of my helpers, I will let you know what
the order is shortly. To make an item, you must use the recipe guide.

:tm Please be aware that the maximum amount of items to serve is |||||.

:tm All the recipes can be accessed using the GUI here & at the parlor. Just click on the “staff” button
on the left of your screen, and it will appear.

:tm To grab a cup, go to the cup and press E. All other items & machines require you to stand in front
of it and press E.

:tm To pass items, use the give option at the top of your screen and type in the customer’s username.
All devices are the same.

[] :tm After passing the order to the helper, you should then state an outro. An excellent example of an
outro can be something like this…

:tm “Thank you for visiting, Gl-ace! I hope you enjoy your order. Please come again!”

:tm The order that you will have to give your Helper is an Oreo ice cream and a cookie. Do not make
it yet until your helper says to.

:tm If you have any questions, please ask them now by saying PTS and one of my helpers will assist
you. If not, Helpers you may begin!

(Wait for a bit so that they can respond. If no one says PTS, you can then begin.)

PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.

In the first part of the training, the helpers should face their trainee and ask for their intro. Once they
give it to you, give them an order and wait for them to make it. Remember that you may only say the
order once. If you notice they are taking longer than normal, you may go ask them if they need any
help, but don’t give them the answers to the order. Once they come back with your order, tell them to
give it to you. If they really cannot give the order, check their inventory by using the command ":
viewtools (username)" and see if they have the correct order. Then you ask for their outro. If they
have given the correct order and have a decent intro and outro, then pass them by saying ":pass
(username)" and if they fail, say ":fail (username)".

Maximum number of points gained from each round (service, trolling & trivia)= 1.

Remember, that only 2 procedures (greeting, outro or order) are needed to pass this section. DO
NOT just fail trainees if they did not serve the order correctly.

After all this section of the script has been read, ONLY the trainer should use the :begin command for
their group.

For this command to work, you need to be within the same room as your trainees, and you did not
teleport into the room. If your team is not seeing your messages, or the begin command did not work,
walk through the room entrance door again.

Afterwards, helpers need to prompt the trainee for a greeting, then send them off to make the order,
and prompt the trainee for their outro.

For the trainee to pass this round & get a point, they need to complete 2 of the subsegments. If they
get 2/3 of the procedures correct, they can be awarded a point.

If they didn’t get at least 2 out of 3 procedures (outro, greeting or order) correct, then you would use
the fail command.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

(If they are struggling handing the item, please use the :viewtools username command to see their
Helpers may play the minigames once their trainees are finished as long as there are more
than 2 groups that are not finished yet. During the minigames, please make sure they are
quick and that Trainees should be staying at the counter.

When the last group is finished with the segment, the minigame must immediately stop so
that the trainer can continue. These are the following minigames that Helpers may play:

- I spy/Eye spy
- Guess the menu item
- Guess the rank
- Glacé pop quiz/trivia (in PMs and make sure the questions aren't in the actual trivia)
Trainers; when all the red dots are gone from the Trainee’s head you may continue.

(Once the red dots above the trainees are all gone, the trainer may continue the script.)


Training Procedures (Part 2)

Copy and paste the lines below:

:tm Congratulations to those who passed the first round! We will now be moving on to the next round.

:tm We will now be moving on to our trolling portion. My helpers will be acting as trollers during this

:tm Trollers, rude individuals, etc receive II clear warnings. They are laid out as follows…

] :tm Warning I/II - Trolling. (Do note that this rule can be replaced with whichever rule they violate).

:tm If an individual spams, they must be immediately banned from the server. You must immediately
alert a CCO+.

:tm If there is a hacker or exploiter, you do not need to warn them. You must immediately alert a

:tm If someone reaches II warnings, you must call an MR+ staff member to kick them either in game,
or through our communications server.

:tm When calling for an HR+, go to our communications server and create a report using #emergency-
reports if there’s not one in-game already.
:tm Obviously, this is just role play and you do not need to contact an MR+. For training purposes,
state “-Calls MR+-”.

:tm Before we begin, please make sure that you state your greetings when my helpers approach you
like a real scenario.

:tm If you have any questions, you may state them now by saying PTS. If not, Helpers you may


PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.

In the second part of the training, helpers will be pretending to be a troller/disruptive customer. Please
DO NOT refresh yourself into a more troll-like avatar to avoid confusion. Your trainee must state an
appropriate greeting and you may begin. Please make sure not to say anything very disrespectful or
hurtful while “trolling”. The trainee must start by giving you a Verbal Warning to stop and then give
you your first warning, the process continues for the second warning. After they issue the second
warning they should call a MR+ or HR+ depending on the severity of the troll. If they do the
procedure correctly you may use :pass (user) if not, use :fail (user).

Once again, say the :begin command.

Note for helpers- do NOT be offensive in your actions or cause general disruption to the server. For
example, if you want to spam, don’t physically spam, just state -spams- to minimize lag.

Because they are Trainees and are new to the rank, use scenarios such as trolling or disrespect instead
of more major scenarios.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

(Once all trainees have been tested, the trainer may continue in the script.)

Host uses the command :logsession

Please use the command ‘:logsession’ to log all MR+ who attended the session. This is an automated
system & will transfer users to a protected board. Pictures are optional, but can only take place at the
END of the session once all LRs are dismissed.

Failure to log your session would result in a suspension after VW.

(Pictures/photos should be taken on lines or at a photo site, and should not take longer than 5 minutes
to get one.)

Helpers may play the minigames once their trainees are finished as long as there are more
than 2 groups that are not finished yet. During the minigames, please make sure they are
quick and that Trainees should be staying at the counter.

When the last group is finished with the segment, the minigame must immediately stop so
that the trainer can continue. These are the following minigames that Helpers may play:

- I spy/Eye spy
- Guess the menu item
- Guess the rank
- Glacé pop quiz/trivia (in PMs and make sure the questions aren't in the actual trivia)
Trainers; when all the red dots are gone from the Trainee’s head you may continue.

(Once the red dots above the trainees are all gone, the trainer may continue the script.)


Training Procedures (Part 3)

Copy and Paste the lines below:

] :tm Congratulations to those who passed that round! To remind you, if you passed at least 1 round
currently, you can still pass! Now, moving onto the last round.

:tm We will now be moving onto the trivia portion. Your helper or I will send you a couple of
questions that you will have to answer. This is to test your basic knowledge.

:tm The Personal Message will appear at the bottom right corner of your screen, and you will have to
answer the question.

:tm You must get at least II/III of these questions correct in order to pass this round. As a note, please
know this is the last section to do before you see if you pass or not.

:tm Responses should be personal, so please, refrain from answering the questions out loud and write
them in the PM.

tm If you accidentally canceled the P M prompt, you can ask your trainer to send you the question
:tm If you have any questions, please ask them now by saying ‘PTS’ and one of my helpers will assist
you. If not, Helpers you may begin with this scenario.

Again, trainers should use the ":begin" command to start the round.


PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.

In the third and final part of training, helpers will be testing their trainees' knowledge of Glacé. You
must send them a total of 3 questions in PMs (private messages). Please note they need 2/3 or more
questions correct to pass. Once done please face the trainer.

Trainees are allowed to write the answer differently than you expected. However, it should still be
correct if their responses convey the similar meaning.

Helpers should PM the following questions:

[Question I] What is the maximum number of items you may give a customer?

Answer: 5 items.

[Question II] How many warnings do trollers receive?

Answer: 2.

[Question III] What rank+ should you contact for a ban?

Answer: CCO+ or HR+.

If they get II out of the III correctly, they can pass the round. If not, use the fail command.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

If they passed at least 2 rounds correctly, being 2+ points on the leaderboard....

:name (username) Passed! (Unchecked.)

If they haven’t obtained that distinct number of points, you may dismiss them.

Inform them that they have failed and ask them if they have any questions, then dismiss.
After that, please return to the lines at the lobby for the trainer to check.

Trainers will now check the Trainees+ chatlogs to see if the Trainee - Scooper were passed accurately,
if not they will correct the score appropriately.

If they passed, the trainers should name the trainee “Passed! (Checked.)”



Training Procedures (Part 1)

(All helpers should now be standing in front of a trainee of their choice. If there are more trainees, an individual can take more. The trainer
should be standing behind, but higher up on the ‘post’, so the group’s trainees can see them clearly.)

[TRAINER] :tm Hello, everyone! My name is [NAME] and I will begin by explaining vital
information when working behind the counter.

[TRAINER] :tm You should all currently be the rank Junior Scooper. If you are not, please let me or a
Helper know so that we can put you in the correct room.

[TRAINER] :tm You may use the "!notepad" command to note down important information that I
would be stating. This is highly recommended.

[TRAINER] :tm To start, I would like to notify you that you must obtain 2+ points in order to be
promoted. If you pass a round, you will be awarded a point.

[TRAINER] :tm Round I consists of providing quality service at Gl-ace. You will need to provide an
intro, complete an order & outro.

[TRAINER] :tm When my helpers come to you, you must state your greeting. An example of a
greeting can be something like this…

[TRAINER] :tm “Greetings, welcome to Gl-ace. My name is (username), what would you like

[TRAINER] :tm You will then have to prepare an order and hand it to one of my helpers, I will let
you know what the order is shortly. To make an item, you must use the recipe guide.

[TRAINER] :tm Please be aware that the maximum amount of items to serve is |||||.
[TRAINER] :tm All the recipes can be accessed using the GUI here & at the parlor. Just click on the
“staff” button on the left of your screen, and it will appear.

[TRAINER] :tm The most common items in the menu are ice creams or milkshakes which have
simple steps to be completed. You can practice making these items in your spare time at the parlor.

[TRAINER] :tm To grab a cup, go to the cup and press E. All other items & machines require you to
stand in front of it and press E.

[TRAINER] :tm To pass items, use the give option at the top of your screen and type in the
customer’s username. All devices are the same.

[TRAINER] :tm After passing the order to the helper, you should then state an outro. An excellent
example of an outro can be something like this…

[TRAINER] :tm “Thank you for visiting, Gl-ace! I hope you enjoy your order. Please come again!”

[TRAINER] :tm The order that you will have to give your Helper is a lemon sorbet, an espresso and a
chocolate ice cream.

[TRAINER] :tm If you have any questions, please ask them now by saying PTS and one of my
helpers will assist you. If not, Helpers you may begin!

(Wait for a bit so that they can respond. If no one says PTS, you can then begin.)


PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.

In the first part of the training, helpers should face their trainee and ask for their intro. Once they give
it to you, give them an order and wait for them to make it. Remember that you may only say the order
once. If you notice they are taking longer than normal, you may go ask them if they need any help, but
don’t give them the answers to the order. Once they come back with your order, tell them to give it to
you. If they really cannot give the order, check their inventory by using the command ": viewtools
(username)" and see if they have the correct order. Then you ask for their outro. If they have a decent
intro and outro, then pass them by saying ":pass (username)" and if they fail, say ":fail (username)".
(They do NOT fail the segment if only the order is wrong.)

Maximum number of points gained from each round (service, trolling & trivia)= 1.
Remember, that only 2 procedures (greeting, outro or order) are needed to pass this section. DO
NOT just fail trainees if they did not serve the order correctly.

After all this section of the script has been read, ONLY the trainer should use the :begin command for
their group.

For this command to work, you need to be within the same room as your trainees, and you did not
teleport into the room. If your team is not seeing your messages, or the begin command did not work,
walk through the room entrance door again.

Afterwards, helpers need to prompt the trainee for a greeting, then send them off to make the order,
and prompt the trainee for their outro.

For the trainee to pass this round & get a point, they need to complete 2 of the subsegments. If they
get 2/3 of the procedures correct, they can be awarded a point.

If they didn’t get at least 2 out of 3 procedures (outro, greeting or order) correct, then you would use
the fail command.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

(If they are struggling handing the item, please use the :viewtools username command to see their

Helpers may play the minigames once their trainees are finished as long as there are more
than 2 groups that are not finished yet. During the minigames, please make sure they are
quick and that Trainees should be staying at the counter.

When the last group is finished with the segment, the minigame must immediately stop so
that the trainer can continue. These are the following minigames that Helpers may play:

- I spy/Eye spy
- Guess the menu item
- Guess the rank
- Glacé pop quiz/trivia (in PMs and make sure the questions aren't in the actual trivia)
Trainers; when all the red dots are gone from the Trainee’s head you may continue.

(Once the red dots above the trainees are all gone, the trainer may continue the script.)

Training Procedures (Part 2)
Copy and paste the lines below:

[TRAINER] :tm Congratulations to those who passed the first round! We will now be moving on to
the next round.

[TRAINER] :tm We will now be moving on to our trolling portion. My helpers will be acting as
trollers during this segment.

[TRAINER] :tm Trollers, rude individuals, etc receive II clear warnings. They are laid out as

[TRAINER] :tm Warning I/II - Trolling. (Do note that this rule can be replaced with whichever rule
they violate).

[TRAINER] :tm Some of the most common warnable offenses are trolling, disrespect and abusing the
!help command.

[TRAINER] :tm If an individual spams, they must be immediately banned from the server. You must
immediately alert a CCO+.

[TRAINER] :tm If there is a hacker or exploiter, you do not need to warn them. You must
immediately alert a EA+.

[TRAINER] :tm If someone reaches II warnings, you must call an MR+ staff member to kick them
either in game, or through our communications server.

[TRAINER] :tm When calling for an HR+, go to our communications server and create a report using
#emergency-reports if there’s not one in-game already.

[TRAINER] :tm If there is no MR+ or HR+ in game, you can report or ask someone to report the
situation in the communications server to help deal with the issue.

[TRAINER] :tm Obviously, this is just role play and you do not need to contact an MR+. For training
purposes, state “-Calls MR+-”.

[TRAINER] :tm Before we begin, please make sure that you state your greetings when my helpers
approach you like a real scenario.

[TRAINER] :tm If you have any questions, you may state them now by saying PTS. If not, Helpers
you may begin!

PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.

In the second part of the training, helpers will be pretending to be an exploiter or raider. Please DO
NOT refresh yourself into a more troll-like avatar to avoid confusion. Your trainee must state an
appropriate greeting and you may begin. Please make sure not to say anything very disrespectful or
hurtful while “trolling”. The trainee must start by giving you a Verbal Warning to stop and then give
you your first warning, the process continues for the second warning. After they issue the second
warning they should call a MR+ or HR+ depending on the severity of the troll. If they do the
procedure correctly you may use :pass (user) if not, use :fail (user).

Once again, say the :begin command.

Note for helpers- do NOT be offensive in your actions or cause general disruption to the server. For
example, if you want to spam, don’t physically spam, just state ‘-spams-’ to minimize lag.

Since they are Junior Scoopers, they should be a bit experienced. It is highly recommended you do not
use trolling situations. Instead, use a situation such as exploiting.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

(Once all trainees have been tested, the trainer may continue in the script.)

Host uses the command :logsession

Please use the command ‘:logsession’ to log all MR+ who attended the session. This is an automated
system & will transfer users to a protected board. Pictures are optional, but can only take place at the
END of the session once all LRs are dismissed.

Failure to log your session would result in a suspension after VW.

(Pictures/photos should be taken on lines or at a photo site, and should not take longer than 5 minutes
to get one.)

Helpers may play the minigames once their trainees are finished as long as there are more
than 2 groups that are not finished yet. During the minigames, please make sure they are
quick and that Trainees should be staying at the counter.

When the last group is finished with the segment, the minigame must immediately stop so
that the trainer can continue. These are the following minigames that Helpers may play:
- I spy/Eye spy
- Guess the menu item
- Guess the rank
- Glacé pop quiz/trivia (in PMs and make sure the questions aren't in the actual trivia)
Trainers; when all the red dots are gone from the Trainee’s head you may continue.

(Once the red dots above the trainees are all gone, the trainer may continue the script.)


Training Procedures (Part 3)

Copy and Paste the lines below:

[TRAINER] :tm Congratulations to those who passed that round! To remind you, if you passed at
least 1 round currently, you can still pass! Now, moving onto the last round.

[TRAINER] :tm We will now be moving onto the trivia portion. Your helper will send you a couple
of questions that you will have to answer.

[TRAINER] :tm The Personal Message will appear at the bottom right corner of your screen, and you
will have to answer the question.

[TRAINER] :tm You must get at least II/III of these questions correct in order to pass this round. As a
note, please know this is the last section to do before you see if you pass or not.

[TRAINER] :tm Responses should be personal, so please, refrain from answering the questions out
loud and write them in the PM.

[TRAINER] :tm If you accidentally canceled the PM prompt, you can ask your trainer to send you the
question again.

[TRAINER] :tm If you have any questions, please ask them now by saying PTS and one of my
helpers will assist you. If not, Helpers you may begin!

Again, trainers should use the ":begin" command to start the round.


PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.
In the third and final part of training, you will be testing your trainees knowledge of Glacé. You must
send them a total of 3 questions in PMs (private messages). Please note they need 2/3 or more
questions correct to pass. Once done please face the trainer and tell them to focus during the trainer
stating vital information or something like that would be spectacular, so more people will be able to
get questions/scenarios correct.

Trainees are allowed to write the answer differently than you expected. However, it should still be
correct if their responses convey the similar meaning.

Helpers should PM the following questions:

[Question I] How do you make a milkshake?

Answer: Milkshake Cup - Milk - Ice Cream Flavor - Blender.

[Question II] What should you do if there is an exploiter?

Answer: Call an EA+.

[Question III] What LR rank can’t attend trainings?

Answer: Head Scooper.

If they get II out of the III correctly, they can pass the round. If not, use the fail command.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

If they passed at least 2 rounds correctly, being 2+ points on the leaderboard....

:name (username) Passed! (Unchecked.)

If they haven’t obtained that distinct number of points, you may dismiss them.

Inform them that they have failed and ask them if they have any questions, then dismiss.

After that, please return to the lines at the lobby for the trainer to check.

Trainers will now check the Trainees+ chatlogs to see if the Trainee - Scooper were passed accurately,
if not they will correct the score appropriately.


Training Procedures (Part 1)
(All helpers should now be standing in front of a trainee of their choice. If there are more trainees, an individual can take more. The trainer
should be standing behind, but higher up on the ‘post’, so the group’s trainees can see them clearly.)

[TRAINER] :tm Hello, everyone! My name is [NAME] and I will begin by explaining vital
information when working behind the counter.

[TRAINER] :tm You should all currently be the rank Scooper. If you are not, please let me or a
Helper know so that we can put you in the correct room.

[TRAINER] :tm You may use the "!notepad" command to note down important information that I
would be stating.

[TRAINER] :tm To start, I would like to notify you that you must obtain 2+ points in order to be
promoted. If you pass a round, you will be awarded a point.

[TRAINER] :tm Round I consists of procedures as an MR+. This round will give you more
knowledge about your responsibilities and how to get promoted.

[TRAINER] :tm If you pass this training, you will get ranked Head Scooper. You will then need 300
points to get Shift Leader. Once you are a SL, you need 7OO/he/ points for Supervisor.

[TRAINER] :tm As a Shift Leader, you can moderate the parlor or work for the points you need in
order to get promoted.

[TRAINER] :tm As a Supervisor, you can also moderate the parlor and handle trollers. If you are a SL
or SV and would like to be promoted, you must be in the communications server.

[TRAINER] :tm Only Supervisors+ are eligible to apply for the Helper Permit, which allows them to
become Helpers at training sessions. You will be receiving more information when you become a

[TRAINER] :tm If you are a SL+, you will get commands such as “:warn”. Anyone that is a SV+ will
have the “:kick” command.

[TRAINER] :tm Some warnable reasons could be trolling, arguing, disrespect, etc. All of these
reasons require a Verbal Warning before utilizing the “:warn” command.

[TRAINER] :tm You can kick people for Max Warnings (II), Warn Evading, etc. If you are a SL, get
a SV+ to kick them.

[TRAINER] :tm As an MR+, you can get suspended. Some common reasons are Admin Abuse,
unprofessionalism, and drama.
[TRAINER] :tm If you are in the communications server, you can find information about Staff
Trainings, like what time they are hosted.

[TRAINER] :tm When a Staff Training is hosted, any MR+ can attend to gain more knowledge about
certain things.

[TRAINER] :tm If you would like more information about certain things, consider joining the
communications server, but we do ask for you not to join until you are of a ge.

[TRAINER] :tm In this round, helpers will give you 3 revision questions. You must answer at least
2/3 correct to pass.

[TRAINER] :tm If you have any questions, please ask them now by saying PTS and one of my
helpers will assist you. If not, Helpers you may begin!

(Wait for a bit so that they can respond. If no one says PTS, you can then begin.)


PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.
In the first part of training, you will be sending revision questions to your trainees to test their
knowledge of the previous information. You must send them a total of 3 questions in PMs (private
messages). Please note they need 2/3 or more questions correct to pass if they only have 1 correct you
need to fail them. Once done please face the trainer.

Helpers should only select 3 of the following questions to send to the Scoopers.

[Question] What can MR+ attend to gain more knowledge about glacé?
Answer: Staff Trainings.

[Question] What command does a SV+ use when someone has maximum warnings?
Answer: :kick command.

[Question] How many points do you need to become a Shift Leader?

Answer: 300 points.

[Question] What is the job of a Shift Leader?

Answer: To moderate the parlor.

[Question] Can Shift Leaders be a Helper at trainings?

Answer: No.
If they pass (2/3+ questions correct), :pass username
If they fail (less than 2/3 questions correct), :fail username

Helpers may play the minigames once their trainees are finished as long as there are more
than 2 groups that are not finished yet. During the minigames, please make sure they are
quick and that Trainees should be staying at the counter.

When the last group is finished with the segment, the minigame must immediately stop so
that the trainer can continue. These are the following minigames that Helpers may play:

- I spy/Eye spy
- Guess the menu item
- Guess the rank
- Glacé pop quiz/trivia (in PMs and make sure the questions aren't in the actual trivia)
Trainers; when all the red dots are gone from the Trainee’s head you may continue.

(Once the red dots above the trainees are all gone, the trainer may continue the script.)


Training Procedures (Part 2)

Copy and paste the lines below:

[TRAINER] :tm Congratulations to those who passed the first round! We will now be moving on to
the next round.

[TRAINER] :tm We will now be moving on to our exploiting portion. My helpers will be acting as
exploiters during this segment.

[TRAINER] :tm Exploiters, individuals who break the game, fly, hack into Staff areas, etc. They must
be banned from the server. Depending on the severity, they can be pbanned.

[TRAINER] :tm Do not warn an exploiter, they must be pbanned immediately by a EA+.

[TRAINER] :tm If you are in-game as a MR, and there is a EA+ present, ask them to pban the

[TRAINER] :tm If there is no EA+ present, contact one through the communications server, or make
a report in #game-emergencies.
[TRAINER] :tm If an individual spams, they must be immediately banned from the server. You must
immediately alert a CCO+.

[TRAINER] :tm If there is no MR+ or HR+ in game, you can report or ask someone to report the
situation in the communications server to help deal with the issue.

[TRAINER] :tm Obviously, this is just role play and you do not need to contact an HR+. For training
purposes, state “-Calls HR+-”.

[TRAINER] :tm Before we begin, please make sure that you state your greetings when my helpers
approach you like a real scenario.

[TRAINER] :tm If you have any questions, you may state them now by saying PTS. If not, Helpers
you may begin!


PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.

In the second part of the training, you will be pretending to be an exploiter or raider. Please DO NOT
refresh yourself into a more troll-like avatar to avoid confusion. Your trainee must state an
appropriate greeting and you may begin. Please make sure not to say anything very disrespectful or
hurtful while “trolling”. The trainee must start by giving you a Verbal Warning to stop and then give
you your first warning, the process continues for the second warning. After they issue the second
warning they should call a MR+ or HR+ depending on the severity of the troll. If they do the
procedure correctly you may use :pass (user) if not, use :fail (user).

Once again, say the :begin command.

Note for helpers- do NOT be offensive in your actions or cause general disruption to the server. For
example, if you want to spam, don’t physically spam, just state -spams- to minimize lag.

Because they are Scoopers and should be more experienced, it is suggested you do not troll and use
scenarios such as exploiting.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

(Once all trainees have been tested, the trainer may continue in the script.)

Host uses the command :logsession

Please use the command ‘:logsession’ to log all MR+ who attended the session. This is an automated
system & will transfer users to a protected board. Pictures are optional, but can only take place at the
END of the session once all LRs are dismissed.

Failure to log your session would result in a suspension after VW.

(Pictures/photos should be taken on lines or at a photo site, and should not take longer than 5 minutes
to get one.)

Helpers may play the minigames once their trainees are finished as long as there are more
than 2 groups that are not finished yet. During the minigames, please make sure they are
quick and that Trainees should be staying at the counter.

When the last group is finished with the segment, the minigame must immediately stop so
that the trainer can continue. These are the following minigames that Helpers may play:

- I spy/Eye spy
- Guess the menu item
- Guess the rank
- Glacé pop quiz/trivia (in PMs and make sure the questions aren't in the actual trivia)
Trainers; when all the red dots are gone from the Trainee’s head you may continue.

(Once the red dots above the trainees are all gone, the trainer may continue the script.)


Training Procedures (Part 3)

Copy and Paste the lines below:

[TRAINER] :tm Congratulations to those who passed that round! To remind you, if you passed at
least 1 round currently, you can still pass! Now, moving onto the last round.

[TRAINER] :tm We will now be moving onto the trivia portion. Your helper will send you a couple
of questions that you will have to answer.

[TRAINER] :tm The Personal Message will appear at the bottom right corner of your screen, and you
will have to answer the question.

[TRAINER] :tm You must get at least II/III of these questions correct in order to pass this round. As a
note, please know this is the last section to do before you see if you pass or not.
[TRAINER] :tm Responses should be personal, so please, refrain from answering the questions out
loud and write them in the PM.

[TRAINER] :tm If you accidentally canceled the P M prompt, you can ask your trainer to send you
the question again.

[TRAINER] :tm If you have any questions, please ask them now by saying PTS and one of my
helpers will assist you. If not, Helpers you may begin!

Again, trainers should use the ":begin" command to start the round.


PTS stands for "Permission to speak". When a trainee states the following, you should go to them and
give an introduction such as "Thank you for using our PTS system. How may I help you on this fine
day? ", or you could just say "Granted." If you do not know the answer to their question, ask another
staff member politely to answer it. Please do not fight or argue over answering ‘!PTS’. If someone
arrives at the trainee before you, you should head back to the lines. If the other person arrives after
you and is causing trouble, tell the host immediately.

In the third and final part of training, you will be testing your trainees knowledge of Glacé. You must
send them a total of 3 questions in PMs (private messages). Please note they need 2/3 or more
questions correct to pass. Once done please face the trainer.

Trainees are allowed to write the answer differently than you expected. However, it should still be
correct if their responses convey the similar meaning.

Helpers should PM the following questions:

[Question I] What rank can be a Helper in trainings?

Answer: Supervisor+.

[Question II] What is the job of a Supervisor?

Answer: To help in trainings and to actively moderate the parlor.

[Question III] What is a reason to kick an individual?

Answer: Max warnings or warn evading, etc.

If they get II out of the III correctly, they can pass the round. If not, use the fail command.

If they pass, :pass username

If they fail, :fail username

If they passed at least 2 rounds correctly, being 2+ points on the leaderboard....

:name (username) Passed! (Unchecked.)

If they haven’t obtained that distinct number of points, you may dismiss them.

Inform them that they have failed and ask them if they have any questions, then dismiss.

After that, please return to the lines at the lobby for the trainer to check.

Trainers will now check the Trainees+ chatlogs to see if the Trainee - Scooper were passed accurately,
if not they will correct the score appropriately.


Trainer Checking:
When a Helper finishes training an attendee, it is the Trainer's responsibility to confirm if the attendee
passed or failed the session. To determine this, the Trainer needs to review the user's logs and
chatlogs. The Trainer should check the commands issued to the attendee in the logs and their
performance in the chatlogs. The Helper's feedback on whether the attendee passed or failed and their
grade should also be considered. If the attendee received a score of 2/3 or 3/3, the Trainer can confirm
their passing status and send them to the lobby using the conclusion Trainer format. However, if the
attendee received a score of 0/3 or 1/3, the Trainer should fail them using the appropriate format and
dismiss them with permission from the Host or an Overseer.


(IF PASSED) [TRAINER] Congratulations! You have been checked and I can confirm that you have
passed the training. Please follow me to the waiting room to get ranked to become a member of the
Scooper team!

(IF FAILED) [TRAINER] After checking you, I have concluded that you have not met the criteria to
be promoted. As a result, you will not be promoted today. You will stay your rank at this moment in

Overseers must be given permission to help the Host rank. However, Overseers may rank without
permission only if the Host is clearly struggling.

The Host/Overseer must kick Trainees after ranking them with the following reason:

[HOST/OVERSEER] :kick (username) Congratulations on passing this training! Refer to the points
board in the parlor to know how to be promoted next! Additionally, you can train to get promoted
unless you’re HS.

After each LR has been removed from the server, you may now take a picture. Taking a picture
should be done quickly, and should not take over 5 minutes.
After the picture has been taken, an overseer (or the host, if they are a CEO+) is allowed to shutdown
the server. However, please ensure the session was logged. If it gives you an error message, it
means that the session was successfully logged. If you are still unsure if the session actually logged,
you may ask a member of the Staffing Department to check for you.

Thank you for taking your time to read this guide! We wish you the best of luck with ongoing and
future sessions!

Glacé Staffing Department

Last updated 4/25/23

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