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Listof topics that we present in the official syllabus of previous

years but are absent

in the
syllabus given by Nic on 6th Oct 23

1100 % Accurate) Deleted Portion

Units & Dimensions

1 Accuracy and Precision
I complete
Motion in 2D
1 Non Uniform Circular Motion
uniform accelerated motion
Rotational Mechanics
1 Centre of Mass of Multiple Particle System
2 Centre of Mass of Non Uniform Rod
3 Applications of Rolling Motion
( It is advised by me to do the basics of rolling motion properly )

1 Variation of g with latitide shape of trojectories
2 Types of Satellites and their trojectories

stationary &Par
Mechanical Properties: Solids
1 Elastic Potential Energy
2 Poisson's Ratio and it's relationship with other modulli of elasticity

Mechanical Properties of Fluids

1 Applications of Archimede's Principle
2 Poisuelle's Formula (Applications) and Combination of pipes

Thermal Properties of Matter

1 Black Body - absorptance, transmittance, emmitance and emmisivity
2 Wein's Displacement Law
3 Newton's Law of Cooling
4 Stephan's Law (not Stephan's Boltzmann's Law)


1 Heat Engines and Refrigerators

Simple Harmonic Motion

1 Compound Pendulums
2 Forced and Damped Oscillations
3 Resonance

1 Doppler Effect -
Refraction of wave

Electric Charges and Fields

1 Induction and Earthing
2 Charging
3 Electric Field due to Non- Conducting Sphere

Electric Potential and Capacitance

1 Electric Potential energy of a system of more than two charges
2 Metal slab b/w the plates of a parallel plate capacitor
3 Van de Graaff Generator

Current Electricity
1 Carbon Resistors and color coding
2 Potentiometer

Moving Charges and Magntism

1 Oersted’s experiments
2 B due to a finite wire
3 B due to a toroid
4 Cyclotron

Magnetism and Matter

1 Earth's Magnetism
2 Tangent Galvanomter and Deflection Magnetometer
3 Electromagnets and Permanent Magnets

Electromagnetic Induction

Qinduced Inductors
1 Inductors and their combination + +

Coupting of
Alternating Current
1 LC Oscillations -

Ray Optics
-combination at distance
1 Combination of Lens and Mirrors lens a

2 Dispersion by a Prism
3 Primary and secondary rainbow
4 Scatterting of Light
5 Human eye : Defects and their correction

Wave Optics
1 Resolving Power of Microscopes and Telescopes

Dual Nature of Radiation & Matter

1 Davisson and Germer Experiment

1 Isotopes, Isotones and Isobars
2 Radioactivity and Alpha, Beta and Gamma Decay
Semiconductors and it's devices
1 Energy Bands
2 Transistors

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